currently, scripts seem to run fine. however I'm a bit worried about stack related issues. maybe i'll need to reset state->top as well? but not entirely sure
Errors are now handled very differently, parser errors and VM errors are now treated the same.
When cosmoV_error is called, cosmoV_throw is also called, which formats the error object and sets the panic state.
state->error now points to the latest CObjError when state->panic is true. To get a nice formatted Objection message, use
cosmoV_printError() and pass the state->error. pcall() was added to the standard base library. When called, the first argument
passed is called with the subsequent arguments given. If the call completed successfully, `true`,`nil` is returned. However
when an error occurs during the call, `false`,`<error>` is returned. Simply print the `<error>` to retrieve the error string.
ISTRING_RESERVED was added to iStrings
call & callCFunction now use memmove instead of memcpy
Additionally, added cosmoO_setUserP, cosmoO_getUserP, cosmoO_setUserI and cosmoO_getUserI to the C API.
__iter and __next are now reserved IStrings, OP_NEXT and OP_ITER have also been added. A new token (TOKEN_IN) has been added to the lexer. The parser now supports the for each loop (for i, ... in <object> do ... end).
savedPushed has been removed from the CCompilerState struct.