gsemaj f4f5f2e0bd
[WIP] Replace appearance data with individual fields
Storing certain things in appearance data and others in their own fields
was gross. Now everything is stored on the same level and functions have
been added to generate appearance data when it's needed by the client.
2023-07-11 13:52:45 -04:00

267 lines
9.2 KiB

#include "core/Core.hpp"
#include "Eggs.hpp"
#include "PlayerManager.hpp"
#include "Items.hpp"
#include "Nanos.hpp"
#include "Abilities.hpp"
#include "Groups.hpp"
#include <assert.h>
using namespace Eggs;
/// sock, CBFlag -> until
std::map<std::pair<CNSocket*, int32_t>, time_t> Eggs::EggBuffs;
std::unordered_map<int, EggType> Eggs::EggTypes;
int Eggs::eggBuffPlayer(CNSocket* sock, int skillId, int eggId, int duration) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
Player* otherPlr = PlayerManager::getPlayerFromID(plr->iIDGroup);
int bitFlag = Groups::getGroupFlags(otherPlr);
int CBFlag = Abilities::applyBuff(sock, skillId, 1, 3, bitFlag);
size_t resplen;
if (skillId == 183) {
resplen = sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_HIT) + sizeof(sSkillResult_Damage);
} else if (skillId == 150) {
resplen = sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_HIT) + sizeof(sSkillResult_Heal_HP);
} else {
resplen = sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_HIT) + sizeof(sSkillResult_Buff);
assert(resplen < CN_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE - 8);
// we know it's only one trailing struct, so we can skip full validation
uint8_t respbuf[CN_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE];
auto skillUse = (sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_HIT*)respbuf;
if (skillId == 183) { // damage egg
auto skill = (sSkillResult_Damage*)(respbuf + sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_HIT));
memset(respbuf, 0, resplen);
skill->eCT = 1;
skill->iID = plr->iID;
skill->iDamage = PC_MAXHEALTH(plr->level) * Abilities::SkillTable[skillId].powerIntensity[0] / 1000;
plr->HP -= skill->iDamage;
if (plr->HP < 0)
plr->HP = 0;
skill->iHP = plr->HP;
} else if (skillId == 150) { // heal egg
auto skill = (sSkillResult_Heal_HP*)(respbuf + sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_HIT));
memset(respbuf, 0, resplen);
skill->eCT = 1;
skill->iID = plr->iID;
skill->iHealHP = PC_MAXHEALTH(plr->level) * Abilities::SkillTable[skillId].powerIntensity[0] / 1000;
plr->HP += skill->iHealHP;
if (plr->HP > PC_MAXHEALTH(plr->level))
plr->HP = PC_MAXHEALTH(plr->level);
skill->iHP = plr->HP;
} else { // regular buff egg
auto skill = (sSkillResult_Buff*)(respbuf + sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_HIT));
memset(respbuf, 0, resplen);
skill->eCT = 1;
skill->iID = plr->iID;
skill->iConditionBitFlag = plr->iConditionBitFlag;
skillUse->iNPC_ID = eggId;
skillUse->iSkillID = skillId;
skillUse->eST = Abilities::SkillTable[skillId].skillType;
skillUse->iTargetCnt = 1;
sock->sendPacket((void*)&respbuf, P_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_HIT, resplen);
PlayerManager::sendToViewable(sock, (void*)&respbuf, P_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_HIT, resplen);
if (CBFlag == 0)
return -1;
std::pair<CNSocket*, int32_t> key = std::make_pair(sock, CBFlag);
// save the buff serverside;
// if you get the same buff again, new duration will override the previous one
time_t until = getTime() + (time_t)duration * 1000;
EggBuffs[key] = until;
return 0;
static void eggStep(CNServer* serv, time_t currTime) {
// tick buffs
time_t timeStamp = currTime;
auto it = EggBuffs.begin();
while (it != EggBuffs.end()) {
// check remaining time
if (it->second > timeStamp) {
} else { // if time reached 0
CNSocket* sock = it->first.first;
int32_t CBFlag = it->first.second;
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
Player* otherPlr = PlayerManager::getPlayerFromID(plr->iIDGroup);
int groupFlags = Groups::getGroupFlags(otherPlr);
for (auto& pwr : Abilities::Powers) {
if (pwr.bitFlag == CBFlag) { // pick the power with the right flag and unbuff
resp.eCSTB = pwr.timeBuffID;
resp.eTBU = 2;
resp.eTBT = 3; // for egg buffs
plr->iConditionBitFlag &= ~CBFlag;
resp.iConditionBitFlag = plr->iConditionBitFlag |= groupFlags | plr->iSelfConditionBitFlag;
sock->sendPacket(resp, P_FE2CL_PC_BUFF_UPDATE);
INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_CHAR_TIME_BUFF_TIME_OUT, resp2); // send a buff timeout to other players
resp2.eCT = 1;
resp2.iID = plr->iID;
resp2.iConditionBitFlag = plr->iConditionBitFlag;
PlayerManager::sendToViewable(sock, resp2, P_FE2CL_CHAR_TIME_BUFF_TIME_OUT);
// remove buff from the map
it = EggBuffs.erase(it);
// check dead eggs and eggs in inactive chunks
for (auto npc : NPCManager::NPCs) {
if (npc.second->kind != EntityType::EGG)
auto egg = (Egg*)npc.second;
if (!egg->dead || !Chunking::inPopulatedChunks(&egg->viewableChunks))
if (egg->deadUntil <= timeStamp) {
// respawn it
egg->dead = false;
egg->deadUntil = 0;
egg->hp = 400;
Chunking::addEntityToChunks(Chunking::getViewableChunks(egg->chunkPos), {npc.first});
void Eggs::npcDataToEggData(int x, int y, int z, sNPCAppearanceData* npc, sShinyAppearanceData* egg) {
egg->iX = x;
egg->iY = y;
egg->iZ = z;
// client doesn't care about egg->iMapNum
egg->iShinyType = npc->iNPCType;
egg->iShiny_ID = npc->iNPC_ID;
static void eggPickup(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) {
auto pickup = (sP_CL2FE_REQ_SHINY_PICKUP*)data->buf;
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
EntityRef eggRef = {pickup->iShinyID};
if (!eggRef.isValid()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Player tried to open non existing egg?!" << std::endl;
auto egg = (Egg*)eggRef.getEntity();
if (egg->kind != EntityType::EGG) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Player tried to open something other than an?!" << std::endl;
if (egg->dead) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Player tried to open a dead egg?!" << std::endl;
/* this has some issues with position desync, leaving it out for now
if (abs(egg->x - plr->x)>500 || abs(egg->y - plr->y) > 500) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Player tried to open an egg isn't nearby?!" << std::endl;
int typeId = egg->type;
if (EggTypes.find(typeId) == EggTypes.end()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Egg Type " << typeId << " not found!" << std::endl;
EggType* type = &EggTypes[typeId];
// buff the player
if (type->effectId != 0)
eggBuffPlayer(sock, type->effectId,, type->duration);
* SHINY_PICKUP_SUCC is only causing a GUI effect in the client
* (buff icon pops up in the bottom of the screen)
* so we don't send it for non-effect
if (type->effectId != 0) {
resp.iSkillID = type->effectId;
// in general client finds correct icon on it's own,
// but for damage we have to supply correct CSTB
if (resp.iSkillID == 183)
sock->sendPacket(resp, P_FE2CL_REP_SHINY_PICKUP_SUCC);
// drop
if (type->dropCrateId != 0) {
const size_t resplen = sizeof(sP_FE2CL_REP_REWARD_ITEM) + sizeof(sItemReward);
assert(resplen < CN_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE - 8);
// we know it's only one trailing struct, so we can skip full validation
uint8_t respbuf[resplen]; // not a variable length array, don't worry
sItemReward* item = (sItemReward*)(respbuf + sizeof(sP_FE2CL_REP_REWARD_ITEM));
// don't forget to zero the buffer!
memset(respbuf, 0, resplen);
// send back player's stats
reward->m_iCandy = plr->money;
reward->m_iFusionMatter = plr->fusionmatter;
reward->m_iBatteryN = plr->batteryN;
reward->m_iBatteryW = plr->batteryW;
reward->iFatigue = 100; // prevents warning message
reward->iFatigue_Level = 1;
reward->iItemCnt = 1; // remember to update resplen if you change this
int slot = Items::findFreeSlot(plr);
// no space for drop
if (slot != -1) {
// item reward
item->sItem.iType = 9;
item->sItem.iOpt = 1;
item->sItem.iID = type->dropCrateId;
item->iSlotNum = slot;
item->eIL = 1; // Inventory Location. 1 means player inventory.
// update player
plr->Inven[slot] = item->sItem;
sock->sendPacket((void*)respbuf, P_FE2CL_REP_REWARD_ITEM, resplen);
if (egg->summoned)
else {
Chunking::removeEntityFromChunks(Chunking::getViewableChunks(egg->chunkPos), eggRef);
egg->dead = true;
egg->deadUntil = getTime() + (time_t)type->regen * 1000;
egg->hp = 0;
void Eggs::init() {