gsemaj 3ce9ae5f77
[WIP] Replace appearance data with individual fields
Storing certain things in appearance data and others in their own fields
was gross. Now everything is stored on the same level and functions have
been added to generate appearance data when it's needed by the client.
2023-10-08 16:31:53 -04:00

1227 lines
46 KiB

#include "CustomCommands.hpp"
#include "Chat.hpp"
#include "PlayerManager.hpp"
#include "TableData.hpp"
#include "NPCManager.hpp"
#include "Eggs.hpp"
#include "MobAI.hpp"
#include "Items.hpp"
#include "db/Database.hpp"
#include "Transport.hpp"
#include "Missions.hpp"
#include <sstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <math.h>
#include <limits.h>
typedef void (*CommandHandler)(std::string fullString, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock);
struct ChatCommand {
int requiredAccLevel;
std::string help;
CommandHandler handlr;
ChatCommand(int r, CommandHandler h): requiredAccLevel(r), handlr(h) {}
ChatCommand(int r, CommandHandler h, std::string str): requiredAccLevel(r), help(str), handlr(h) {}
ChatCommand(): ChatCommand(0, nullptr) {}
static std::map<std::string, ChatCommand> commands;
static std::vector<std::string> parseArgs(std::string full) {
std::stringstream ss(full);
std::istream_iterator<std::string> begin(ss);
std::istream_iterator<std::string> end;
return std::vector<std::string>(begin, end);
bool CustomCommands::runCmd(std::string full, CNSocket* sock) {
std::vector<std::string> args = parseArgs(full);
std::string cmd = args[0].substr(1, args[0].size() - 1);
// check if the command exists
if (commands.find(cmd) != commands.end()) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
ChatCommand command = commands[cmd];
// sanity check + does the player have the required account level to use the command?
if (plr != nullptr && plr->accountLevel <= command.requiredAccLevel) {
command.handlr(full, args, sock);
return true;
} else {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "You don't have access to that command!");
return false;
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Unknown command!");
return false;
static void updatePathMarkers(CNSocket* sock) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
if (TableData::RunningNPCPaths.find(plr->iID) != TableData::RunningNPCPaths.end()) {
for (BaseNPC* marker : TableData::RunningNPCPaths[plr->iID].second)
static void helpCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Commands available to you:");
Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
for (auto& cmd : commands) {
if (cmd.second.requiredAccLevel >= plr->accountLevel)
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/" + cmd.first + ( > 0 ? " - " + : ""));
static void accessCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Your access level is " + std::to_string(PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock)->accountLevel));
static void populationCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, std::to_string(PlayerManager::players.size()) + " players online");
static void levelCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/level: no level specified");
Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
char *tmp;
int level = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &tmp, 10);
if (*tmp)
if ((level < 1 || level > 36) && plr->accountLevel > 30)
if (!(level < 1 || level > 36))
plr->level = level;
resp.iPC_ID = plr->iID;
resp.iPC_Level = level;
sock->sendPacket(resp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_CHANGE_LEVEL);
PlayerManager::sendToViewable(sock, resp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_CHANGE_LEVEL);
static void mssCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Too few arguments");
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Usage: /mss <route> <add/remove/goto/clear/test/export> <<height>>");
// Validate route number
char* routeNumC;
int routeNum = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &routeNumC, 10);
if (*routeNumC) {
// not an integer
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Invalid route number '" + args[1] + "'");
if (args.size() < 3) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Too few arguments");
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Usage: /mss <route> <add/remove/goto/clear/test> <<height>>");
// get the route (if it doesn't exist yet, this will also make it)
std::vector<Vec3>* route = &TableData::RunningSkywayRoutes[routeNum];
// mss <route> add <height>
if (args[2] == "add") {
// make sure height token exists
if (args.size() < 4) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Point height must be specified");
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Usage: /mss <route> add <height>");
// validate height token
char* heightC;
int height = std::strtol(args[3].c_str(), &heightC, 10);
if (*heightC) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Invalid height " + args[3]);
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
route->push_back({ plr->x, plr->y, height }); // add point
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Added point (" + std::to_string(plr->x) + ", " + std::to_string(plr->y) + ", " + std::to_string(height) + ") to route " + std::to_string(routeNum));
// mss <route> remove
if (args[2] == "remove") {
if (route->empty()) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Route " + std::to_string(routeNum) + " is empty");
Vec3 pulled = route->back();
route->pop_back(); // remove point at top of stack
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Removed point (" + std::to_string(pulled.x) + ", " + std::to_string(pulled.y) + ", " + std::to_string(pulled.z) + ") from route " + std::to_string(routeNum));
// mss <route> goto
if (args[2] == "goto") {
if (route->empty()) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Route " + std::to_string(routeNum) + " is empty");
Vec3 pulled = route->back();
PlayerManager::sendPlayerTo(sock, pulled.x, pulled.y, pulled.z);
// mss <route> clear
if (args[2] == "clear") {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Cleared route " + std::to_string(routeNum));
// mss <route> test
if (args[2] == "test") {
if (route->empty()) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Route " + std::to_string(routeNum) + " is empty");
Vec3 pulled = route->front();
PlayerManager::sendPlayerTo(sock, pulled.x, pulled.y, pulled.z);
Transport::testMssRoute(sock, route);
// for compatibility: mss <route> export
if (args[2] == "export") {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Wrote gruntwork to " + settings::GRUNTWORKJSON);
// mss ????
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Unknown command '" + args[2] + "'");
static void summonWCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/summonW: no mob type specified");
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
char *rest;
int type = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &rest, 10);
if (*rest) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Invalid NPC number: " + args[1]);
int limit = NPCManager::NPCData.back()["m_iNpcNumber"];
// permission & sanity check
if (type > limit)
BaseNPC *npc = NPCManager::summonNPC(plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, plr->instanceID, type, true);
// update angle
npc->angle = (plr->angle + 180) % 360;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->id, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, plr->instanceID, npc->angle);
// if we're in a lair, we need to spawn the NPC in both the private instance and the template
if (PLAYERID(plr->instanceID) != 0) {
npc = NPCManager::summonNPC(plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, plr->instanceID, type, true, true);
npc->angle = (plr->angle + 180) % 360;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->id, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, npc->instanceID, npc->angle);
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/summonW: placed mob with type: " + std::to_string(type) +
", id: " + std::to_string(npc->id));
TableData::RunningMobs[npc->id] = npc; // only record the one in the template
static void unsummonWCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::getNearestNPC(&plr->viewableChunks, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z);
if (npc == nullptr) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/unsummonW: No NPCs found nearby");
if (TableData::RunningEggs.find(npc->id) != TableData::RunningEggs.end()) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/unsummonW: removed egg with type: " + std::to_string(npc->type) +
", id: " + std::to_string(npc->id));
if (TableData::RunningMobs.find(npc->id) == TableData::RunningMobs.end()
&& TableData::RunningGroups.find(npc->id) == TableData::RunningGroups.end()) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/unsummonW: Closest NPC is not a gruntwork mob.");
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(npc->id) != NPCManager::NPCs.end() && NPCManager::NPCs[npc->id]->kind == EntityType::MOB) {
int leadId = ((Mob*)npc)->groupLeader;
if (leadId != 0) {
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(leadId) == NPCManager::NPCs.end() || NPCManager::NPCs[leadId]->kind != EntityType::MOB) {
std::cout << "[WARN] unsummonW: leader not found!" << std::endl;
Mob* leadNpc = (Mob*)NPCManager::NPCs[leadId];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (leadNpc->groupMember[i] == 0)
if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(leadNpc->groupMember[i]) == NPCManager::NPCs.end() || NPCManager::NPCs[leadNpc->groupMember[i]]->kind != EntityType::MOB) {
std::cout << "[WARN] unsommonW: leader can't find a group member!" << std::endl;
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/unsummonW: Mob group destroyed.");
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/unsummonW: removed mob with type: " + std::to_string(npc->type) +
", id: " + std::to_string(npc->id));
static void toggleAiCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
MobAI::simulateMobs = !MobAI::simulateMobs;
if (MobAI::simulateMobs)
// return all mobs to their spawn points
for (auto& pair : NPCManager::NPCs) {
if (pair.second->kind != EntityType::MOB)
Mob* mob = (Mob*)pair.second;
mob->state = MobState::RETREAT;
mob->target = nullptr;
mob->nextMovement = getTime();
// mobs with static paths can chill where they are
if (mob->staticPath) {
mob->roamX = mob->x;
mob->roamY = mob->y;
mob->roamZ = mob->z;
} else {
mob->roamX = mob->spawnX;
mob->roamY = mob->spawnY;
mob->roamZ = mob->spawnZ;
static void npcRotateCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::getNearestNPC(&plr->viewableChunks, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z);
if (npc == nullptr) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCR] No NPCs found nearby");
int angle = (plr->angle + 180) % 360;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->id, npc->x, npc->y, npc->z, npc->instanceID, angle);
// if it's a gruntwork NPC, rotate in-place
if (TableData::RunningMobs.find(npc->id) != TableData::RunningMobs.end()) {
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->id, npc->x, npc->y, npc->z, npc->instanceID, angle);
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCR] Successfully set angle to " + std::to_string(angle) + " for gruntwork NPC "
+ std::to_string(npc->id));
} else {
TableData::RunningNPCRotations[npc->id] = angle;
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCR] Successfully set angle to " + std::to_string(angle) + " for NPC "
+ std::to_string(npc->id));
// update rotation clientside
pkt.NPCAppearanceData = npc->getAppearanceData();
sock->sendPacket(pkt, P_FE2CL_NPC_ENTER);
static void refreshCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
PlayerManager::updatePlayerPositionForWarp(sock, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, plr->instanceID);
static void instanceCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
// no additional arguments: report current instance ID
if (args.size() < 2) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[INST] Current instance ID: " + std::to_string(plr->instanceID));
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[INST] (Map " + std::to_string(MAPNUM(plr->instanceID)) + ", instance " + std::to_string(PLAYERID(plr->instanceID)) + ")");
// move player to specified instance
// validate instance ID
char* instanceS;
uint64_t instance = std::strtoll(args[1].c_str(), &instanceS, 10);
if (*instanceS) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[INST] Invalid instance ID: " + args[1]);
if (args.size() >= 3) {
char* playeridS;
uint64_t playerid = std::strtoll(args[2].c_str(), &playeridS, 10);
if (playerid != 0) {
instance |= playerid << 32ULL;
// a precaution
plr->recallInstance = 0;
PlayerManager::sendPlayerTo(sock, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, instance);
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[INST] Switched to instance with ID " + std::to_string(instance));
static void npcInstanceCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
if (args.size() < 2) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCI] Instance ID must be specified");
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCI] Usage: /npci <instance ID>");
BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::getNearestNPC(&plr->viewableChunks, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z);
if (npc == nullptr) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCI] No NPCs found nearby");
// validate instance ID
char* instanceS;
int instance = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &instanceS, 10);
if (*instanceS) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCI] Invalid instance ID: " + args[1]);
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCI] Moving NPC with ID " + std::to_string(npc->id) + " to instance " + std::to_string(instance));
TableData::RunningNPCMapNumbers[npc->id] = instance;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->id, npc->x, npc->y, npc->z, instance, npc->angle);
static void minfoCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MINFO] Current mission ID: " + std::to_string(plr->CurrentMissionID));
for (int i = 0; i < ACTIVE_MISSION_COUNT; i++) {
if (plr->tasks[i] != 0) {
TaskData& task = *Missions::Tasks[plr->tasks[i]];
if ((int)(task["m_iHMissionID"]) == plr->CurrentMissionID) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MINFO] Current task ID: " + std::to_string(plr->tasks[i]));
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MINFO] Current task type: " + std::to_string((int)(task["m_iHTaskType"])));
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MINFO] Current waypoint NPC ID: " + std::to_string((int)(task["m_iSTGrantWayPoint"])));
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MINFO] Current terminator NPC ID: " + std::to_string((int)(task["m_iHTerminatorNPCID"])));
if ((int)(task["m_iSTGrantTimer"]) != 0)
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MINFO] Current task timer: " + std::to_string((int)(task["m_iSTGrantTimer"])));
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if ((int)(task["m_iCSUEnemyID"][j]) != 0)
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MINFO] Current task mob #" + std::to_string(j+1) +": " + std::to_string((int)(task["m_iCSUEnemyID"][j])));
static void tasksCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
for (int i = 0; i < ACTIVE_MISSION_COUNT; i++) {
if (plr->tasks[i] != 0) {
TaskData& task = *Missions::Tasks[plr->tasks[i]];
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[TASK-" + std::to_string(i) + "] mission ID: " + std::to_string((int)(task["m_iHMissionID"])));
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[TASK-" + std::to_string(i) + "] task ID: " + std::to_string(plr->tasks[i]));
static void buffCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
if (args.size() < 3) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/buff: no skill Id and duration time specified");
char* tmp;
int skillId = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &tmp, 10);
if (*tmp)
int duration = std::strtol(args[2].c_str(), &tmp, 10);
if (*tmp)
if (Eggs::eggBuffPlayer(sock, skillId, 0, duration)<0)
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/buff: unknown skill Id");
static void eggCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/egg: no egg type specified");
char* tmp;
int eggType = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &tmp, 10);
if (*tmp)
if (Eggs::EggTypes.find(eggType) == Eggs::EggTypes.end()) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/egg: Unknown egg type");
//assert(NPCManager::nextId < INT32_MAX);
int id = NPCManager::nextId--;
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
// some math to place egg nicely in front of the player
// temporarly disabled for sake of gruntwork
int addX = 0; //-500.0f * sin(plr->angle / 180.0f * M_PI);
int addY = 0; //-500.0f * cos(plr->angle / 180.0f * M_PI);
Egg* egg = new Egg(plr->x + addX, plr->y + addY, plr->z, plr->instanceID, eggType, id, false); // change last arg to true after gruntwork
NPCManager::NPCs[id] = egg;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(id, plr->x + addX, plr->y + addY, plr->z, plr->instanceID, plr->angle);
// add to template
TableData::RunningEggs[id] = egg;
static void notifyCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
if (plr->notify) {
plr->notify = false;
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[ADMIN] No longer receiving join notifications");
} else {
plr->notify = true;
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[ADMIN] Receiving join notifications");
static void playersCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[ADMIN] Players on the server:");
for (auto pair : PlayerManager::players)
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, PlayerManager::getPlayerName(pair.second));
static void summonGroupCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
if (args.size() < 4) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/summonGroup(W) <leadermob> <mob> <number> [distance]");
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
char *rest;
bool wCommand = (args[0] == "/summonGroupW");
int type = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &rest, 10);
int type2 = std::strtol(args[2].c_str(), &rest, 10);
int count = std::strtol(args[3].c_str(), &rest, 10);
int distance = 150;
if (args.size() > 4)
distance = std::strtol(args[4].c_str(), &rest, 10);
if (*rest) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Invalid NPC number: " + args[1]);
int limit = NPCManager::NPCData.back()["m_iNpcNumber"];
// permission & sanity check
if (type > limit || type2 > limit || count > 5) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Invalid parameters; double check types and count");
Mob* leadNpc = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int team = NPCManager::NPCData[type]["m_iTeam"];
int x = plr->x;
int y = plr->y;
int z = plr->z;
if (i > 0) {
int angle = 360.0f / (count-1) * (i-1);
if (count == 3)
angle = 90 + 60 * i;
angle += (plr->angle + 180) % 360;
x += -1.0f * sin(angle / 180.0f * M_PI) * distance;
y += -1.0f * cos(angle / 180.0f * M_PI) * distance;
z = plr->z;
BaseNPC *npc = NPCManager::summonNPC(x, y, z, plr->instanceID, type, wCommand);
if (team == 2 && i > 0 && npc->kind == EntityType::MOB) {
leadNpc->groupMember[i-1] = npc->id;
Mob* mob = (Mob*)NPCManager::NPCs[npc->id];
mob->groupLeader = leadNpc->id;
mob->offsetX = x - plr->x;
mob->offsetY = y - plr->y;
npc->angle = (plr->angle + 180) % 360;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->id, x, y, z, plr->instanceID, npc->angle);
// if we're in a lair, we need to spawn the NPC in both the private instance and the template
if (PLAYERID(plr->instanceID) != 0) {
npc = NPCManager::summonNPC(plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, plr->instanceID, type, wCommand, true);
if (team == 2 && i > 0 && npc->kind == EntityType::MOB) {
leadNpc->groupMember[i-1] = npc->id;
Mob* mob = (Mob*)NPCManager::NPCs[npc->id];
mob->groupLeader = leadNpc->id;
mob->offsetX = x - plr->x;
mob->offsetY = y - plr->y;
npc->angle = (plr->angle + 180) % 360;
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->id, x, y, z, plr->instanceID, npc->angle);
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/summonGroup(W): placed mob with type: " + std::to_string(type) +
", id: " + std::to_string(npc->id));
if (i == 0 && team == 2 && npc->kind == EntityType::MOB) {
type = type2;
leadNpc = (Mob*)NPCManager::NPCs[npc->id];
leadNpc->groupLeader = leadNpc->id;
if (!wCommand)
return; // not writing; don't add to running mobs
if (leadNpc == nullptr) {
std::cout << "/summonGroupW: can't find group leader! Won't be saved!\n";
TableData::RunningGroups[leadNpc->id] = leadNpc; // only record the leader
static void flushCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Wrote gruntwork to " + settings::GRUNTWORKJSON);
static void whoisCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::getNearestNPC(&plr->viewableChunks, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z);
if (npc == nullptr) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] No NPCs found nearby");
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] ID: " + std::to_string(npc->id));
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] Type: " + std::to_string(npc->type));
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] HP: " + std::to_string(npc->hp));
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] CBF: " + std::to_string(npc->cbf));
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] EntityType: " + std::to_string((int)npc->kind));
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] X: " + std::to_string(npc->x));
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] Y: " + std::to_string(npc->y));
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] Z: " + std::to_string(npc->z));
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] Angle: " + std::to_string(npc->angle));
std::string chunkPosition = std::to_string(std::get<0>(npc->chunkPos)) + ", " + std::to_string(std::get<1>(npc->chunkPos)) + ", " + std::to_string(std::get<2>(npc->chunkPos));
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] Chunk: {" + chunkPosition + "}");
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] MapNum: " + std::to_string(MAPNUM(npc->instanceID)));
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] Instance: " + std::to_string(PLAYERID(npc->instanceID)));
static void lairUnlockCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
int taskID = -1;
int missionID = -1;
int lastDist = INT_MAX;
for (Chunk *chnk : Chunking::getViewableChunks(plr->chunkPos)) {
for (const EntityRef& ref : chnk->entities) {
if (ref.type == EntityType::PLAYER)
BaseNPC* npc = (BaseNPC*)ref.getEntity();
int distXY = std::hypot(plr->x - npc->x, plr->y - npc->y);
int dist = std::hypot(distXY, plr->z - npc->z);
if (dist >= lastDist)
for (auto it = NPCManager::Warps.begin(); it != NPCManager::Warps.end(); it++) {
if (it->second.npcID == npc->type) {
taskID = it->second.limitTaskID;
missionID = Missions::Tasks[taskID]->task["m_iHMissionID"];
lastDist = dist;
if (missionID == -1 || taskID == -1) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "No nearby Lair portals found.");
Missions::startTask(plr, taskID);
taskResp.iTaskNum = taskID;
taskResp.iRemainTime = 0;
sock->sendPacket(taskResp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_TASK_START_SUCC);
missionResp.iCurrentMissionID = missionID;
plr->CurrentMissionID = missionID;
sock->sendPacket(missionResp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_SET_CURRENT_MISSION_ID);
static void hideCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
if (plr->hidden) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[HIDE] You're already hidden from the map.");
plr->hidden = true;
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[HIDE] Successfully hidden from the map.");
static void unhideCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
if (!plr->hidden) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[HIDE] You're already visible from the map.");
plr->hidden = false;
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[HIDE] Successfully un-hidden from the map.");
static void redeemCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/redeem: No code specified");
// convert string to all lowercase
const char* codeRaw = args[1].c_str();
if (args[1].size() > 256) { // prevent overflow
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/redeem: Code too long");
char buf[256];
for (int i = 0; i < args[1].size(); i++)
buf[i] = std::tolower(codeRaw[i]);
std::string code(buf, args[1].size());
if (Items::CodeItems.find(code) == Items::CodeItems.end()) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/redeem: Unknown code");
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
if (Database::isCodeRedeemed(plr->iID, code)) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/redeem: You have already redeemed this code item");
int itemCount = Items::CodeItems[code].size();
std::vector<int> slots;
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
if (slots[i] == -1) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/redeem: Not enough space in inventory");
// delete any temp items we might have set
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
plr->Inven[slots[j]] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // empty
plr->Inven[slots[i]] = { 999, 999, 999, 0 }; // temp item; overwritten later
Database::recordCodeRedemption(plr->iID, code);
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
std::pair<int32_t, int32_t> item = Items::CodeItems[code][i];
resp.eIL = 1;
resp.iSlotNum = slots[i];
resp.Item.iID = item.first;
resp.Item.iType = item.second;
// I think it is safe? :eyes
resp.Item.iOpt = 1;
// save serverside
plr->Inven[resp.iSlotNum] = resp.Item;
sock->sendPacket(resp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_GIVE_ITEM_SUCC);
std::string msg = itemCount == 1 ? "You have redeemed a code item" : "You have redeemed code items";
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, msg);
static void unwarpableCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
plr->unwarpable = true;
static void warpableCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
plr->unwarpable = false;
static void registerallCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
plr->iWarpLocationFlag = UINT32_MAX;
plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[0] = UINT64_MAX;
plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[1] = UINT64_MAX;
// update the client
resp.iWarpLocationFlag = plr->iWarpLocationFlag;
resp.aWyvernLocationFlag[0] = plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[0];
resp.aWyvernLocationFlag[1] = plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[1];
static void unregisterallCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
plr->iWarpLocationFlag = 0;
plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[0] = 0;
plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[1] = 0;
// update the client
resp.iWarpLocationFlag = plr->iWarpLocationFlag;
resp.aWyvernLocationFlag[0] = plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[0];
resp.aWyvernLocationFlag[1] = plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[1];
static void banCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket *sock) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
if (args.size() < 2) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Usage: /ban PlayerID [reason...]");
char *rest;
int playerId = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &rest, 10);
if (*rest) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Invalid PlayerID: " + args[1]);
std::string reason;
if (args.size() == 2) {
reason = "no reason given";
} else {
reason = args[2];
for (int i = 3; i < args.size(); i++)
reason += " " + args[i];
// ban the account that player belongs to
if (!Database::banPlayer(playerId, reason)) {
// propagating a more descriptive error message from banPlayer() would be too much work
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Failed to ban target player. Check server logs.");
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Banned target player.");
std::cout << "[INFO] " << PlayerManager::getPlayerName(plr) << " banned player " << playerId << std::endl;
// if the player is online, kick them
CNSocket *otherSock = PlayerManager::getSockFromID(playerId);
if (otherSock == nullptr) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Player wasn't online. Didn't need to kick.");
Player *otherPlr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(otherSock);
pkt.iID = otherPlr->iID;
pkt.iExitCode = 3; // "a GM has terminated your connection"
// send to target player
otherSock->sendPacket(pkt, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_EXIT_SUCC);
// ensure that the connection has terminated
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, PlayerManager::getPlayerName(otherPlr) + " was online. Kicked.");
static void unbanCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket *sock) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
if (args.size() < 2) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Usage: /unban PlayerID");
char *rest;
int playerId = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &rest, 10);
if (*rest) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Invalid PlayerID: " + args[1]);
if (Database::unbanPlayer(playerId)) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Unbanned player.");
std::cout << "[INFO] " << PlayerManager::getPlayerName(plr) << " unbanned player " << playerId << std::endl;
} else {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Failed to unban player. Check server logs.");
static void pathCommand(std::string full, std::vector<std::string>& args, CNSocket* sock) {
Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock);
if (args.size() < 2) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] Too few arguments");
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] Usage: /path <start/kf/undo/here/test/cancel/end>");
// /path start
if (args[1] == "start") {
// make sure the player doesn't have a follower
if (TableData::RunningNPCPaths.find(plr->iID) != TableData::RunningNPCPaths.end()) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] An NPC is already following you");
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] Run '/path end' first, if you're done");
// find nearest NPC
BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::getNearestNPC(&plr->viewableChunks, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z);
if (npc == nullptr) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] No NPCs found nearby");
// add first point at NPC's current location
std::vector<BaseNPC*> pathPoints;
BaseNPC* marker = new BaseNPC(npc->x, npc->y, npc->z, 0, plr->instanceID, 1386, NPCManager::nextId--);
// map from player
TableData::RunningNPCPaths[plr->iID] = std::make_pair(npc, pathPoints);
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] NPC " + std::to_string(npc->id) + " is now following you");
// make sure the player has a follower
if (TableData::RunningNPCPaths.find(plr->iID) == TableData::RunningNPCPaths.end()) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] No NPC is currently following you");
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] Run '/path start' near an NPC first");
std::pair<BaseNPC*, std::vector<BaseNPC*>>* entry = &TableData::RunningNPCPaths[plr->iID];
BaseNPC* npc = entry->first;
// /path kf
if (args[1] == "kf") {
BaseNPC* marker = new BaseNPC(npc->x, npc->y, npc->z, 0, plr->instanceID, 1386, NPCManager::nextId--);
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] Added keyframe");
// /path here
if (args[1] == "here") {
// bring the NPC to where the player is standing
Transport::NPCQueues.erase(npc->id); // delete transport queue
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->id, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, npc->instanceID, 0);
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] Come here");
// /path undo
if (args[1] == "undo") {
if (entry->second.size() == 1) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] Nothing to undo");
BaseNPC* marker = entry->second.back();
marker->disappearFromViewOf(sock); // vanish
delete marker; // destroy
entry->second.pop_back(); // remove from the vector
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] Undid last keyframe");
// /path test
if (args[1] == "test") {
int speed = NPC_DEFAULT_SPEED;
if (args.size() > 2) { // speed specified
char* buf;
int speedArg = std::strtol(args[2].c_str(), &buf, 10);
if (*buf) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] Invalid speed " + args[2]);
speed = speedArg;
// return NPC to home
Transport::NPCQueues.erase(npc->id); // delete transport queue
BaseNPC* home = entry->second[0];
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->id, home->x, home->y, home->z, npc->instanceID, 0);
// do lerping magic
entry->second.push_back(home); // temporary end point for loop completion
std::queue<Vec3> keyframes;
auto _point = entry->second.begin();
Vec3 from = { (*_point)->x, (*_point)->y, (*_point)->z }; // point A coords
for (_point++; _point != entry->second.end(); _point++) { // loop through all point Bs
Vec3 to = { (*_point)->x, (*_point)->y, (*_point)->z }; // point B coords
// add point A to the queue
Transport::lerp(&keyframes, from, to, speed); // lerp from A to B
from = to; // update point A
Transport::NPCQueues[npc->id] = keyframes;
entry->second.pop_back(); // remove temp end point
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] Testing NPC path");
// /path cancel
if (args[1] == "cancel") {
// return NPC to home
Transport::NPCQueues.erase(npc->id); // delete transport queue
BaseNPC* home = entry->second[0];
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->id, home->x, home->y, home->z, npc->instanceID, 0);
// deallocate markers
for (BaseNPC* marker : entry->second) {
marker->disappearFromViewOf(sock); // poof
delete marker; // destroy
// unmap
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] NPC " + std::to_string(npc->id) + " is no longer following you");
// /path end
if (args[1] == "end") {
if (args.size() < 2) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] Too few arguments");
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] Usage: /path end [speed] [a/r]");
int speed = NPC_DEFAULT_SPEED;
bool relative = false;
if (args.size() > 2) { // speed specified
char* buf;
int speedArg = std::strtol(args[2].c_str(), &buf, 10);
if (*buf) {
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] Invalid speed " + args[2]);
speed = speedArg;
if (args.size() > 3 && args[3] == "r") { // relativity specified
relative = true;
// return NPC to home and set path to repeat
Transport::NPCQueues.erase(npc->id); // delete transport queue
BaseNPC* home = entry->second[0];
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->id, home->x, home->y, home->z, npc->instanceID, 0);
npc->loopingPath = true;
// do lerping magic
entry->second.push_back(home); // temporary end point for loop completion
std::queue<Vec3> keyframes;
auto _point = entry->second.begin();
Vec3 from = { (*_point)->x, (*_point)->y, (*_point)->z }; // point A coords
for (_point++; _point != entry->second.end(); _point++) { // loop through all point Bs
Vec3 to = { (*_point)->x, (*_point)->y, (*_point)->z }; // point B coords
// add point A to the queue
Transport::lerp(&keyframes, from, to, speed); // lerp from A to B
from = to; // update point A
Transport::NPCQueues[npc->id] = keyframes;
entry->second.pop_back(); // remove temp end point
// save to gruntwork
std::vector<Vec3> finalPoints;
for (BaseNPC* marker : entry->second) {
Vec3 coords = { marker->x, marker->y, marker->z };
if (relative) {
coords.x -= home->x;
coords.y -= home->y;
coords.z -= home->z;
// end point to complete the circuit
if (relative)
finalPoints.push_back({ 0, 0, 0 });
finalPoints.push_back({ home->x, home->y, home->z });
NPCPath finishedPath;
finishedPath.escortTaskID = -1;
finishedPath.isRelative = relative;
finishedPath.isLoop = true;
finishedPath.speed = speed;
finishedPath.points = finalPoints;
// deallocate markers
for (BaseNPC* marker : entry->second) {
marker->disappearFromViewOf(sock); // poof
delete marker; // destroy
// unmap
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] NPC " + std::to_string(npc->id) + " is no longer following you");
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] Path saved to gruntwork");
// /path ???
Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[PATH] Unknown argument '" + args[1] + "'");
static void registerCommand(std::string cmd, int requiredLevel, CommandHandler handlr, std::string help) {
commands[cmd] = ChatCommand(requiredLevel, handlr, help);
void CustomCommands::init() {
registerCommand("help", 100, helpCommand, "list all unlocked server-side commands");
registerCommand("access", 100, accessCommand, "print your access level");
registerCommand("instance", 30, instanceCommand, "print or change your current instance");
registerCommand("mss", 30, mssCommand, "edit Monkey Skyway routes");
registerCommand("npcr", 30, npcRotateCommand, "rotate NPCs");
registerCommand("npci", 30, npcInstanceCommand, "move NPCs across instances");
registerCommand("summonW", 30, summonWCommand, "permanently summon NPCs");
registerCommand("unsummonW", 30, unsummonWCommand, "delete permanently summoned NPCs");
registerCommand("toggleai", 30, toggleAiCommand, "enable/disable mob AI");
registerCommand("flush", 30, flushCommand, "save gruntwork to file");
registerCommand("level", 50, levelCommand, "change your character's level");
registerCommand("levelx", 50, levelCommand, "change your character's level"); // for Academy
registerCommand("population", 100, populationCommand, "check how many players are online");
registerCommand("refresh", 100, refreshCommand, "teleport yourself to your current location");
registerCommand("minfo", 30, minfoCommand, "show details of the current mission and task.");
registerCommand("buff", 50, buffCommand, "give yourself a buff effect");
registerCommand("egg", 30, eggCommand, "summon a coco egg");
registerCommand("tasks", 30, tasksCommand, "list all active missions and their respective task ids.");
registerCommand("notify", 30, notifyCommand, "receive a message whenever a player joins the server");
registerCommand("players", 30, playersCommand, "print all players on the server");
registerCommand("summonGroup", 30, summonGroupCommand, "summon group NPCs");
registerCommand("summonGroupW", 30, summonGroupCommand, "permanently summon group NPCs");
registerCommand("ban", 30, banCommand, "ban the account the given PlayerID belongs to");
registerCommand("unban", 30, unbanCommand, "unban the account the given PlayerID belongs to");
registerCommand("whois", 50, whoisCommand, "describe nearest NPC");
registerCommand("lair", 50, lairUnlockCommand, "get the required mission for the nearest fusion lair");
registerCommand("hide", 100, hideCommand, "hide yourself from the global player map");
registerCommand("unhide", 100, unhideCommand, "un-hide yourself from the global player map");
registerCommand("unwarpable", 100, unwarpableCommand, "prevent buddies from warping to you");
registerCommand("warpable", 100, warpableCommand, "re-allow buddies to warp to you");
registerCommand("registerall", 50, registerallCommand, "register all SCAMPER and MSS destinations");
registerCommand("unregisterall", 50, unregisterallCommand, "clear all SCAMPER and MSS destinations");
registerCommand("redeem", 100, redeemCommand, "redeem a code item");
registerCommand("path", 30, pathCommand, "edit NPC paths");