dongresource 2924a27eb4
Rename coord args in summonNPC() and constructors to clarify purpose
This makes it clearer that the real coords aren't set until the first
call to updateNPCPosition().
2023-10-08 16:43:11 -04:00

115 lines
3.2 KiB

#pragma once
#include "core/Core.hpp"
#include "JSON.hpp"
#include "Entities.hpp"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
namespace MobAI {
void deadStep(CombatNPC* self, time_t currTime);
void combatStep(CombatNPC* self, time_t currTime);
void roamingStep(CombatNPC* self, time_t currTime);
void retreatStep(CombatNPC* self, time_t currTime);
void onRoamStart(CombatNPC* self, EntityRef src);
void onCombatStart(CombatNPC* self, EntityRef src);
void onRetreat(CombatNPC* self, EntityRef src);
void onDeath(CombatNPC* self, EntityRef src);
struct Mob : public CombatNPC {
// dead
time_t killedTime = 0;
time_t regenTime = 0;
bool summoned = false;
bool despawned = false; // for the sake of death animations
// roaming
int idleRange = 0;
const int sightRange = 0;
time_t nextMovement = 0;
bool staticPath = false;
int roamX = 0, roamY = 0, roamZ = 0;
// combat
CNSocket *target = nullptr;
time_t nextAttack = 0;
time_t lastDrainTime = 0;
int skillStyle = -1; // -1 for nothing, 0-2 for corruption, -2 for eruption
int hitX = 0, hitY = 0, hitZ = 0; // for use in ability targeting
// group
int groupLeader = 0;
int offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0;
int groupMember[4] = {};
// temporary; until we're sure what's what
nlohmann::json data = {};
Mob(int spawnX, int spawnY, int spawnZ, int angle, uint64_t iID, int t, nlohmann::json d, int32_t id)
: CombatNPC(spawnX, spawnY, spawnZ, angle, iID, t, id, d["m_iHP"]),
sightRange(d["m_iSightRange"]) {
state = AIState::ROAMING;
data = d;
speed = data["m_iRunSpeed"];
regenTime = data["m_iRegenTime"];
idleRange = (int)data["m_iIdleRange"];
level = data["m_iNpcLevel"];
roamX = spawnX;
roamY = spawnY;
roamZ = spawnZ;
offsetX = 0;
offsetY = 0;
// NOTE: there appear to be discrepancies in the dump
hp = maxHealth;
kind = EntityKind::MOB;
// AI
stateHandlers[AIState::DEAD] = MobAI::deadStep;
stateHandlers[AIState::COMBAT] = MobAI::combatStep;
stateHandlers[AIState::ROAMING] = MobAI::roamingStep;
stateHandlers[AIState::RETREAT] = MobAI::retreatStep;
transitionHandlers[AIState::DEAD] = MobAI::onDeath;
transitionHandlers[AIState::COMBAT] = MobAI::onCombatStart;
transitionHandlers[AIState::ROAMING] = MobAI::onRoamStart;
transitionHandlers[AIState::RETREAT] = MobAI::onRetreat;
// constructor for /summon
Mob(int x, int y, int z, uint64_t iID, int t, nlohmann::json d, int32_t id)
: Mob(x, y, z, 0, iID, t, d, id) {
summoned = true; // will be despawned and deallocated when killed
~Mob() {}
virtual int takeDamage(EntityRef src, int amt) override;
virtual void step(time_t currTime) override;
auto operator[](std::string s) {
return data[s];
namespace MobAI {
extern bool simulateMobs;
// TODO: make this internal later
void incNextMovement(Mob *mob, time_t currTime=0);
bool aggroCheck(Mob *mob, time_t currTime);
void clearDebuff(Mob *mob);
void followToCombat(Mob *mob);
void groupRetreat(Mob *mob);