Morph 99ceb03a1c general: Convert source file copyright comments over to SPDX
This formats all copyright comments according to SPDX formatting guidelines.
Additionally, this resolves the remaining GPLv2 only licensed files by relicensing them to GPLv2.0-or-later.
2022-04-23 05:55:32 -04:00

152 lines
5.4 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <algorithm>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <map>
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/basic_block.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
namespace Shader::IR {
Block::Block(ObjectPool<Inst>& inst_pool_) : inst_pool{&inst_pool_} {}
Block::~Block() = default;
void Block::AppendNewInst(Opcode op, std::initializer_list<Value> args) {
PrependNewInst(end(), op, args);
Block::iterator Block::PrependNewInst(iterator insertion_point, const Inst& base_inst) {
Inst* const inst{inst_pool->Create(base_inst)};
return instructions.insert(insertion_point, *inst);
Block::iterator Block::PrependNewInst(iterator insertion_point, Opcode op,
std::initializer_list<Value> args, u32 flags) {
Inst* const inst{inst_pool->Create(op, flags)};
const auto result_it{instructions.insert(insertion_point, *inst)};
if (inst->NumArgs() != args.size()) {
throw InvalidArgument("Invalid number of arguments {} in {}", args.size(), op);
std::ranges::for_each(args, [inst, index = size_t{0}](const Value& arg) mutable {
inst->SetArg(index, arg);
return result_it;
void Block::AddBranch(Block* block) {
if (std::ranges::find(imm_successors, block) != imm_successors.end()) {
throw LogicError("Successor already inserted");
if (std::ranges::find(block->imm_predecessors, this) != block->imm_predecessors.end()) {
throw LogicError("Predecessor already inserted");
static std::string BlockToIndex(const std::map<const Block*, size_t>& block_to_index,
Block* block) {
if (const auto it{block_to_index.find(block)}; it != block_to_index.end()) {
return fmt::format("{{Block ${}}}", it->second);
return fmt::format("$<unknown block {:016x}>", reinterpret_cast<u64>(block));
static size_t InstIndex(std::map<const Inst*, size_t>& inst_to_index, size_t& inst_index,
const Inst* inst) {
const auto [it, is_inserted]{inst_to_index.emplace(inst, inst_index + 1)};
if (is_inserted) {
return it->second;
static std::string ArgToIndex(std::map<const Inst*, size_t>& inst_to_index, size_t& inst_index,
const Value& arg) {
if (arg.IsEmpty()) {
return "<null>";
if (!arg.IsImmediate() || arg.IsIdentity()) {
return fmt::format("%{}", InstIndex(inst_to_index, inst_index, arg.Inst()));
switch (arg.Type()) {
case Type::U1:
return fmt::format("#{}", arg.U1() ? "true" : "false");
case Type::U8:
return fmt::format("#{}", arg.U8());
case Type::U16:
return fmt::format("#{}", arg.U16());
case Type::U32:
return fmt::format("#{}", arg.U32());
case Type::U64:
return fmt::format("#{}", arg.U64());
case Type::F32:
return fmt::format("#{}", arg.F32());
case Type::Reg:
return fmt::format("{}", arg.Reg());
case Type::Pred:
return fmt::format("{}", arg.Pred());
case Type::Attribute:
return fmt::format("{}", arg.Attribute());
return "<unknown immediate type>";
std::string DumpBlock(const Block& block) {
size_t inst_index{0};
std::map<const Inst*, size_t> inst_to_index;
return DumpBlock(block, {}, inst_to_index, inst_index);
std::string DumpBlock(const Block& block, const std::map<const Block*, size_t>& block_to_index,
std::map<const Inst*, size_t>& inst_to_index, size_t& inst_index) {
std::string ret{"Block"};
if (const auto it{block_to_index.find(&block)}; it != block_to_index.end()) {
ret += fmt::format(" ${}", it->second);
ret += '\n';
for (const Inst& inst : block) {
const Opcode op{inst.GetOpcode()};
ret += fmt::format("[{:016x}] ", reinterpret_cast<u64>(&inst));
if (TypeOf(op) != Type::Void) {
ret += fmt::format("%{:<5} = {}", InstIndex(inst_to_index, inst_index, &inst), op);
} else {
ret += fmt::format(" {}", op); // '%00000 = ' -> 1 + 5 + 3 = 9 spaces
const size_t arg_count{inst.NumArgs()};
for (size_t arg_index = 0; arg_index < arg_count; ++arg_index) {
const Value arg{inst.Arg(arg_index)};
const std::string arg_str{ArgToIndex(inst_to_index, inst_index, arg)};
ret += arg_index != 0 ? ", " : " ";
if (op == Opcode::Phi) {
ret += fmt::format("[ {}, {} ]", arg_str,
BlockToIndex(block_to_index, inst.PhiBlock(arg_index)));
} else {
ret += arg_str;
if (op != Opcode::Phi) {
const Type actual_type{arg.Type()};
const Type expected_type{ArgTypeOf(op, arg_index)};
if (!AreTypesCompatible(actual_type, expected_type)) {
ret += fmt::format("<type error: {} != {}>", actual_type, expected_type);
if (TypeOf(op) != Type::Void) {
ret += fmt::format(" (uses: {})\n", inst.UseCount());
} else {
ret += '\n';
return ret;
} // namespace Shader::IR