# %% import json import sys from tqdm import tqdm import mysql.connector SPLIT_FIELDS = { "m_iMissionRewardItemID": ("m_iMissionRewardItemID", "m_iMissionRewarItemType"), "m_iMissionRewardItemID2": ("m_iMissionRewardItemID2", "m_iMissionRewardItemType2"), "m_iCSTItemID": ("m_iCSTItemID", "m_iCSTItemNumNeeded"), "m_iCSUEnemyID": ("m_iCSUEnemyID", "m_iCSUNumToKill"), "m_iCSUItemID": ("m_iCSUItemID", "m_iCSUItemNumNeeded"), "m_iSTItemID": ("m_iSTItemID", "m_iSTItemNumNeeded", "m_iSTItemDropRate"), "m_iSUItem": ("m_iSUItem", "m_iSUInstancename"), "m_iFItemID": ("m_iFItemID", "m_iFItemNumNeeded"), } # %% def get_db_column_name(xdt_field_name): # special case 1 if xdt_field_name == "m_iitemID": return "ItemID" try: # find the first uppercase character and split the string there idx_of_first_uppercase = next(i for i, c in enumerate(xdt_field_name) if c.isupper()) except StopIteration: # special case 2 if xdt_field_name == "m_ibattery": idx_of_first_uppercase = 3 else: print(f"Could not find uppercase character in {xdt_field_name}") sys.exit(1) prefix = xdt_field_name[:idx_of_first_uppercase] db_field_name = xdt_field_name[idx_of_first_uppercase:] return db_field_name # %% def table_entry_to_tuple(table_entry): vals = [] for field_name in table_entry: field = table_entry[field_name] vals.append(field) return tuple(vals) def flatten_table_entry(table_entry): flattened_entry = {} for field_name in table_entry: field = table_entry[field_name] if type(field) == list: for i, item in enumerate(field): flattened_entry[f"{field_name}{i}"] = item else: flattened_entry[field_name] = field return flattened_entry def handle_dict_table(table_entries, identifier_key, items_key): new_table_entries = [] for table_entry in table_entries: identifier = table_entry[identifier_key] items = table_entry[items_key] for item in items: new_item = {} new_item[identifier_key] = identifier # needs to be first for field_name in item: new_item[field_name] = item[field_name] new_table_entries.append(new_item) return new_table_entries # %% def gen_column_sql(field_name, field_value): field_type = type(field_value) if field_type == int: return f"`{field_name}` INT," elif field_type == float: return f"`{field_name}` FLOAT," elif field_type == str: # TODO maybe ascii vs unicode? return f"`{field_name}` TEXT," else: print(f"Unknown type {field_type} for field {field_name}, skipping") return "" # %% def table_create(cursor, table_name, xdt_template_entry): sql = f"CREATE TABLE {table_name} (" sql += "id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," for field_name in xdt_template_entry: db_field_name = get_db_column_name(field_name) val = xdt_template_entry[field_name] sql += gen_column_sql(db_field_name, val) sql = sql[:-1] # remove trailing comma sql += ")" cursor.execute(sql) # %% def table_populate(cursor, table_name, table_entries): # generate the SQL first sql = f"INSERT INTO {table_name} (" template_entry = table_entries[0] for field_name in template_entry: db_field_name = get_db_column_name(field_name) sql += f"`{db_field_name}`," sql = sql[:-1] # remove trailing comma sql += ") VALUES (" for field_name in template_entry: sql += f"%s," sql = sql[:-1] # remove trailing comma sql += ")" vals = [table_entry_to_tuple(entry) for entry in table_entries] try: cursor.executemany(sql, vals) except Exception as e: print(sql) print(vals) raise e # %% def process_xdt_table(cursor, root, table_name, mappings): table = root[table_name] for subtable_name in tqdm(table, desc=table_name, total=len(table)): if subtable_name not in mappings[table_name]: print(f"No mapping found for {table_name}.{subtable_name}") raise Exception() db_table_name = mappings[table_name][subtable_name] #print(f"{subtable_name} => {db_table_name}") table_entries = table[subtable_name] if db_table_name == "CutSceneText": table_entries = handle_dict_table(table_entries, "m_iEvent", "m_TextElement") table_entries = [flatten_table_entry(entry) for entry in table_entries] # clear the table drop_sql = f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {db_table_name}" cursor.execute(drop_sql) # create the table table_create(cursor, db_table_name, table_entries[0]) table_populate(cursor, db_table_name, table_entries) # %% def main(conn, xdt_path): with open("mappings.json", 'r') as f: mappings = json.load(f) with open(xdt_path, 'r') as f: root = json.load(f) cursor = conn.cursor() for table_name in root: if "Table" in table_name: process_xdt_table(cursor, root, table_name, mappings) conn.commit() def connect_to_db(): return mysql.connector.connect( host="localhost", user="root", password="mypassword", database="tabledata" ) def prep_db(): conn = connect_to_db() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet=1073741824") conn.commit() conn.close() # %% if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage: python3 json2xdb.py ") sys.exit(1) xdt_path = sys.argv[1] prep_db() conn = connect_to_db() main(conn, xdt_path) conn.close() # %%