diff --git a/.appveyor/UtilityFunctions.ps1 b/.appveyor/UtilityFunctions.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index fd7476314c..0000000000
--- a/.appveyor/UtilityFunctions.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Set-up Visual Studio Command Prompt environment for PowerShell
-pushd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\"
-cmd /c "VsDevCmd.bat -arch=x64 & set" | foreach {
-    if ($_ -match "=") {
-        $v = $_.split("="); Set-Item -Force -Path "ENV:\$($v[0])" -Value "$($v[1])"
-    }
-function Which ($search_path, $name) {
-    ($search_path).Split(";") | Get-ChildItem -Filter $name | Select -First 1 -Exp FullName
-function GetDeps ($search_path, $binary) {
-    ((dumpbin /dependents $binary).Where({ $_ -match "dependencies:"}, "SkipUntil") | Select-String "[^ ]*\.dll").Matches | foreach {
-        Which $search_path $_.Value
-    }
-function RecursivelyGetDeps ($search_path, $binary) {
-    $final_deps = @()
-    $deps_to_process = GetDeps $search_path $binary
-    while ($deps_to_process.Count -gt 0) {
-        $current, $deps_to_process = $deps_to_process
-        if ($final_deps -contains $current) { continue }
-        # Is this a system dll file?
-        # We use the same algorithm that cmake uses to determine this.
-        if ($current -match "$([regex]::Escape($env:SystemRoot))\\sys") { continue }
-        if ($current -match "$([regex]::Escape($env:WinDir))\\sys") { continue }
-        if ($current -match "\\msvc[^\\]+dll") { continue }
-        if ($current -match "\\api-ms-win-[^\\]+dll") { continue }
-        $final_deps += $current
-        $new_deps = GetDeps $search_path $current
-        $deps_to_process += ($new_deps | ?{-not ($final_deps -contains $_)})
-    }
-    return $final_deps
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index cef19c2595..0000000000
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# shallow clone
-clone_depth: 10
-  - C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin -> appveyor.yml
-  - C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib -> appveyor.yml
-os: Visual Studio 2017
-  # Tell msys2 to add mingw64 to the path
-  # Tell msys2 to inherit the current directory when starting the shell
-  matrix:
-    - BUILD_TYPE: msvc
-    - BUILD_TYPE: mingw
-  - x64
-  - Release
-  - git submodule update --init --recursive
-  - ps: |
-        if ($env:BUILD_TYPE -eq 'mingw') {
-          $dependencies = "mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake",
-                          "mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5",
-                          "mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2"
-          # redirect err to null to prevent warnings from becoming errors
-          # workaround to prevent pacman from failing due to cyclical dependencies
-          C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --noconfirm -S mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-freetype mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-fontconfig" 2> $null
-          C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --noconfirm -S $dependencies" 2> $null
-        }
-  - mkdir %BUILD_TYPE%_build
-  - cd %BUILD_TYPE%_build
-  - ps: |
-        if ($env:BUILD_TYPE -eq 'msvc') {
-          # redirect stderr and change the exit code to prevent powershell from cancelling the build if cmake prints a warning
-        } else {
-        }
-  - cd ..
-  - ps: |
-        if ($env:BUILD_TYPE -eq 'msvc') {
-          # https://www.appveyor.com/docs/build-phase
-          msbuild msvc_build/yuzu.sln /maxcpucount /logger:"C:\Program Files\AppVeyor\BuildAgent\Appveyor.MSBuildLogger.dll"
-        } else {
-          C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc 'mingw32-make -C mingw_build/ 2>&1'
-        }
-  - ps: |
-        $GITDATE = $(git show -s --date=short --format='%ad') -replace "-",""
-        $GITREV = $(git show -s --format='%h')
-        # Find out which kind of release we are producing by tag name
-        if ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME) {
-        } else {
-          # There is no repo tag - make assumptions
-          $RELEASE_DIST = "head"
-        }
-        if ($env:BUILD_TYPE -eq 'msvc') {
-          # Where are these spaces coming from? Regardless, let's remove them
-          $MSVC_BUILD_ZIP = "yuzu-windows-msvc-$GITDATE-$GITREV.zip" -replace " ", ""
-          $MSVC_BUILD_PDB = "yuzu-windows-msvc-$GITDATE-$GITREV-debugsymbols.zip" -replace " ", ""
-          $MSVC_SEVENZIP = "yuzu-windows-msvc-$GITDATE-$GITREV.7z" -replace " ", ""
-          # set the build names as env vars so the artifacts can upload them
-          $env:BUILD_ZIP = $MSVC_BUILD_ZIP
-          $BUILD_DIR = ".\msvc_build\bin\Release"
-          # Make a debug symbol upload
-          mkdir pdb
-          Get-ChildItem "$BUILD_DIR\" -Recurse -Filter "*.pdb" | Copy-Item -destination .\pdb
-          7z a -tzip $MSVC_BUILD_PDB .\pdb\*.pdb
-          rm "$BUILD_DIR\*.pdb"
-          mkdir $RELEASE_DIST
-          # get rid of extra exes by copying everything over, then deleting all the exes, then copying just the exes we want
-          Copy-Item "$BUILD_DIR\*" -Destination $RELEASE_DIST -Recurse
-          rm "$RELEASE_DIST\*.exe"
-          Get-ChildItem "$BUILD_DIR" -Recurse -Filter "yuzu*.exe" | Copy-Item -destination $RELEASE_DIST
-          Get-ChildItem "$BUILD_DIR" -Recurse -Filter "QtWebEngineProcess*.exe" | Copy-Item -destination $RELEASE_DIST
-          Copy-Item .\license.txt -Destination $RELEASE_DIST
-          Copy-Item .\README.md -Destination $RELEASE_DIST
-          7z a -tzip $MSVC_BUILD_ZIP $RELEASE_DIST\*
-        } else {
-          $MINGW_BUILD_ZIP = "yuzu-windows-mingw-$GITDATE-$GITREV.zip" -replace " ", ""
-          $MINGW_SEVENZIP = "yuzu-windows-mingw-$GITDATE-$GITREV.7z" -replace " ", ""
-          # not going to bother adding separate debug symbols for mingw, so just upload a README for it
-          # if someone wants to add them, change mingw to compile with -g and use objdump and strip to separate the symbols from the binary
-          $MINGW_NO_DEBUG_SYMBOLS = "README_No_Debug_Symbols.txt"
-          Set-Content -Path $MINGW_NO_DEBUG_SYMBOLS -Value "This is a workaround for Appveyor since msvc has debug symbols but mingw doesnt" -Force
-          # store the build information in env vars so we can use them as artifacts
-          $env:BUILD_ZIP = $MINGW_BUILD_ZIP
-          $CMAKE_BINARY_DIR = "$CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/mingw_build/bin"
-          $RELEASE_DIST = $RELEASE_DIST + "-mingw"
-          mkdir $RELEASE_DIST
-          mkdir $RELEASE_DIST/platforms
-          mkdir $RELEASE_DIST/styles
-          mkdir $RELEASE_DIST/imageformats
-          # copy the compiled binaries and other release files to the release folder
-          Get-ChildItem "$CMAKE_BINARY_DIR" -Filter "yuzu*.exe" | Copy-Item -destination $RELEASE_DIST
-          Copy-Item -path "$CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/license.txt" -destination $RELEASE_DIST
-          Copy-Item -path "$CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/README.md" -destination $RELEASE_DIST
-          # copy the qt windows plugin dll to platforms
-          Copy-Item -path "C:/msys64/mingw64/share/qt5/plugins/platforms/qwindows.dll" -force -destination "$RELEASE_DIST/platforms"
-          # copy the qt windows vista style dll to platforms
-          Copy-Item -path "C:/msys64/mingw64/share/qt5/plugins/styles/qwindowsvistastyle.dll" -force -destination "$RELEASE_DIST/styles"
-          # copy the qt jpeg imageformat dll to platforms
-          Copy-Item -path "C:/msys64/mingw64/share/qt5/plugins/imageformats/qjpeg.dll" -force -destination "$RELEASE_DIST/imageformats"
-          # copy all the dll dependencies to the release folder
-          . "./.appveyor/UtilityFunctions.ps1"
-          $DLLSearchPath = "C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;$env:PATH"
-          $MingwDLLs = RecursivelyGetDeps $DLLSearchPath "$RELEASE_DIST\yuzu.exe"
-          $MingwDLLs += RecursivelyGetDeps $DLLSearchPath  "$RELEASE_DIST\yuzu_cmd.exe"
-          $MingwDLLs += RecursivelyGetDeps $DLLSearchPath  "$RELEASE_DIST\imageformats\qjpeg.dll"
-          Write-Host "Detected the following dependencies:"
-          Write-Host $MingwDLLs
-          foreach ($file in $MingwDLLs) {
-            Copy-Item -path "$file" -force -destination "$RELEASE_DIST"
-          }
-          7z a -tzip $MINGW_BUILD_ZIP $RELEASE_DIST\*
-        }
-  - cd %BUILD_TYPE%_build
-  - ps: |
-        if ($env:BUILD_TYPE -eq 'msvc') {
-          ctest -VV -C Release
-        } else {
-          C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc "ctest -VV -C Release"
-        }
-  - cd ..
-  - path: $(BUILD_ZIP)
-    name: build
-    type: zip
-  provider: GitHub
-  release: $(appveyor_repo_tag_name)
-  auth_token:
-    secure: QqePPnXbkzmXct5c8hZ2X5AbsthbI6cS1Sr+VBzcD8oUOIjfWJJKXVAQGUbQAbb0
-  artifact: update,build
-  draft: false
-  prerelease: false
-  on:
-    appveyor_repo_tag: true