gsemaj f4f5f2e0bd
[WIP] Replace appearance data with individual fields
Storing certain things in appearance data and others in their own fields
was gross. Now everything is stored on the same level and functions have
been added to generate appearance data when it's needed by the client.
2023-07-11 13:52:45 -04:00

346 lines
12 KiB

#include "Chunking.hpp"
#include "PlayerManager.hpp"
#include "NPCManager.hpp"
#include "settings.hpp"
#include "Combat.hpp"
#include "Eggs.hpp"
using namespace Chunking;
* The initial chunkPos value before a player is placed into the world.
const ChunkPos Chunking::INVALID_CHUNK = {};
std::map<ChunkPos, Chunk*> Chunking::chunks;
static void newChunk(ChunkPos pos) {
if (chunkExists(pos)) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Tried to create a chunk that already exists" << std::endl;
Chunk *chunk = new Chunk();
chunks[pos] = chunk;
// add the chunk to the cache of all players and NPCs in the surrounding chunks
std::set<Chunk*> surroundings = getViewableChunks(pos);
for (Chunk* c : surroundings)
for (const EntityRef& ref : c->entities)
static void deleteChunk(ChunkPos pos) {
if (!chunkExists(pos)) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Tried to delete a chunk that doesn't exist" << std::endl;
Chunk* chunk = chunks[pos];
// remove the chunk from the cache of all players and NPCs in the surrounding chunks
std::set<Chunk*> surroundings = getViewableChunks(pos);
for(Chunk* c : surroundings)
for (const EntityRef& ref : c->entities)
chunks.erase(pos); // remove from map
delete chunk; // free from memory
void Chunking::trackEntity(ChunkPos chunkPos, const EntityRef& ref) {
if (!chunkExists(chunkPos))
return; // shouldn't happen
if (ref.type == EntityType::PLAYER)
void Chunking::untrackEntity(ChunkPos chunkPos, const EntityRef& ref) {
if (!chunkExists(chunkPos))
return; // do nothing if chunk doesn't even exist
Chunk* chunk = chunks[chunkPos];
chunk->entities.erase(ref); // gone
if (ref.type == EntityType::PLAYER)
assert(chunks[chunkPos]->nplayers >= 0);
// if chunk is completely empty, free it
if (chunk->entities.size() == 0)
void Chunking::addEntityToChunks(std::set<Chunk*> chnks, const EntityRef& ref) {
Entity *ent = ref.getEntity();
bool alive = ent->isAlive();
// TODO: maybe optimize this, potentially using AROUND packets?
for (Chunk *chunk : chnks) {
for (const EntityRef& otherRef : chunk->entities) {
// skip oneself
if (ref == otherRef)
Entity *other = otherRef.getEntity();
// notify all visible players of the existence of this Entity
if (alive && otherRef.type == EntityType::PLAYER) {
// notify this *player* of the existence of all visible Entities
if (ref.type == EntityType::PLAYER && other->isAlive()) {
// for mobs, increment playersInView
if (ref.type == EntityType::MOB && otherRef.type == EntityType::PLAYER)
if (otherRef.type == EntityType::MOB && ref.type == EntityType::PLAYER)
void Chunking::removeEntityFromChunks(std::set<Chunk*> chnks, const EntityRef& ref) {
Entity *ent = ref.getEntity();
bool alive = ent->isAlive();
// TODO: same as above
for (Chunk *chunk : chnks) {
for (const EntityRef& otherRef : chunk->entities) {
// skip oneself
if (ref == otherRef)
Entity *other = otherRef.getEntity();
// notify all visible players of the departure of this Entity
if (alive && otherRef.type == EntityType::PLAYER) {
// notify this *player* of the departure of all visible Entities
if (ref.type == EntityType::PLAYER && other->isAlive()) {
// for mobs, decrement playersInView
if (ref.type == EntityType::MOB && otherRef.type == EntityType::PLAYER)
if (otherRef.type == EntityType::MOB && ref.type == EntityType::PLAYER)
static void emptyChunk(ChunkPos chunkPos) {
if (!chunkExists(chunkPos)) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Tried to empty chunk that doesn't exist\n";
return; // chunk doesn't exist, we don't need to do anything
Chunk* chunk = chunks[chunkPos];
if (chunk->nplayers > 0) {
std::cout << "[WARN] Tried to empty chunk that still had players\n";
return; // chunk doesn't exist, we don't need to do anything
// unspawn all of the mobs/npcs
std::set refs(chunk->entities);
for (const EntityRef& ref : refs) {
if (ref.type == EntityType::PLAYER)
// every call of this will check if the chunk is empty and delete it if so
void Chunking::updateEntityChunk(const EntityRef& ref, ChunkPos from, ChunkPos to) {
Entity* ent = ref.getEntity();
// move to other chunk's player set
untrackEntity(from, ref); // this will delete the chunk if it's empty
// if the new chunk doesn't exist, make it first
if (!chunkExists(to))
trackEntity(to, ref);
// calculate viewable chunks from both points
std::set<Chunk*> oldViewables = getViewableChunks(from);
std::set<Chunk*> newViewables = getViewableChunks(to);
std::set<Chunk*> toExit, toEnter;
* Calculate diffs. This is done to prevent phasing on chunk borders.
* toExit will contain old viewables - new viewables, so the player will only be exited in chunks that are out of sight.
* toEnter contains the opposite: new viewables - old viewables, chunks where we previously weren't visible from before.
std::set_difference(oldViewables.begin(), oldViewables.end(), newViewables.begin(), newViewables.end(),
std::inserter(toExit, toExit.end())); // chunks we must be EXITed from (old - new)
std::set_difference(newViewables.begin(), newViewables.end(), oldViewables.begin(), oldViewables.end(),
std::inserter(toEnter, toEnter.end())); // chunks we must be ENTERed into (new - old)
// update views
removeEntityFromChunks(toExit, ref);
addEntityToChunks(toEnter, ref);
ent->chunkPos = to; // update cached chunk position
// updated cached viewable chunks
ent->viewableChunks.insert(newViewables.begin(), newViewables.end());
bool Chunking::chunkExists(ChunkPos chunk) {
return chunks.find(chunk) != chunks.end();
ChunkPos Chunking::chunkPosAt(int posX, int posY, uint64_t instanceID) {
return ChunkPos(posX / (settings::VIEWDISTANCE / 3), posY / (settings::VIEWDISTANCE / 3), instanceID);
std::set<Chunk*> Chunking::getViewableChunks(ChunkPos chunk) {
std::set<Chunk*> chnks;
int x, y;
uint64_t inst;
std::tie(x, y, inst) = chunk;
// grabs surrounding chunks if they exist
for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++) {
for (int z = -1; z < 2; z++) {
ChunkPos pos = ChunkPos(x+i, y+z, inst);
// if chunk exists, add it to the set
if (chunkExists(pos))
return chnks;
* inefficient algorithm to get all chunks from a specific instance
std::vector<ChunkPos> Chunking::getChunksInMap(uint64_t mapNum) {
std::vector<ChunkPos> chnks;
for (auto it = chunks.begin(); it != chunks.end(); it++) {
if (std::get<2>(it->first) == mapNum) {
return chnks;
* Used only for eggs; use npc->playersInView for everything visible
bool Chunking::inPopulatedChunks(std::set<Chunk*>* chnks) {
for (auto it = chnks->begin(); it != chnks->end(); it++) {
if ((*it)->nplayers > 0)
return true;
return false;
void Chunking::createInstance(uint64_t instanceID) {
std::vector<ChunkPos> templateChunks = getChunksInMap(MAPNUM(instanceID)); // base instance chunks
// only instantiate if the instance doesn't exist already
if (getChunksInMap(instanceID).size() != 0) {
std::cout << "Instance " << instanceID << " already exists" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Creating instance " << instanceID << std::endl;
for (ChunkPos &coords : templateChunks) {
for (const EntityRef& ref : chunks[coords]->entities) {
if (ref.type == EntityType::PLAYER)
int npcID =;
BaseNPC* baseNPC = (BaseNPC*)ref.getEntity();
// make a copy of each NPC in the template chunks and put them in the new instance
if (baseNPC->kind == EntityType::MOB) {
if (((Mob*)baseNPC)->groupLeader != 0 && ((Mob*)baseNPC)->groupLeader != npcID)
continue; // follower; don't copy individually
Mob* newMob = new Mob(baseNPC->x, baseNPC->y, baseNPC->z, baseNPC->angle,
instanceID, baseNPC->type, NPCManager::NPCData[baseNPC->type], NPCManager::nextId--);
NPCManager::NPCs[newMob->id] = newMob;
// if in a group, copy over group members as well
if (((Mob*)baseNPC)->groupLeader != 0) {
newMob->groupLeader = newMob->id; // set leader ID for new leader
Mob* mobData = (Mob*)baseNPC;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (mobData->groupMember[i] != 0) {
int followerID = NPCManager::nextId--; // id for follower
BaseNPC* baseFollower = NPCManager::NPCs[mobData->groupMember[i]]; // follower from template
// new follower instance
Mob* newMobFollower = new Mob(baseFollower->x, baseFollower->y, baseFollower->z, baseFollower->angle,
instanceID, baseFollower->type, NPCManager::NPCData[baseFollower->type], followerID);
// add follower to NPC maps
NPCManager::NPCs[followerID] = newMobFollower;
// set follower-specific properties
newMobFollower->groupLeader = newMob->id;
newMobFollower->offsetX = ((Mob*)baseFollower)->offsetX;
newMobFollower->offsetY = ((Mob*)baseFollower)->offsetY;
// add follower copy to leader copy
newMob->groupMember[i] = followerID;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(followerID, baseFollower->x, baseFollower->y, baseFollower->z,
instanceID, baseFollower->angle);
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(newMob->id, baseNPC->x, baseNPC->y, baseNPC->z,
instanceID, baseNPC->angle);
} else {
BaseNPC* newNPC = new BaseNPC(baseNPC->x, baseNPC->y, baseNPC->z, baseNPC->angle,
instanceID, baseNPC->type, NPCManager::nextId--);
NPCManager::NPCs[newNPC->id] = newNPC;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(newNPC->id, baseNPC->x, baseNPC->y, baseNPC->z,
instanceID, baseNPC->angle);
static void destroyInstance(uint64_t instanceID) {
std::vector<ChunkPos> instanceChunks = getChunksInMap(instanceID);
std::cout << "Deleting instance " << instanceID << " (" << instanceChunks.size() << " chunks)" << std::endl;
for (ChunkPos& coords : instanceChunks) {
void Chunking::destroyInstanceIfEmpty(uint64_t instanceID) {
if (PLAYERID(instanceID) == 0)
return; // don't clean up overworld/IZ chunks
std::vector<ChunkPos> sourceChunkCoords = getChunksInMap(instanceID);
for (ChunkPos& coords : sourceChunkCoords) {
Chunk* chunk = chunks[coords];
if (chunk->nplayers > 0)
return; // there are still players inside