An Electron app that allows you to easily join FusionFall servers.
It automatically installs FF's custom build of Unity Web Player, manages text files such as assetInfo.php
, and embeds the game, all in a few clicks!
For an overview of how the game client worked originally, please see this section in the OpenFusion README.
This repository does not contain any code from the actual FusionFall game client. Think of it more as a launcher: it abstracts away having to use a NPAPI plugin capable web browser, along with having to host a HTTP server for it to connect to.
In addition, if you are interested in contributing: do note that this project likely cannot utilize more modern Javascript techniques. In order to use NPAPI plugins, a very old version of Electron was needed (0.31.0). This limits the project to only a portion of ES5 in non-strict mode, and a reduced subset of Node/Electron APIs.
Provided that you have npm installed, clone the repository, then run install like so:
git clone
npm install
After that has completed you can then test OpenFusionClient:
npm run start
If you would like to package it as a standalone win32 application:
npm run pack
You can then compress the application directory into a zip file and installer for distribution:
npm run dist
Before opening a PR or running pack/dist, please do a code formatting pass:
npm run prettier
MIT unless specified otherwise