CakeLancelot fe6e2538a5 Add username collision pruning script for 3 -> 4 migration
Co-authored-by: dongresource <>
2021-09-20 13:38:52 -05:00

150 lines
5.0 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Username case collision pruning script
# This script is meant to remove accidentally-made accounts from an
# OpenFusion server database, so it can be updated from version 3 to 4.
# Start by running your server and making sure it tells you to run this
# script. If it does, execute this script in a command line using a Python
# interpreter, passing the filename of your DB as the only argument.
# The script will create a backup of your DB, as well as a log file
# containing a record of all the changes that were made. Make sure to
# preserve this log file in case you need to reference it in the future.
# If something goes wrong with the first invocation, you'll need to move the
# DB backup and log files out of the way before the script can be re-run.
# If all goes well, you should be able to re-run your OF server and it'll
# complete the migration to DB version 4.
# Do not hesitate to ask the OF developers for assistance if necessary.
import sys
import os.path
import shutil
import logging
from functools import reduce
import sqlite3
LOGFILE = 'caseinsens.log'
DRY_RUN = False # set to True if testing the script
def check_version(cur):
cur.execute("SELECT Value FROM Meta WHERE Key = 'DatabaseVersion';")
ver = cur.fetchone()[0]
if ver < 3:
sys.exit('fatal: you must first upgrade your DB version to 3 by running the server on it')
elif ver >= 4:
sys.exit('fatal: your database is already version {}. this script is meant to clean up version 3 before it can be upgrated to 4.'.format(ver))
def get_logins(cur):
cur.execute('SELECT Login FROM Accounts GROUP BY LOWER(Login) HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;')
return [x[0] for x in cur.fetchall()]
def rate_triviality(cur, accid, accname):
cur.execute('SELECT PlayerID, TutorialFlag, Level FROM Players WHERE AccountID = ?;', (accid,))
players = cur.fetchall()
# are there zero player characters?
if len(players) == 0:'** {} has no players'.format(accname))
return 0, 0
# is the only player still in the tutorial?
if len(players) == 1 and players[0][1] == 0:'** {} is in tutorial'.format(accname))
return 1, 0
# is the only player still level 1?
if len(players) == 1 and players[0][2] == 1:'** {} is level 1'.format(accname))
return 2, 1
# sum player levels as a heuristic of effort expended on account
levelsum = reduce(lambda a, b: a+b, map(lambda x: x[2], players))'** {} is non-trivial'.format(accname))
return (99, levelsum)
def process_login(cur, login):
cur.execute('SELECT Login, AccountID FROM Accounts WHERE Login LIKE ?;', (login,))
duplicates = cur.fetchall()
rest = []
for name, accid in duplicates:
rating, levelsum = rate_triviality(cur, accid, name)
if rating < DELETION_TRESHOLD:'* triviality for {} is {}; deleting'.format(name, rating))
if not DRY_RUN:
cur.execute('DELETE FROM Accounts WHERE AccountID = ?;', (accid,))
else:'* triviality for {} is {}, levelsum = {}; keeping'.format(name, rating, levelsum))
rest.append((levelsum, name, accid, ))
if len(rest) == 0:
logging.warning('all variants of {} were trivial?'.format(login))
# pick the account with the largest sum of character levels as primary...
rest.reverse()'{} looks like the primary'.format(rest[0][1]))
rest = rest[1:]
# ...and then rename the rest
for i in range(len(rest)):
oldname = rest[i][1]
accid = rest[i][2]
prefix = '_' * (i+1)
newname = prefix + oldname
# mind the 32 character limit
if len(newname) > 32:
newname = newname[:32]'* renaming {} to {}'.format(oldname, newname))
if not DRY_RUN:
cur.execute('UPDATE Accounts SET Login = ? WHERE AccountID = ?;', (newname, accid))
def main(path):
if os.path.isfile(LOGFILE):
sys.exit('fatal: a log file named {} already exists. refusing to modify.'.format(LOGFILE))
logging.basicConfig(filename=LOGFILE, level=20, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
if not os.path.isfile(path):
sys.exit('fatal: {} is not a file'.format(path))
bakpath = path + '.caseinsens.bak'
if os.path.isfile(bakpath):
sys.exit('fatal: a DB backup named {} already exists. refusing to overwrite.'.format(bakpath))
shutil.copy(path, bakpath)'saved database backup to {}'.format(bakpath))
print('saved database backup to {}'.format(bakpath))
with sqlite3.connect(path) as db:
cur = db.cursor()
logins = get_logins(cur)
for login in logins:
process_login(cur, login)'done.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
sys.exit('usage: {} database.db'.format(sys.argv[0]))