2023-11-03 22:55:24 -05:00

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Standard Library

Cosmo comes with a standard library which is broken into separate modules where each can be selectively loaded using the C API.

Base Library

Includes misc. functions. The "junk drawer" of the standard library. Without these functions however, Cosmo would be severely limited in functionality.

Name Type Behavior Example
print (...) Writes primitives to stdout, if a <ref> is passed, tostring() is invoked before outputting print("Hello world!")
type (<ANY>) -> <string> Returns the passed arguments datatype as a string type(1) -> "<number>"
tonumber (<ANY>) -> <number> Converts the datatype to a <number>, if a <ref> is passed __tonumber metamethod is invoked tonumber("12") -> 12
tostring (<ANY>) -> <string> Converts the datatype to a <string>, if a <ref> is passed __tostring metamethod is invoked tostring(12) -> "12"
error (<string>) Throws an error with the passed <string> error("error!")
pcall (<callable>) -> <bool>, <error> or <ANY> Tries a protected call on the passed function, if an error is thrown, <bool> will be false and the 2nd result will be the error message pcall(error("Hello world!")) -> false, "Hello world!"
assert (<bool>, <string>) If the passed <bool> is false, an error is thrown, optionally uses custom error message assert(1 == 1, "Error Message!")
loadstring (<string>) -> <boolean>, <function> or <error> If the <string> compiled successfully, 1st result will be true and the 2nd result will be the newly compiled function. If there was a compiler/lexer error, the 1st result will be false and the 2nd result will be the error loadstring("print(\"hi\")")()

-> means 'returns'

String Library

Includes functions and methods to manipulate strings. When this library is loaded all objects have their proto's set to the string.* object. Enabling you to invoke the API directly on objects without using string.*, eg. "Hello":len() is the same as string.len("Hello").

Name Type Behavior Example
string.len (<string>) -> <number> Returns the length of the passed string "hi":len() -> 2
string.sub (str<string>, start<number>[, length<number>]) -> <string> Makes a substring of str starting at start with length of length or str:len() - start "Hello World":sub(6) -> "World"
string.find (str<string>, find<string>[, start<number>]) -> index<number> Searches for first occurrence of find in str starting at start or 0. Returns index or -1 if failed "Hello world":find("wo") -> 6
string.split (str<string>, splitter<string>) -> [<string>, ...] Splits str into substrings using splitter as the splitter. Returns an array (table) starting at 0 of the strings. "Hello world":split(" ") -> ["Hello", "world"]
string.byte (str<string>) -> <number> Returns the byte of the first character in the string. "A":byte() -> 65
string.char (byte<number>) -> <string> Returns a 1 character string of the byte passed. string.char(65) -> "A"
string.rep (str<string>, times<number>) -> <string> Repeats the string and returns the newly allocated string ("A" .. "B"):rep(2) -> "ABAB"

-> means 'returns'

Math Library

Includes functions to do some common algebraic operations.

Name Type Behavior Example
math.abs (X<number>) -> <number> Returns the absolute value of X math.abs(-2) -> 2
math.floor (X<number>) -> <number> Rounds down to the nearest integer math.floor(5.3) -> 5
math.ceil (X<number>) -> <number> Rounds up to the nearest integer math.ceil(5.3) -> 6
math.rad (Deg<number>) -> <number> Converts degrees to radians math.rad(180) -> 3.14159
math.deg (Rad<number>) -> <number> Converts radians to degrees math.deg(3.14159) -> 180
math.sin (Rad<number>) -> <number> Returns the sine of radian Rad math.sin(math.rad(90)) -> 1
math.cos (Rad<number>) -> <number> Returns the cosine of radian Rad math.cos(math.rad(180)) -> -1
math.tan (Rad<number>) -> <number> Returns the tangent of radian Rad math.tan(math.rad(45)) -> 1
math.asin (sin<number>) -> <number> Returns the arc sine of radian Rad math.deg(math.asin(1)) -> 90
math.acos (cos<number>) -> <number> Returns the arc cosine of radian Rad math.deg(math.acos(-1)) -> 180
math.atan (tan<number>) -> <number> Returns the arc tangent of radian Rad math.deg(math.atan(1)) -> 45

-> means 'returns'

OS Library

Includes functions that interact with the operating system.

Name Type Behavior Example (path<string>) -> <string> or <nil> Returns a file's contents or nil if it doesn't exist/an error occurred"path") -> Hello, World!
os.time () -> <number> Returns the system time in Epoch format os.time() -> 1.61691e+09
os.system (cmd<string>) -> <number> Runs a system command as if it were a terminal and returns the exit code os.system("mkdir test") -> 0

-> means 'returns'