gsemaj 306a75f469 The great re-#include
Was getting frustrated by the inconsistency in our include statements,
which were causing me problems. As a result, I went through and manually
re-organized every include statement in non-core files.

I'm just gonna copy my rant from Discord:
- everything you use IN THE HEADER must be EXPLICITLY INCLUDED with the exception of things that fall under Core.hpp
- you may NOT include ANYTHING ELSE

- you can #include whatever you want as long as the partner header is included first
- anything that gets included by another include is fair game
- redundant includes are ok because they'll be harmless AS LONG AS our header files stay lean.

the point of this is NOT to optimize the number of includes used all around or make things more efficient necessarily. it's to improve readability & coherence and make it easier to avoid cyclical issues
2023-08-19 20:46:41 +00:00

1382 lines
56 KiB

#include "TableData.hpp"
#include "NPCManager.hpp"
#include "Missions.hpp"
#include "Items.hpp"
#include "Vendors.hpp"
#include "Racing.hpp"
#include "Nanos.hpp"
#include "Abilities.hpp"
#include "Eggs.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace TableData;
std::map<int32_t, std::vector<Vec3>> TableData::RunningSkywayRoutes;
std::map<int32_t, int> TableData::RunningNPCRotations;
std::map<int32_t, int> TableData::RunningNPCMapNumbers;
std::unordered_map<int32_t, std::pair<BaseNPC*, std::vector<BaseNPC*>>> TableData::RunningNPCPaths;
std::vector<NPCPath> TableData::FinishedNPCPaths;
std::map<int32_t, BaseNPC*> TableData::RunningMobs;
std::map<int32_t, BaseNPC*> TableData::RunningGroups;
std::map<int32_t, BaseNPC*> TableData::RunningEggs;
class TableException : public std::exception {
std::string msg;
TableException(std::string m) : std::exception() { msg = m; }
const char *what() const throw() { return msg.c_str(); }
* We must refuse to run if an invalid NPC type is found in the JSONs, especially
* the gruntwork file. If we were to just skip loading invalid NPCs, they would get
* silently dropped from the gruntwork file, which would be confusing in situations
* where a gruntwork file for the wrong game build was accidentally loaded.
static void ensureValidNPCType(int type, std::string filename) {
// last known NPC type
int npcLimit = NPCManager::NPCData.back()["m_iNpcNumber"];
if (type > npcLimit) {
std::cout << "[FATAL] " << filename << " contains an invalid NPC type: " << type << std::endl;
* Create a full and properly-paced path by interpolating between keyframes.
static void constructPathSkyway(json& pathData) {
// Interpolate
json pathPoints = pathData["aPoints"];
std::queue<Vec3> points;
json::iterator _point = pathPoints.begin();
auto point = _point.value();
Vec3 last = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] }; // start pos
// use some for loop trickery; start position should not be a point
for (_point++; _point != pathPoints.end(); _point++) {
point = _point.value();
Vec3 coords = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] };
Transport::lerp(&points, last, coords, pathData["iMonkeySpeed"]);
points.push(coords); // add keyframe to the queue
last = coords; // update start pos
Transport::SkywayPaths[pathData["iRouteID"]] = points;
* Load all relevant data from the XDT into memory
* This should be called first, before any of the other load functions
static void loadXDT(json& xdtData) {
// data we'll need for summoned mobs
NPCManager::NPCData = xdtData["m_pNpcTable"]["m_pNpcData"];
try {
// load warps
json warpData = xdtData["m_pInstanceTable"]["m_pWarpData"];
for (json::iterator _warp = warpData.begin(); _warp != warpData.end(); _warp++) {
auto warp = _warp.value();
WarpLocation warpLoc = { warp["m_iToX"], warp["m_iToY"], warp["m_iToZ"], warp["m_iToMapNum"], warp["m_iIsInstance"], warp["m_iLimit_TaskID"], warp["m_iNpcNumber"] };
int warpID = warp["m_iWarpNumber"];
NPCManager::Warps[warpID] = warpLoc;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << NPCManager::Warps.size() << " Warps" << std::endl;
// load transport routes and locations
json transRouteData = xdtData["m_pTransportationTable"]["m_pTransportationData"];
json transLocData = xdtData["m_pTransportationTable"]["m_pTransportationWarpLocation"];
for (json::iterator _tLoc = transLocData.begin(); _tLoc != transLocData.end(); _tLoc++) {
auto tLoc = _tLoc.value();
TransportLocation transLoc = { tLoc["m_iNPCID"], tLoc["m_iXpos"], tLoc["m_iYpos"], tLoc["m_iZpos"] };
Transport::Locations[tLoc["m_iLocationID"]] = transLoc;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Transport::Locations.size() << " S.C.A.M.P.E.R. locations" << std::endl;
for (json::iterator _tRoute = transRouteData.begin(); _tRoute != transRouteData.end(); _tRoute++) {
auto tRoute = _tRoute.value();
TransportRoute transRoute = { tRoute["m_iMoveType"], tRoute["m_iStartLocation"], tRoute["m_iEndLocation"],
tRoute["m_iCost"] , tRoute["m_iSpeed"], tRoute["m_iRouteNum"] };
Transport::Routes[tRoute["m_iVehicleID"]] = transRoute;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Transport::Routes.size() << " transportation routes" << std::endl;
// load mission-related data
json tasks = xdtData["m_pMissionTable"]["m_pMissionData"];
for (auto _task = tasks.begin(); _task != tasks.end(); _task++) {
auto task = _task.value();
// rewards
if (task["m_iSUReward"] != 0) {
auto _rew = xdtData["m_pMissionTable"]["m_pRewardData"][(int)task["m_iSUReward"]];
Reward* rew = new Reward(_rew["m_iMissionRewardID"], _rew["m_iMissionRewarItemType"],
_rew["m_iMissionRewardItemID"], _rew["m_iCash"], _rew["m_iFusionMatter"]);
Missions::Rewards[task["m_iHTaskID"]] = rew;
// everything else lol. see TaskData comment.
Missions::Tasks[task["m_iHTaskID"]] = new TaskData(task);
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded mission-related data" << std::endl;
* load all equipment data. i'm sorry. it has to be done
* NOTE: please don't change the ordering. it determines the types, since type and equipLoc are used inconsistently
const char* setNames[11] = { "m_pWeaponItemTable", "m_pShirtsItemTable", "m_pPantsItemTable", "m_pShoesItemTable",
"m_pHatItemTable", "m_pGlassItemTable", "m_pBackItemTable", "m_pGeneralItemTable", "",
"m_pChestItemTable", "m_pVehicleItemTable" };
json itemSet;
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
if (i == 8)
continue; // there is no type 8, of course
itemSet = xdtData[setNames[i]]["m_pItemData"];
for (json::iterator _item = itemSet.begin(); _item != itemSet.end(); _item++) {
auto item = _item.value();
int itemID = item["m_iItemNumber"];
INITSTRUCT(Items::Item, itemData);
itemData.tradeable = item["m_iTradeAble"] == 1;
itemData.sellable = item["m_iSellAble"] == 1;
itemData.buyPrice = item["m_iItemPrice"];
itemData.sellPrice = item["m_iItemSellPrice"];
itemData.stackSize = item["m_iStackNumber"];
if (i != 7 && i != 9) {
itemData.rarity = item["m_iRarity"];
itemData.level = item["m_iMinReqLev"];
itemData.pointDamage = item["m_iPointRat"];
itemData.groupDamage = item["m_iGroupRat"];
itemData.fireRate = item["m_iDelayTime"];
itemData.defense = item["m_iDefenseRat"];
itemData.gender = item["m_iReqSex"];
itemData.weaponType = item["m_iEquipType"];
else {
itemData.rarity = 1;
Items::ItemData[std::make_pair(itemID, i)] = itemData;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Items::ItemData.size() << " items" << std::endl;
// load player limits from m_pAvatarTable.m_pAvatarGrowData
json growth = xdtData["m_pAvatarTable"]["m_pAvatarGrowData"];
for (int i = 0; i < 37; i++) {
Missions::AvatarGrowth[i] = growth[i];
// load vendor listings
json listings = xdtData["m_pVendorTable"]["m_pItemData"];
for (json::iterator _lst = listings.begin(); _lst != listings.end(); _lst++) {
auto lst = _lst.value();
VendorListing vListing = { lst["m_iSortNumber"], lst["m_iItemType"], lst["m_iitemID"] };
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Vendors::VendorTables.size() << " vendor tables" << std::endl;
// load crocpot entries
json crocs = xdtData["m_pCombiningTable"]["m_pCombiningData"];
for (json::iterator croc = crocs.begin(); croc != crocs.end(); croc++) {
CrocPotEntry crocEntry = { croc.value()["m_iStatConstant"], croc.value()["m_iLookConstant"], croc.value()["m_fLevelGapStandard"],
croc.value()["m_fSameGrade"], croc.value()["m_fOneGrade"], croc.value()["m_fTwoGrade"], croc.value()["m_fThreeGrade"] };
Items::CrocPotTable[croc.value()["m_iLevelGap"]] = crocEntry;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Items::CrocPotTable.size() << " croc pot value sets" << std::endl;
// load nano info
json nanoInfo = xdtData["m_pNanoTable"]["m_pNanoData"];
for (json::iterator _nano = nanoInfo.begin(); _nano != nanoInfo.end(); _nano++) {
auto nano = _nano.value();
NanoData nanoData; = nano["m_iStyle"];
Nanos::NanoTable[Nanos::NanoTable.size()] = nanoData;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Nanos::NanoTable.size() << " nanos" << std::endl;
json nanoTuneInfo = xdtData["m_pNanoTable"]["m_pNanoTuneData"];
for (json::iterator _nano = nanoTuneInfo.begin(); _nano != nanoTuneInfo.end(); _nano++) {
auto nano = _nano.value();
NanoTuning nanoData;
nanoData.reqItems = nano["m_iReqItemID"];
nanoData.reqItemCount = nano["m_iReqItemCount"];
Nanos::NanoTunings[nano["m_iSkillID"]] = nanoData;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Nanos::NanoTable.size() << " nano tunings" << std::endl;
// load nano powers
json skills = xdtData["m_pSkillTable"]["m_pSkillData"];
for (json::iterator _skill = skills.begin(); _skill != skills.end(); _skill++) {
auto skill = _skill.value();
SkillData skillData = {
skillData.valueTypes[0] = skill["m_iValueA_Type"];
skillData.valueTypes[1] = skill["m_iValueB_Type"];
skillData.valueTypes[2] = skill["m_iValueC_Type"];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
skillData.batteryUse[i] = skill["m_iBatteryDrainUse"][i];
skillData.durationTime[i] = skill["m_iDurationTime"][i];
skillData.values[0][i] = skill["m_iValueA"][i];
skillData.values[1][i] = skill["m_iValueB"][i];
skillData.values[2][i] = skill["m_iValueC"][i];
Abilities::SkillTable[skill["m_iSkillNumber"]] = skillData;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Abilities::SkillTable.size() << " nano skills" << std::endl;
// load EP data
json instances = xdtData["m_pInstanceTable"]["m_pInstanceData"];
for (json::iterator _instance = instances.begin(); _instance != instances.end(); _instance++) {
auto instance = _instance.value();
EPInfo epInfo = { instance["m_iZoneX"], instance["m_iZoneY"], instance["m_iIsEP"], (int)instance["m_ScoreMax"] };
Racing::EPData[instance["m_iInstanceNameID"]] = epInfo;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Racing::EPData.size() << " instances" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed xdt.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
* Load paths from JSON
static void loadPaths(json& pathData, int32_t* nextId) {
try {
// skyway paths
json pathDataSkyway = pathData["skyway"];
for (json::iterator skywayPath = pathDataSkyway.begin(); skywayPath != pathDataSkyway.end(); skywayPath++) {
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Transport::SkywayPaths.size() << " skyway paths" << std::endl;
// slider circuit
json pathDataSlider = pathData["slider"];
// lerp between keyframes
std::queue<Vec3> route;
// initial point
json::iterator _point = pathDataSlider.begin(); // iterator
auto point = _point.value();
Vec3 from = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] }; // point A coords
int stopTime = point["bStop"] ? SLIDER_STOP_TICKS : 0; // arbitrary stop length
// remaining points
for (_point++; _point != pathDataSlider.end(); _point++) { // loop through all point Bs
point = _point.value();
for (int i = 0; i < stopTime + 1; i++) { // repeat point if it's a stop
route.push(from); // add point A to the queue
Vec3 to = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] }; // point B coords
// we may need to change this later; right now, the speed is cut before and after stops (no accel)
float curve = 1;
if (stopTime > 0) { // point A is a stop
curve = 0.375f;//2.0f;
} else if (point["bStop"]) { // point B is a stop
curve = 0.375f;//0.35f;
Transport::lerp(&route, from, to, SLIDER_SPEED * curve, 1); // lerp from A to B (arbitrary speed)
from = to; // update point A
stopTime = point["bStop"] ? SLIDER_STOP_TICKS : 0; // set stop ticks for next point A
// Uniform distance calculation
int passedDistance = 0;
// initial point
int pos = 0;
Vec3 lastPoint = route.front();
for (pos = 1; pos < route.size(); pos++) {
Vec3 point = route.front();
passedDistance += hypot(point.x - lastPoint.x, point.y - lastPoint.y);
if (passedDistance >= SLIDER_GAP_SIZE) { // space them out uniformaly
passedDistance -= SLIDER_GAP_SIZE; // step down
// spawn a slider
Bus* slider = new Bus(0, INSTANCE_OVERWORLD, 1, (*nextId)--);
NPCManager::NPCs[slider->id] = slider;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(slider->id, point.x, point.y, point.z, INSTANCE_OVERWORLD, 0);
Transport::NPCQueues[slider->id] = route;
// rotate
lastPoint = point;
// preset npc paths
json pathDataNPC = pathData["npc"];
for (json::iterator npcPath = pathDataNPC.begin(); npcPath != pathDataNPC.end(); npcPath++) {
json pathVal = npcPath.value();
std::vector<int32_t> targetIDs;
std::vector<int32_t> targetTypes;
std::vector<Vec3> pathPoints;
int speed = pathVal.find("iBaseSpeed") == pathVal.end() ? NPC_DEFAULT_SPEED : (int)pathVal["iBaseSpeed"];
int taskID = pathVal.find("iTaskID") == pathVal.end() ? -1 : (int)pathVal["iTaskID"];
bool relative = pathVal.find("bRelative") == pathVal.end() ? false : (bool)pathVal["bRelative"];
bool loop = pathVal.find("bLoop") == pathVal.end() ? true : (bool)pathVal["bLoop"]; // loop by default
// target IDs
for (json::iterator _tID = pathVal["aNPCIDs"].begin(); _tID != pathVal["aNPCIDs"].end(); _tID++)
// target types
for (json::iterator _tType = pathVal["aNPCTypes"].begin(); _tType != pathVal["aNPCTypes"].end(); _tType++)
// points
for (json::iterator _point = pathVal["aPoints"].begin(); _point != pathVal["aPoints"].end(); _point++) {
json point = _point.value();
for (int stopTicks = 0; stopTicks < (int)point["iStopTicks"] + 1; stopTicks++)
pathPoints.push_back({point["iX"], point["iY"], point["iZ"]});
NPCPath pathTemplate;
pathTemplate.targetIDs = targetIDs;
pathTemplate.targetTypes = targetTypes;
pathTemplate.points = pathPoints;
pathTemplate.speed = speed;
pathTemplate.isRelative = relative;
pathTemplate.isLoop = loop;
pathTemplate.escortTaskID = taskID;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Transport::NPCPaths.size() << " NPC paths" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed paths.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
* Load drops data from JSON
* This has to be called after reading xdt because it reffers to ItemData!!!
static void loadDrops(json& dropData) {
try {
// CrateDropChances
json crateDropChances = dropData["CrateDropChances"];
for (json::iterator _crateDropChance = crateDropChances.begin(); _crateDropChance != crateDropChances.end(); _crateDropChance++) {
auto crateDropChance = _crateDropChance.value();
CrateDropChance toAdd = {};
toAdd.dropChance = (int)crateDropChance["DropChance"];
toAdd.dropChanceTotal = (int)crateDropChance["DropChanceTotal"];
json crateWeights = crateDropChance["CrateTypeDropWeights"];
for (json::iterator _crateWeight = crateWeights.begin(); _crateWeight != crateWeights.end(); _crateWeight++)
Items::CrateDropChances[(int)crateDropChance["CrateDropChanceID"]] = toAdd;
// CrateDropTypes
json crateDropTypes = dropData["CrateDropTypes"];
for (json::iterator _crateDropType = crateDropTypes.begin(); _crateDropType != crateDropTypes.end(); _crateDropType++) {
auto crateDropType = _crateDropType.value();
std::vector<int> toAdd;
json crateIds = crateDropType["CrateIDs"];
for (json::iterator _crateId = crateIds.begin(); _crateId != crateIds.end(); _crateId++)
Items::CrateDropTypes[(int)crateDropType["CrateDropTypeID"]] = toAdd;
// MiscDropChances
json miscDropChances = dropData["MiscDropChances"];
for (json::iterator _miscDropChance = miscDropChances.begin(); _miscDropChance != miscDropChances.end(); _miscDropChance++) {
auto miscDropChance = _miscDropChance.value();
Items::MiscDropChances[(int)miscDropChance["MiscDropChanceID"]] = {
// MiscDropTypes
json miscDropTypes = dropData["MiscDropTypes"];
for (json::iterator _miscDropType = miscDropTypes.begin(); _miscDropType != miscDropTypes.end(); _miscDropType++) {
auto miscDropType = _miscDropType.value();
Items::MiscDropTypes[(int)miscDropType["MiscDropTypeID"]] = {
// MobDrops
json mobDrops = dropData["MobDrops"];
for (json::iterator _mobDrop = mobDrops.begin(); _mobDrop != mobDrops.end(); _mobDrop++) {
auto mobDrop = _mobDrop.value();
Items::MobDrops[(int)mobDrop["MobDropID"]] = {
// Events
json events = dropData["Events"];
for (json::iterator _event = events.begin(); _event != events.end(); _event++) {
auto event = _event.value();
Items::EventToDropMap[(int)event["EventID"]] = (int)event["MobDropID"];
// Mobs
json mobs = dropData["Mobs"];
for (json::iterator _mob = mobs.begin(); _mob != mobs.end(); _mob++) {
auto mob = _mob.value();
Items::MobToDropMap[(int)mob["MobID"]] = (int)mob["MobDropID"];
// RarityWeights
json rarityWeights = dropData["RarityWeights"];
for (json::iterator _rarityWeightsObject = rarityWeights.begin(); _rarityWeightsObject != rarityWeights.end(); _rarityWeightsObject++) {
auto rarityWeightsObject = _rarityWeightsObject.value();
std::vector<int> toAdd;
json weights = rarityWeightsObject["Weights"];
for (json::iterator _weight = weights.begin(); _weight != weights.end(); _weight++)
Items::RarityWeights[(int)rarityWeightsObject["RarityWeightID"]] = toAdd;
// ItemSets
json itemSets = dropData["ItemSets"];
for (json::iterator _itemSet = itemSets.begin(); _itemSet != itemSets.end(); _itemSet++) {
auto itemSet = _itemSet.value();
ItemSet toAdd = {};
toAdd.ignoreRarity = (bool)itemSet["IgnoreRarity"];
toAdd.ignoreGender = (bool)itemSet["IgnoreGender"];
toAdd.defaultItemWeight = (int)itemSet["DefaultItemWeight"];
json alterRarityMap = itemSet["AlterRarityMap"];
for (json::iterator _alterRarityMapEntry = alterRarityMap.begin(); _alterRarityMapEntry != alterRarityMap.end(); _alterRarityMapEntry++)
toAdd.alterRarityMap[std::atoi(_alterRarityMapEntry.key().c_str())] = (int)_alterRarityMapEntry.value();
json alterGenderMap = itemSet["AlterGenderMap"];
for (json::iterator _alterGenderMapEntry = alterGenderMap.begin(); _alterGenderMapEntry != alterGenderMap.end(); _alterGenderMapEntry++)
toAdd.alterGenderMap[std::atoi(_alterGenderMapEntry.key().c_str())] = (int)_alterGenderMapEntry.value();
json alterItemWeightMap = itemSet["AlterItemWeightMap"];
for (json::iterator _alterItemWeightMapEntry = alterItemWeightMap.begin(); _alterItemWeightMapEntry != alterItemWeightMap.end(); _alterItemWeightMapEntry++)
toAdd.alterItemWeightMap[std::atoi(_alterItemWeightMapEntry.key().c_str())] = (int)_alterItemWeightMapEntry.value();
json itemReferenceIds = itemSet["ItemReferenceIDs"];
for (json::iterator itemReferenceId = itemReferenceIds.begin(); itemReferenceId != itemReferenceIds.end(); itemReferenceId++)
Items::ItemSets[(int)itemSet["ItemSetID"]] = toAdd;
// Crates
json crates = dropData["Crates"];
for (json::iterator _crate = crates.begin(); _crate != crates.end(); _crate++) {
auto crate = _crate.value();
Items::Crates[(int)crate["CrateID"]] = {
// ItemReferences
json itemReferences = dropData["ItemReferences"];
for (json::iterator _itemReference = itemReferences.begin(); _itemReference != itemReferences.end(); _itemReference++) {
auto itemReference = _itemReference.value();
int itemReferenceId = (int)itemReference["ItemReferenceID"];
int itemId = (int)itemReference["ItemID"];
int type = (int)itemReference["Type"];
// validate and fetch relevant fields as they're loaded
auto key = std::make_pair(itemId, type);
if (Items::ItemData.find(key) == Items::ItemData.end()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Item-Type pair (" << key.first << ", " << key.second << ") specified by item reference "
<< itemReferenceId << " was not found, skipping..." << std::endl;
Items::Item& item = Items::ItemData[key];
Items::ItemReferences[itemReferenceId] = {
#ifdef ACADEMY
// NanoCapsules
json capsules = dropData["NanoCapsules"];
for (json::iterator _capsule = capsules.begin(); _capsule != capsules.end(); _capsule++) {
auto capsule = _capsule.value();
Items::NanoCapsules[(int)capsule["CrateID"]] = (int)capsule["Nano"];
// Racing rewards
json racing = dropData["Racing"];
for (json::iterator _race = racing.begin(); _race != racing.end(); _race++) {
auto race = _race.value();
int raceEPID = race["EPID"];
// find the instance data corresponding to the EPID
int EPMap = -1;
for (auto it = Racing::EPData.begin(); it != Racing::EPData.end(); it++) {
if (it->second.EPID == raceEPID) {
EPMap = it->first;
if (EPMap == -1) { // not found
std::cout << "[WARN] EP with ID " << raceEPID << " not found, skipping" << std::endl;
// time limit isn't stored in the XDT, so we include it in the reward table instead
Racing::EPData[EPMap].maxTime = race["TimeLimit"];
// score cutoffs
std::vector<int> rankScores;
for (json::iterator _rankScore = race["RankScores"].begin(); _rankScore != race["RankScores"].end(); _rankScore++) {
// reward IDs for each rank
std::vector<int> rankRewards;
for (json::iterator _rankReward = race["Rewards"].begin(); _rankReward != race["Rewards"].end(); _rankReward++) {
if (rankScores.size() != 5 || rankScores.size() != rankRewards.size()) {
char buff[255];
sprintf(buff, "Race in EP %d doesn't have exactly 5 score/reward pairs", raceEPID);
throw TableException(std::string(buff));
Racing::EPRewards[raceEPID] = std::make_pair(rankScores, rankRewards);
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded rewards for " << Racing::EPRewards.size() << " IZ races" << std::endl;
// CodeItems
json codes = dropData["CodeItems"];
for (json::iterator _code = codes.begin(); _code != codes.end(); _code++) {
auto code = _code.value();
std::string codeStr = code["Code"];
std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>> itemVector;
json itemReferenceIds = code["ItemReferenceIDs"];
for (json::iterator _itemReferenceId = itemReferenceIds.begin(); _itemReferenceId != itemReferenceIds.end(); _itemReferenceId++) {
int itemReferenceId = (int)_itemReferenceId.value();
// validate and convert here
if (Items::ItemReferences.find(itemReferenceId) == Items::ItemReferences.end()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Item reference " << itemReferenceId << " for code "
<< codeStr << " was not found, skipping..." << std::endl;
// no need to further check whether this is a real item or not, we already did this!
ItemReference& itemReference = Items::ItemReferences[itemReferenceId];
itemVector.push_back(std::make_pair(itemReference.itemId, itemReference.type));
Items::CodeItems[codeStr] = itemVector;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << Items::Crates.size() << " Crates containing "
<< Items::ItemReferences.size() << " unique items" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed drops.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
* Load eggs from JSON
static void loadEggs(json& eggData, int32_t* nextId) {
try {
// EggTypes
json eggTypes = eggData["EggTypes"];
for (json::iterator _eggType = eggTypes.begin(); _eggType != eggTypes.end(); _eggType++) {
auto eggType = _eggType.value();
EggType toAdd = {};
toAdd.dropCrateId = (int)eggType["DropCrateId"];
toAdd.effectId = (int)eggType["EffectId"];
toAdd.duration = (int)eggType["Duration"];
toAdd.regen= (int)eggType["Regen"];
Eggs::EggTypes[(int)eggType["Id"]] = toAdd;
// Egg instances
auto eggs = eggData["Eggs"];
int eggCount = 0;
for (auto _egg = eggs.begin(); _egg != eggs.end(); _egg++) {
auto egg = _egg.value();
int id = (*nextId)--;
uint64_t instanceID = egg.find("iMapNum") == egg.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)egg["iMapNum"];
Egg* addEgg = new Egg(instanceID, (int)egg["iType"], id, false);
NPCManager::NPCs[id] = addEgg;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(id, (int)egg["iX"], (int)egg["iY"], (int)egg["iZ"], instanceID, 0);
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << eggCount << " eggs" <<std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed eggs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
* Load gruntwork output, if it exists
static void loadGruntworkPre(json& gruntwork, int32_t* nextId) {
if (gruntwork.is_null())
try {
auto paths = gruntwork["paths"];
for (auto _path = paths.begin(); _path != paths.end(); _path++) {
auto path = _path.value();
std::vector<int32_t> targetIDs;
std::vector<int32_t> targetTypes; // target types are not exportable from gw, but load them anyway
std::vector<Vec3> pathPoints;
int speed = path.find("iBaseSpeed") == path.end() ? NPC_DEFAULT_SPEED : (int)path["iBaseSpeed"];
int taskID = path.find("iTaskID") == path.end() ? -1 : (int)path["iTaskID"];
bool relative = path.find("bRelative") == path.end() ? false : (bool)path["bRelative"];
bool loop = path.find("bLoop") == path.end() ? true : (bool)path["bLoop"]; // loop by default
// target IDs
for (json::iterator _tID = path["aNPCIDs"].begin(); _tID != path["aNPCIDs"].end(); _tID++)
// target types
for (json::iterator _tType = path["aNPCTypes"].begin(); _tType != path["aNPCTypes"].end(); _tType++)
// points
for (json::iterator _point = path["aPoints"].begin(); _point != path["aPoints"].end(); _point++) {
json point = _point.value();
for (int stopTicks = 0; stopTicks < (int)point["iStopTicks"] + 1; stopTicks++)
pathPoints.push_back({ point["iX"], point["iY"], point["iZ"] });
NPCPath pathTemplate;
pathTemplate.targetIDs = targetIDs;
pathTemplate.targetTypes = targetTypes;
pathTemplate.points = pathPoints;
pathTemplate.speed = speed;
pathTemplate.isRelative = relative;
pathTemplate.escortTaskID = taskID;
pathTemplate.isLoop = loop;
TableData::FinishedNPCPaths.push_back(pathTemplate); // keep in gruntwork
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded gruntwork.json (pre)" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed gruntwork.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
static void loadGruntworkPost(json& gruntwork, int32_t* nextId) {
if (gruntwork.is_null())
try {
// skyway paths
auto skyway = gruntwork["skyway"];
for (auto _route = skyway.begin(); _route != skyway.end(); _route++) {
auto route = _route.value();
std::vector<Vec3> points;
for (auto _point = route["points"].begin(); _point != route["points"].end(); _point++) {
auto point = _point.value();
points.push_back(Vec3{point["x"], point["y"], point["z"]});
RunningSkywayRoutes[(int)route["iRouteID"]] = points;
// npc rotations
auto npcRot = gruntwork["rotations"];
for (auto _rot = npcRot.begin(); _rot != npcRot.end(); _rot++) {
int32_t npcID = _rot.value()["iNPCID"];
int angle = _rot.value()["iAngle"];
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(npcID) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
continue; // NPC not found
BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::NPCs[npcID];
npc->angle = angle;
RunningNPCRotations[npcID] = angle;
// npc map numbers
auto npcMap = gruntwork["instances"];
for (auto _map = npcMap.begin(); _map != npcMap.end(); _map++) {
int32_t npcID = _map.value()["iNPCID"];
uint64_t instanceID = _map.value()["iMapNum"];
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(npcID) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
continue; // NPC not found
BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::NPCs[npcID];
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->id, npc->x, npc->y,
npc->z, instanceID, npc->angle);
RunningNPCMapNumbers[npcID] = instanceID;
// mobs
auto mobs = gruntwork["mobs"];
for (auto _mob = mobs.begin(); _mob != mobs.end(); _mob++) {
auto mob = _mob.value();
BaseNPC *npc;
int id = (*nextId)--;
uint64_t instanceID = mob.find("iMapNum") == mob.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)mob["iMapNum"];
ensureValidNPCType((int)mob["iNPCType"], settings::GRUNTWORKJSON);
if (NPCManager::NPCData[(int)mob["iNPCType"]]["m_iTeam"] == 2) {
npc = new Mob(mob["iX"], mob["iY"], mob["iZ"], instanceID, mob["iNPCType"],
NPCManager::NPCData[(int)mob["iNPCType"]], id);
// re-enable respawning
((Mob*)npc)->summoned = false;
} else {
npc = new BaseNPC(mob["iAngle"], instanceID, mob["iNPCType"], id);
NPCManager::NPCs[npc->id] = npc;
RunningMobs[npc->id] = npc;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->id, mob["iX"], mob["iY"], mob["iZ"], instanceID, mob["iAngle"]);
// mob groups
auto groups = gruntwork["groups"];
for (auto _group = groups.begin(); _group != groups.end(); _group++) {
auto leader = _group.value();
ensureValidNPCType((int)leader["iNPCType"], settings::GRUNTWORKJSON);
auto td = NPCManager::NPCData[(int)leader["iNPCType"]];
uint64_t instanceID = leader.find("iMapNum") == leader.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)leader["iMapNum"];
Mob* tmp = new Mob(leader["iX"], leader["iY"], leader["iZ"], leader["iAngle"], instanceID, leader["iNPCType"], td, *nextId);
// re-enable respawning
((Mob*)tmp)->summoned = false;
NPCManager::NPCs[*nextId] = tmp;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(*nextId, leader["iX"], leader["iY"], leader["iZ"], instanceID, leader["iAngle"]);
tmp->groupLeader = *nextId;
auto followers = leader["aFollowers"];
if (followers.size() < 5) {
int followerCount = 0;
for (json::iterator _fol = followers.begin(); _fol != followers.end(); _fol++) {
auto follower = _fol.value();
ensureValidNPCType((int)follower["iNPCType"], settings::GRUNTWORKJSON);
auto tdFol = NPCManager::NPCData[(int)follower["iNPCType"]];
Mob* tmpFol = new Mob((int)leader["iX"] + (int)follower["iOffsetX"], (int)leader["iY"] + (int)follower["iOffsetY"], leader["iZ"], leader["iAngle"], instanceID, follower["iNPCType"], tdFol, *nextId);
// re-enable respawning
((Mob*)tmp)->summoned = false;
NPCManager::NPCs[*nextId] = tmpFol;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(*nextId, (int)leader["iX"] + (int)follower["iOffsetX"], (int)leader["iY"] + (int)follower["iOffsetY"], leader["iZ"], instanceID, leader["iAngle"]);
tmpFol->offsetX = follower.find("iOffsetX") == follower.end() ? 0 : (int)follower["iOffsetX"];
tmpFol->offsetY = follower.find("iOffsetY") == follower.end() ? 0 : (int)follower["iOffsetY"];
tmpFol->groupLeader = tmp->id;
tmp->groupMember[followerCount++] = *nextId;
else {
std::cout << "[WARN] Mob group leader with ID " << *nextId << " has too many followers (" << followers.size() << ")\n";
RunningGroups[tmp->id] = tmp; // store as running
auto eggs = gruntwork["eggs"];
for (auto _egg = eggs.begin(); _egg != eggs.end(); _egg++) {
auto egg = _egg.value();
int id = (*nextId)--;
uint64_t instanceID = egg.find("iMapNum") == egg.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)egg["iMapNum"];
Egg* addEgg = new Egg(instanceID, (int)egg["iType"], id, false);
NPCManager::NPCs[id] = addEgg;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(id, (int)egg["iX"], (int)egg["iY"], (int)egg["iZ"], instanceID, 0);
RunningEggs[id] = addEgg;
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded gruntwork.json (post)" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed gruntwork.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
* Load NPCs from JSON
static void loadNPCs(json& npcData) {
try {
npcData = npcData["NPCs"];
for (json::iterator _npc = npcData.begin(); _npc != npcData.end(); _npc++) {
auto npc = _npc.value();
int npcID = std::strtol(_npc.key().c_str(), nullptr, 10); // parse ID string to integer
int instanceID = npc.find("iMapNum") == npc.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)npc["iMapNum"];
int type = (int)npc["iNPCType"];
ensureValidNPCType(type, settings::NPCJSON);
#ifdef ACADEMY
// do not spawn NPCs in the future
if (npc["iX"] > 512000 && npc["iY"] < 256000)
BaseNPC* tmp = new BaseNPC(npc["iAngle"], instanceID, type, npcID);
NPCManager::NPCs[npcID] = tmp;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npcID, npc["iX"], npc["iY"], npc["iZ"], instanceID, npc["iAngle"]);
if (type == 641 || type == 642)
NPCManager::RespawnPoints.push_back({ npc["iX"], npc["iY"], ((int)npc["iZ"]) + RESURRECT_HEIGHT, instanceID });
// see if any paths target this NPC
NPCPath* npcPath = Transport::findApplicablePath(npcID, type);
if (npcPath != nullptr) {
//std::cout << "[INFO] Found path for NPC " << npcID << std::endl;
Transport::constructPathNPC(npcID, npcPath);
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed NPCs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
* Load mobs from JSON
static void loadMobs(json& npcData, int32_t* nextId) {
try {
json groupData = npcData["groups"];
npcData = npcData["mobs"];
// single mobs
for (json::iterator _npc = npcData.begin(); _npc != npcData.end(); _npc++) {
auto npc = _npc.value();
int npcID = std::strtol(_npc.key().c_str(), nullptr, 10); // parse ID string to integer
int type = (int)npc["iNPCType"];
ensureValidNPCType(type, settings::MOBJSON);
auto td = NPCManager::NPCData[type];
uint64_t instanceID = npc.find("iMapNum") == npc.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)npc["iMapNum"];
#ifdef ACADEMY
// do not spawn NPCs in the future
if (npc["iX"] > 512000 && npc["iY"] < 256000)
Mob* tmp = new Mob(npc["iX"], npc["iY"], npc["iZ"], npc["iAngle"], instanceID, npc["iNPCType"], td, npcID);
NPCManager::NPCs[npcID] = tmp;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npcID, npc["iX"], npc["iY"], npc["iZ"], instanceID, npc["iAngle"]);
// see if any paths target this mob
NPCPath* npcPath = Transport::findApplicablePath(npcID, npc["iNPCType"]);
if (npcPath != nullptr) {
//std::cout << "[INFO] Found path for mob " << npcID << std::endl;
Transport::constructPathNPC(npcID, npcPath);
// mob groups
// single mobs (have static IDs)
for (json::iterator _group = groupData.begin(); _group != groupData.end(); _group++) {
auto leader = _group.value();
int leadID = std::strtol(_group.key().c_str(), nullptr, 10); // parse ID string to integer
ensureValidNPCType(leader["iNPCType"], settings::MOBJSON);
auto td = NPCManager::NPCData[(int)leader["iNPCType"]];
uint64_t instanceID = leader.find("iMapNum") == leader.end() ? INSTANCE_OVERWORLD : (int)leader["iMapNum"];
auto followers = leader["aFollowers"];
#ifdef ACADEMY
// do not spawn NPCs in the future
if (leader["iX"] > 512000 && leader["iY"] < 256000)
Mob* tmp = new Mob(leader["iX"], leader["iY"], leader["iZ"], leader["iAngle"], instanceID, leader["iNPCType"], td, leadID);
NPCManager::NPCs[leadID] = tmp;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(leadID, leader["iX"], leader["iY"], leader["iZ"], instanceID, leader["iAngle"]);
// see if any paths target this group leader
NPCPath* npcPath = Transport::findApplicablePath(leadID, leader["iNPCType"]);
if (npcPath != nullptr) {
//std::cout << "[INFO] Found path for mob " << leadID << std::endl;
Transport::constructPathNPC(leadID, npcPath);
tmp->groupLeader = leadID;
// followers (have dynamic IDs)
if (followers.size() < 5) {
int followerCount = 0;
for (json::iterator _fol = followers.begin(); _fol != followers.end(); _fol++) {
auto follower = _fol.value();
ensureValidNPCType(follower["iNPCType"], settings::MOBJSON);
auto tdFol = NPCManager::NPCData[(int)follower["iNPCType"]];
Mob* tmpFol = new Mob((int)leader["iX"] + (int)follower["iOffsetX"], (int)leader["iY"] + (int)follower["iOffsetY"], leader["iZ"], leader["iAngle"], instanceID, follower["iNPCType"], tdFol, *nextId);
NPCManager::NPCs[*nextId] = tmpFol;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(*nextId, (int)leader["iX"] + (int)follower["iOffsetX"], (int)leader["iY"] + (int)follower["iOffsetY"], leader["iZ"], instanceID, leader["iAngle"]);
tmpFol->offsetX = follower.find("iOffsetX") == follower.end() ? 0 : (int)follower["iOffsetX"];
tmpFol->offsetY = follower.find("iOffsetY") == follower.end() ? 0 : (int)follower["iOffsetY"];
tmpFol->groupLeader = tmp->id;
tmp->groupMember[followerCount++] = *nextId;
else {
std::cout << "[WARN] Mob group leader with ID " << leadID << " has too many followers (" << followers.size() << ")\n";
std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << NPCManager::NPCs.size() << " NPCs" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& err) {
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Malformed mobs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl;
* Transform `base` based on the value of `patch`.
* Parameters must be of the same type and must not be null.
* Array <- Array: All elements in patch array get added to base array.
* Object <- Object: Combine properties recursively and save to base.
* All other types <- Same type: Base value gets overwritten by patch value.
static void patchJSON(json* base, json* patch) {
if (patch->is_null() || base->is_null())
return; // no nulls allowed!!
if ((json::value_t)(*base) != (json::value_t)(*patch)) {
// verify type mismatch. unsigned <-> integer is ok.
if (!((base->is_number_integer() && patch->is_number_unsigned())
|| (base->is_number_unsigned() && patch->is_number_integer())))
// case 1: type is array
if (patch->is_array()) {
// loop through all array elements
for (json::iterator _element = patch->begin(); _element != patch->end(); _element++)
base->push_back(*_element); // add element to base
// case 2: type is object
else if (patch->is_object()) {
// loop through all object properties
for (json::iterator _prop = patch->begin(); _prop != patch->end(); _prop++) {
std::string key = _prop.key(); // static identifier
json* valLoc = &(*_prop); // pointer to json data
// special casing for forced replacement.
// the ! is stripped, then the property is forcibly replaced without a recursive call
// that means no type checking, so use at your own risk
if (key.c_str()[0] == '!') {
key = key.substr(1, key.length() - 1);
(*base)[key] = *valLoc;
// search for matching property in base object
json::iterator _match = base->find(key);
if (_match != base->end()) {
// match found
if (valLoc->is_null()) // prop value is null; erase match
else { // combine objects
json* match = &(*_match);
patchJSON(match, valLoc);
} else {
// no match found; add the property to the base object
(*base)[key] = *valLoc;
// case 3: all other types
else {
*base = *patch; // complete overwrite
void TableData::init() {
int32_t nextId = INT32_MAX; // next dynamic ID to hand out
// base JSON tables
json xdt, paths, drops, eggs, npcs, mobs, gruntwork;
std::pair<json*, std::string> tables[7] = {
std::make_pair(&xdt, settings::XDTJSON),
std::make_pair(&paths, settings::PATHJSON),
std::make_pair(&drops, settings::DROPSJSON),
std::make_pair(&eggs, settings::EGGSJSON),
std::make_pair(&npcs, settings::NPCJSON),
std::make_pair(&mobs, settings::MOBJSON),
std::make_pair(&gruntwork, settings::GRUNTWORKJSON)
// load JSON data into tables
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
std::pair<json*, std::string>& table = tables[i];
// scope for fstream
std::ifstream fstream; + "/" + table.second); // open file
// did we fail to open the file?
if ( {
// gruntwork isn't critical
if (table.first == &gruntwork)
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Critical tdata file missing: " << table.second << std::endl;
// is the file empty?
if (fstream.peek() == std::ifstream::traits_type::eof()) {
// tolerate empty gruntwork file
if (table.first == &gruntwork) {
std::cout << "[WARN] The gruntwork file is empty" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "[FATAL] Critical tdata file is empty: " << table.second << std::endl;
// load file contents into table
fstream >> *table.first;
// patching: load each patch directory specified in the config file
// split config field into individual patch entries
std::stringstream ss(settings::ENABLEDPATCHES);
std::istream_iterator<std::string> begin(ss);
std::istream_iterator<std::string> end;
json patch;
for (auto it = begin; it != end; it++) {
// this is the theoretical path of a corresponding patch for this file
std::string patchModuleName = *it;
std::string patchFile = settings::PATCHDIR + patchModuleName + "/" + table.second;
try {
std::ifstream fstream;;
fstream >> patch; // load into temporary json object
std::cout << "[INFO] Patching " << patchFile << std::endl;
patchJSON(table.first, &patch); // patch
} catch (const std::exception& err) {
// no-op
// fetch data from patched tables and load them appropriately
// note: the order of these is important
std::cout << "[INFO] Loading tabledata..." << std::endl;
loadGruntworkPre(gruntwork, &nextId);
loadPaths(paths, &nextId);
loadMobs(mobs, &nextId);
loadEggs(eggs, &nextId);
loadGruntworkPost(gruntwork, &nextId);
NPCManager::nextId = nextId;
* Write gruntwork output to file
void TableData::flush() {
std::ofstream file(settings::TDATADIR + "/" + settings::GRUNTWORKJSON);
json gruntwork;
for (auto& pair : RunningSkywayRoutes) {
json route;
route["iRouteID"] = (int)pair.first;
route["iMonkeySpeed"] = 1500;
std::cout << "serializing mss route " << (int)pair.first << std::endl;
for (Vec3& point : pair.second) {
json tmp;
tmp["x"] = point.x;
tmp["y"] = point.y;
tmp["z"] = point.z;
for (auto& pair : RunningNPCRotations) {
json rotation;
rotation["iNPCID"] = (int)pair.first;
rotation["iAngle"] = pair.second;
for (auto& pair : RunningNPCMapNumbers) {
json mapNumber;
mapNumber["iNPCID"] = (int)pair.first;
mapNumber["iMapNum"] = pair.second;
for (auto& pair : RunningMobs) {
json mob;
BaseNPC *npc = pair.second;
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(pair.first) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
int x, y, z;
if (npc->kind == EntityKind::MOB) {
Mob *m = (Mob*)npc;
x = m->spawnX;
y = m->spawnY;
z = m->spawnZ;
} else {
x = npc->x;
y = npc->y;
z = npc->z;
// NOTE: this format deviates slightly from the one in mobs.json
mob["iNPCType"] = (int)npc->type;
mob["iX"] = x;
mob["iY"] = y;
mob["iZ"] = z;
mob["iMapNum"] = MAPNUM(npc->instanceID);
// this is a bit imperfect, since this is a live angle, not a spawn angle so it'll change often, but eh
mob["iAngle"] = npc->angle;
// it's called mobs, but really it's everything
for (auto& pair : RunningGroups) {
json mob;
BaseNPC* npc = pair.second;
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(pair.first) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
int x, y, z;
std::vector<Mob*> followers;
if (npc->kind == EntityKind::MOB) {
Mob* m = (Mob*)npc;
x = m->spawnX;
y = m->spawnY;
z = m->spawnZ;
if (m->groupLeader != m->id) { // make sure this is a leader
std::cout << "[WARN] Non-leader mob found in running groups; ignoring\n";
// add follower data to vector; go until OOB or until follower ID is 0
for (int i = 0; i < 4 && m->groupMember[i] > 0; i++) {
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(m->groupMember[i]) == NPCManager::NPCs.end() || NPCManager::NPCs[m->groupMember[i]]->kind != EntityKind::MOB) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Follower with ID " << m->groupMember[i] << " not found; skipping\n";
else {
x = npc->x;
y = npc->y;
z = npc->z;
// NOTE: this format deviates slightly from the one in mobs.json
mob["iNPCType"] = (int)npc->type;
mob["iX"] = x;
mob["iY"] = y;
mob["iZ"] = z;
mob["iMapNum"] = MAPNUM(npc->instanceID);
// this is a bit imperfect, since this is a live angle, not a spawn angle so it'll change often, but eh
mob["iAngle"] = npc->angle;
// followers
while (followers.size() > 0) {
Mob* follower = followers.back();
followers.pop_back(); // remove from vector
// populate JSON entry
json fol;
fol["iNPCType"] = follower->type;
fol["iOffsetX"] = follower->offsetX;
fol["iOffsetY"] = follower->offsetY;
mob["aFollowers"].push_back(fol); // add to follower array
// it's called mobs, but really it's everything
for (auto& pair : RunningEggs) {
json egg;
BaseNPC* npc = pair.second;
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(pair.first) == NPCManager::NPCs.end())
// we can trust that if it exists, it probably is indeed an egg
egg["iX"] = npc->x;
egg["iY"] = npc->y;
egg["iZ"] = npc->z;
int mapnum = MAPNUM(npc->instanceID);
if (mapnum != 0)
egg["iMapNum"] = mapnum;
egg["iType"] = npc->type;
for (auto& path : FinishedNPCPaths) {
json pathObj;
json points;
json targetIDs;
json targetTypes;
for (Vec3& coord : path.points) {
json point;
point["iX"] = coord.x;
point["iY"] = coord.y;
point["iZ"] = coord.z;
point["iStopTicks"] = 0;
for (int32_t tID : path.targetIDs)
for (int32_t tType : path.targetTypes)
pathObj["iBaseSpeed"] = path.speed;
pathObj["iTaskID"] = path.escortTaskID;
pathObj["bRelative"] = path.isRelative;
pathObj["aPoints"] = points;
pathObj["bLoop"] = path.isLoop;
// don't write 'null' if there aren't any targets
if(targetIDs.size() > 0)
pathObj["aNPCIDs"] = targetIDs;
if (targetTypes.size() > 0)
pathObj["aNPCTypes"] = targetTypes;
file << gruntwork << std::endl;