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#include "Racing.hpp"
#include "db/Database.hpp"
#include "servers/CNShardServer.hpp"
#include "NPCManager.hpp"
2020-11-28 16:20:37 +00:00
#include "PlayerManager.hpp"
#include "Missions.hpp"
#include "Items.hpp"
2020-11-28 13:29:06 +00:00
using namespace Racing;
std::map<int32_t, EPInfo> Racing::EPData;
std::map<CNSocket*, EPRace> Racing::EPRaces;
std::map<int32_t, std::pair<std::vector<int>, std::vector<int>>> Racing::EPRewards;
2020-11-28 13:29:06 +00:00
static void racingStart(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) {
auto req = (sP_CL2FE_REQ_EP_RACE_START*)data->buf;
2020-11-28 16:20:37 +00:00
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(req->iStartEcomID) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
return; // starting line agent not found
int mapNum = MAPNUM(NPCManager::NPCs[req->iStartEcomID]->instanceID);
if (EPData.find(mapNum) == EPData.end() || EPData[mapNum].EPID == 0)
return; // IZ not found
// make ongoing race entry
EPRace race = { {}, req->iEPRaceMode, req->iEPTicketItemSlotNum, getTime() / 1000 };
EPRaces[sock] = race;
2020-11-28 16:20:37 +00:00
resp.iStartTick = 0; // ignored
resp.iLimitTime = EPData[mapNum].maxTime;
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sock->sendPacket(resp, P_FE2CL_REP_EP_RACE_START_SUCC);
2020-11-28 16:20:37 +00:00
static void racingGetPod(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) {
if (EPRaces.find(sock) == EPRaces.end())
return; // race not found
2020-11-28 16:20:37 +00:00
auto req = (sP_CL2FE_REQ_EP_GET_RING*)data->buf;
2020-11-28 16:20:37 +00:00
if (EPRaces[sock].collectedRings.count(req->iRingLID))
return; // can't collect the same ring twice
// without an anticheat system, we really don't have a choice but to honor the request
// TODO: proximity check so players can't cheat the race by replaying packets
2020-11-28 16:20:37 +00:00
2020-11-28 16:20:37 +00:00
resp.iRingLID = req->iRingLID;
resp.iRingCount_Get = EPRaces[sock].collectedRings.size();
sock->sendPacket(resp, P_FE2CL_REP_EP_GET_RING_SUCC);
2020-11-28 16:20:37 +00:00
static void racingCancel(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) {
if (EPRaces.find(sock) == EPRaces.end())
return; // race not found
2020-11-28 16:20:37 +00:00
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
2020-11-28 16:20:37 +00:00
sock->sendPacket(resp, P_FE2CL_REP_EP_RACE_CANCEL_SUCC);
* This request packet is used for both cancelling the race via the
* NPC at the start, *and* failing the race by running out of time.
* If the latter is to happen, the client disables movement until it
* receives a packet from the server that re-enables it.
* So, in order to prevent a potential softlock we respawn the player.
WarpLocation* respawnLoc = PlayerManager::getRespawnPoint(plr);
if (respawnLoc != nullptr) {
PlayerManager::sendPlayerTo(sock, respawnLoc->x, respawnLoc->y, respawnLoc->z, respawnLoc->instanceID);
} else {
// fallback, just respawn the player in-place if no suitable point is found
PlayerManager::sendPlayerTo(sock, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, plr->instanceID);
2020-11-28 16:20:37 +00:00
static void racingEnd(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) {
if (EPRaces.find(sock) == EPRaces.end())
return; // race not found
auto req = (sP_CL2FE_REQ_EP_RACE_END*)data->buf;
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(req->iEndEcomID) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
return; // finish line agent not found
int mapNum = MAPNUM(NPCManager::NPCs[req->iEndEcomID]->instanceID);
if (EPData.find(mapNum) == EPData.end() || EPData[mapNum].EPID == 0)
return; // IZ not found
EPInfo& epInfo = EPData[mapNum];
EPRace& epRace = EPRaces[sock];
uint64_t now = getTime() / 1000;
int timeDiff = now - epRace.startTime;
int podsCollected = epRace.collectedRings.size();
2023-12-19 17:35:29 +00:00
int score = std::exp(
(epInfo.podFactor * podsCollected) / epInfo.maxPods
- (epInfo.timeFactor * timeDiff) / epInfo.maxTime
2023-12-19 17:35:29 +00:00
+ epInfo.scaleFactor);
score = (settings::IZRACESCORECAPPED && score > epInfo.maxScore) ? epInfo.maxScore : score;
int fm = (1.0 + std::exp(epInfo.scaleFactor - 1.0) * epInfo.podFactor * podsCollected) / epInfo.maxPods;
// we submit the ranking first...
Database::RaceRanking postRanking = {};
postRanking.EPID = epInfo.EPID;
postRanking.PlayerID = plr->iID;
postRanking.RingCount = podsCollected;
postRanking.Score = score;
postRanking.Time = timeDiff;
postRanking.Timestamp = getTimestamp();
// ...then we get the top ranking, which may or may not be what we just submitted
Database::RaceRanking topRankingPlayer = Database::getTopRaceRanking(epInfo.EPID, plr->iID);
// get rank scores and rewards
std::vector<int>* rankScores = &EPRewards[epInfo.EPID].first;
std::vector<int>* rankRewards = &EPRewards[epInfo.EPID].second;
// top ranking
int maxRank = rankScores->size() - 1;
int topRank = 0;
while (topRank < maxRank && rankScores->at(topRank) > topRankingPlayer.Score)
resp.iEPTopRank = topRank + 1;
resp.iEPTopRingCount = topRankingPlayer.RingCount;
resp.iEPTopScore = topRankingPlayer.Score;
resp.iEPTopTime = topRankingPlayer.Time;
// this ranking
int rank = 0;
while (rank < maxRank && rankScores->at(rank) > postRanking.Score)
resp.iEPRank = rank + 1;
resp.iEPRingCnt = postRanking.RingCount;
resp.iEPScore = postRanking.Score;
resp.iEPRaceTime = postRanking.Time;
resp.iEPRaceMode = EPRaces[sock].mode;
resp.iEPRewardFM = fm;
Missions::updateFusionMatter(sock, resp.iEPRewardFM);
resp.iFusionMatter = plr->fusionmatter;
resp.iFatigue = 50;
resp.iFatigue_Level = 1;
sItemReward reward;
reward.iSlotNum = Items::findFreeSlot(plr);
reward.eIL = 1;
sItemBase item;
item.iID = rankRewards->at(rank); // rank scores and rewards line up
2020-12-23 23:18:33 +00:00
item.iType = 9;
item.iOpt = 1;
2020-12-23 23:18:33 +00:00
item.iTimeLimit = 0;
reward.sItem = item;
if (reward.iSlotNum > -1 && reward.sItem.iID != 0) {
resp.RewardItem = reward;
plr->Inven[reward.iSlotNum] = item;
sock->sendPacket(resp, P_FE2CL_REP_EP_RACE_END_SUCC);
2020-11-28 16:20:37 +00:00
2020-11-28 14:16:14 +00:00
void Racing::init() {