.constf myconst(0.0, 1.0, 0.001, 1000.0) .constf myconst2(0.5, 999.0, 1.1, 2.0) .constf myconst3(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) .alias zeros myconst.xxxx .alias halfs myconst2.xxxx .alias ones myconst.yyyy .alias twos myconst2.wwww .alias tooclose myconst.zzzz .alias far myconst.wwww .alias noHit myconst2.yyyy .alias samplesRCP myconst3.xxxx .alias diffuseID myconst.xxxx .alias metallicID myconst.yyyy .alias dielectricID myconst2.wwww .consti sampleLoopParams(4, 0, 1, 0) .consti bounceLoopParams(9, 0, 1, 0) ; (NUM_SPHERES, 0, 1, 0) .ivec calcSphereLoopParams .setb b0 true .alias true b0 ; xyz center (in world space) ; w radius (in world space) .fvec spheres[25] ; material albedo (xyz) ; material id (w) .fvec sphereColors[25] ; material emitted light (xyz) ; extra material params (w) .fvec sphereLights[25] ; random numbers .fvec rand[10] .fvec sampleRand[5] .in inOrigin v0 .in inLowerLeftCorner v1 .in inHorizontal v2 .in inVertical v3 .in inST v4 .in inPos v5 .in inUV v6 .in inRand v7 .out outPos position .out outUV texcoord0 .out outColor color .proc main mov r15.xyz, zeros for sampleLoopParams ; r1 = inOrigin mov r1, inOrigin ; r2 = inDirection mov r2.xyz, inLowerLeftCorner mov r3.xy, inST.xy mad r2.xyz, inHorizontal, r3.x, r2.xyz mad r2.xyz, inVertical, r3.y, r2.xyz ; set initial color multiplier to (1, 1, 1) mov r4.xyz, ones ; set initial color to (0, 0, 0) mov r13.xyz, zeros mov r14.xyz, sampleRand[aL].xyz ; calculate light bounces for bounceLoopParams ; setup random numbers for this iteration mov r11, rand[aL] add r11.xyz, r11.xyz, r14.xyz add r11.xyz, r11.xyz, inRand.xyz dp3 r14.w, r11.xyz, r11.xyz rsq r14.w, r14.w mul r11.xyz, r11.xyz, r14.w ; reset max ray distance mov r4.w, far ; set albedo to a large number for sphere hit check mov r10.xyz, far ; for each sphere for calcSphereLoopParams ; r3 = spheres[i] mov r3, spheres[aL] ; do calculation call calcSphere .end ; check if noHit < albedo ; and exit early if true ; as albedo has not been set ; after the initial set ; which only happens when ; a ray does not hit any spheres cmp noHit.xyz, lt, lt, r10.xyz ; not using breakc. it behaves weird. jmpc cmp.x, labl ; multiply color by albedo mul r4.xyz, r4.xyz, r10.xyz ; add emitted light mad r13.xyz, r4.xyz, r12.xyz, r13.xyz ; set r1 to new ray origin mov r1.xyz, r5.xyz ; set r2 to new ray direction ; try diffuse material cmp diffuseID.w, eq, eq, r10.w callc cmp.x, diffuse jmpc cmp.x, materialFound ; try metallic material cmp metallicID.w, eq, eq, r10.w callc cmp.x, metallic jmpc cmp.x, materialFound ; try dielectric material cmp dielectricID.w, eq, eq, r10.w callc cmp.x, dielectric jmpc cmp.x, materialFound ; material doesn't reflect light ; used mostly for light-emitting objects jmpu true, labl materialFound: nop .end labl: ; add final color to output add r15.xyz, r13.xyz, r15.xyz .end ; divide by sample count mul outColor.xyz, samplesRCP, r15.xyz ; set alpha to 1 mov outColor.w, ones mov outPos, inPos mov outUV, inUV end .end ; ----------------------------- ; Calculate Sphere Intersection ; ----------------------------- ; Performs a ray-sphere intersection test. ; ; Inputs ; ------ ; r1.xyz: ray origin ; r2.xyz: ray direction ; r3.xyz: sphere origin ; r3.w: sphere radius ; r4.w: min distance ; r11.xyz: random unit vector ; r11.w: random number ; ; Outputs ; ------- ; r4.w: new min distance ; r10.xyz: albedo ; r10.w: material id ; r12.xyz: light emitted ; r12.w: extra material info ; ; Temporaries ; ----------- ; r5.xyz: new origin ; r7.xyz: hit normal ; r7.w: ray is outside sphere (1) or inside sphere (0) ; r8.xyzw: used for calculations ; r9.xyzw: used for calculations .proc calcSphere ; vec3 oc = origin - center add r8.xyz, r1.xyz, -r3.xyz ; float a = dot(direction, direction) dp3 r9.x, r2.xyz, r2.xyz ; float halfB = dot(oc, direction) dp3 r9.y, r8.xyz, r2.xyz ; float radiusSquared = radius * radius mul r8.w, r3.w, r3.w ; float c = dot(oc, oc) - radius * radius dp3 r9.z, r8.xyz, r8.xyz add r9.z, r9.z, -r8.w ; float halfBSquared = halfB * halfB; mul r8.w, r9.y, r9.y ; float ac = a * c; mul r9.w, r9.x, r9.z ; float discriminant = bSquared - ac add r8.w, r8.w, -r9.w ; if discriminant < 0, exit procedure early cmp zeros, gt, gt, r8.w jmpc cmp.x, calcSphereExit ; calculate t ; float sqrtDiscriminant = sqrt(discriminant) rsq r8.w, r8.w rcp r8.w, r8.w ; a = 1 / a rcp r9.x, r9.x ; float root = (-halfB - sqrtDiscriminant) / a add r9.z, -r9.y, -r8.w mul r9.z, r9.z, r9.x ; if root < min distance, check other root cmp tooclose, gt, gt, r9.z jmpc cmp.x, calcSphereCheckOtherRoot ; if root > max distance, check other root cmp r9.z, gt, gt, r4.w jmpc cmp.x, calcSphereCheckOtherRoot ; if root is in range, finalize calculations jmpu true, calcSphereFin calcSphereCheckOtherRoot: ; float root = (-halfB + sqrtDiscriminant) / a add r9.z, -r9.y, r8.w mul r9.z, r9.z, r9.x ; if root < min distance, check other root cmp tooclose, gt, gt, r9.z jmpc cmp.x, calcSphereExit ; if root > max distance, check other root cmp r9.z, gt, gt, r4.w jmpc cmp.x, calcSphereExit calcSphereFin: ; change max distance to closest hit mov r4.w, r9.z ; calculate new origin mad r5.xyz, r2.xyz, r9.zzz, r1.xyz ; calculate normal add r7.xyz, r5.xyz, -r3.xyz rcp r3.w, r3.w mul r7.xyz, r7.xyz, r3.w ; set albedo and material type mov r10.xyzw, sphereColors[aL].xyzw ; set light emitted and extra material info mov r12.xyzw, sphereLights[aL].xyzw ; early exit label calcSphereExit: nop .end ; --------- ; Materials ; --------- ; Calculates the new ray direction for a given material. ; ; Inputs ; ------ ; r1.xyz: ray origin ; r2.xyz: ray direction ; r3.xyz: sphere origin ; r3.w: sphere radius ; r4.w: min distance ; r11.xyz: random unit vector ; r11.w: random number ; ; Outputs ; ------- ; r2.xyz: new ray direction ; Diffuse Material ; ---------------- .proc diffuse add r2.xyz, r7.xyz, r11.xyz .end ; Metallic Material ; ----------------- .proc metallic dp3 r6.xyz, r2, r7 mul r6.xyz, twos, r6.xyz mad r2.xyz, -r6.xyz, r7.xyz, r2.xyz ; add a bit of random "fuzziness" to the metal mad r2.xyz, r11.xyz, r12.w, r2.xyz .end ; Dielectric Material ; ------------------- .proc dielectric ; currently diffuse material, implement fr later add r2.xyz, r7.xyz, r11.xyz .end