
1322 lines
55 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "TableData.hpp"
#include "NPCManager.hpp"
#include "Transport.hpp"
#include "Items.hpp"
#include "settings.hpp"
#include "Missions.hpp"
#include "Chunking.hpp"
#include "Nanos.hpp"
#include "Racing.hpp"
2021-04-16 17:28:59 +00:00
#include "Vendors.hpp"
#include "Abilities.hpp"
2021-03-17 21:28:24 +00:00
#include "Eggs.hpp"
#include "JSON.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
2020-12-19 00:18:39 +00:00
#include <cmath>
using namespace TableData;
std::map<int32_t, std::vector<Vec3>> TableData::RunningSkywayRoutes;
2020-10-06 21:59:12 +00:00
std::map<int32_t, int> TableData::RunningNPCRotations;
std::map<int32_t, int> TableData::RunningNPCMapNumbers;
2021-05-04 23:57:06 +00:00
std::unordered_map<int32_t, std::pair<BaseNPC*, std::vector<BaseNPC*>>> TableData::RunningNPCPaths;
std::vector<NPCPath> TableData::FinishedNPCPaths;
std::map<int32_t, BaseNPC*> TableData::RunningMobs;
std::map<int32_t, BaseNPC*> TableData::RunningGroups;
2020-11-08 08:42:49 +00:00
std::map<int32_t, BaseNPC*> TableData::RunningEggs;
2020-10-03 02:05:20 +00:00
2020-10-16 19:47:43 +00:00
class TableException : public std::exception {
std::string msg;
TableException(std::string m) : std::exception() { msg = m; }
const char *what() const throw() { return msg.c_str(); }
* Create a full and properly-paced path by interpolating between keyframes.
2021-05-01 15:24:53 +00:00
static void constructPathSkyway(json& pathData) {
// Interpolate
json pathPoints = pathData["aPoints"];
std::queue<Vec3> points;
json::iterator _point = pathPoints.begin();
auto point = _point.value();
Vec3 last = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] }; // start pos
// use some for loop trickery; start position should not be a point
for (_point++; _point != pathPoints.end(); _point++) {
point = _point.value();
Vec3 coords = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] };
Transport::lerp(&points, last, coords, pathData["iMonkeySpeed"]);
points.push(coords); // add keyframe to the queue
last = coords; // update start pos
Transport::SkywayPaths[pathData["iRouteID"]] = points;
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
* Load all relevant data from the XDT into memory
* This should be called first, before any of the other load functions
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
static void loadXDT(json& xdtData) {
// data we'll need for summoned mobs
NPCManager::NPCData = xdtData["m_pNpcTable"]["m_pNpcData"];
try {
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
// load warps
json warpData = xdtData["m_pInstanceTable"]["m_pWarpData"];
for (json::iterator _warp = warpData.begin(); _warp != warpData.end(); _warp++) {
auto warp = _warp.value();
WarpLocation warpLoc = { warp["m_iToX"], warp["m_iToY"], warp["m_iToZ"], warp["m_iToMapNum"], warp["m_iIsInstance"], warp["m_iLimit_TaskID"], warp["m_iNpcNumber"] };
int warpID = warp["m_iWarpNumber"];
NPCManager::Warps[warpID] = warpLoc;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << NPCManager::Warps.size() << " Warps" << std::endl;
// load transport routes and locations
json transRouteData = xdtData["m_pTransportationTable"]["m_pTransportationData"];
json transLocData = xdtData["m_pTransportationTable"]["m_pTransportationWarpLocation"];
for (json::iterator _tLoc = transLocData.begin(); _tLoc != transLocData.end(); _tLoc++) {
auto tLoc = _tLoc.value();
TransportLocation transLoc = { tLoc["m_iNPCID"], tLoc["m_iXpos"], tLoc["m_iYpos"], tLoc["m_iZpos"] };
Transport::Locations[tLoc["m_iLocationID"]] = transLoc;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Transport::Locations.size() << " S.C.A.M.P.E.R. locations" << std::endl;
for (json::iterator _tRoute = transRouteData.begin(); _tRoute != transRouteData.end(); _tRoute++) {
auto tRoute = _tRoute.value();
TransportRoute transRoute = { tRoute["m_iMoveType"], tRoute["m_iStartLocation"], tRoute["m_iEndLocation"],
tRoute["m_iCost"] , tRoute["m_iSpeed"], tRoute["m_iRouteNum"] };
Transport::Routes[tRoute["m_iVehicleID"]] = transRoute;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Transport::Routes.size() << " transportation routes" << std::endl;
// load mission-related data
json tasks = xdtData["m_pMissionTable"]["m_pMissionData"];
for (auto _task = tasks.begin(); _task != tasks.end(); _task++) {
auto task = _task.value();
// rewards
if (task["m_iSUReward"] != 0) {
auto _rew = xdtData["m_pMissionTable"]["m_pRewardData"][(int)task["m_iSUReward"]];
Reward* rew = new Reward(_rew["m_iMissionRewardID"], _rew["m_iMissionRewarItemType"],
_rew["m_iMissionRewardItemID"], _rew["m_iCash"], _rew["m_iFusionMatter"]);
Missions::Rewards[task["m_iHTaskID"]] = rew;
// everything else lol. see TaskData comment.
Missions::Tasks[task["m_iHTaskID"]] = new TaskData(task);
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded mission-related data" << std::endl;
* load all equipment data. i'm sorry. it has to be done
* NOTE: please don't change the ordering. it determines the types, since type and equipLoc are used inconsistently
const char* setNames[11] = { "m_pWeaponItemTable", "m_pShirtsItemTable", "m_pPantsItemTable", "m_pShoesItemTable",
"m_pHatItemTable", "m_pGlassItemTable", "m_pBackItemTable", "m_pGeneralItemTable", "",
"m_pChestItemTable", "m_pVehicleItemTable" };
json itemSet;
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
if (i == 8)
continue; // there is no type 8, of course
itemSet = xdtData[setNames[i]]["m_pItemData"];
for (json::iterator _item = itemSet.begin(); _item != itemSet.end(); _item++) {
auto item = _item.value();
int itemID = item["m_iItemNumber"];
INITSTRUCT(Items::Item, itemData);
itemData.tradeable = item["m_iTradeAble"] == 1;
itemData.sellable = item["m_iSellAble"] == 1;
itemData.buyPrice = item["m_iItemPrice"];
itemData.sellPrice = item["m_iItemSellPrice"];
itemData.stackSize = item["m_iStackNumber"];
if (i != 7 && i != 9) {
itemData.rarity = item["m_iRarity"];
itemData.level = item["m_iMinReqLev"];
itemData.pointDamage = item["m_iPointRat"];
itemData.groupDamage = item["m_iGroupRat"];
itemData.fireRate = item["m_iDelayTime"];
itemData.defense = item["m_iDefenseRat"];
itemData.gender = item["m_iReqSex"];
itemData.weaponType = item["m_iEquipType"];
else {
itemData.rarity = 1;
Items::ItemData[std::make_pair(itemID, i)] = itemData;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Items::ItemData.size() << " items" << std::endl;
// load player limits from m_pAvatarTable.m_pAvatarGrowData
json growth = xdtData["m_pAvatarTable"]["m_pAvatarGrowData"];
for (int i = 0; i < 37; i++) {
Missions::AvatarGrowth[i] = growth[i];
// load vendor listings
json listings = xdtData["m_pVendorTable"]["m_pItemData"];
for (json::iterator _lst = listings.begin(); _lst != listings.end(); _lst++) {
auto lst = _lst.value();
VendorListing vListing = { lst["m_iSortNumber"], lst["m_iItemType"], lst["m_iitemID"] };
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Vendors::VendorTables.size() << " vendor tables" << std::endl;
// load crocpot entries
json crocs = xdtData["m_pCombiningTable"]["m_pCombiningData"];
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
for (json::iterator croc = crocs.begin(); croc != crocs.end(); croc++) {
CrocPotEntry crocEntry = { croc.value()["m_iStatConstant"], croc.value()["m_iLookConstant"], croc.value()["m_fLevelGapStandard"],
croc.value()["m_fSameGrade"], croc.value()["m_fOneGrade"], croc.value()["m_fTwoGrade"], croc.value()["m_fThreeGrade"] };
Items::CrocPotTable[croc.value()["m_iLevelGap"]] = crocEntry;
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Items::CrocPotTable.size() << " croc pot value sets" << std::endl;
// load nano info
json nanoInfo = xdtData["m_pNanoTable"]["m_pNanoData"];
for (json::iterator _nano = nanoInfo.begin(); _nano != nanoInfo.end(); _nano++) {
auto nano = _nano.value();
NanoData nanoData; = nano["m_iStyle"];
Nanos::NanoTable[Nanos::NanoTable.size()] = nanoData;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Nanos::NanoTable.size() << " nanos" << std::endl;
json nanoTuneInfo = xdtData["m_pNanoTable"]["m_pNanoTuneData"];
for (json::iterator _nano = nanoTuneInfo.begin(); _nano != nanoTuneInfo.end(); _nano++) {
auto nano = _nano.value();
NanoTuning nanoData;
nanoData.reqItems = nano["m_iReqItemID"];
nanoData.reqItemCount = nano["m_iReqItemCount"];
Nanos::NanoTunings[nano["m_iSkillID"]] = nanoData;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Nanos::NanoTable.size() << " nano tunings" << std::endl;
// load nano powers
json skills = xdtData["m_pSkillTable"]["m_pSkillData"];
for (json::iterator _skills = skills.begin(); _skills != skills.end(); _skills++) {
auto skills = _skills.value();
SkillData skillData = { skills["m_iSkillType"], skills["m_iTargetType"], skills["m_iBatteryDrainType"], skills["m_iEffectArea"] };
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
skillData.batteryUse[i] = skills["m_iBatteryDrainUse"][i];
skillData.durationTime[i] = skills["m_iDurationTime"][i];
skillData.powerIntensity[i] = skills["m_iValueA"][i];
Nanos::SkillTable[skills["m_iSkillNumber"]] = skillData;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Nanos::SkillTable.size() << " nano skills" << std::endl;
// load EP data
json instances = xdtData["m_pInstanceTable"]["m_pInstanceData"];
for (json::iterator _instance = instances.begin(); _instance != instances.end(); _instance++) {
auto instance = _instance.value();
EPInfo epInfo = { instance["m_iZoneX"], instance["m_iZoneY"], instance["m_iIsEP"], (int)instance["m_ScoreMax"] };
Racing::EPData[instance["m_iInstanceNameID"]] = epInfo;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Racing::EPData.size() << " instances" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed xdt.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
* Load paths from JSON
static void loadPaths(json& pathData, int32_t* nextId) {
try {
// skyway paths
json pathDataSkyway = pathData["skyway"];
for (json::iterator skywayPath = pathDataSkyway.begin(); skywayPath != pathDataSkyway.end(); skywayPath++) {
2021-05-01 15:24:53 +00:00
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Transport::SkywayPaths.size() << " skyway paths" << std::endl;
// slider circuit
json pathDataSlider = pathData["slider"];
// lerp between keyframes
std::queue<Vec3> route;
// initial point
json::iterator _point = pathDataSlider.begin(); // iterator
auto point = _point.value();
Vec3 from = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] }; // point A coords
int stopTime = point["bStop"] ? SLIDER_STOP_TICKS : 0; // arbitrary stop length
// remaining points
for (_point++; _point != pathDataSlider.end(); _point++) { // loop through all point Bs
point = _point.value();
for (int i = 0; i < stopTime + 1; i++) { // repeat point if it's a stop
route.push(from); // add point A to the queue
Vec3 to = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] }; // point B coords
// we may need to change this later; right now, the speed is cut before and after stops (no accel)
float curve = 1;
if (stopTime > 0) { // point A is a stop
curve = 0.375f;//2.0f;
} else if (point["bStop"]) { // point B is a stop
curve = 0.375f;//0.35f;
Transport::lerp(&route, from, to, SLIDER_SPEED * curve, 1); // lerp from A to B (arbitrary speed)
from = to; // update point A
stopTime = point["bStop"] ? SLIDER_STOP_TICKS : 0; // set stop ticks for next point A
// Uniform distance calculation
int passedDistance = 0;
// initial point
int pos = 0;
Vec3 lastPoint = route.front();
for (pos = 1; pos < route.size(); pos++) {
Vec3 point = route.front();
passedDistance += hypot(point.x - lastPoint.x, point.y - lastPoint.y);
if (passedDistance >= SLIDER_GAP_SIZE) { // space them out uniformaly
passedDistance -= SLIDER_GAP_SIZE; // step down
// spawn a slider
Bus* slider = new Bus(point.x, point.y, point.z, 0, INSTANCE_OVERWORLD, 1, (*nextId)--);
NPCManager::NPCs[slider->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = slider;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(slider->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, slider->x, slider->y, slider->z, INSTANCE_OVERWORLD, 0);
Transport::NPCQueues[slider->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = route;
// rotate
lastPoint = point;
// preset npc paths
json pathDataNPC = pathData["npc"];
for (json::iterator npcPath = pathDataNPC.begin(); npcPath != pathDataNPC.end(); npcPath++) {
json pathVal = npcPath.value();
std::vector<int32_t> targetIDs;
std::vector<int32_t> targetTypes;
std::vector<Vec3> pathPoints;
2021-05-04 17:42:16 +00:00
int speed = pathVal.find("iBaseSpeed") == pathVal.end() ? NPC_DEFAULT_SPEED : (int)pathVal["iBaseSpeed"];
int taskID = pathVal.find("iTaskID") == pathVal.end() ? -1 : (int)pathVal["iTaskID"];
bool relative = pathVal.find("bRelative") == pathVal.end() ? false : (bool)pathVal["bRelative"];
bool loop = pathVal.find("bLoop") == pathVal.end() ? true : (bool)pathVal["bLoop"]; // loop by default
// target IDs
for (json::iterator _tID = pathVal["aNPCIDs"].begin(); _tID != pathVal["aNPCIDs"].end(); _tID++)
// target types
for (json::iterator _tType = pathVal["aNPCTypes"].begin(); _tType != pathVal["aNPCTypes"].end(); _tType++)
// points
for (json::iterator _point = pathVal["aPoints"].begin(); _point != pathVal["aPoints"].end(); _point++) {
json point = _point.value();
2021-05-04 17:42:16 +00:00
for (int stopTicks = 0; stopTicks < (int)point["iStopTicks"] + 1; stopTicks++)
pathPoints.push_back({point["iX"], point["iY"], point["iZ"]});
NPCPath pathTemplate;
pathTemplate.targetIDs = targetIDs;
pathTemplate.targetTypes = targetTypes;
pathTemplate.points = pathPoints;
pathTemplate.speed = speed;
pathTemplate.isRelative = relative;
pathTemplate.isLoop = loop;
pathTemplate.escortTaskID = taskID;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Transport::NPCPaths.size() << " NPC paths" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed paths.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
* Load drops data from JSON
* This has to be called after reading xdt because it reffers to ItemData!!!
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
static void loadDrops(json& dropData) {
try {
// CrateDropChances
json crateDropChances = dropData["CrateDropChances"];
for (json::iterator _crateDropChance = crateDropChances.begin(); _crateDropChance != crateDropChances.end(); _crateDropChance++) {
auto crateDropChance = _crateDropChance.value();
CrateDropChance toAdd = {};
toAdd.dropChance = (int)crateDropChance["DropChance"];
toAdd.dropChanceTotal = (int)crateDropChance["DropChanceTotal"];
json crateWeights = crateDropChance["CrateTypeDropWeights"];
for (json::iterator _crateWeight = crateWeights.begin(); _crateWeight != crateWeights.end(); _crateWeight++)
2021-03-29 06:22:23 +00:00
Items::CrateDropChances[(int)crateDropChance["CrateDropChanceID"]] = toAdd;
// CrateDropTypes
json crateDropTypes = dropData["CrateDropTypes"];
for (json::iterator _crateDropType = crateDropTypes.begin(); _crateDropType != crateDropTypes.end(); _crateDropType++) {
auto crateDropType = _crateDropType.value();
std::vector<int> toAdd;
json crateIds = crateDropType["CrateIDs"];
for (json::iterator _crateId = crateIds.begin(); _crateId != crateIds.end(); _crateId++)
Items::CrateDropTypes[(int)crateDropType["CrateDropTypeID"]] = toAdd;
// MiscDropChances
json miscDropChances = dropData["MiscDropChances"];
for (json::iterator _miscDropChance = miscDropChances.begin(); _miscDropChance != miscDropChances.end(); _miscDropChance++) {
auto miscDropChance = _miscDropChance.value();
Items::MiscDropChances[(int)miscDropChance["MiscDropChanceID"]] = {
// MiscDropTypes
json miscDropTypes = dropData["MiscDropTypes"];
for (json::iterator _miscDropType = miscDropTypes.begin(); _miscDropType != miscDropTypes.end(); _miscDropType++) {
auto miscDropType = _miscDropType.value();
Items::MiscDropTypes[(int)miscDropType["MiscDropTypeID"]] = {
// MobDrops
json mobDrops = dropData["MobDrops"];
for (json::iterator _mobDrop = mobDrops.begin(); _mobDrop != mobDrops.end(); _mobDrop++) {
auto mobDrop = _mobDrop.value();
Items::MobDrops[(int)mobDrop["MobDropID"]] = {
// Events
json events = dropData["Events"];
for (json::iterator _event = events.begin(); _event != events.end(); _event++) {
auto event = _event.value();
Items::EventToDropMap[(int)event["EventID"]] = (int)event["MobDropID"];
2021-04-03 06:34:20 +00:00
// Mobs
json mobs = dropData["Mobs"];
for (json::iterator _mob = mobs.begin(); _mob != mobs.end(); _mob++) {
2021-04-03 06:34:20 +00:00
auto mob = _mob.value();
Items::MobToDropMap[(int)mob["MobID"]] = (int)mob["MobDropID"];
// RarityWeights
json rarityWeights = dropData["RarityWeights"];
for (json::iterator _rarityWeightsObject = rarityWeights.begin(); _rarityWeightsObject != rarityWeights.end(); _rarityWeightsObject++) {
auto rarityWeightsObject = _rarityWeightsObject.value();
std::vector<int> toAdd;
json weights = rarityWeightsObject["Weights"];
for (json::iterator _weight = weights.begin(); _weight != weights.end(); _weight++)
Items::RarityWeights[(int)rarityWeightsObject["RarityWeightID"]] = toAdd;
// ItemSets
json itemSets = dropData["ItemSets"];
for (json::iterator _itemSet = itemSets.begin(); _itemSet != itemSets.end(); _itemSet++) {
auto itemSet = _itemSet.value();
ItemSet toAdd = {};
2020-09-13 22:54:47 +00:00
toAdd.ignoreRarity = (bool)itemSet["IgnoreRarity"];
toAdd.ignoreGender = (bool)itemSet["IgnoreGender"];
toAdd.defaultItemWeight = (int)itemSet["DefaultItemWeight"];
json alterRarityMap = itemSet["AlterRarityMap"];
for (json::iterator _alterRarityMapEntry = alterRarityMap.begin(); _alterRarityMapEntry != alterRarityMap.end(); _alterRarityMapEntry++)
toAdd.alterRarityMap[std::atoi(_alterRarityMapEntry.key().c_str())] = (int)_alterRarityMapEntry.value();
json alterGenderMap = itemSet["AlterGenderMap"];
for (json::iterator _alterGenderMapEntry = alterGenderMap.begin(); _alterGenderMapEntry != alterGenderMap.end(); _alterGenderMapEntry++)
toAdd.alterGenderMap[std::atoi(_alterGenderMapEntry.key().c_str())] = (int)_alterGenderMapEntry.value();
json alterItemWeightMap = itemSet["AlterItemWeightMap"];
for (json::iterator _alterItemWeightMapEntry = alterItemWeightMap.begin(); _alterItemWeightMapEntry != alterItemWeightMap.end(); _alterItemWeightMapEntry++)
toAdd.alterItemWeightMap[std::atoi(_alterItemWeightMapEntry.key().c_str())] = (int)_alterItemWeightMapEntry.value();
json itemReferenceIds = itemSet["ItemReferenceIDs"];
for (json::iterator itemReferenceId = itemReferenceIds.begin(); itemReferenceId != itemReferenceIds.end(); itemReferenceId++)
Items::ItemSets[(int)itemSet["ItemSetID"]] = toAdd;
// Crates
json crates = dropData["Crates"];
for (json::iterator _crate = crates.begin(); _crate != crates.end(); _crate++) {
auto crate = _crate.value();
2020-09-23 19:44:27 +00:00
Items::Crates[(int)crate["CrateID"]] = {
2020-09-23 19:44:27 +00:00
2021-03-29 06:22:23 +00:00
// ItemReferences
json itemReferences = dropData["ItemReferences"];
for (json::iterator _itemReference = itemReferences.begin(); _itemReference != itemReferences.end(); _itemReference++) {
2021-03-29 06:22:23 +00:00
auto itemReference = _itemReference.value();
2020-09-13 22:54:47 +00:00
2021-03-29 06:22:23 +00:00
int itemReferenceId = (int)itemReference["ItemReferenceID"];
int itemId = (int)itemReference["ItemID"];
int type = (int)itemReference["Type"];
// validate and fetch relevant fields as they're loaded
auto key = std::make_pair(itemId, type);
if (Items::ItemData.find(key) == Items::ItemData.end()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Item-Type pair (" << key.first << ", " << key.second << ") specified by item reference "
<< itemReferenceId << " was not found, skipping..." << std::endl;
Items::Item& item = Items::ItemData[key];
Items::ItemReferences[itemReferenceId] = {
2020-09-13 22:54:47 +00:00
#ifdef ACADEMY
// NanoCapsules
json capsules = dropData["NanoCapsules"];
for (json::iterator _capsule = capsules.begin(); _capsule != capsules.end(); _capsule++) {
auto capsule = _capsule.value();
Items::NanoCapsules[(int)capsule["CrateID"]] = (int)capsule["Nano"];
2020-09-16 00:30:01 +00:00
// Racing rewards
json racing = dropData["Racing"];
for (json::iterator _race = racing.begin(); _race != racing.end(); _race++) {
auto race = _race.value();
int raceEPID = race["EPID"];
// find the instance data corresponding to the EPID
int EPMap = -1;
for (auto it = Racing::EPData.begin(); it != Racing::EPData.end(); it++) {
if (it->second.EPID == raceEPID) {
EPMap = it->first;
if (EPMap == -1) { // not found
std::cout << "[WARN] EP with ID " << raceEPID << " not found, skipping" << std::endl;
2020-11-07 23:22:48 +00:00
// time limit isn't stored in the XDT, so we include it in the reward table instead
Racing::EPData[EPMap].maxTime = race["TimeLimit"];
// score cutoffs
std::vector<int> rankScores;
for (json::iterator _rankScore = race["RankScores"].begin(); _rankScore != race["RankScores"].end(); _rankScore++) {
2020-11-07 23:22:48 +00:00
// reward IDs for each rank
std::vector<int> rankRewards;
for (json::iterator _rankReward = race["Rewards"].begin(); _rankReward != race["Rewards"].end(); _rankReward++) {
2020-11-07 23:22:48 +00:00
if (rankScores.size() != 5 || rankScores.size() != rankRewards.size()) {
char buff[255];
sprintf(buff, "Race in EP %d doesn't have exactly 5 score/reward pairs", raceEPID);
throw TableException(std::string(buff));
2020-11-28 14:16:14 +00:00
Racing::EPRewards[raceEPID] = std::make_pair(rankScores, rankRewards);
2020-11-28 14:16:14 +00:00
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded rewards for " << Racing::EPRewards.size() << " IZ races" << std::endl;
2020-11-28 14:16:14 +00:00
// CodeItems
json codes = dropData["CodeItems"];
for (json::iterator _code = codes.begin(); _code != codes.end(); _code++) {
auto code = _code.value();
std::string codeStr = code["Code"];
std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>> itemVector;
json itemReferenceIds = code["ItemReferenceIDs"];
for (json::iterator _itemReferenceId = itemReferenceIds.begin(); _itemReferenceId != itemReferenceIds.end(); _itemReferenceId++) {
2021-03-29 06:22:23 +00:00
int itemReferenceId = (int)_itemReferenceId.value();
// validate and convert here
if (Items::ItemReferences.find(itemReferenceId) == Items::ItemReferences.end()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Item reference " << itemReferenceId << " for code "
<< codeStr << " was not found, skipping..." << std::endl;
// no need to further check whether this is a real item or not, we already did this!
ItemReference& itemReference = Items::ItemReferences[itemReferenceId];
itemVector.push_back(std::make_pair(itemReference.itemId, itemReference.type));
Items::CodeItems[codeStr] = itemVector;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Items::Crates.size() << " Crates containing "
2021-03-29 06:22:23 +00:00
<< Items::ItemReferences.size() << " unique items" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed drops.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
* Load eggs from JSON
static void loadEggs(json& eggData, int32_t* nextId) {
try {
// EggTypes
json eggTypes = eggData["EggTypes"];
for (json::iterator _eggType = eggTypes.begin(); _eggType != eggTypes.end(); _eggType++) {
auto eggType = _eggType.value();
EggType toAdd = {};
toAdd.dropCrateId = (int)eggType["DropCrateId"];
toAdd.effectId = (int)eggType["EffectId"];
toAdd.duration = (int)eggType["Duration"];
toAdd.regen= (int)eggType["Regen"];
2021-03-17 21:28:24 +00:00
Eggs::EggTypes[(int)eggType["Id"]] = toAdd;
// Egg instances
auto eggs = eggData["Eggs"];
int eggCount = 0;
for (auto _egg = eggs.begin(); _egg != eggs.end(); _egg++) {
auto egg = _egg.value();
int id = (*nextId)--;
uint64_t instanceID = egg.find("iMapNum") == egg.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)egg["iMapNum"];
Egg* addEgg = new Egg((int)egg["iX"], (int)egg["iY"], (int)egg["iZ"], instanceID, (int)egg["iType"], id, false);
NPCManager::NPCs[id] = addEgg;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(id, (int)egg["iX"], (int)egg["iY"], (int)egg["iZ"], instanceID, 0);
2020-11-24 00:28:22 +00:00
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << eggCount << " eggs" <<std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed eggs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
2020-11-24 00:28:22 +00:00
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
* Load gruntwork output, if it exists
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
static void loadGruntworkPre(json& gruntwork, int32_t* nextId) {
try {
auto paths = gruntwork["paths"];
for (auto _path = paths.begin(); _path != paths.end(); _path++) {
auto path = _path.value();
std::vector<int32_t> targetIDs;
std::vector<int32_t> targetTypes; // target types are not exportable from gw, but load them anyway
std::vector<Vec3> pathPoints;
int speed = path.find("iBaseSpeed") == path.end() ? NPC_DEFAULT_SPEED : (int)path["iBaseSpeed"];
int taskID = path.find("iTaskID") == path.end() ? -1 : (int)path["iTaskID"];
bool relative = path.find("bRelative") == path.end() ? false : (bool)path["bRelative"];
bool loop = path.find("bLoop") == path.end() ? true : (bool)path["bLoop"]; // loop by default
// target IDs
for (json::iterator _tID = path["aNPCIDs"].begin(); _tID != path["aNPCIDs"].end(); _tID++)
// target types
for (json::iterator _tType = path["aNPCTypes"].begin(); _tType != path["aNPCTypes"].end(); _tType++)
// points
for (json::iterator _point = path["aPoints"].begin(); _point != path["aPoints"].end(); _point++) {
json point = _point.value();
for (int stopTicks = 0; stopTicks < (int)point["iStopTicks"] + 1; stopTicks++)
pathPoints.push_back({ point["iX"], point["iY"], point["iZ"] });
NPCPath pathTemplate;
pathTemplate.targetIDs = targetIDs;
pathTemplate.targetTypes = targetTypes;
pathTemplate.points = pathPoints;
pathTemplate.speed = speed;
pathTemplate.isRelative = relative;
pathTemplate.escortTaskID = taskID;
pathTemplate.isLoop = loop;
TableData::FinishedNPCPaths.push_back(pathTemplate); // keep in gruntwork
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded gruntwork.json (pre)" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed gruntwork.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
static void loadGruntworkPost(json& gruntwork, int32_t* nextId) {
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
if (gruntwork.is_null()) return;
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
try {
// skyway paths
auto skyway = gruntwork["skyway"];
for (auto _route = skyway.begin(); _route != skyway.end(); _route++) {
auto route = _route.value();
std::vector<Vec3> points;
for (auto _point = route["points"].begin(); _point != route["points"].end(); _point++) {
auto point = _point.value();
points.push_back(Vec3{point["x"], point["y"], point["z"]});
RunningSkywayRoutes[(int)route["iRouteID"]] = points;
// npc rotations
auto npcRot = gruntwork["rotations"];
for (auto _rot = npcRot.begin(); _rot != npcRot.end(); _rot++) {
int32_t npcID = _rot.value()["iNPCID"];
int angle = _rot.value()["iAngle"];
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(npcID) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
continue; // NPC not found
BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::NPCs[npcID];
npc->appearanceData.iAngle = angle;
RunningNPCRotations[npcID] = angle;
// npc map numbers
auto npcMap = gruntwork["instances"];
for (auto _map = npcMap.begin(); _map != npcMap.end(); _map++) {
int32_t npcID = _map.value()["iNPCID"];
uint64_t instanceID = _map.value()["iMapNum"];
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(npcID) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
continue; // NPC not found
BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::NPCs[npcID];
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, npc->x, npc->y,
npc->z, instanceID, npc->appearanceData.iAngle);
RunningNPCMapNumbers[npcID] = instanceID;
// mobs
auto mobs = gruntwork["mobs"];
for (auto _mob = mobs.begin(); _mob != mobs.end(); _mob++) {
auto mob = _mob.value();
BaseNPC *npc;
int id = (*nextId)--;
uint64_t instanceID = mob.find("iMapNum") == mob.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)mob["iMapNum"];
if (NPCManager::NPCData[(int)mob["iNPCType"]]["m_iTeam"] == 2) {
npc = new Mob(mob["iX"], mob["iY"], mob["iZ"], instanceID, mob["iNPCType"],
NPCManager::NPCData[(int)mob["iNPCType"]], id);
// re-enable respawning
((Mob*)npc)->summoned = false;
} else {
npc = new BaseNPC(mob["iX"], mob["iY"], mob["iZ"], mob["iAngle"], instanceID, mob["iNPCType"], id);
NPCManager::NPCs[npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = npc;
RunningMobs[npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = npc;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, mob["iX"], mob["iY"], mob["iZ"], instanceID, mob["iAngle"]);
// mob groups
auto groups = gruntwork["groups"];
for (auto _group = groups.begin(); _group != groups.end(); _group++) {
auto leader = _group.value();
auto td = NPCManager::NPCData[(int)leader["iNPCType"]];
uint64_t instanceID = leader.find("iMapNum") == leader.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)leader["iMapNum"];
Mob* tmp = new Mob(leader["iX"], leader["iY"], leader["iZ"], leader["iAngle"], instanceID, leader["iNPCType"], td, *nextId);
// re-enable respawning
((Mob*)tmp)->summoned = false;
NPCManager::NPCs[*nextId] = tmp;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(*nextId, leader["iX"], leader["iY"], leader["iZ"], instanceID, leader["iAngle"]);
tmp->groupLeader = *nextId;
2020-11-24 00:28:22 +00:00
auto followers = leader["aFollowers"];
2020-11-24 00:28:22 +00:00
if (followers.size() < 5) {
int followerCount = 0;
for (json::iterator _fol = followers.begin(); _fol != followers.end(); _fol++) {
2020-11-24 00:28:22 +00:00
auto follower = _fol.value();
auto tdFol = NPCManager::NPCData[(int)follower["iNPCType"]];
Mob* tmpFol = new Mob((int)leader["iX"] + (int)follower["iOffsetX"], (int)leader["iY"] + (int)follower["iOffsetY"], leader["iZ"], leader["iAngle"], instanceID, follower["iNPCType"], tdFol, *nextId);
2020-11-24 00:28:22 +00:00
// re-enable respawning
((Mob*)tmp)->summoned = false;
NPCManager::NPCs[*nextId] = tmpFol;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(*nextId, (int)leader["iX"] + (int)follower["iOffsetX"], (int)leader["iY"] + (int)follower["iOffsetY"], leader["iZ"], instanceID, leader["iAngle"]);
2020-11-24 00:28:22 +00:00
tmpFol->offsetX = follower.find("iOffsetX") == follower.end() ? 0 : (int)follower["iOffsetX"];
tmpFol->offsetY = follower.find("iOffsetY") == follower.end() ? 0 : (int)follower["iOffsetY"];
tmpFol->groupLeader = tmp->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
tmp->groupMember[followerCount++] = *nextId;
2020-11-24 00:28:22 +00:00
2020-11-24 00:28:22 +00:00
else {
std::cout << "[WARN] Mob group leader with ID " << *nextId << " has too many followers (" << followers.size() << ")\n";
RunningGroups[tmp->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = tmp; // store as running
auto eggs = gruntwork["eggs"];
for (auto _egg = eggs.begin(); _egg != eggs.end(); _egg++) {
auto egg = _egg.value();
int id = (*nextId)--;
uint64_t instanceID = egg.find("iMapNum") == egg.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)egg["iMapNum"];
Egg* addEgg = new Egg((int)egg["iX"], (int)egg["iY"], (int)egg["iZ"], instanceID, (int)egg["iType"], id, false);
NPCManager::NPCs[id] = addEgg;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(id, (int)egg["iX"], (int)egg["iY"], (int)egg["iZ"], instanceID, 0);
RunningEggs[id] = addEgg;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded gruntwork.json (post)" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed gruntwork.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
* Load NPCs from JSON
static void loadNPCs(json& npcData) {
try {
npcData = npcData["NPCs"];
for (json::iterator _npc = npcData.begin(); _npc != npcData.end(); _npc++) {
auto npc = _npc.value();
int npcID = std::strtol(_npc.key().c_str(), nullptr, 10); // parse ID string to integer
2021-04-24 15:36:33 +00:00
int instanceID = npc.find("iMapNum") == npc.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)npc["iMapNum"];
int type = (int)npc["iNPCType"];
if (NPCManager::NPCData[type].is_null()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] NPC type " << type << " not found; skipping (json#" << _npc.key() << ")" << std::endl;
#ifdef ACADEMY
// do not spawn NPCs in the future
if (npc["iX"] > 512000 && npc["iY"] < 256000)
BaseNPC* tmp = new BaseNPC(npc["iX"], npc["iY"], npc["iZ"], npc["iAngle"], instanceID, type, npcID);
NPCManager::NPCs[npcID] = tmp;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npcID, npc["iX"], npc["iY"], npc["iZ"], instanceID, npc["iAngle"]);
if (type == 641 || type == 642)
2021-04-24 15:36:33 +00:00
NPCManager::RespawnPoints.push_back({ npc["iX"], npc["iY"], ((int)npc["iZ"]) + RESURRECT_HEIGHT, instanceID });
// see if any paths target this NPC
NPCPath* npcPath = Transport::findApplicablePath(npcID, type);
if (npcPath != nullptr) {
//std::cout << "[INFO] Found path for NPC " << npcID << std::endl;
2021-05-06 01:22:11 +00:00
Transport::constructPathNPC(npcID, npcPath);
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed NPCs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
* Load mobs from JSON
static void loadMobs(json& npcData, int32_t* nextId) {
try {
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
json groupData = npcData["groups"];
npcData = npcData["mobs"];
// single mobs
for (json::iterator _npc = npcData.begin(); _npc != npcData.end(); _npc++) {
auto npc = _npc.value();
int npcID = std::strtol(_npc.key().c_str(), nullptr, 10); // parse ID string to integer
int type = (int)npc["iNPCType"];
if (NPCManager::NPCData[type].is_null()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] NPC type " << type << " not found; skipping (json#" << _npc.key() << ")" << std::endl;
auto td = NPCManager::NPCData[type];
uint64_t instanceID = npc.find("iMapNum") == npc.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)npc["iMapNum"];
#ifdef ACADEMY
// do not spawn NPCs in the future
if (npc["iX"] > 512000 && npc["iY"] < 256000)
Mob* tmp = new Mob(npc["iX"], npc["iY"], npc["iZ"], npc["iAngle"], instanceID, npc["iNPCType"], td, npcID);
NPCManager::NPCs[npcID] = tmp;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npcID, npc["iX"], npc["iY"], npc["iZ"], instanceID, npc["iAngle"]);
// see if any paths target this mob
NPCPath* npcPath = Transport::findApplicablePath(npcID, npc["iNPCType"]);
if (npcPath != nullptr) {
//std::cout << "[INFO] Found path for mob " << npcID << std::endl;
2021-05-06 01:22:11 +00:00
Transport::constructPathNPC(npcID, npcPath);
// mob groups
// single mobs (have static IDs)
for (json::iterator _group = groupData.begin(); _group != groupData.end(); _group++) {
auto leader = _group.value();
int leadID = std::strtol(_group.key().c_str(), nullptr, 10); // parse ID string to integer
auto td = NPCManager::NPCData[(int)leader["iNPCType"]];
uint64_t instanceID = leader.find("iMapNum") == leader.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)leader["iMapNum"];
auto followers = leader["aFollowers"];
#ifdef ACADEMY
// do not spawn NPCs in the future
if (leader["iX"] > 512000 && leader["iY"] < 256000)
Mob* tmp = new Mob(leader["iX"], leader["iY"], leader["iZ"], leader["iAngle"], instanceID, leader["iNPCType"], td, leadID);
NPCManager::NPCs[leadID] = tmp;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(leadID, leader["iX"], leader["iY"], leader["iZ"], instanceID, leader["iAngle"]);
// see if any paths target this group leader
NPCPath* npcPath = Transport::findApplicablePath(leadID, leader["iNPCType"]);
if (npcPath != nullptr) {
//std::cout << "[INFO] Found path for mob " << leadID << std::endl;
2021-05-06 01:22:11 +00:00
Transport::constructPathNPC(leadID, npcPath);
tmp->groupLeader = leadID;
// followers (have dynamic IDs)
if (followers.size() < 5) {
int followerCount = 0;
for (json::iterator _fol = followers.begin(); _fol != followers.end(); _fol++) {
auto follower = _fol.value();
auto tdFol = NPCManager::NPCData[(int)follower["iNPCType"]];
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
Mob* tmpFol = new Mob((int)leader["iX"] + (int)follower["iOffsetX"], (int)leader["iY"] + (int)follower["iOffsetY"], leader["iZ"], leader["iAngle"], instanceID, follower["iNPCType"], tdFol, *nextId);
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
NPCManager::NPCs[*nextId] = tmpFol;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(*nextId, (int)leader["iX"] + (int)follower["iOffsetX"], (int)leader["iY"] + (int)follower["iOffsetY"], leader["iZ"], instanceID, leader["iAngle"]);
tmpFol->offsetX = follower.find("iOffsetX") == follower.end() ? 0 : (int)follower["iOffsetX"];
tmpFol->offsetY = follower.find("iOffsetY") == follower.end() ? 0 : (int)follower["iOffsetY"];
tmpFol->groupLeader = tmp->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
tmp->groupMember[followerCount++] = *nextId;
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
else {
std::cout << "[WARN] Mob group leader with ID " << leadID << " has too many followers (" << followers.size() << ")\n";
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << NPCManager::NPCs.size() << " NPCs" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed mobs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
2020-11-09 09:34:11 +00:00
* Transform `base` based on the value of `patch`.
* Parameters must be of the same type and must not be null.
* Array <- Array: All elements in patch array get added to base array.
* Object <- Object: Combine properties recursively and save to base.
* All other types <- Same type: Base value gets overwritten by patch value.
static void patchJSON(json* base, json* patch) {
if (patch->is_null() || base->is_null())
return; // no nulls allowed!!
if ((json::value_t)(*base) != (json::value_t)(*patch)) {
// verify type mismatch. unsigned <-> integer is ok.
if (!((base->is_number_integer() && patch->is_number_unsigned())
|| (base->is_number_unsigned() && patch->is_number_integer())))
// case 1: type is array
if (patch->is_array()) {
// loop through all array elements
for (json::iterator _element = patch->begin(); _element != patch->end(); _element++)
base->push_back(*_element); // add element to base
// case 2: type is object
else if (patch->is_object()) {
// loop through all object properties
for (json::iterator _prop = patch->begin(); _prop != patch->end(); _prop++) {
std::string key = _prop.key(); // static identifier
json* valLoc = &(*_prop); // pointer to json data
// special casing for forced replacement.
// the ! is stripped, then the property is forcibly replaced without a recursive call
// that means no type checking, so use at your own risk
if (key.c_str()[0] == '!') {
key = key.substr(1, key.length() - 1);
(*base)[key] = *valLoc;
// search for matching property in base object
json::iterator _match = base->find(key);
if (_match != base->end()) {
// match found
if (valLoc->is_null()) // prop value is null; erase match
else { // combine objects
json* match = &(*_match);
patchJSON(match, valLoc);
} else {
// no match found; add the property to the base object
(*base)[key] = *valLoc;
// case 3: all other types
else {
*base = *patch; // complete overwrite
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
void TableData::init() {
int32_t nextId = INT32_MAX; // next dynamic ID to hand out
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
// base JSON tables
2021-05-01 15:24:53 +00:00
json xdt, paths, drops, eggs, npcs, mobs, gruntwork;
std::pair<json*, std::string> tables[7] = {
2021-05-02 03:17:18 +00:00
std::make_pair(&xdt, settings::XDTJSON),
std::make_pair(&paths, settings::PATHJSON),
std::make_pair(&drops, settings::DROPSJSON),
std::make_pair(&eggs, settings::EGGSJSON),
std::make_pair(&npcs, settings::NPCJSON),
std::make_pair(&mobs, settings::MOBJSON),
std::make_pair(&gruntwork, settings::GRUNTWORKJSON)
// load JSON data into tables
std::ifstream fstream;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
std::pair<json*, std::string>& table = tables[i]; + "/" + table.second); // open file
if (! {
// tolerate empty gruntwork file
if (!(table.first == &gruntwork && fstream.peek() == std::ifstream::traits_type::eof()))
fstream >> *table.first; // load file contents into table
} else {
2021-05-02 03:17:18 +00:00
if (table.first != &gruntwork) { // gruntwork isn't critical
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Critical tdata file missing: " << table.second << std::endl;
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
// patching: load each patch directory specified in the config file
// split config field into individual patch entries
std::stringstream ss(settings::ENABLEDPATCHES);
std::istream_iterator<std::string> begin(ss);
std::istream_iterator<std::string> end;
2021-05-02 01:19:36 +00:00
json patch;
for (auto it = begin; it != end; it++) {
2021-05-02 01:19:36 +00:00
// this is the theoretical path of a corresponding patch for this file
std::string patchModuleName = *it;
std::string patchFile = settings::PATCHDIR + patchModuleName + "/" + table.second;
try {
2021-05-02 01:19:36 +00:00;
fstream >> patch; // load into temporary json object
std::cout << "[INFO] Patching " << patchFile << std::endl;
2021-05-02 01:19:36 +00:00
patchJSON(table.first, &patch); // patch
} catch (const std::exception& err) {
// no-op
2021-05-02 01:19:36 +00:00
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
// fetch data from patched tables and load them appropriately
// note: the order of these is important
2021-05-02 03:17:18 +00:00
std::cout << "[INFO] Loading tabledata..." << std::endl;
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
loadGruntworkPre(gruntwork, &nextId);
loadPaths(paths, &nextId);
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
loadMobs(mobs, &nextId);
loadEggs(eggs, &nextId);
loadGruntworkPost(gruntwork, &nextId);
NPCManager::nextId = nextId;
2021-04-29 16:33:17 +00:00
* Write gruntwork output to file
void TableData::flush() {
std::ofstream file(settings::TDATADIR + "/" + settings::GRUNTWORKJSON);
json gruntwork;
for (auto& pair : RunningSkywayRoutes) {
json route;
route["iRouteID"] = (int)pair.first;
route["iMonkeySpeed"] = 1500;
std::cout << "serializing mss route " << (int)pair.first << std::endl;
for (Vec3& point : pair.second) {
json tmp;
tmp["x"] = point.x;
tmp["y"] = point.y;
tmp["z"] = point.z;
2020-10-06 21:59:12 +00:00
for (auto& pair : RunningNPCRotations) {
json rotation;
2020-10-06 21:59:12 +00:00
rotation["iNPCID"] = (int)pair.first;
rotation["iAngle"] = pair.second;
for (auto& pair : RunningNPCMapNumbers) {
json mapNumber;
mapNumber["iNPCID"] = (int)pair.first;
mapNumber["iMapNum"] = pair.second;
for (auto& pair : RunningMobs) {
json mob;
BaseNPC *npc = pair.second;
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(pair.first) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
2020-12-14 15:00:07 +00:00
int x, y, z;
if (npc->type == EntityType::MOB) {
Mob *m = (Mob*)npc;
x = m->spawnX;
y = m->spawnY;
z = m->spawnZ;
} else {
x = npc->x;
y = npc->y;
z = npc->z;
// NOTE: this format deviates slightly from the one in mobs.json
mob["iNPCType"] = (int)npc->appearanceData.iNPCType;
mob["iX"] = x;
mob["iY"] = y;
mob["iZ"] = z;
mob["iMapNum"] = MAPNUM(npc->instanceID);
// this is a bit imperfect, since this is a live angle, not a spawn angle so it'll change often, but eh
mob["iAngle"] = npc->appearanceData.iAngle;
// it's called mobs, but really it's everything
for (auto& pair : RunningGroups) {
json mob;
BaseNPC* npc = pair.second;
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(pair.first) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
2020-12-14 15:00:07 +00:00
int x, y, z;
std::vector<Mob*> followers;
if (npc->type == EntityType::MOB) {
Mob* m = (Mob*)npc;
x = m->spawnX;
y = m->spawnY;
z = m->spawnZ;
if (m->groupLeader != m->appearanceData.iNPC_ID) { // make sure this is a leader
std::cout << "[WARN] Non-leader mob found in running groups; ignoring\n";
// add follower data to vector; go until OOB or until follower ID is 0
for (int i = 0; i < 4 && m->groupMember[i] > 0; i++) {
2021-04-07 00:43:43 +00:00
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(m->groupMember[i]) == NPCManager::NPCs.end() || NPCManager::NPCs[m->groupMember[i]]->type != EntityType::MOB) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Follower with ID " << m->groupMember[i] << " not found; skipping\n";
2021-04-07 00:43:43 +00:00
else {
x = npc->x;
y = npc->y;
z = npc->z;
// NOTE: this format deviates slightly from the one in mobs.json
mob["iNPCType"] = (int)npc->appearanceData.iNPCType;
mob["iX"] = x;
mob["iY"] = y;
mob["iZ"] = z;
mob["iMapNum"] = MAPNUM(npc->instanceID);
// this is a bit imperfect, since this is a live angle, not a spawn angle so it'll change often, but eh
mob["iAngle"] = npc->appearanceData.iAngle;
// followers
while (followers.size() > 0) {
Mob* follower = followers.back();
followers.pop_back(); // remove from vector
// populate JSON entry
json fol;
fol["iNPCType"] = follower->appearanceData.iNPCType;
fol["iOffsetX"] = follower->offsetX;
fol["iOffsetY"] = follower->offsetY;
mob["aFollowers"].push_back(fol); // add to follower array
// it's called mobs, but really it's everything
2020-11-08 08:42:49 +00:00
for (auto& pair : RunningEggs) {
json egg;
2020-11-08 08:42:49 +00:00
BaseNPC* npc = pair.second;
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(pair.first) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
2020-11-08 08:42:49 +00:00
// we can trust that if it exists, it probably is indeed an egg
egg["iX"] = npc->x;
egg["iY"] = npc->y;
egg["iZ"] = npc->z;
2020-11-09 09:34:11 +00:00
int mapnum = MAPNUM(npc->instanceID);
if (mapnum != 0)
egg["iMapNum"] = mapnum;
2020-11-08 08:42:49 +00:00
egg["iType"] = npc->appearanceData.iNPCType;
2021-05-05 00:23:06 +00:00
for (auto& path : FinishedNPCPaths) {
json pathObj;
json points;
json targetIDs;
json targetTypes;
2021-05-05 00:23:06 +00:00
for (Vec3& coord : path.points) {
json point;
point["iX"] = coord.x;
point["iY"] = coord.y;
point["iZ"] = coord.z;
point["iStopTicks"] = 0;
for (int32_t tID : path.targetIDs)
for (int32_t tType : path.targetTypes)
2021-05-05 00:23:06 +00:00
pathObj["iBaseSpeed"] = path.speed;
pathObj["iTaskID"] = path.escortTaskID;
pathObj["bRelative"] = path.isRelative;
pathObj["aPoints"] = points;
pathObj["bLoop"] = path.isLoop;
// don't write 'null' if there aren't any targets
if(targetIDs.size() > 0)
pathObj["aNPCIDs"] = targetIDs;
if (targetTypes.size() > 0)
pathObj["aNPCTypes"] = targetTypes;
2021-05-05 00:23:06 +00:00
file << gruntwork << std::endl;