mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 19:00:09 +00:00
Mobs respawn now.
Began work on mob logic. Also cleaned up TableData a little.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "CNStructs.hpp"
#include "CNShardServer.hpp"
#include "PlayerManager.hpp"
#include "MobManager.hpp"
#include "CNShared.hpp"
#include "settings.hpp"
#include "Database.hpp"
@ -90,4 +91,6 @@ void CNShardServer::onStep() {
event.scheduledEvent = currTime + event.delta;
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
#include <assert.h>
std::map<int32_t, Mob*> MobManager::Mobs;
void MobManager::init() {
@ -48,24 +50,23 @@ void MobManager::pcAttackNpcs(CNSocket *sock, CNPacketData *data) {
resp->iNPCCnt = pkt->iNPCCnt;
for (int i = 0; i < pkt->iNPCCnt; i++) {
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(pktdata[i]) == NPCManager::NPCs.end()) {
if (Mobs.find(pktdata[i]) == Mobs.end()) {
// not sure how to best handle this
std::cout << "[WARN] pcAttackNpcs: mob ID not found" << std::endl;
BaseNPC& mob = NPCManager::NPCs[pktdata[i]];
Mob *mob = Mobs[pktdata[i]];
mob.appearanceData.iHP -= 100;
mob->appearanceData.iHP -= 100;
if (mob.appearanceData.iHP <= 0) {
MissionManager::mobKilled(sock, mob.appearanceData.iNPCType);
// TODO: despawn mobs when they die
std::cout << "mob health is now " << mob->appearanceData.iHP << std::endl;
respdata[i].iID = mob.appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
if (mob->appearanceData.iHP <= 0)
killMob(sock, mob);
respdata[i].iID = mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
respdata[i].iDamage = 100;
respdata[i].iHP = mob.appearanceData.iHP;
respdata[i].iHP = mob->appearanceData.iHP;
respdata[i].iHitFlag = 2; // hitscan, not a rocket or a grenade
@ -129,3 +130,61 @@ void MobManager::giveReward(CNSocket *sock) {
sock->sendPacket((void*)respbuf, P_FE2CL_REP_REWARD_ITEM, resplen);
void MobManager::killMob(CNSocket *sock, Mob *mob) {
mob->state = MobState::DEAD;
mob->killedTime = getTime(); // XXX: maybe introduce a shard-global time for each step?
std::cout << "killed mob " << mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID << std::endl;
MissionManager::mobKilled(sock, mob->appearanceData.iNPCType);
PlayerView& plrv = PlayerManager::players[sock];
pkt.iNPC_ID = mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
sock->sendPacket(&pkt, P_FE2CL_NPC_EXIT, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_EXIT));
for (CNSocket *s : plrv.viewable)
s->sendPacket(&pkt, P_FE2CL_NPC_EXIT, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_EXIT));
void MobManager::deadStep(Mob *mob, time_t currTime) {
if (mob->killedTime != 0 && currTime - mob->killedTime < mob->regenTime * 100)
std::cout << "respawning mob " << mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID << " with HP = " << mob->maxHealth << std::endl;
mob->appearanceData.iHP = mob->maxHealth;
mob->state = MobState::ROAMING;
pkt.NPCAppearanceData = mob->appearanceData;
// FIXME: use the chunk's visibility list, when that becomes a thing
for (auto& pair : PlayerManager::players) {
Player *plr = pair.second.plr;
int diffX = abs(plr->x - mob->appearanceData.iX);
int diffY = abs(plr->y - mob->appearanceData.iY);
if (diffX < settings::PLAYERDISTANCE && diffY < settings::PLAYERDISTANCE)
pair.first->sendPacket(&pkt, P_FE2CL_NPC_NEW, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_NEW));
void MobManager::step(time_t currTime) {
for (auto& pair : Mobs) {
switch (pair.second->state) {
case MobState::DEAD:
deadStep(pair.second, currTime);
// unhandled for now
@ -3,14 +3,46 @@
#include "CNProtocol.hpp"
#include "CNShared.hpp"
#include "CNShardServer.hpp"
#include "NPC.hpp"
#include <map>
enum class MobState {
struct Mob : public BaseNPC {
MobState state;
const int maxHealth;
time_t killedTime = 0;
const int regenTime;
Mob(int x, int y, int z, int type, int hp, int angle, int rt)
: BaseNPC(x, y, z, type), maxHealth(hp), regenTime(rt) {
state = MobState::ROAMING;
// NOTE: there appear to be discrepancies in the dump
appearanceData.iHP = maxHealth;
namespace MobManager {
extern std::map<int32_t, Mob*> Mobs;
void init();
void step(time_t);
void deadStep(Mob*, time_t);
void pcAttackNpcs(CNSocket *sock, CNPacketData *data);
void combatBegin(CNSocket *sock, CNPacketData *data);
void combatEnd(CNSocket *sock, CNPacketData *data);
void dotDamageOnOff(CNSocket *sock, CNPacketData *data);
void killMob(CNSocket *sock, Mob *mob);
void giveReward(CNSocket *sock);
@ -20,18 +20,4 @@ public:
// hopefully no collisions happen :eyes:
appearanceData.iNPC_ID = (int32_t)rand();
BaseNPC(int x, int y, int z, int type, int hp, int cond, int angle, int barker) {
appearanceData.iX = x;
appearanceData.iY = y;
appearanceData.iZ = z;
appearanceData.iNPCType = type;
appearanceData.iHP = hp;
appearanceData.iAngle = angle;
appearanceData.iConditionBitFlag = cond;
appearanceData.iBarkerType = barker;
// hopefully no collisions happen :eyes:
appearanceData.iNPC_ID = (int32_t)rand();
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "NPCManager.hpp"
#include "ItemManager.hpp"
#include "settings.hpp"
#include "MobManager.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
@ -10,7 +11,7 @@
#include "contrib/JSON.hpp"
std::map<int32_t, BaseNPC> NPCManager::NPCs;
std::map<int32_t, BaseNPC*> NPCManager::NPCs;
std::map<int32_t, WarpLocation> NPCManager::Warps;
std::vector<WarpLocation> NPCManager::RespawnPoints;
@ -255,10 +256,17 @@ void NPCManager::updatePlayerNPCS(CNSocket* sock, PlayerView& view) {
std::list<int32_t> noView;
for (auto& pair : NPCs) {
int diffX = abs(view.plr->x - pair.second.appearanceData.iX);
int diffY = abs(view.plr->y - pair.second.appearanceData.iY);
int diffX = abs(view.plr->x - pair.second->appearanceData.iX);
int diffY = abs(view.plr->y - pair.second->appearanceData.iY);
if (diffX < settings::NPCDISTANCE && diffY < settings::NPCDISTANCE) {
// if it's a mob and it's dead (or otherwise not there), skip it.
if (MobManager::Mobs.find(pair.first) != MobManager::Mobs.end()) {
Mob *mob = (Mob*) pair.second;
if (mob->state == MobState::DEAD || mob->state == MobState::INACTIVE)
else {
@ -290,7 +298,7 @@ void NPCManager::updatePlayerNPCS(CNSocket* sock, PlayerView& view) {
if (std::find(view.viewableNPCs.begin(), view.viewableNPCs.end(), id) == view.viewableNPCs.end()) {
// needs to be added to viewableNPCs! send NPC_ENTER
enterData.NPCAppearanceData = NPCs[id].appearanceData;
enterData.NPCAppearanceData = NPCs[id]->appearanceData;
sock->sendPacket((void*)&enterData, P_FE2CL_NPC_ENTER, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_ENTER));
// add to viewable
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ struct WarpLocation {
namespace NPCManager {
extern std::map<int32_t, BaseNPC> NPCs;
extern std::map<int32_t, BaseNPC*> NPCs;
extern std::map<int32_t, WarpLocation> Warps;
extern std::vector<WarpLocation> RespawnPoints;
void init();
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "ItemManager.hpp"
#include "settings.hpp"
#include "MissionManager.hpp"
#include "MobManager.hpp"
#include "contrib/JSON.hpp"
@ -20,17 +21,18 @@ void TableData::init() {
// read file into json
inFile >> npcData;
for (nlohmann::json::iterator npc = npcData.begin(); npc != npcData.end(); npc++) {
BaseNPC tmp(npc.value()["x"], npc.value()["y"], npc.value()["z"], npc.value()["id"]);
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _npc = npcData.begin(); _npc != npcData.end(); _npc++) {
auto npc = _npc.value();
BaseNPC *tmp = new BaseNPC(npc["x"], npc["y"], npc["z"], npc["id"]);
// Temporary fix, IDs will be pulled from json later
tmp.appearanceData.iNPC_ID = i;
tmp->appearanceData.iNPC_ID = i;
NPCManager::NPCs[tmp.appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = tmp;
NPCManager::NPCs[tmp->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = tmp;
if (npc.value()["id"] == 641 || npc.value()["id"] == 642)
NPCManager::RespawnPoints.push_back({ npc.value()["x"], npc.value()["y"], ((int)npc.value()["z"]) + RESURRECT_HEIGHT });
if (npc["id"] == 641 || npc["id"] == 642)
NPCManager::RespawnPoints.push_back({ npc["x"], npc["y"], ((int)npc["z"]) + RESURRECT_HEIGHT });
@ -38,31 +40,6 @@ void TableData::init() {
std::cerr << "[WARN] Malformed NPCs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
// load temporary mob dump
try {
std::ifstream inFile(settings::MOBJSON);
nlohmann::json npcData;
// read file into json
inFile >> npcData;
for (nlohmann::json::iterator npc = npcData.begin(); npc != npcData.end(); npc++) {
BaseNPC tmp(npc.value()["iX"], npc.value()["iY"], npc.value()["iZ"], npc.value()["iNPCType"],
npc.value()["iHP"], npc.value()["iConditionBitFlag"], npc.value()["iAngle"], npc.value()["iBarkerType"]);
// Temporary fix, IDs will be pulled from json later
tmp.appearanceData.iNPC_ID = i;
NPCManager::NPCs[tmp.appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = tmp;
std::cout << "[INFO] Populated " << NPCManager::NPCs.size() << " NPCs" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[WARN] Malformed mobs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
// load everything else from xdttable
std::cout << "[INFO] Parsing xdt.json..." << std::endl;
std::ifstream infile(settings::XDTJSON);
@ -75,9 +52,10 @@ void TableData::init() {
// load warps
nlohmann::json warpData = xdtData["m_pInstanceTable"]["m_pWarpData"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator warp = warpData.begin(); warp != warpData.end(); warp++) {
WarpLocation warpLoc = { warp.value()["m_iToX"], warp.value()["m_iToY"], warp.value()["m_iToZ"] };
int warpID = warp.value()["m_iWarpNumber"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _warp = warpData.begin(); _warp != warpData.end(); _warp++) {
auto warp = _warp.value();
WarpLocation warpLoc = { warp["m_iToX"], warp["m_iToY"], warp["m_iToZ"] };
int warpID = warp["m_iWarpNumber"];
NPCManager::Warps[warpID] = warpLoc;
@ -87,16 +65,18 @@ void TableData::init() {
nlohmann::json transRouteData = xdtData["m_pTransportationTable"]["m_pTransportationData"];
nlohmann::json transLocData = xdtData["m_pTransportationTable"]["m_pTransportationWarpLocation"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator tLoc = transLocData.begin(); tLoc != transLocData.end(); tLoc++) {
TransportLocation transLoc = { tLoc.value()["m_iNPCID"], tLoc.value()["m_iXpos"], tLoc.value()["m_iYpos"], tLoc.value()["m_iZpos"] };
TransportManager::Locations[tLoc.value()["m_iLocationID"]] = transLoc;
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _tLoc = transLocData.begin(); _tLoc != transLocData.end(); _tLoc++) {
auto tLoc = _tLoc.value();
TransportLocation transLoc = { tLoc["m_iNPCID"], tLoc["m_iXpos"], tLoc["m_iYpos"], tLoc["m_iZpos"] };
TransportManager::Locations[tLoc["m_iLocationID"]] = transLoc;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << TransportManager::Locations.size() << " S.C.A.M.P.E.R. locations" << std::endl; // TODO: Skyway operates differently
for (nlohmann::json::iterator tRoute = transRouteData.begin(); tRoute != transRouteData.end(); tRoute++) {
TransportRoute transRoute = { tRoute.value()["m_iMoveType"], tRoute.value()["m_iStartLocation"], tRoute.value()["m_iEndLocation"],
tRoute.value()["m_iCost"] , tRoute.value()["m_iSpeed"], tRoute.value()["m_iRouteNum"] };
TransportManager::Routes[tRoute.value()["m_iVehicleID"]] = transRoute;
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _tRoute = transRouteData.begin(); _tRoute != transRouteData.end(); _tRoute++) {
auto tRoute = _tRoute.value();
TransportRoute transRoute = { tRoute["m_iMoveType"], tRoute["m_iStartLocation"], tRoute["m_iEndLocation"],
tRoute["m_iCost"] , tRoute["m_iSpeed"], tRoute["m_iRouteNum"] };
TransportManager::Routes[tRoute["m_iVehicleID"]] = transRoute;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << TransportManager::Routes.size() << " transportation routes" << std::endl;
@ -128,9 +108,12 @@ void TableData::init() {
nlohmann::json itemSet;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
itemSet = xdtData[setNames[i]]["m_pItemData"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator item = itemSet.begin(); item != itemSet.end(); item++)
ItemManager::ItemData[std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>(item.value()["m_iItemNumber"], i == 11 ? 9 : (i == 10 ? 7 : (int)item.value()["m_iEquipLoc"]))]
= { item.value()["m_iTradeAble"] == 1, item.value()["m_iSellAble"] == 1, item.value()["m_iItemPrice"], item.value()["m_iItemSellPrice"], item.value()["m_iStackNumber"], i > 9 ? 0 : (int)item.value()["m_iMinReqLev"] };
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _item = itemSet.begin(); _item != itemSet.end(); _item++) {
auto item = _item.value();
ItemManager::ItemData[std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>(item["m_iItemNumber"], i == 11 ? 9 : (i == 10 ? 7 : (int)item["m_iEquipLoc"]))]
= { item["m_iTradeAble"] == 1, item["m_iSellAble"] == 1, item["m_iItemPrice"], item["m_iItemSellPrice"], item["m_iStackNumber"], i > 9 ? 0 : (int)item["m_iMinReqLev"] };
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << ItemManager::ItemData.size() << " items" << std::endl;
@ -138,9 +121,10 @@ void TableData::init() {
// load vendor listings
nlohmann::json listings = xdtData["m_pVendorTable"]["m_pItemData"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator listing = listings.begin(); listing != listings.end(); listing++) {
VendorListing vListing = { listing.value()["m_iSortNumber"], listing.value()["m_iItemType"], listing.value()["m_iitemID"] };
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _lst = listings.begin(); _lst != listings.end(); _lst++) {
auto lst = _lst.value();
VendorListing vListing = { lst["m_iSortNumber"], lst["m_iItemType"], lst["m_iitemID"] };
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << ItemManager::VendorTables.size() << " vendor tables" << std::endl;
@ -148,6 +132,36 @@ void TableData::init() {
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[WARN] Malformed xdt.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
// load temporary mob dump
try {
std::ifstream inFile(settings::MOBJSON);
nlohmann::json npcData;
// read file into json
inFile >> npcData;
nlohmann::json npcTableData = xdtData["m_pNpcTable"]["m_pNpcData"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _npc = npcData.begin(); _npc != npcData.end(); _npc++) {
auto npc = _npc.value();
auto td = npcTableData[(int)npc["iNPCType"]];
Mob *tmp = new Mob(npc["iX"], npc["iY"], npc["iZ"], npc["iNPCType"], npc["iHP"], npc["iAngle"], td["m_iRegenTime"]);
// Temporary fix, IDs will be pulled from json later
tmp->appearanceData.iNPC_ID = i;
NPCManager::NPCs[i] = tmp;
MobManager::Mobs[i] = (Mob*)NPCManager::NPCs[i];
std::cout << "[INFO] Populated " << NPCManager::NPCs.size() << " NPCs" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[WARN] Malformed mobs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
void TableData::cleanup() {
@ -159,4 +173,6 @@ void TableData::cleanup() {
delete pair.second;
for (auto& pair : MissionManager::Tasks)
delete pair.second;
for (auto& pair : NPCManager::NPCs)
delete pair.second;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user