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Operator Description Example
+ Adds two numerical values together print(2 + 2) -> 3 ;)
- Subtracts two numerical values together print(2 - 1) -> 1
* Multiplies two numerical values together print(3 * 3) -> 9
/ Divides two numerical values together print(5 / 2) -> 2.5
% performs a modulus operator on two numerical values print(5 % 2) -> 1

-> means 'outputs'


Operator Description Example
! "Not" logical operator, flips the logical polarity. print(!true) -> false
# "Count" calls '__count' metamethod on objects or gives the count of entries in tables print(#[1,2,3]) -> 3, print(#{__count = function(self) return self.x end, x = 1337}) -> 1337
++ Increment operator. var i = 0 print(++i .. ", " .. i++ .. ", " .. i) -> 1, 1, 2
-- Decrement operator. var i = 0 print(--i .. ", " .. i-- .. ", " .. i) -> -1, -1, -2
( ... ) Call operator. Arguments should be separated using ,. print("Hello", " ", "world!") -> Hello world!

-> means 'outputs'


Operator Description Example
and Logical 'and' operation print(true and 1337) -> 1337
or Logical 'or' operation print(nil or false or 1337) -> 1337
== Logical equality operation print(1337 == 1337) -> true
!= Logical not equality operation print(1337 != 1337) -> false
>= Greater than or equals too print(1337 >= 2000) -> false
<= Less than or equals too print(1337 <= 2000) -> true
> Greater than print(1337 > 2000) -> false
< Less than print(1337 < 2000) -> true

-> means 'outputs'