dongresource 8ebabac7c0 Various bugfixes
* Fixed Nano stamina not being halved on respawn
* Reverted the default argument to terminate() change because MSVC is
undable to disambiguate the function pointer passed to sigaction()
* Fatal errors during init (like in TableData) can just call exit(1)
directly anyway (missing "OpenFusion: terminated." be damned)
* Switched to a slightly more portable syntax for getting the version
in the Makefile
* We shouldn't join the shard thread in the signal handler because the
thread the signal handler ends up running in is undefined behaviour and
we don't strictly need to join it anyway

Many of these issues were discovered on OpenBSD.
2020-12-06 05:25:23 +01:00

932 lines
39 KiB

#include "TableData.hpp"
#include "NPCManager.hpp"
#include "TransportManager.hpp"
#include "ItemManager.hpp"
#include "settings.hpp"
#include "MissionManager.hpp"
#include "MobManager.hpp"
#include "ChunkManager.hpp"
#include "NanoManager.hpp"
#include "contrib/JSON.hpp"
#include <fstream>
std::map<int32_t, std::vector<WarpLocation>> TableData::RunningSkywayRoutes;
std::map<int32_t, int> TableData::RunningNPCRotations;
std::map<int32_t, int> TableData::RunningNPCMapNumbers;
std::map<int32_t, BaseNPC*> TableData::RunningMobs;
std::map<int32_t, BaseNPC*> TableData::RunningGroups;
std::map<int32_t, BaseNPC*> TableData::RunningEggs;
class TableException : public std::exception {
std::string msg;
TableException(std::string m) : std::exception() { msg = m; }
const char *what() const throw() { return msg.c_str(); }
void TableData::init() {
int32_t nextId = 0;
// load NPCs from NPC.json
try {
std::ifstream inFile(settings::NPCJSON);
nlohmann::json npcData;
// read file into json
inFile >> npcData;
npcData = npcData["NPCs"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _npc = npcData.begin(); _npc != npcData.end(); _npc++) {
auto npc = _npc.value();
int instanceID = npc.find("mapNum") == npc.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)npc["mapNum"];
BaseNPC *tmp = new BaseNPC(npc["x"], npc["y"], npc["z"], npc["angle"], instanceID, npc["id"], nextId);
NPCManager::NPCs[nextId] = tmp;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(nextId, npc["x"], npc["y"], npc["z"], instanceID, npc["angle"]);
if (npc["id"] == 641 || npc["id"] == 642)
NPCManager::RespawnPoints.push_back({ npc["x"], npc["y"], ((int)npc["z"]) + RESURRECT_HEIGHT, instanceID });
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed NPCs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
// load everything else from xdttable
std::cout << "[INFO] Parsing xdt.json..." << std::endl;
std::ifstream infile(settings::XDTJSON);
nlohmann::json xdtData;
// read file into json
infile >> xdtData;
// data we'll need for summoned mobs
NPCManager::NPCData = xdtData["m_pNpcTable"]["m_pNpcData"];
try {
// load warps
nlohmann::json warpData = xdtData["m_pInstanceTable"]["m_pWarpData"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _warp = warpData.begin(); _warp != warpData.end(); _warp++) {
auto warp = _warp.value();
WarpLocation warpLoc = { warp["m_iToX"], warp["m_iToY"], warp["m_iToZ"], warp["m_iToMapNum"], warp["m_iIsInstance"], warp["m_iLimit_TaskID"], warp["m_iNpcNumber"] };
int warpID = warp["m_iWarpNumber"];
NPCManager::Warps[warpID] = warpLoc;
std::cout << "[INFO] Populated " << NPCManager::Warps.size() << " Warps" << std::endl;
// load transport routes and locations
nlohmann::json transRouteData = xdtData["m_pTransportationTable"]["m_pTransportationData"];
nlohmann::json transLocData = xdtData["m_pTransportationTable"]["m_pTransportationWarpLocation"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _tLoc = transLocData.begin(); _tLoc != transLocData.end(); _tLoc++) {
auto tLoc = _tLoc.value();
TransportLocation transLoc = { tLoc["m_iNPCID"], tLoc["m_iXpos"], tLoc["m_iYpos"], tLoc["m_iZpos"] };
TransportManager::Locations[tLoc["m_iLocationID"]] = transLoc;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << TransportManager::Locations.size() << " S.C.A.M.P.E.R. locations" << std::endl;
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _tRoute = transRouteData.begin(); _tRoute != transRouteData.end(); _tRoute++) {
auto tRoute = _tRoute.value();
TransportRoute transRoute = { tRoute["m_iMoveType"], tRoute["m_iStartLocation"], tRoute["m_iEndLocation"],
tRoute["m_iCost"] , tRoute["m_iSpeed"], tRoute["m_iRouteNum"] };
TransportManager::Routes[tRoute["m_iVehicleID"]] = transRoute;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << TransportManager::Routes.size() << " transportation routes" << std::endl;
// load mission-related data
nlohmann::json tasks = xdtData["m_pMissionTable"]["m_pMissionData"];
for (auto _task = tasks.begin(); _task != tasks.end(); _task++) {
auto task = _task.value();
// rewards
if (task["m_iSUReward"] != 0) {
auto _rew = xdtData["m_pMissionTable"]["m_pRewardData"][(int)task["m_iSUReward"]];
Reward *rew = new Reward(_rew["m_iMissionRewardID"], _rew["m_iMissionRewarItemType"],
_rew["m_iMissionRewardItemID"], _rew["m_iCash"], _rew["m_iFusionMatter"]);
MissionManager::Rewards[task["m_iHTaskID"]] = rew;
// everything else lol. see TaskData comment.
MissionManager::Tasks[task["m_iHTaskID"]] = new TaskData(task);
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded mission-related data" << std::endl;
* load all equipment data. i'm sorry. it has to be done
* NOTE: please don't change the ordering. it determines the types, since type and equipLoc are used inconsistently
const char* setNames[11] = { "m_pWeaponItemTable", "m_pShirtsItemTable", "m_pPantsItemTable", "m_pShoesItemTable",
"m_pHatItemTable", "m_pGlassItemTable", "m_pBackItemTable", "m_pGeneralItemTable", "",
"m_pChestItemTable", "m_pVehicleItemTable" };
nlohmann::json itemSet;
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
if (i == 8)
continue; // there is no type 8, of course
itemSet = xdtData[setNames[i]]["m_pItemData"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _item = itemSet.begin(); _item != itemSet.end(); _item++) {
auto item = _item.value();
int itemID = item["m_iItemNumber"];
INITSTRUCT(ItemManager::Item, itemData);
itemData.tradeable = item["m_iTradeAble"] == 1;
itemData.sellable = item["m_iSellAble"] == 1;
itemData.buyPrice = item["m_iItemPrice"];
itemData.sellPrice = item["m_iItemSellPrice"];
itemData.stackSize = item["m_iStackNumber"];
if (i != 7 && i != 9) {
itemData.rarity = item["m_iRarity"];
itemData.level = item["m_iMinReqLev"];
itemData.pointDamage = item["m_iPointRat"];
itemData.groupDamage = item["m_iGroupRat"];
itemData.defense = item["m_iDefenseRat"];
itemData.gender = item["m_iReqSex"];
} else {
itemData.rarity = 1;
ItemManager::ItemData[std::make_pair(itemID, i)] = itemData;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << ItemManager::ItemData.size() << " items" << std::endl;
// load player limits from m_pAvatarTable.m_pAvatarGrowData
nlohmann::json growth = xdtData["m_pAvatarTable"]["m_pAvatarGrowData"];
for (int i = 0; i < 37; i++) {
MissionManager::AvatarGrowth[i] = growth[i];
// load vendor listings
nlohmann::json listings = xdtData["m_pVendorTable"]["m_pItemData"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _lst = listings.begin(); _lst != listings.end(); _lst++) {
auto lst = _lst.value();
VendorListing vListing = { lst["m_iSortNumber"], lst["m_iItemType"], lst["m_iitemID"] };
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << ItemManager::VendorTables.size() << " vendor tables" << std::endl;
// load crocpot entries
nlohmann::json crocs = xdtData["m_pCombiningTable"]["m_pCombiningData"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator croc = crocs.begin(); croc != crocs.end(); croc++) {
CrocPotEntry crocEntry = { croc.value()["m_iStatConstant"], croc.value()["m_iLookConstant"], croc.value()["m_fLevelGapStandard"],
croc.value()["m_fSameGrade"], croc.value()["m_fOneGrade"], croc.value()["m_fTwoGrade"], croc.value()["m_fThreeGrade"] };
ItemManager::CrocPotTable[croc.value()["m_iLevelGap"]] = crocEntry;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << ItemManager::CrocPotTable.size() << " croc pot value sets" << std::endl;
// load nano info
nlohmann::json nanoInfo = xdtData["m_pNanoTable"]["m_pNanoData"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _nano = nanoInfo.begin(); _nano != nanoInfo.end(); _nano++) {
auto nano = _nano.value();
NanoData nanoData; = nano["m_iStyle"];
NanoManager::NanoTable[nano["m_iNanoNumber"]] = nanoData;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << NanoManager::NanoTable.size() << " nanos" << std::endl;
nlohmann::json nanoTuneInfo = xdtData["m_pNanoTable"]["m_pNanoTuneData"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _nano = nanoTuneInfo.begin(); _nano != nanoTuneInfo.end(); _nano++) {
auto nano = _nano.value();
NanoTuning nanoData;
nanoData.reqItems = nano["m_iReqItemID"];
nanoData.reqItemCount = nano["m_iReqItemCount"];
NanoManager::NanoTunings[nano["m_iSkillID"]] = nanoData;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << NanoManager::NanoTable.size() << " nano tunings" << std::endl;
// load nano powers
nlohmann::json skills = xdtData["m_pSkillTable"]["m_pSkillData"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _skills = skills.begin(); _skills != skills.end(); _skills++) {
auto skills = _skills.value();
SkillData skillData = {skills["m_iSkillType"], skills["m_iTargetType"], skills["m_iBatteryDrainType"], skills["m_iEffectArea"]};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
skillData.batteryUse[i] = skills["m_iBatteryDrainUse"][i];
skillData.durationTime[i] = skills["m_iDurationTime"][i];
skillData.powerIntensity[i] = skills["m_iValueA"][i];
NanoManager::SkillTable[skills["m_iSkillNumber"]] = skillData;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << NanoManager::SkillTable.size() << " nano skills" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed xdt.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
// load temporary mob dump
try {
std::ifstream inFile(settings::MOBJSON);
nlohmann::json npcData, groupData;
// read file into json
inFile >> npcData;
groupData = npcData["groups"];
npcData = npcData["mobs"];
// single mobs
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _npc = npcData.begin(); _npc != npcData.end(); _npc++) {
auto npc = _npc.value();
auto td = NPCManager::NPCData[(int)npc["iNPCType"]];
uint64_t instanceID = npc.find("iMapNum") == npc.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)npc["iMapNum"];
Mob *tmp = new Mob(npc["iX"], npc["iY"], npc["iZ"], npc["iAngle"], instanceID, npc["iNPCType"], npc["iHP"], td, nextId);
NPCManager::NPCs[nextId] = tmp;
MobManager::Mobs[nextId] = (Mob*)NPCManager::NPCs[nextId];
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(nextId, npc["iX"], npc["iY"], npc["iZ"], instanceID, npc["iAngle"]);
// mob groups
// single mobs
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _group = groupData.begin(); _group != groupData.end(); _group++) {
auto leader = _group.value();
auto td = NPCManager::NPCData[(int)leader["iNPCType"]];
uint64_t instanceID = leader.find("iMapNum") == leader.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)leader["iMapNum"];
Mob* tmp = new Mob(leader["iX"], leader["iY"], leader["iZ"], leader["iAngle"], instanceID, leader["iNPCType"], leader["iHP"], td, nextId);
NPCManager::NPCs[nextId] = tmp;
MobManager::Mobs[nextId] = (Mob*)NPCManager::NPCs[nextId];
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(nextId, leader["iX"], leader["iY"], leader["iZ"], instanceID, leader["iAngle"]);
tmp->groupLeader = nextId;
auto followers = leader["aFollowers"];
if (followers.size() < 5) {
int followerCount = 0;
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _fol = followers.begin(); _fol != followers.end(); _fol++) {
auto follower = _fol.value();
auto tdFol = NPCManager::NPCData[(int)follower["iNPCType"]];
Mob* tmpFol = new Mob((int)leader["iX"] + (int)follower["iOffsetX"], (int)leader["iY"] + (int)follower["iOffsetY"], leader["iZ"], leader["iAngle"], instanceID, follower["iNPCType"], follower["iHP"], tdFol, nextId);
NPCManager::NPCs[nextId] = tmpFol;
MobManager::Mobs[nextId] = (Mob*)NPCManager::NPCs[nextId];
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(nextId, (int)leader["iX"] + (int)follower["iOffsetX"], (int)leader["iY"] + (int)follower["iOffsetY"], leader["iZ"], instanceID, leader["iAngle"]);
tmpFol->offsetX = follower.find("iOffsetX") == follower.end() ? 0 : (int)follower["iOffsetX"];
tmpFol->offsetY = follower.find("iOffsetY") == follower.end() ? 0 : (int)follower["iOffsetY"];
tmpFol->groupLeader = tmp->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
tmp->groupMember[followerCount++] = nextId;
} else {
std::cout << "[WARN] Mob group leader with ID " << nextId << " has too many followers (" << followers.size() << ")\n";
std::cout << "[INFO] Populated " << NPCManager::NPCs.size() << " NPCs" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed mobs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
loadPaths(&nextId); // load paths
NPCManager::nextId = nextId;
* Load paths from paths JSON.
void TableData::loadPaths(int* nextId) {
try {
std::ifstream inFile(settings::PATHJSON);
nlohmann::json pathData;
// read file into json
inFile >> pathData;
// skyway paths
nlohmann::json pathDataSkyway = pathData["skyway"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator skywayPath = pathDataSkyway.begin(); skywayPath != pathDataSkyway.end(); skywayPath++) {
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << TransportManager::SkywayPaths.size() << " skyway paths" << std::endl;
// slider circuit
int stops = 0;
int pos = 0;
nlohmann::json pathDataSlider = pathData["slider"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _sliderPoint = pathDataSlider.begin(); _sliderPoint != pathDataSlider.end(); _sliderPoint++) {
auto sliderPoint = _sliderPoint.value();
if (sliderPoint["stop"]) { // check if this point in the circuit is a stop
// spawn a slider
BaseNPC* slider = new BaseNPC(sliderPoint["iX"], sliderPoint["iY"], sliderPoint["iZ"], 0, INSTANCE_OVERWORLD, 1, (*nextId)++, NPC_BUS);
NPCManager::NPCs[slider->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = slider;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(slider->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, slider->appearanceData.iX, slider->appearanceData.iY, slider->appearanceData.iZ, INSTANCE_OVERWORLD, 0);
// set slider path to a rotation of the circuit
constructPathSlider(pathDataSlider, pos, slider->appearanceData.iNPC_ID);
// npc paths
nlohmann::json pathDataNPC = pathData["npc"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator npcPath = pathDataNPC.begin(); npcPath != pathDataNPC.end(); npcPath++) {
// mob paths
pathDataNPC = pathData["mob"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator npcPath = pathDataNPC.begin(); npcPath != pathDataNPC.end(); npcPath++) {
for (auto& pair : MobManager::Mobs) {
if (pair.second->appearanceData.iNPCType == npcPath.value()["iNPCType"]) {
std::cout << "[INFO] Using static path for mob " << pair.second->appearanceData.iNPCType << " with ID " << pair.first << std::endl;
auto firstPoint = npcPath.value()["points"][0];
if (firstPoint["iX"] != pair.second->spawnX || firstPoint["iY"] != pair.second->spawnY) {
std::cout << "[FATAL] The first point of the route for mob " << pair.first <<
" (type " << pair.second->appearanceData.iNPCType << ") does not correspond with its spawn point." << std::endl;
constructPathNPC(npcPath, pair.first);
pair.second->staticPath = true;
break; // only one NPC per path
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << TransportManager::NPCQueues.size() << " NPC paths" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed paths.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
* Load drops data from JSON.
* This has to be called after reading xdt because it reffers to ItemData!!!
void TableData::loadDrops() {
try {
std::ifstream inFile(settings::DROPSJSON);
nlohmann::json dropData;
// read file into json
inFile >> dropData;
// MobDropChances
nlohmann::json mobDropChances = dropData["MobDropChances"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _dropChance = mobDropChances.begin(); _dropChance != mobDropChances.end(); _dropChance++) {
auto dropChance = _dropChance.value();
MobDropChance toAdd = {};
toAdd.dropChance = (int)dropChance["DropChance"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _cratesRatio = dropChance["CratesRatio"].begin(); _cratesRatio != dropChance["CratesRatio"].end(); _cratesRatio++) {
MobManager::MobDropChances[(int)dropChance["Type"]] = toAdd;
// MobDrops
nlohmann::json mobDrops = dropData["MobDrops"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _drop = mobDrops.begin(); _drop != mobDrops.end(); _drop++) {
auto drop = _drop.value();
MobDrop toAdd = {};
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _crates = drop["CrateIDs"].begin(); _crates != drop["CrateIDs"].end(); _crates++) {
toAdd.dropChanceType = (int)drop["DropChance"];
// Check if DropChance exists
if (MobManager::MobDropChances.find(toAdd.dropChanceType) == MobManager::MobDropChances.end()) {
throw TableException(" MobDropChance not found: " + std::to_string((toAdd.dropChanceType)));
// Check if number of crates is correct
if (!(MobManager::MobDropChances[(int)drop["DropChance"]].cratesRatio.size() == toAdd.crateIDs.size())) {
throw TableException(" DropType " + std::to_string((int)drop["DropType"]) + " contains invalid number of crates");
toAdd.taros = (int)drop["Taros"]; = (int)drop["FM"];
toAdd.boosts = (int)drop["Boosts"];
MobManager::MobDrops[(int)drop["DropType"]] = toAdd;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << MobManager::MobDrops.size() << " Mob Drop Types"<< std::endl;
// Rarity Ratios
nlohmann::json rarities = dropData["RarityRatios"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _rarity = rarities.begin(); _rarity != rarities.end(); _rarity++) {
auto rarity = _rarity.value();
std::vector<int> toAdd;
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _ratio = rarity["Ratio"].begin(); _ratio != rarity["Ratio"].end(); _ratio++){
ItemManager::RarityRatios[(int)rarity["Type"]] = toAdd;
// Crates
nlohmann::json crates = dropData["Crates"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _crate = crates.begin(); _crate != crates.end(); _crate++) {
auto crate = _crate.value();
Crate toAdd;
toAdd.rarityRatioId = (int)crate["RarityRatio"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _itemSet = crate["ItemSets"].begin(); _itemSet != crate["ItemSets"].end(); _itemSet++) {
ItemManager::Crates[(int)crate["Id"]] = toAdd;
// Crate Items
nlohmann::json items = dropData["Items"];
int itemCount = 0;
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _item = items.begin(); _item != items.end(); _item++) {
auto item = _item.value();
std::pair<int32_t, int32_t> itemSetkey = std::make_pair((int)item["ItemSet"], (int)item["Rarity"]);
std::pair<int32_t, int32_t> itemDataKey = std::make_pair((int)item["Id"], (int)item["Type"]);
if (ItemManager::ItemData.find(itemDataKey) == ItemManager::ItemData.end()) {
char buff[255];
sprintf(buff, "Unknown item with Id %d and Type %d", (int)item["Id"], (int)item["Type"]);
throw TableException(std::string(buff));
std::map<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>, ItemManager::Item>::iterator toAdd = ItemManager::ItemData.find(itemDataKey);
// if item collection doesn't exist, start a new one
if (ItemManager::CrateItems.find(itemSetkey) == ItemManager::CrateItems.end()) {
std::vector<std::map<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>, ItemManager::Item>::iterator> vector;
ItemManager::CrateItems[itemSetkey] = vector;
} else // else add a new element to existing collection
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << ItemManager::Crates.size() << " Crates containing "
<< itemCount << " items" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed drops.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
void TableData::loadEggs(int32_t* nextId) {
try {
std::ifstream inFile(settings::EGGSJSON);
nlohmann::json eggData;
// read file into json
inFile >> eggData;
// EggTypes
nlohmann::json eggTypes = eggData["EggTypes"];
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _eggType = eggTypes.begin(); _eggType != eggTypes.end(); _eggType++) {
auto eggType = _eggType.value();
EggType toAdd = {};
toAdd.dropCrateId = (int)eggType["DropCrateId"];
toAdd.effectId = (int)eggType["EffectId"];
toAdd.duration = (int)eggType["Duration"];
toAdd.regen= (int)eggType["Regen"];
NPCManager::EggTypes[(int)eggType["Id"]] = toAdd;
// Egg instances
auto eggs = eggData["Eggs"];
for (auto _egg = eggs.begin(); _egg != eggs.end(); _egg++) {
auto egg = _egg.value();
int id = (*nextId)++;
uint64_t instanceID = egg.find("iMapNum") == egg.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)egg["iMapNum"];
Egg* addEgg = new Egg((int)egg["iX"], (int)egg["iY"], (int)egg["iZ"], instanceID, (int)egg["iType"], id, false);
NPCManager::NPCs[id] = addEgg;
NPCManager::Eggs[id] = addEgg;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(id, (int)egg["iX"], (int)egg["iY"], (int)egg["iZ"], instanceID, 0);
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " <<NPCManager::Eggs.size()<<" eggs" <<std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed eggs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
* Create a full and properly-paced path by interpolating between keyframes.
void TableData::constructPathSkyway(nlohmann::json::iterator _pathData) {
auto pathData = _pathData.value();
// Interpolate
nlohmann::json pathPoints = pathData["points"];
std::queue<WarpLocation> points;
nlohmann::json::iterator _point = pathPoints.begin();
auto point = _point.value();
WarpLocation last = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] }; // start pos
// use some for loop trickery; start position should not be a point
for (_point++; _point != pathPoints.end(); _point++) {
point = _point.value();
WarpLocation coords = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] };
TransportManager::lerp(&points, last, coords, pathData["iMonkeySpeed"]);
points.push(coords); // add keyframe to the queue
last = coords; // update start pos
TransportManager::SkywayPaths[pathData["iRouteID"]] = points;
void TableData::constructPathSlider(nlohmann::json points, int rotations, int sliderID) {
std::queue<WarpLocation> route;
std::rotate(points.begin(), points.begin() + rotations, points.end()); // rotate points
nlohmann::json::iterator _point = points.begin(); // iterator
auto point = _point.value();
WarpLocation from = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] }; // point A coords
int stopTime = point["stop"] ? SLIDER_STOP_TICKS : 0; // arbitrary stop length
for (_point++; _point != points.end(); _point++) { // loop through all point Bs
point = _point.value();
for (int i = 0; i < stopTime + 1; i++) // repeat point if it's a stop
route.push(from); // add point A to the queue
WarpLocation to = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] }; // point B coords
// we may need to change this later; right now, the speed is cut before and after stops (no accel)
float curve = 1;
if (stopTime > 0) { // point A is a stop
curve = 0.375f;//2.0f;
} else if (point["stop"]) { // point B is a stop
curve = 0.375f;//0.35f;
TransportManager::lerp(&route, from, to, SLIDER_SPEED * curve, 1); // lerp from A to B (arbitrary speed)
from = to; // update point A
stopTime = point["stop"] ? SLIDER_STOP_TICKS : 0;
std::rotate(points.rbegin(), points.rbegin() + rotations, points.rend()); // undo rotation
TransportManager::NPCQueues[sliderID] = route;
void TableData::constructPathNPC(nlohmann::json::iterator _pathData, int32_t id) {
auto pathData = _pathData.value();
// Interpolate
nlohmann::json pathPoints = pathData["points"];
std::queue<WarpLocation> points;
nlohmann::json::iterator _point = pathPoints.begin();
auto point = _point.value();
WarpLocation from = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] }; // point A coords
int stopTime = point["stop"];
for (_point++; _point != pathPoints.end(); _point++) { // loop through all point Bs
point = _point.value();
for(int i = 0; i < stopTime + 1; i++) // repeat point if it's a stop
points.push(from); // add point A to the queue
WarpLocation to = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] }; // point B coords
TransportManager::lerp(&points, from, to, pathData["iBaseSpeed"]); // lerp from A to B
from = to; // update point A
stopTime = point["stop"];
if (id == 0)
id = pathData["iNPCID"];
TransportManager::NPCQueues[id] = points;
// load gruntwork output; if it exists
void TableData::loadGruntwork(int32_t *nextId) {
try {
std::ifstream inFile(settings::GRUNTWORKJSON);
nlohmann::json gruntwork;
// skip if there's no gruntwork to load
if (
inFile >> gruntwork;
// skyway paths
auto skyway = gruntwork["skyway"];
for (auto _route = skyway.begin(); _route != skyway.end(); _route++) {
auto route = _route.value();
std::vector<WarpLocation> points;
for (auto _point = route["points"].begin(); _point != route["points"].end(); _point++) {
auto point = _point.value();
points.push_back(WarpLocation{point["x"], point["y"], point["z"]});
RunningSkywayRoutes[(int)route["iRouteID"]] = points;
// npc rotations
auto npcRot = gruntwork["rotations"];
for (auto _rot = npcRot.begin(); _rot != npcRot.end(); _rot++) {
int32_t npcID = _rot.value()["iNPCID"];
int angle = _rot.value()["iAngle"];
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(npcID) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
continue; // NPC not found
BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::NPCs[npcID];
npc->appearanceData.iAngle = angle;
RunningNPCRotations[npcID] = angle;
// npc map numbers
auto npcMap = gruntwork["instances"];
for (auto _map = npcMap.begin(); _map != npcMap.end(); _map++) {
int32_t npcID = _map.value()["iNPCID"];
uint64_t instanceID = _map.value()["iMapNum"];
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(npcID) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
continue; // NPC not found
BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::NPCs[npcID];
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, npc->appearanceData.iX, npc->appearanceData.iY,
npc->appearanceData.iZ, instanceID, npc->appearanceData.iAngle);
RunningNPCMapNumbers[npcID] = instanceID;
// mobs
auto mobs = gruntwork["mobs"];
for (auto _mob = mobs.begin(); _mob != mobs.end(); _mob++) {
auto mob = _mob.value();
BaseNPC *npc;
int id = (*nextId)++;
uint64_t instanceID = mob.find("iMapNum") == mob.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)mob["iMapNum"];
if (NPCManager::NPCData[(int)mob["iNPCType"]]["m_iTeam"] == 2) {
npc = new Mob(mob["iX"], mob["iY"], mob["iZ"], instanceID, mob["iNPCType"],
NPCManager::NPCData[(int)mob["iNPCType"]], id);
// re-enable respawning
((Mob*)npc)->summoned = false;
MobManager::Mobs[npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = (Mob*)npc;
} else {
npc = new BaseNPC(mob["iX"], mob["iY"], mob["iZ"], mob["iAngle"], instanceID, mob["iNPCType"], id);
NPCManager::NPCs[npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = npc;
TableData::RunningMobs[npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = npc;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, mob["iX"], mob["iY"], mob["iZ"], instanceID, mob["iAngle"]);
// mob groups
auto groups = gruntwork["groups"];
for (auto _group = groups.begin(); _group != groups.end(); _group++) {
auto leader = _group.value();
auto td = NPCManager::NPCData[(int)leader["iNPCType"]];
uint64_t instanceID = leader.find("iMapNum") == leader.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)leader["iMapNum"];
Mob* tmp = new Mob(leader["iX"], leader["iY"], leader["iZ"], leader["iAngle"], instanceID, leader["iNPCType"], leader["iHP"], td, *nextId);
// re-enable respawning
((Mob*)tmp)->summoned = false;
NPCManager::NPCs[*nextId] = tmp;
MobManager::Mobs[*nextId] = (Mob*)NPCManager::NPCs[*nextId];
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(*nextId, leader["iX"], leader["iY"], leader["iZ"], instanceID, leader["iAngle"]);
tmp->groupLeader = *nextId;
auto followers = leader["aFollowers"];
if (followers.size() < 5) {
int followerCount = 0;
for (nlohmann::json::iterator _fol = followers.begin(); _fol != followers.end(); _fol++) {
auto follower = _fol.value();
auto tdFol = NPCManager::NPCData[(int)follower["iNPCType"]];
Mob* tmpFol = new Mob((int)leader["iX"] + (int)follower["iOffsetX"], (int)leader["iY"] + (int)follower["iOffsetY"], leader["iZ"], leader["iAngle"], instanceID, follower["iNPCType"], follower["iHP"], tdFol, *nextId);
// re-enable respawning
((Mob*)tmp)->summoned = false;
NPCManager::NPCs[*nextId] = tmpFol;
MobManager::Mobs[*nextId] = (Mob*)NPCManager::NPCs[*nextId];
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(*nextId, (int)leader["iX"] + (int)follower["iOffsetX"], (int)leader["iY"] + (int)follower["iOffsetY"], leader["iZ"], instanceID, leader["iAngle"]);
tmpFol->offsetX = follower.find("iOffsetX") == follower.end() ? 0 : (int)follower["iOffsetX"];
tmpFol->offsetY = follower.find("iOffsetY") == follower.end() ? 0 : (int)follower["iOffsetY"];
tmpFol->groupLeader = tmp->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
tmp->groupMember[followerCount++] = *nextId;
else {
std::cout << "[WARN] Mob group leader with ID " << *nextId << " has too many followers (" << followers.size() << ")\n";
TableData::RunningGroups[tmp->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = tmp; // store as running
auto eggs = gruntwork["eggs"];
for (auto _egg = eggs.begin(); _egg != eggs.end(); _egg++) {
auto egg = _egg.value();
int id = (*nextId)++;
uint64_t instanceID = egg.find("iMapNum") == egg.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)egg["iMapNum"];
Egg* addEgg = new Egg((int)egg["iX"], (int)egg["iY"], (int)egg["iZ"], instanceID, (int)egg["iType"], id, false);
NPCManager::NPCs[id] = addEgg;
NPCManager::Eggs[id] = addEgg;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(id, (int)egg["iX"], (int)egg["iY"], (int)egg["iZ"], instanceID, 0);
TableData::RunningEggs[id] = addEgg;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded gruntwork.json" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed gruntwork.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
// write gruntwork output to file
void TableData::flush() {
std::ofstream file(settings::GRUNTWORKJSON);
nlohmann::json gruntwork;
for (auto& pair : RunningSkywayRoutes) {
nlohmann::json route;
route["iRouteID"] = (int)pair.first;
route["iMonkeySpeed"] = 1500;
std::cout << "serializing mss route " << (int)pair.first << std::endl;
for (WarpLocation& point : pair.second) {
nlohmann::json tmp;
tmp["x"] = point.x;
tmp["y"] = point.y;
tmp["z"] = point.z;
for (auto& pair : RunningNPCRotations) {
nlohmann::json rotation;
rotation["iNPCID"] = (int)pair.first;
rotation["iAngle"] = pair.second;
for (auto& pair : RunningNPCMapNumbers) {
nlohmann::json mapNumber;
mapNumber["iNPCID"] = (int)pair.first;
mapNumber["iMapNum"] = pair.second;
for (auto& pair : RunningMobs) {
nlohmann::json mob;
BaseNPC *npc = pair.second;
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(pair.first) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
int x, y, z, hp;
if (npc->npcClass == NPC_MOB) {
Mob *m = (Mob*)npc;
x = m->spawnX;
y = m->spawnY;
z = m->spawnZ;
hp = m->maxHealth;
} else {
x = npc->appearanceData.iX;
y = npc->appearanceData.iY;
z = npc->appearanceData.iZ;
hp = npc->appearanceData.iHP;
// NOTE: this format deviates slightly from the one in mobs.json
mob["iNPCType"] = (int)npc->appearanceData.iNPCType;
mob["iHP"] = hp;
mob["iX"] = x;
mob["iY"] = y;
mob["iZ"] = z;
mob["iMapNum"] = MAPNUM(npc->instanceID);
// this is a bit imperfect, since this is a live angle, not a spawn angle so it'll change often, but eh
mob["iAngle"] = npc->appearanceData.iAngle;
// it's called mobs, but really it's everything
for (auto& pair : RunningGroups) {
nlohmann::json mob;
BaseNPC* npc = pair.second;
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(pair.first) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
int x, y, z, hp;
std::vector<Mob*> followers;
if (npc->npcClass == NPC_MOB) {
Mob* m = (Mob*)npc;
x = m->spawnX;
y = m->spawnY;
z = m->spawnZ;
hp = m->maxHealth;
if (m->groupLeader != m->appearanceData.iNPC_ID) { // make sure this is a leader
std::cout << "[WARN] Non-leader mob found in running groups; ignoring\n";
// add follower data to vector; go until OOB or until follower ID is 0
for (int i = 0; i < 4 && m->groupMember[i] > 0; i++) {
if (MobManager::Mobs.find(m->groupMember[i]) == MobManager::Mobs.end()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Follower with ID " << m->groupMember[i] << " not found; skipping\n";
else {
x = npc->appearanceData.iX;
y = npc->appearanceData.iY;
z = npc->appearanceData.iZ;
hp = npc->appearanceData.iHP;
// NOTE: this format deviates slightly from the one in mobs.json
mob["iNPCType"] = (int)npc->appearanceData.iNPCType;
mob["iHP"] = hp;
mob["iX"] = x;
mob["iY"] = y;
mob["iZ"] = z;
mob["iMapNum"] = MAPNUM(npc->instanceID);
// this is a bit imperfect, since this is a live angle, not a spawn angle so it'll change often, but eh
mob["iAngle"] = npc->appearanceData.iAngle;
// followers
while (followers.size() > 0) {
Mob* follower = followers.back();
followers.pop_back(); // remove from vector
// populate JSON entry
nlohmann::json fol;
fol["iNPCType"] = follower->appearanceData.iNPCType;
fol["iHP"] = follower->maxHealth;
fol["iOffsetX"] = follower->offsetX;
fol["iOffsetY"] = follower->offsetY;
mob["aFollowers"].push_back(fol); // add to follower array
// it's called mobs, but really it's everything
for (auto& pair : RunningEggs) {
nlohmann::json egg;
BaseNPC* npc = pair.second;
if (NPCManager::Eggs.find(pair.first) == NPCManager::Eggs.end())
egg["iX"] = npc->appearanceData.iX;
egg["iY"] = npc->appearanceData.iY;
egg["iZ"] = npc->appearanceData.iZ;
int mapnum = MAPNUM(npc->instanceID);
if (mapnum != 0)
egg["iMapNum"] = mapnum;
egg["iType"] = npc->appearanceData.iNPCType;
file << gruntwork << std::endl;