mirror of
synced 2024-11-05 06:50:04 +00:00
We had avoided putting STL containers into Players back when we thought Players was still POD and needed to remain POD, but it turned out that neither were the case all along, so there's no need for the indirection.
808 lines
29 KiB
808 lines
29 KiB
#include "MobAI.hpp"
#include "Player.hpp"
#include "Racing.hpp"
#include "Transport.hpp"
#include "Nanos.hpp"
#include "Combat.hpp"
#include "Abilities.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <limits.h>
using namespace MobAI;
std::map<int32_t, Mob*> MobAI::Mobs;
static std::queue<int32_t> RemovalQueue;
bool MobAI::simulateMobs;
static void roamingStep(Mob *mob, time_t currTime);
* Dynamic lerp; distinct from Transport::lerp(). This one doesn't care about height and
* only returns the first step, since the rest will need to be recalculated anyway if chasing player.
static std::pair<int,int> lerp(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int speed) {
std::pair<int,int> ret = {x1, y1};
if (speed == 0)
return ret;
int distance = hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2);
if (distance > speed) {
int lerps = distance / speed;
// interpolate only the first point
float frac = 1.0f / lerps;
ret.first = (x1 + (x2 - x1) * frac);
ret.second = (y1 + (y2 - y1) * frac);
} else {
ret.first = x2;
ret.second = y2;
return ret;
void MobAI::clearDebuff(Mob *mob) {
mob->skillStyle = -1;
mob->appearanceData.iConditionBitFlag = 0;
pkt1.eCT = 2;
pkt1.iID = mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
pkt1.iConditionBitFlag = mob->appearanceData.iConditionBitFlag;
NPCManager::sendToViewable(mob, &pkt1, P_FE2CL_CHAR_TIME_BUFF_TIME_OUT, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_CHAR_TIME_BUFF_TIME_OUT));
void MobAI::followToCombat(Mob *mob) {
if (Mobs.find(mob->groupLeader) != Mobs.end()) {
Mob* leadMob = Mobs[mob->groupLeader];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (leadMob->groupMember[i] == 0)
if (Mobs.find(leadMob->groupMember[i]) == Mobs.end()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] roamingStep: leader can't find a group member!" << std::endl;
Mob* followerMob = Mobs[leadMob->groupMember[i]];
if (followerMob->state != MobState::ROAMING) // only roaming mobs should transition to combat
enterCombat(mob->target, followerMob);
if (leadMob->state != MobState::ROAMING)
enterCombat(mob->target, leadMob);
void MobAI::groupRetreat(Mob *mob) {
if (Mobs.find(mob->groupLeader) == Mobs.end())
Mob* leadMob = Mobs[mob->groupLeader];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (leadMob->groupMember[i] == 0)
if (Mobs.find(leadMob->groupMember[i]) == Mobs.end()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] roamingStep: leader can't find a group member!" << std::endl;
Mob* followerMob = Mobs[leadMob->groupMember[i]];
followerMob->target = nullptr;
followerMob->state = MobState::RETREAT;
leadMob->target = nullptr;
leadMob->state = MobState::RETREAT;
* Aggro on nearby players.
* Even if they're in range, we can't assume they're all in the same one chunk
* as the mob, since it might be near a chunk boundary.
bool MobAI::aggroCheck(Mob *mob, time_t currTime) {
CNSocket *closest = nullptr;
int closestDistance = INT_MAX;
for (auto it = mob->viewableChunks.begin(); it != mob->viewableChunks.end(); it++) {
Chunk* chunk = *it;
for (CNSocket *s : chunk->players) {
Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(s);
if (plr->HP <= 0)
int mobRange = mob->sightRange;
if (plr->iConditionBitFlag & CSB_BIT_UP_STEALTH
|| Racing::EPRaces.find(s) != Racing::EPRaces.end())
mobRange /= 3;
// 0.33x - 1.66x the range
int levelDifference = plr->level - mob->level;
if (levelDifference > -10)
mobRange = levelDifference < 10 ? mobRange - (levelDifference * mobRange / 15) : mobRange / 3;
if (mob->state != MobState::ROAMING && plr->inCombat) // freshly out of aggro mobs
mobRange = mob->sightRange * 2; // should not be impacted by the above
mobRange = -1;
// height is relevant for aggro distance because of platforming
int xyDistance = hypot(mob->appearanceData.iX - plr->x, mob->appearanceData.iY - plr->y);
int distance = hypot(xyDistance, (mob->appearanceData.iZ - plr->z) * 2); // difference in Z counts twice
if (distance > mobRange || distance > closestDistance)
// found a player
closest = s;
closestDistance = distance;
if (closest != nullptr) {
// found closest player. engage.
enterCombat(closest, mob);
if (mob->groupLeader != 0)
return true;
return false;
static void dealCorruption(Mob *mob, std::vector<int> targetData, int skillID, int style) {
Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(mob->target);
size_t resplen = sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_CORRUPTION_HIT) + targetData[0] * sizeof(sCAttackResult);
// validate response packet
if (!validOutVarPacket(sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_CORRUPTION_HIT), targetData[0], sizeof(sCAttackResult))) {
std::cout << "[WARN] bad sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_CORRUPTION_HIT packet size" << std::endl;
uint8_t respbuf[CN_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE];
memset(respbuf, 0, resplen);
sCAttackResult *respdata = (sCAttackResult*)(respbuf+sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_CORRUPTION_HIT));
resp->iNPC_ID = mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
resp->iSkillID = skillID;
resp->iStyle = style;
resp->iValue1 = plr->x;
resp->iValue2 = plr->y;
resp->iValue3 = plr->z;
resp->iTargetCnt = targetData[0];
for (int i = 0; i < targetData[0]; i++) {
CNSocket *sock = nullptr;
Player *plr = nullptr;
for (auto& pair : PlayerManager::players) {
if (pair.second->iID == targetData[i+1]) {
sock = pair.first;
plr = pair.second;
// player not found
if (plr == nullptr) {
std::cout << "[WARN] dealCorruption: player ID not found" << std::endl;
respdata[i].eCT = 1;
respdata[i].iID = plr->iID;
respdata[i].bProtected = 0;
respdata[i].iActiveNanoSlotNum = -1;
for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
if (plr->activeNano == plr->equippedNanos[n])
respdata[i].iActiveNanoSlotNum = n;
respdata[i].iNanoID = plr->activeNano;
int style2 = Nanos::nanoStyle(plr->activeNano);
if (style2 == -1) { // no nano
respdata[i].iHitFlag = 8;
respdata[i].iDamage = Nanos::SkillTable[skillID].powerIntensity[0] * PC_MAXHEALTH((int)mob->data["m_iNpcLevel"]) / 1500;
} else if (style == style2) {
respdata[i].iHitFlag = 8; // tie
respdata[i].iDamage = 0;
respdata[i].iNanoStamina = plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iStamina;
} else if (style - style2 == 1 || style2 - style == 2) {
respdata[i].iHitFlag = 4; // win
respdata[i].iDamage = 0;
respdata[i].iNanoStamina = plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iStamina += 45;
if (plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iStamina > 150)
respdata[i].iNanoStamina = plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iStamina = 150;
// fire damage power disguised as a corruption attack back at the enemy
std::vector<int> targetData2 = {1, mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, 0, 0, 0};
for (auto& pwr : Nanos::NanoPowers)
if (pwr.skillType == EST_DAMAGE)
pwr.handle(sock, targetData2, plr->activeNano, skillID, 0, 200);
} else {
respdata[i].iHitFlag = 16; // lose
respdata[i].iDamage = Nanos::SkillTable[skillID].powerIntensity[0] * PC_MAXHEALTH((int)mob->data["m_iNpcLevel"]) / 1500;
respdata[i].iNanoStamina = plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iStamina -= 90;
if (plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iStamina < 0) {
respdata[i].bNanoDeactive = 1;
respdata[i].iNanoStamina = plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iStamina = 0;
if (!(plr->iSpecialState & CN_SPECIAL_STATE_FLAG__INVULNERABLE))
plr->HP -= respdata[i].iDamage;
respdata[i].iHP = plr->HP;
respdata[i].iConditionBitFlag = plr->iConditionBitFlag;
if (plr->HP <= 0) {
mob->target = nullptr;
mob->state = MobState::RETREAT;
if (!aggroCheck(mob, getTime())) {
if (mob->groupLeader != 0)
NPCManager::sendToViewable(mob, (void*)&respbuf, P_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_CORRUPTION_HIT, resplen);
static void useAbilities(Mob *mob, time_t currTime) {
* targetData approach
* first integer is the count
* second to fifth integers are IDs, these can be either player iID or mob's iID
* whether the skill targets players or mobs is determined by the skill packet being fired
Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(mob->target);
if (mob->skillStyle >= 0) { // corruption hit
int skillID = (int)mob->data["m_iCorruptionType"];
std::vector<int> targetData = {1, plr->iID, 0, 0, 0};
int temp = mob->skillStyle;
mob->skillStyle = -3; // corruption cooldown
mob->nextAttack = currTime + 1000;
dealCorruption(mob, targetData, skillID, temp);
if (mob->skillStyle == -2) { // eruption hit
int skillID = (int)mob->data["m_iMegaType"];
std::vector<int> targetData = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
// find the players within range of eruption
for (auto it = mob->viewableChunks.begin(); it != mob->viewableChunks.end(); it++) {
Chunk* chunk = *it;
for (CNSocket *s : chunk->players) {
Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(s);
if (plr->HP <= 0)
int distance = hypot(mob->hitX - plr->x, mob->hitY - plr->y);
if (distance < Nanos::SkillTable[skillID].effectArea) {
targetData[0] += 1;
targetData[targetData[0]] = plr->iID;
if (targetData[0] > 3) // make sure not to have more than 4
for (auto& pwr : Combat::MobPowers)
if (pwr.skillType == Nanos::SkillTable[skillID].skillType)
pwr.handle(mob, targetData, skillID, Nanos::SkillTable[skillID].durationTime[0], Nanos::SkillTable[skillID].powerIntensity[0]);
mob->skillStyle = -3; // eruption cooldown
mob->nextAttack = currTime + 1000;
if (mob->skillStyle == -3) { // cooldown expires
mob->skillStyle = -1;
int random = rand() % 2000 * 1000;
int prob1 = (int)mob->data["m_iActiveSkill1Prob"]; // active skill probability
int prob2 = (int)mob->data["m_iCorruptionTypeProb"]; // corruption probability
int prob3 = (int)mob->data["m_iMegaTypeProb"]; // eruption probability
if (random < prob1) { // active skill hit
int skillID = (int)mob->data["m_iActiveSkill1"];
std::vector<int> targetData = {1, plr->iID, 0, 0, 0};
for (auto& pwr : Combat::MobPowers)
if (pwr.skillType == Nanos::SkillTable[skillID].skillType) {
if (pwr.bitFlag != 0 && (plr->iConditionBitFlag & pwr.bitFlag))
return; // prevent debuffing a player twice
pwr.handle(mob, targetData, skillID, Nanos::SkillTable[skillID].durationTime[0], Nanos::SkillTable[skillID].powerIntensity[0]);
mob->nextAttack = currTime + (int)mob->data["m_iDelayTime"] * 100;
if (random < prob1 + prob2) { // corruption windup
int skillID = (int)mob->data["m_iCorruptionType"];
pkt.iNPC_ID = mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
pkt.iSkillID = skillID;
pkt.iValue1 = plr->x;
pkt.iValue2 = plr->y;
pkt.iValue3 = plr->z;
mob->skillStyle = Nanos::nanoStyle(plr->activeNano) - 1;
if (mob->skillStyle == -1)
mob->skillStyle = 2;
if (mob->skillStyle == -2)
mob->skillStyle = rand() % 3;
pkt.iStyle = mob->skillStyle;
mob->nextAttack = currTime + 1800;
if (random < prob1 + prob2 + prob3) { // eruption windup
int skillID = (int)mob->data["m_iMegaType"];
pkt.iNPC_ID = mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
pkt.iSkillID = skillID;
pkt.iValue1 = mob->hitX = plr->x;
pkt.iValue2 = mob->hitY = plr->y;
pkt.iValue3 = mob->hitZ = plr->z;
NPCManager::sendToViewable(mob, &pkt, P_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_READY, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_READY));
mob->nextAttack = currTime + 1800;
mob->skillStyle = -2;
void MobAI::enterCombat(CNSocket *sock, Mob *mob) {
mob->target = sock;
mob->state = MobState::COMBAT;
mob->nextMovement = getTime();
mob->nextAttack = 0;
mob->roamX = mob->appearanceData.iX;
mob->roamY = mob->appearanceData.iY;
mob->roamZ = mob->appearanceData.iZ;
int skillID = (int)mob->data["m_iPassiveBuff"]; // cast passive
std::vector<int> targetData = {1, mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, 0, 0, 0};
for (auto& pwr : Combat::MobPowers)
if (pwr.skillType == Nanos::SkillTable[skillID].skillType)
pwr.handle(mob, targetData, skillID, Nanos::SkillTable[skillID].durationTime[0], Nanos::SkillTable[skillID].powerIntensity[0]);
for (NPCEvent& event : NPCManager::NPCEvents) // trigger an ON_COMBAT
if (event.trigger == ON_COMBAT && event.npcType == mob->appearanceData.iNPCType)
event.handler(sock, mob);
static void drainMobHP(Mob *mob, int amount) {
size_t resplen = sizeof(sP_FE2CL_CHAR_TIME_BUFF_TIME_TICK) + sizeof(sSkillResult_Damage);
assert(resplen < CN_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE - 8);
uint8_t respbuf[CN_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE];
memset(respbuf, 0, resplen);
sSkillResult_Damage *drain = (sSkillResult_Damage*)(respbuf + sizeof(sP_FE2CL_CHAR_TIME_BUFF_TIME_TICK));
pkt->iID = mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
pkt->eCT = 4; // mob
drain->eCT = 4;
drain->iID = mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
drain->iDamage = amount;
drain->iHP = mob->appearanceData.iHP -= amount;
NPCManager::sendToViewable(mob, (void*)&respbuf, P_FE2CL_CHAR_TIME_BUFF_TIME_TICK, resplen);
if (mob->appearanceData.iHP <= 0)
Combat::killMob(mob->target, mob);
static void deadStep(Mob *mob, time_t currTime) {
// despawn the mob after a short delay
if (mob->killedTime != 0 && !mob->despawned && currTime - mob->killedTime > 2000) {
mob->despawned = true;
pkt.iNPC_ID = mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
NPCManager::sendToViewable(mob, &pkt, P_FE2CL_NPC_EXIT, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_EXIT));
// if it was summoned, mark it for removal
if (mob->summoned) {
std::cout << "[INFO] Queueing killed summoned mob for removal" << std::endl;
// pre-set spawn coordinates if not marked for removal
mob->appearanceData.iX = mob->spawnX;
mob->appearanceData.iY = mob->spawnY;
mob->appearanceData.iZ = mob->spawnZ;
// to guide their groupmates, group leaders still need to move despite being dead
if (mob->groupLeader == mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID)
roamingStep(mob, currTime);
if (mob->killedTime != 0 && currTime - mob->killedTime < mob->regenTime * 100)
std::cout << "respawning mob " << mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID << " with HP = " << mob->maxHealth << std::endl;
mob->appearanceData.iHP = mob->maxHealth;
mob->state = MobState::ROAMING;
// if mob is a group leader/follower, spawn where the group is.
if (mob->groupLeader != 0) {
if (Mobs.find(mob->groupLeader) != Mobs.end()) {
Mob* leaderMob = Mobs[mob->groupLeader];
mob->appearanceData.iX = leaderMob->appearanceData.iX + mob->offsetX;
mob->appearanceData.iY = leaderMob->appearanceData.iY + mob->offsetY;
mob->appearanceData.iZ = leaderMob->appearanceData.iZ;
} else {
std::cout << "[WARN] deadStep: mob cannot find it's leader!" << std::endl;
pkt.NPCAppearanceData = mob->appearanceData;
// notify all nearby players
NPCManager::sendToViewable(mob, &pkt, P_FE2CL_NPC_NEW, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_NEW));
static void combatStep(Mob *mob, time_t currTime) {
assert(mob->target != nullptr);
// lose aggro if the player lost connection
if (PlayerManager::players.find(mob->target) == PlayerManager::players.end()) {
mob->target = nullptr;
mob->state = MobState::RETREAT;
if (!aggroCheck(mob, currTime)) {
if (mob->groupLeader != 0)
Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(mob->target);
// lose aggro if the player became invulnerable or died
if (plr->HP <= 0
|| (plr->iSpecialState & CN_SPECIAL_STATE_FLAG__INVULNERABLE)) {
mob->target = nullptr;
mob->state = MobState::RETREAT;
if (!aggroCheck(mob, currTime)) {
if (mob->groupLeader != 0)
// drain
if (mob->skillStyle < 0 && (mob->lastDrainTime == 0 || currTime - mob->lastDrainTime >= 1000)
&& mob->appearanceData.iConditionBitFlag & CSB_BIT_BOUNDINGBALL) {
drainMobHP(mob, mob->maxHealth / 20); // lose 5% every second
mob->lastDrainTime = currTime;
// if drain killed the mob, return early
if (mob->appearanceData.iHP <= 0)
// unbuffing
std::unordered_map<int32_t, time_t>::iterator it = mob->unbuffTimes.begin();
while (it != mob->unbuffTimes.end()) {
if (currTime >= it->second) {
mob->appearanceData.iConditionBitFlag &= ~it->first;
pkt1.eCT = 2;
pkt1.iID = mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
pkt1.iConditionBitFlag = mob->appearanceData.iConditionBitFlag;
NPCManager::sendToViewable(mob, &pkt1, P_FE2CL_CHAR_TIME_BUFF_TIME_OUT, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_CHAR_TIME_BUFF_TIME_OUT));
it = mob->unbuffTimes.erase(it);
} else {
// skip attack if stunned or asleep
if (mob->appearanceData.iConditionBitFlag & (CSB_BIT_STUN|CSB_BIT_MEZ)) {
mob->skillStyle = -1; // in this case we also reset the any outlying abilities the mob might be winding up.
int distance = hypot(plr->x - mob->appearanceData.iX, plr->y - mob->appearanceData.iY);
int mobRange = (int)mob->data["m_iAtkRange"] + (int)mob->data["m_iRadius"];
if (currTime >= mob->nextAttack) {
if (mob->skillStyle != -1 || distance <= mobRange || rand() % 20 == 0) // while not in attack range, 1 / 20 chance.
useAbilities(mob, currTime);
if (mob->target == nullptr)
int distanceToTravel = INT_MAX;
int speed = mob->data["m_iRunSpeed"];
// movement logic: move when out of range but don't move while casting a skill
if (distance > mobRange && mob->skillStyle == -1) {
if (mob->nextMovement != 0 && currTime < mob->nextMovement)
mob->nextMovement = currTime + 400;
if (currTime >= mob->nextAttack)
mob->nextAttack = 0;
// halve movement speed if snared
if (mob->appearanceData.iConditionBitFlag & CSB_BIT_DN_MOVE_SPEED)
speed /= 2;
int targetX = plr->x;
int targetY = plr->y;
if (mob->groupLeader != 0) {
targetX += mob->offsetX*distance/(mob->idleRange + 1);
targetY += mob->offsetY*distance/(mob->idleRange + 1);
distanceToTravel = std::min(distance-mobRange+1, speed*2/5);
auto targ = lerp(mob->appearanceData.iX, mob->appearanceData.iY, targetX, targetY, distanceToTravel);
if (distanceToTravel < speed*2/5 && currTime >= mob->nextAttack)
mob->nextAttack = 0;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, targ.first, targ.second, mob->appearanceData.iZ, mob->instanceID, mob->appearanceData.iAngle);
pkt.iNPC_ID = mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
pkt.iSpeed = speed;
pkt.iToX = mob->appearanceData.iX = targ.first;
pkt.iToY = mob->appearanceData.iY = targ.second;
pkt.iToZ = plr->z;
pkt.iMoveStyle = 1;
// notify all nearby players
NPCManager::sendToViewable(mob, &pkt, P_FE2CL_NPC_MOVE, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_MOVE));
/* attack logic
* 2/5 represents 400 ms which is the time interval mobs use per movement logic step
* if the mob is one move interval away, we should just start attacking anyways.
if (distance <= mobRange || distanceToTravel < speed*2/5) {
if (mob->nextAttack == 0 || currTime >= mob->nextAttack) {
mob->nextAttack = currTime + (int)mob->data["m_iDelayTime"] * 100;
Combat::npcAttackPc(mob, currTime);
// retreat if the player leaves combat range
int xyDistance = hypot(plr->x - mob->roamX, plr->y - mob->roamY);
distance = hypot(xyDistance, plr->z - mob->roamZ);
if (distance >= mob->data["m_iCombatRange"]) {
mob->target = nullptr;
mob->state = MobState::RETREAT;
if (mob->groupLeader != 0)
void MobAI::incNextMovement(Mob *mob, time_t currTime) {
if (currTime == 0)
currTime = getTime();
int delay = (int)mob->data["m_iDelayTime"] * 1000;
mob->nextMovement = currTime + delay/2 + rand() % (delay/2);
static void roamingStep(Mob *mob, time_t currTime) {
* We reuse nextAttack to avoid scanning for players all the time, but to still
* do so more often than if we waited for nextMovement (which is way too slow).
* In the case of group leaders, this step will be called by dead mobs, so disable attack.
if (mob->state != MobState::DEAD && (mob->nextAttack == 0 || currTime >= mob->nextAttack)) {
mob->nextAttack = currTime + 500;
if (aggroCheck(mob, currTime))
// no random roaming if the mob already has a set path
if (mob->staticPath)
if (mob->groupLeader != 0 && mob->groupLeader != mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID) // don't roam by yourself without group leader
* mob->nextMovement is also updated whenever the path queue is traversed in
* Transport::stepNPCPathing() (which ticks at a higher frequency than nextMovement),
* so we don't have to check if there's already entries in the queue since we know there won't be.
if (mob->nextMovement != 0 && currTime < mob->nextMovement)
incNextMovement(mob, currTime);
int xStart = mob->spawnX - mob->idleRange/2;
int yStart = mob->spawnY - mob->idleRange/2;
int speed = mob->data["m_iWalkSpeed"];
// some mobs don't move (and we mustn't divide/modulus by zero)
if (mob->idleRange == 0 || speed == 0)
int farX, farY, distance;
int minDistance = mob->idleRange / 2;
// pick a random destination
farX = xStart + rand() % mob->idleRange;
farY = yStart + rand() % mob->idleRange;
distance = std::abs(std::max(farX - mob->appearanceData.iX, farY - mob->appearanceData.iY));
if (distance == 0)
distance += 1; // hack to avoid FPE
// if it's too short a walk, go further in that direction
farX = mob->appearanceData.iX + (farX - mob->appearanceData.iX) * minDistance / distance;
farY = mob->appearanceData.iY + (farY - mob->appearanceData.iY) * minDistance / distance;
// but don't got out of bounds
farX = std::clamp(farX, xStart, xStart + mob->idleRange);
farY = std::clamp(farY, yStart, yStart + mob->idleRange);
// halve movement speed if snared
if (mob->appearanceData.iConditionBitFlag & CSB_BIT_DN_MOVE_SPEED)
speed /= 2;
std::queue<WarpLocation> queue;
WarpLocation from = { mob->appearanceData.iX, mob->appearanceData.iY, mob->appearanceData.iZ };
WarpLocation to = { farX, farY, mob->appearanceData.iZ };
// add a route to the queue; to be processed in Transport::stepNPCPathing()
Transport::lerp(&queue, from, to, speed);
Transport::NPCQueues[mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = queue;
if (mob->groupLeader != 0 && mob->groupLeader == mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID) {
// make followers follow this npc.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (mob->groupMember[i] == 0)
if (Mobs.find(mob->groupMember[i]) == Mobs.end()) {
std::cout << "[WARN] roamingStep: leader can't find a group member!" << std::endl;
std::queue<WarpLocation> queue2;
Mob* followerMob = Mobs[mob->groupMember[i]];
from = { followerMob->appearanceData.iX, followerMob->appearanceData.iY, followerMob->appearanceData.iZ };
to = { farX + followerMob->offsetX, farY + followerMob->offsetY, followerMob->appearanceData.iZ };
Transport::lerp(&queue2, from, to, speed);
Transport::NPCQueues[followerMob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = queue2;
static void retreatStep(Mob *mob, time_t currTime) {
if (mob->nextMovement != 0 && currTime < mob->nextMovement)
mob->nextMovement = currTime + 400;
// distance between spawn point and current location
int distance = hypot(mob->appearanceData.iX - mob->roamX, mob->appearanceData.iY - mob->roamY);
//if (distance > mob->data["m_iIdleRange"]) {
if (distance > 10) {
auto targ = lerp(mob->appearanceData.iX, mob->appearanceData.iY, mob->roamX, mob->roamY, (int)mob->data["m_iRunSpeed"]*4/5);
pkt.iNPC_ID = mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
pkt.iSpeed = (int)mob->data["m_iRunSpeed"] * 2;
pkt.iToX = mob->appearanceData.iX = targ.first;
pkt.iToY = mob->appearanceData.iY = targ.second;
pkt.iToZ = mob->appearanceData.iZ = mob->spawnZ;
pkt.iMoveStyle = 1;
// notify all nearby players
NPCManager::sendToViewable(mob, &pkt, P_FE2CL_NPC_MOVE, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_MOVE));
// if we got there
//if (distance <= mob->data["m_iIdleRange"]) {
if (distance <= 10) { // retreat back to the spawn point
mob->state = MobState::ROAMING;
mob->appearanceData.iHP = mob->maxHealth;
mob->killedTime = 0;
mob->nextAttack = 0;
mob->appearanceData.iConditionBitFlag = 0;
// cast a return home heal spell, this is the right way(tm)
std::vector<int> targetData = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0};
for (auto& pwr : Combat::MobPowers)
if (pwr.skillType == Nanos::SkillTable[110].skillType)
pwr.handle(mob, targetData, 110, Nanos::SkillTable[110].durationTime[0], Nanos::SkillTable[110].powerIntensity[0]);
// clear outlying debuffs
static void step(CNServer *serv, time_t currTime) {
for (auto& pair : Mobs) {
if (pair.second->playersInView < 0)
std::cout << "[WARN] Weird playerview value " << pair.second->playersInView << std::endl;
// skip mob movement and combat if disabled or not in view
if ((!simulateMobs || pair.second->playersInView == 0) && pair.second->state != MobState::DEAD
&& pair.second->state != MobState::RETREAT)
switch (pair.second->state) {
case MobState::INACTIVE:
// no-op
case MobState::ROAMING:
roamingStep(pair.second, currTime);
case MobState::COMBAT:
combatStep(pair.second, currTime);
case MobState::RETREAT:
retreatStep(pair.second, currTime);
case MobState::DEAD:
deadStep(pair.second, currTime);
// deallocate all NPCs queued for removal
while (RemovalQueue.size() > 0) {
void MobAI::init() {
simulateMobs = settings::SIMULATEMOBS;