mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 10:50:15 +00:00
Active skills, Corruption and Eruption
This commit is contained in:
@ -342,6 +342,9 @@ int MobManager::hitMob(CNSocket *sock, Mob *mob, int damage) {
return 0; // no damage
if (mob->skillStyle >= 0)
return 0; // don't hurt a mob casting corruption
if (mob->state == MobState::ROAMING) {
assert(mob->target == nullptr);
mob->target = sock;
@ -551,12 +554,15 @@ void MobManager::combatStep(Mob *mob, time_t currTime) {
int distance = hypot(plr->x - mob->appearanceData.iX, plr->y - mob->appearanceData.iY);
int mobRange = (int)mob->data["m_iAtkRange"] + (int)mob->data["m_iRadius"];
if (currTime >= mob->nextAttack)
useAbilities(mob, currTime);
* If the mob is close enough to attack, do so. If not, get closer.
* No, I'm not 100% sure this is how it's supposed to work.
if (distance <= (int)mob->data["m_iAtkRange"]) {
if (distance <= mobRange) {
// attack logic
if (mob->nextAttack == 0) {
mob->nextAttack = currTime + (int)mob->data["m_iInitalTime"] * 100; //I *think* this is what this is
@ -565,7 +571,7 @@ void MobManager::combatStep(Mob *mob, time_t currTime) {
mob->nextAttack = currTime + (int)mob->data["m_iDelayTime"] * 100;
npcAttackPc(mob, currTime);
} else {
} else if (mob->skillStyle == -1) { // don't move while casting a skill
// movement logic
if (mob->nextMovement != 0 && currTime < mob->nextMovement)
@ -586,7 +592,7 @@ void MobManager::combatStep(Mob *mob, time_t currTime) {
targetY += mob->offsetY*distance/(mob->idleRange + 1);
auto targ = lerp(mob->appearanceData.iX, mob->appearanceData.iY, targetX, targetY, std::min(distance-(int)mob->data["m_iAtkRange"]+1, speed*2/5));
auto targ = lerp(mob->appearanceData.iX, mob->appearanceData.iY, targetX, targetY, std::min(distance-mobRange+1, speed*2/5));
NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, targ.first, targ.second, mob->appearanceData.iZ, mob->instanceID, mob->appearanceData.iAngle);
@ -1236,6 +1242,7 @@ bool MobManager::aggroCheck(Mob *mob, time_t currTime) {
void MobManager::clearDebuff(Mob *mob) {
mob->skillStyle = -1;
mob->appearanceData.iConditionBitFlag = 0;
@ -1458,6 +1465,190 @@ void MobManager::followToCombat(Mob *mob) {
void MobManager::useAbilities(Mob *mob, time_t currTime) {
if (mob->skillStyle >= 0) { // corruption hit
int skillID = (int)mob->data["m_iCorruptionType"];
int targetData[5] = {1, mob->target->plr->iID, 0, 0, 0};
dealCorruption(mob, targetData, skillID, mob->skillStyle);
mob->nextAttack = currTime + 1000;
mob->skillStyle = -3;
if (mob->skillStyle == -2) { // eruption hit
int skillID = (int)mob->data["m_iMegaType"];
int targetData[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
// find the players within range of eruption
for (auto it = mob->viewableChunks->begin(); it != mob->viewableChunks->end(); it++) {
Chunk* chunk = *it;
for (CNSocket *s : chunk->players) {
Player *plr = s->plr;
if (plr->HP <= 0)
int distance = hypot(mob->hitX - plr->x, mob->hitY - plr->y);
if (distance < NanoManager::SkillTable[skillID].effectArea) {
targetData[0] += 1;
targetData[targetData[0]] = plr->iID;
if (targetData[0] > 3) // make sure not to have more than 4
for (auto& pwr : MobPowers)
if (pwr.skillType == NanoManager::SkillTable[skillID].skillType)
pwr.handle(mob, targetData, skillID, NanoManager::SkillTable[skillID].durationTime[0], NanoManager::SkillTable[skillID].powerIntensity[0]);
mob->skillStyle = -3; // eruption cooldown
mob->nextAttack = currTime + 1000;
if (mob->skillStyle == -3) { // cooldown expires
mob->skillStyle = -1;
int random = rand() % 100 * 30000;
int prob1 = (int)mob->data["m_iActiveSkill1Prob"]; // active skill probability
int prob2 = (int)mob->data["m_iCorruptionTypeProb"]; // corruption probability
int prob3 = (int)mob->data["m_iMegaTypeProb"]; // eruption probability
if (random < prob1) { // active skill hit
int skillID = (int)mob->data["m_iActiveSkill1"];
int targetData[5] = {1, mob->target->plr->iID, 0, 0, 0};
for (auto& pwr : MobPowers)
if (pwr.skillType == NanoManager::SkillTable[skillID].skillType)
pwr.handle(mob, targetData, skillID, NanoManager::SkillTable[skillID].durationTime[0], NanoManager::SkillTable[skillID].powerIntensity[0]);
mob->nextAttack = currTime + (int)mob->data["m_iDelayTime"] * 100;
if (random < prob1 + prob2) { // corruption windup
int skillID = (int)mob->data["m_iCorruptionType"];
pkt.iNPC_ID = mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
pkt.iSkillID = skillID;
pkt.iValue1 = mob->target->plr->x;
pkt.iValue2 = mob->target->plr->y;
pkt.iValue3 = mob->target->plr->z;
mob->skillStyle = NanoManager::nanoStyle(mob->target->plr->activeNano) - 1;
if (mob->skillStyle == -1)
mob->skillStyle = 2;
if (mob->skillStyle == -2)
mob->skillStyle = (int)mob->data["m_iNpcStyle"];
pkt.iStyle = mob->skillStyle;
mob->nextAttack = currTime + 2000;
if (random < prob1 + prob2 + prob3) { // eruption windup
int skillID = (int)mob->data["m_iMegaType"];
pkt.iNPC_ID = mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
pkt.iSkillID = skillID;
pkt.iValue1 = mob->hitX = mob->target->plr->x;
pkt.iValue2 = mob->hitY = mob->target->plr->y;
pkt.iValue3 = mob->hitZ = mob->target->plr->z;
NPCManager::sendToViewable(mob, &pkt, P_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_READY, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_READY));
mob->nextAttack = currTime + 2500;
mob->skillStyle = -2;
void MobManager::dealCorruption(Mob *mob, int targetData[], int skillID, int style) {
size_t resplen = sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_CORRUPTION_HIT) + targetData[0] * sizeof(sCAttackResult);
// validate response packet
if (!validOutVarPacket(sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_CORRUPTION_HIT), targetData[0], sizeof(sCAttackResult))) {
std::cout << "[WARN] bad sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_CORRUPTION_HIT packet size" << std::endl;
uint8_t respbuf[CN_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE];
memset(respbuf, 0, resplen);
sCAttackResult *respdata = (sCAttackResult*)(respbuf+sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_CORRUPTION_HIT));
resp->iNPC_ID = mob->appearanceData.iNPC_ID;
resp->iSkillID = skillID;
resp->iStyle = style;
resp->iValue1 = mob->target->plr->x;
resp->iValue2 = mob->target->plr->y;
resp->iValue3 = mob->target->plr->z;
resp->iTargetCnt = targetData[0];
for (int i = 0; i < targetData[0]; i++) {
CNSocket *sock = nullptr;
Player *plr = nullptr;
for (auto& pair : PlayerManager::players) {
if (pair.second->iID == targetData[i+1]) {
sock = pair.first;
plr = pair.second;
// player not found
if (plr == nullptr) {
std::cout << "[WARN] dealCorruption: player ID not found" << std::endl;
respdata[i].eCT = 1;
respdata[i].iID = plr->iID;
respdata[i].bProtected = 0;
respdata[i].iActiveNanoSlotNum = -1;
for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
if (plr->activeNano == plr->equippedNanos[n])
respdata[i].iActiveNanoSlotNum = n;
respdata[i].iNanoID = plr->activeNano;
int style2 = NanoManager::nanoStyle(plr->activeNano);
if (style2 == -1 || style == style2) {
respdata[i].iHitFlag = 8; // tie
respdata[i].iDamage = 0;
respdata[i].iNanoStamina = plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iStamina;
} else if (style - style2 == 1 || style2 - style == 2) {
respdata[i].iHitFlag = 4; // win
respdata[i].iDamage = 60;
respdata[i].iNanoStamina = plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iStamina += 60;
if (plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iStamina > 150)
respdata[i].iNanoStamina = plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iStamina = 150;
} else {
respdata[i].iHitFlag = 16; // lose
respdata[i].iDamage = 60;
plr->HP -= respdata[i].iDamage;
respdata[i].iNanoStamina = plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iStamina -= 60;
if (plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iStamina < 0) {
respdata[i].iNanoStamina = plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iStamina = 0;
NanoManager::summonNano(sock, -1); // unsummon when stamina is 0
respdata[i].iHP = plr->HP;
respdata[i].iConditionBitFlag = plr->iConditionBitFlag;
if (plr->HP <= 0) {
mob->target = nullptr;
mob->state = MobState::RETREAT;
if (!aggroCheck(mob, getTime()))
NPCManager::sendToViewable(mob, (void*)&respbuf, P_FE2CL_NPC_SKILL_CORRUPTION_HIT, resplen);
#pragma region Mob Powers
namespace MobManager {
bool doDamageNDebuff(Mob *mob, sSkillResult_Damage_N_Debuff *respdata, int i, int32_t targetID, int32_t bitFlag, int16_t timeBuffID, int16_t duration, int16_t amount) {
@ -1478,7 +1669,7 @@ bool doDamageNDebuff(Mob *mob, sSkillResult_Damage_N_Debuff *respdata, int i, in
return false;
int damage = duration / 1000;
int damage = duration;
respdata[i].eCT = 1;
respdata[i].iDamage = damage;
@ -1488,13 +1679,29 @@ bool doDamageNDebuff(Mob *mob, sSkillResult_Damage_N_Debuff *respdata, int i, in
if (plr->iConditionBitFlag & CSB_BIT_FREEDOM)
respdata[i].bProtected = 1;
else {
if (!(plr->iConditionBitFlag & bitFlag)) {
pkt.eCSTB = timeBuffID; // eCharStatusTimeBuffID
pkt.eTBU = 1; // eTimeBuffUpdate
pkt.eTBT = 2;
pkt.iConditionBitFlag = plr->iConditionBitFlag |= bitFlag;
sock->sendPacket((void*)&pkt, P_FE2CL_PC_BUFF_UPDATE, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_PC_BUFF_UPDATE));
respdata[i].bProtected = 0;
plr->iConditionBitFlag |= bitFlag;
std::pair<CNSocket*, int32_t> key = std::make_pair(sock, bitFlag);
time_t until = getTime() + (time_t)duration;
time_t until = getTime() + (time_t)duration * 100;
NPCManager::EggBuffs[key] = until;
respdata[i].iConditionBitFlag = plr->iConditionBitFlag;
if (plr->HP <= 0) {
mob->target = nullptr;
mob->state = MobState::RETREAT;
if (!aggroCheck(mob, getTime()))
return true;
@ -1535,6 +1742,13 @@ bool doDamage(Mob *mob, sSkillResult_Damage *respdata, int i, int32_t targetID,
respdata[i].iID = plr->iID;
respdata[i].iHP = plr->HP -= damage;
if (plr->HP <= 0) {
mob->target = nullptr;
mob->state = MobState::RETREAT;
if (!aggroCheck(mob, getTime()))
return true;
@ -1579,6 +1793,13 @@ bool doLeech(Mob *mob, sSkillResult_Heal_HP *healdata, int i, int32_t targetID,
damagedata->iID = plr->iID;
damagedata->iHP = plr->HP -= damage;
if (plr->HP <= 0) {
mob->target = nullptr;
mob->state = MobState::RETREAT;
if (!aggroCheck(mob, getTime()))
return true;
@ -1594,7 +1815,7 @@ bool doBatteryDrain(Mob *mob, sSkillResult_BatteryDrain *respdata, int i, int32_
// player not found
if (plr == nullptr) {
std::cout << "[WARN] doDamage: player ID not found" << std::endl;
std::cout << "[WARN] doBatteryDrain: player ID not found" << std::endl;
return false;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ struct Mob : public BaseNPC {
CNSocket *target = nullptr;
time_t nextAttack = 0;
time_t lastDrainTime = 0;
int skillStyle = -1; // -1 for nothing, 0-2 for corruption, -2 for ability windup, -3 for eruption
int skillStyle = -1; // -1 for nothing, 0-2 for corruption, -2 for eruption
int hitX, hitY, hitZ; // for use in ability targeting
// drop
@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ namespace MobManager {
extern std::map<int32_t, MobDrop> MobDrops;
extern std::map<int32_t, std::map<int8_t, Bullet>> Bullets;
extern bool simulateMobs;
extern std::vector<MobPower> MobPowers;
void init();
void step(CNServer*, time_t);
@ -187,5 +188,6 @@ namespace MobManager {
int8_t addBullet(Player* plr, bool isGrenade);
void followToCombat(Mob *mob);
void useAbilities(Mob *mob, time_t currTime);
void dealCorruption(Mob *mob, int *targetData, int skillID, int style);
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ void NanoManager::summonNano(CNSocket *sock, int slot) {
if (pwr.skillType == SkillTable[skillID].skillType) {
resp.eCSTB___Add = 1; // the part that makes nano go ZOOMAZOOM
plr->nanoDrainRate = SkillTable[skillID].batteryUse[boost*3];
pwr.handle(sock, targetData, nanoID, skillID, 0, SkillTable[skillID].powerIntensity[boost]);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user