#include <QHBoxLayout> #include <QKeyEvent> #include "common/common.h" #include "bootmanager.hxx" #include "core/core.h" #include "core/loader.h" #include "video_core/video_core.h" #include "version.h" #define APP_NAME "citra" #define APP_VERSION "0.1-" VERSION #define APP_TITLE APP_NAME " " APP_VERSION #define COPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Citra Team" EmuThread::EmuThread(GRenderWindow* render_window) : exec_cpu_step(false), cpu_running(false), render_window(render_window) { } void EmuThread::SetFilename(const char* filename) { strcpy(this->filename, filename); } void EmuThread::run() { while (true) { for (int tight_loop = 0; tight_loop < 10000; ++tight_loop) { if (cpu_running || exec_cpu_step) { if (exec_cpu_step) exec_cpu_step = false; Core::SingleStep(); if (!cpu_running) emit CPUStepped(); } } } Core::Stop(); } void EmuThread::Stop() { if (!isRunning()) { INFO_LOG(MASTER_LOG, "EmuThread::Stop called while emu thread wasn't running, returning..."); return; } //core::g_state = core::SYS_DIE; wait(1000); if (isRunning()) { WARN_LOG(MASTER_LOG, "EmuThread still running, terminating..."); terminate(); wait(1000); if (isRunning()) WARN_LOG(MASTER_LOG, "EmuThread STILL running, something is wrong here..."); } INFO_LOG(MASTER_LOG, "EmuThread stopped"); } // This class overrides paintEvent and resizeEvent to prevent the GUI thread from stealing GL context. // The corresponding functionality is handled in EmuThread instead class GGLWidgetInternal : public QGLWidget { public: GGLWidgetInternal(GRenderWindow* parent) : QGLWidget(parent) { setAutoBufferSwap(false); doneCurrent(); parent_ = parent; } void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* ev) { // Apparently, Windows doesn't display anything if we don't call this here. // TODO: Breaks linux though because we aren't calling doneCurrent() ... -.- // makeCurrent(); } void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* ev) { parent_->SetClientAreaWidth(size().width()); parent_->SetClientAreaHeight(size().height()); } private: GRenderWindow* parent_; }; EmuThread& GRenderWindow::GetEmuThread() { return emu_thread; } GRenderWindow::GRenderWindow(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent), emu_thread(this) { // TODO: One of these flags might be interesting: WA_OpaquePaintEvent, WA_NoBackground, WA_DontShowOnScreen, WA_DeleteOnClose child = new GGLWidgetInternal(this); QBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout(this); resize(VideoCore::kScreenTopWidth, VideoCore::kScreenTopHeight + VideoCore::kScreenBottomHeight); layout->addWidget(child); layout->setMargin(0); setLayout(layout); BackupGeometry(); } GRenderWindow::~GRenderWindow() { emu_thread.Stop(); } void GRenderWindow::SwapBuffers() { child->makeCurrent(); // TODO: Not necessary? child->swapBuffers(); } void GRenderWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event) { emu_thread.Stop(); QWidget::closeEvent(event); } void GRenderWindow::MakeCurrent() { child->makeCurrent(); } void GRenderWindow::DoneCurrent() { child->doneCurrent(); } void GRenderWindow::PollEvents() { // TODO(ShizZy): Does this belong here? This is a reasonable place to update the window title // from the main thread, but this should probably be in an event handler... /* static char title[128]; sprintf(title, "%s (FPS: %02.02f)", window_title_.c_str(), video_core::g_renderer->current_fps()); setWindowTitle(title); */ } void GRenderWindow::BackupGeometry() { geometry = ((QGLWidget*)this)->saveGeometry(); } void GRenderWindow::RestoreGeometry() { // We don't want to back up the geometry here (obviously) QWidget::restoreGeometry(geometry); } void GRenderWindow::restoreGeometry(const QByteArray& geometry) { // Make sure users of this class don't need to deal with backing up the geometry themselves QWidget::restoreGeometry(geometry); BackupGeometry(); } QByteArray GRenderWindow::saveGeometry() { // If we are a top-level widget, store the current geometry // otherwise, store the last backup if (parent() == NULL) return ((QGLWidget*)this)->saveGeometry(); else return geometry; } void GRenderWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { /* bool key_processed = false; for (unsigned int channel = 0; channel < 4 && controller_interface(); ++channel) if (controller_interface()->SetControllerStatus(channel, event->key(), input_common::GCController::PRESSED)) key_processed = true; if (!key_processed) QWidget::keyPressEvent(event); */ } void GRenderWindow::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { /* bool key_processed = false; for (unsigned int channel = 0; channel < 4 && controller_interface(); ++channel) if (controller_interface()->SetControllerStatus(channel, event->key(), input_common::GCController::RELEASED)) key_processed = true; if (!key_processed) QWidget::keyPressEvent(event); */ }