mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 00:34:41 +00:00
merged itemset types and chances, added bypasses
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ std::map<int32_t, std::vector<int32_t>> Items::CrateDropTypes;
std::map<int32_t, MiscDropChance> Items::MiscDropChances;
std::map<int32_t, MiscDropType> Items::MiscDropTypes;
std::map<int32_t, MobDrop> Items::MobDrops;
std::map<int32_t, ItemSetType> Items::ItemSetTypes;
std::map<int32_t, ItemSetChance> Items::ItemSetChances;
std::map<int32_t, ItemSet> Items::ItemSets;
#ifdef ACADEMY
std::map<int32_t, int32_t> Items::NanoCapsules; // crate id -> nano id
@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ static int choice(const std::vector<int>& weights, int rolled) {
return currentIndex;
static int getRarity(int crateId, int itemSetTypeId) {
static int getRarity(int crateId, int itemSetId) {
Crate& crate = Items::Crates[crateId];
// find rarity ratio
@ -118,7 +117,7 @@ static int getRarity(int crateId, int itemSetTypeId) {
// remember that rarities start from 1!
std::set<int> rarityIndices;
for (int itemReferenceId : Items::ItemSetTypes[itemSetTypeId].itemReferenceIds) {
for (int itemReferenceId : Items::ItemSets[itemSetId].itemReferenceIds) {
if (Items::ItemReferences.find(itemReferenceId) == Items::ItemReferences.end())
@ -130,7 +129,7 @@ static int getRarity(int crateId, int itemSetTypeId) {
if (rarityIndices.empty()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Item Set " << crate.itemSetTypeId << " has no valid items assigned?!" << std::endl;
std::cout << "[WARN] Item Set " << crate.itemSetId << " has no valid items assigned?!" << std::endl;
return -1;
@ -142,53 +141,64 @@ static int getRarity(int crateId, int itemSetTypeId) {
return Rand::randWeighted(relevantWeights) + 1;
static int getCrateItem(sItemBase* result, int itemSetTypeId, int itemSetChanceId, int rarity, int playerGender) {
// (int, vector<int>)
auto& [ignoreGender, itemReferenceIds] = Items::ItemSetTypes[itemSetTypeId];
static int getCrateItem(sItemBase* result, int itemSetId, int rarity, int playerGender) {
ItemSet& itemSet = Items::ItemSets[itemSetId];
// collect valid items that match the rarity and (if not ignored) gender
// collect valid items that match the rarity and gender (if not ignored)
std::vector<std::pair<int, ItemReference*>> validItems;
for (int i = 0; i < itemReferenceIds.size(); i++) {
int itemReferenceId = itemReferenceIds[i];
for (int itemReferenceId : itemSet.itemReferenceIds) {
if (Items::ItemReferences.find(itemReferenceId) == Items::ItemReferences.end()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Item reference " << itemReferenceId << " in item set type "
<< itemSetTypeId << " was not found, skipping..." << std::endl;
<< itemSetId << " was not found, skipping..." << std::endl;
ItemReference* item = &Items::ItemReferences[itemReferenceId];
if (item->rarity != rarity)
// alter rarity
int itemRarity;
if (itemSet.alterRarityMap.find(itemReferenceId) == itemSet.alterRarityMap.end())
itemRarity = item->rarity;
itemRarity = itemSet.alterRarityMap[itemReferenceId];
// if rarity doesn't match the selected one, exclude item
// rarity 0 bypasses this step for an individual item
if (!itemSet.ignoreRarity && itemRarity != 0 && itemRarity != rarity)
// alter rarity
int itemGender;
if (itemSet.alterGenderMap.find(itemReferenceId) == itemSet.alterGenderMap.end())
itemGender = item->gender;
itemGender = itemSet.alterGenderMap[itemReferenceId];
// if gender is incorrect, exclude item
if (!ignoreGender && item->gender != 0 && item->gender != playerGender)
// gender 0 bypasses this step for an individual item
if (!itemSet.ignoreGender && itemGender != 0 && itemGender != playerGender)
validItems.push_back(std::make_pair(i, item));
validItems.push_back(std::make_pair(itemReferenceId, item));
if (validItems.empty()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Set ID " << itemSetTypeId << " Chance ID " << itemSetChanceId
<< " Rarity " << rarity << " contains no valid items" << std::endl;
std::cout << "[WARN] Set ID " << itemSetId << " Rarity " << rarity << " contains no valid items" << std::endl;
return -1;
// (int, map<int, int>)
auto& [defaultWeight, indexWeightMap] = Items::ItemSetChances[itemSetChanceId];
// initialize all weights as the default weight for all item slots
std::vector<int> itemWeights(validItems.size(), itemSet.defaultItemWeight);
// initialize all weights as the default weight for all item slots
std::vector<int> itemWeights(validItems.size(), defaultWeight);
if (!indexWeightMap.empty()) {
if (!itemSet.alterItemWeightMap.empty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < validItems.size(); i++) {
int dropIndex = validItems[i].first;
int itemReferenceId = validItems[i].first;
if (indexWeightMap.find(dropIndex) == indexWeightMap.end())
if (itemSet.alterItemWeightMap.find(itemReferenceId) == itemSet.alterItemWeightMap.end())
int weight = indexWeightMap[dropIndex];
int weight = itemSet.alterItemWeightMap[itemReferenceId];
// allow 0 weights for convenience
if (weight > -1)
itemWeights[i] = weight;
@ -215,30 +225,17 @@ static int getValidCrateId(int crateId) {
return crateId;
static int getValidItemSetTypeId(int crateId) {
static int getValidItemSetId(int crateId) {
Crate& crate = Items::Crates[crateId];
// find item set type
if (Items::ItemSetTypes.find(crate.itemSetTypeId) == Items::ItemSetTypes.end()) {
if (Items::ItemSets.find(crate.itemSetId) == Items::ItemSets.end()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Crate " << crateId << " was assigned item set "
<< crate.itemSetTypeId << " which is invalid!" << std::endl;
<< crate.itemSetId << " which is invalid!" << std::endl;
return -1;
return crate.itemSetTypeId;
static int getValidItemSetChanceId(int crateId) {
Crate& crate = Items::Crates[crateId];
// find item set chances
if (Items::ItemSetChances.find(crate.itemSetChanceId) == Items::ItemSetChances.end()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Crate " << crateId << " was assigned item set chance object "
<< crate.itemSetChanceId << " which is invalid!" << std::endl;
return -1;
return crate.itemSetChanceId;
return crate.itemSetId;
static void itemMoveHandler(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) {
@ -560,25 +557,21 @@ static void chestOpenHandler(CNSocket *sock, CNPacketData *data) {
item->iSlotNum = pkt->iSlotNum;
item->eIL = 1;
int validItemSetTypeId = -1, validItemSetChanceId = -1, rarity = -1, ret = -1;
int validItemSetId = -1, rarity = -1, ret = -1;
int validCrateId = getValidCrateId(chest->iID);
bool failing = (validCrateId == -1);
if (!failing)
validItemSetTypeId = getValidItemSetTypeId(validCrateId);
failing = (validItemSetTypeId == -1);
validItemSetId = getValidItemSetId(validCrateId);
failing = (validItemSetId == -1);
if (!failing)
validItemSetChanceId = getValidItemSetChanceId(validCrateId);
failing = (validItemSetChanceId == -1);
if (!failing)
rarity = getRarity(validCrateId, validItemSetTypeId);
rarity = getRarity(validCrateId, validItemSetId);
failing = (rarity == -1);
if (!failing)
ret = getCrateItem(&item->sItem, validItemSetTypeId, validItemSetChanceId, rarity, plr->PCStyle.iGender);
ret = getCrateItem(&item->sItem, validItemSetId, rarity, plr->PCStyle.iGender);
failing = (ret == -1);
// if we failed to open a crate, at least give the player a gumball (suggested by Jade)
@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ struct CrocPotEntry {
struct Crate {
int itemSetChanceId;
int itemSetTypeId;
int itemSetId;
int rarityWeightId;
@ -41,14 +40,23 @@ struct MobDrop {
int miscDropTypeId;
struct ItemSetType {
struct ItemSet {
// itemset-wise offswitch to rarity filtering, every crate drops every rarity (still based on rarity weights)
bool ignoreRarity;
// itemset-wise offswitch for gender filtering, every crate can now drop neutral/boys/girls items
bool ignoreGender;
std::vector<int> itemReferenceIds;
struct ItemSetChance {
// default weight of all items in the itemset
int defaultItemWeight;
std::map<int, int> indexWeightMap;
// change the rarity class of items in the itemset here
// rarity 0 bypasses the rarity filter for an individual item
std::map<int, int> alterRarityMap;
// change the gender class of items in the itemset here
// gender 0 bypasses the gender filter for an individual item
std::map<int, int> alterGenderMap;
// change the item weghts items in the itemset here
// only taken into account for chosen rarity, and if the item isn't filtered away due to gender
std::map<int, int> alterItemWeightMap;
std::vector<int> itemReferenceIds;
struct ItemReference {
@ -86,8 +94,7 @@ namespace Items {
extern std::map<int32_t, MiscDropChance> MiscDropChances;
extern std::map<int32_t, MiscDropType> MiscDropTypes;
extern std::map<int32_t, MobDrop> MobDrops;
extern std::map<int32_t, ItemSetType> ItemSetTypes;
extern std::map<int32_t, ItemSetChance> ItemSetChances;
extern std::map<int32_t, ItemSet> ItemSets;
void init();
@ -287,34 +287,33 @@ static void loadDrops() {
Items::RarityWeights[(int)rarityWeightsObject["RarityWeightID"]] = toAdd;
// ItemSetTypes
nlohmann::json itemSetTypes = dropData["ItemSetTypes"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _itemSetType = itemSetTypes.begin(); _itemSetType != itemSetTypes.end(); _itemSetType++) {
auto itemSetType = _itemSetType.value();
ItemSetType toAdd = {};
// ItemSets
nlohmann::json itemSets = dropData["ItemSets"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _itemSet = itemSets.begin(); _itemSet != itemSets.end(); _itemSet++) {
auto itemSet = _itemSet.value();
ItemSet toAdd = {};
toAdd.ignoreGender = (bool)itemSetType["IgnoreGender"];
toAdd.ignoreRarity = (bool)itemSet["IgnoreRarity"];
toAdd.ignoreGender = (bool)itemSet["IgnoreGender"];
toAdd.defaultItemWeight = (int)itemSet["DefaultItemWeight"];
nlohmann::json itemReferenceIds = itemSetType["ItemReferenceIDs"];
nlohmann::json alterRarityMap = itemSet["AlterRarityMap"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _alterRarityMapEntry = alterRarityMap.begin(); _alterRarityMapEntry != alterRarityMap.end(); _alterRarityMapEntry++)
toAdd.alterRarityMap[std::atoi(_alterRarityMapEntry.key().c_str())] = (int)_alterRarityMapEntry.value();
nlohmann::json alterGenderMap = itemSet["AlterGenderMap"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _alterGenderMapEntry = alterGenderMap.begin(); _alterGenderMapEntry != alterGenderMap.end(); _alterGenderMapEntry++)
toAdd.alterGenderMap[std::atoi(_alterGenderMapEntry.key().c_str())] = (int)_alterGenderMapEntry.value();
nlohmann::json alterItemWeightMap = itemSet["AlterItemWeightMap"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _alterItemWeightMapEntry = alterItemWeightMap.begin(); _alterItemWeightMapEntry != alterItemWeightMap.end(); _alterItemWeightMapEntry++)
toAdd.alterItemWeightMap[std::atoi(_alterItemWeightMapEntry.key().c_str())] = (int)_alterItemWeightMapEntry.value();
nlohmann::json itemReferenceIds = itemSet["ItemReferenceIDs"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator itemReferenceId = itemReferenceIds.begin(); itemReferenceId != itemReferenceIds.end(); itemReferenceId++)
Items::ItemSetTypes[(int)itemSetType["ItemSetTypeID"]] = toAdd;
// ItemSetChances
nlohmann::json itemSetChances = dropData["ItemSetChances"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _itemSetChanceObject = itemSetChances.begin(); _itemSetChanceObject != itemSetChances.end(); _itemSetChanceObject++) {
auto itemSetChanceObject = _itemSetChanceObject.value();
ItemSetChance toAdd = {};
toAdd.defaultItemWeight = (int)itemSetChanceObject["DefaultItemWeight"];
nlohmann::json indexWeightMap = itemSetChanceObject["IndexWeightMap"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _indexWeightMapEntry = indexWeightMap.begin(); _indexWeightMapEntry != indexWeightMap.end(); _indexWeightMapEntry++)
toAdd.indexWeightMap[std::atoi(_indexWeightMapEntry.key().c_str())] = (int)_indexWeightMapEntry.value();
Items::ItemSetChances[(int)itemSetChanceObject["ItemSetChanceID"]] = toAdd;
Items::ItemSets[(int)itemSet["ItemSetID"]] = toAdd;
// Crates
@ -323,8 +322,7 @@ static void loadDrops() {
auto crate = _crate.value();
Items::Crates[(int)crate["CrateID"]] = {
Reference in New Issue
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