SengokuNadeko 262dca7dd6 Buddy rework, adjustments, and fixes
I cleaned up the code a bit (I'll clean it up more as I make more progress) and fixed a bug with buddy slots. Now buddies aren't overwritten!
A few reworks and adjustments

I reworked the buddyIDs array to store only player UIDs instead of IDs. I also reworked buddy deleting so that it deletes buddies from the array.
Code cleanup

Cleaned up some of the code. I mainly just removed useless helper methods.
2020-11-07 23:39:41 -05:00

77 lines
1.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include "CNProtocol.hpp"
#include "CNStructs.hpp"
#define PC_MAXHEALTH(level) (925 + 75 * (level))
struct Player {
int accountId;
int accountLevel; // permission level (see CN_ACCOUNT_LEVEL enums)
int64_t SerialKey;
int32_t iID;
uint64_t FEKey;
time_t creationTime;
int level;
int HP;
int slot; // player slot, not nano slot
int16_t mentor;
int32_t money;
int32_t fusionmatter;
int32_t batteryW;
int32_t batteryN;
sPCStyle PCStyle;
sPCStyle2 PCStyle2;
sNano Nanos[37]; // acquired nanos
int equippedNanos[3];
int activeNano; // active nano (index into Nanos)
int8_t iPCState;
int32_t iWarpLocationFlag;
int64_t aSkywayLocationFlag[2];
int32_t iConditionBitFlag;
int8_t iSpecialState;
int x, y, z, angle;
int lastX, lastY, lastZ, lastAngle;
uint64_t instanceID;
sItemBase Equip[AEQUIP_COUNT];
sItemBase Inven[AINVEN_COUNT];
sItemBase Bank[ABANK_COUNT];
sItemTrade Trade[12];
int32_t moneyInTrade;
bool isTrading;
bool isTradeConfirm;
bool inCombat;
bool passiveNanoOut;
int healCooldown;
int pointDamage;
int groupDamage;
int defense;
int64_t aQuestFlag[16];
int RemainingNPCCount[ACTIVE_MISSION_COUNT][3];
sItemBase QInven[AQINVEN_COUNT];
int32_t CurrentMissionID;
sTimeLimitItemDeleteInfo2CL toRemoveVehicle;
int32_t iIDGroup;
int groupCnt;
int32_t groupIDs[4];
int32_t iGroupConditionBitFlag;
bool notify;
int buddyCnt;
int64_t buddyIDs[50];