#!/usr/bin/env python3 # OG racing score conversion script # # This script is meant to update racing scoreboards from Retro-style scores # to OG-accurate scores. Be careful to only run this once! # # The script will create a backup of your DB, as well as a log file # containing a record of all the changes that were made. Make sure to # preserve this log file in case you need to reference it in the future. # # If something goes wrong with the first invocation, you'll need to move the # DB backup and log files out of the way before the script can be re-run. # # If all goes well, you should see different, OG-true scores in IZ scoreboards. # # Do not hesitate to ask the OF developers for assistance if necessary. import sys import os.path import shutil import logging import json from math import exp import sqlite3 LOGFILE = 'ogracing.log' DRY_RUN = False # set to True if testing the script class EpData: max_score = 0 pod_factor = 0 max_pods = 0 max_time = 0 time_factor = 0 scale_factor = 0 class RaceResult: epid = 0 playerid = 0 score = 0 timestamp = 0 ring_count = 0 time = 0 def check_version(cur): cur.execute("SELECT Value FROM Meta WHERE Key = 'DatabaseVersion';") ver = cur.fetchone()[0] if ver < 2: sys.exit('fatal: you must first upgrade your DB version to 2 by running the server at least once') def load_epinfo(): epinfo = {} with open("drops.json", "r") as f: dat = json.load(f)["Racing"] for key in dat: val = dat[key] epdata = EpData() epid = int(val["EPID"]) epdata.max_score = int(val["ScoreCap"]) epdata.pod_factor = float(val["PodFactor"]) epdata.max_pods = int(val["TotalPods"]) epdata.max_time = int(val["TimeLimit"]) epdata.time_factor = float(val["TimeFactor"]) epdata.scale_factor = float(val["ScaleFactor"]) epinfo[epid] = epdata return epinfo def get_results(cur): results = [] cur.execute('SELECT EPID, PlayerID, Timestamp, RingCount, Time, Score FROM RaceResults;') for x in cur.fetchall(): result = RaceResult() result.epid = int(x[0]) result.playerid = int(x[1]) result.timestamp = int(x[2]) result.ring_count = int(x[3]) result.time = int(x[4]) result.score = int(x[5]) results.append(result) return results def process_result(cur, result, epinfo): epdata = epinfo[result.epid] pod_score = (epdata.pod_factor * result.ring_count) / epdata.max_pods time_score = (epdata.time_factor * result.time) / epdata.max_time newscore = int(exp(pod_score - time_score + epdata.scale_factor)) if newscore > epdata.max_score: logging.warning('score {} greater than max ({}) for epid {}, capping'.format(newscore, epdata.max_score, result.epid)) print('warning: score {} greater than max ({}) for epid {}, capping'.format(newscore, epdata.max_score, result.epid)) newscore = epdata.max_score logging.info('* {} -> {} (EPID: {}, pods: {}, time: {})'.format(result.score, newscore, result.epid, result.ring_count, result.time)) if not DRY_RUN: cur.execute('UPDATE RaceResults SET Score = ? WHERE (PlayerID, Timestamp) = (?, ?);', (newscore, result.playerid, result.timestamp)) def main(path): if os.path.isfile(LOGFILE): sys.exit('fatal: a log file named {} already exists. refusing to modify.'.format(LOGFILE)) logging.basicConfig(filename=LOGFILE, level=20, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s') if not os.path.isfile(path): sys.exit('fatal: {} is not a file'.format(path)) bakpath = path + '.ogracing.bak' if os.path.isfile(bakpath): sys.exit('fatal: a DB backup named {} already exists. refusing to overwrite.'.format(bakpath)) shutil.copy(path, bakpath) logging.info('saved database backup to {}'.format(bakpath)) print('saved database backup to {}'.format(bakpath)) epinfo = load_epinfo() with sqlite3.connect(path) as db: cur = db.cursor() check_version(cur) results = get_results(cur) for result in results: process_result(cur, result, epinfo) logging.info('done.') print('done.') if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: sys.exit('usage: {} database.db'.format(sys.argv[0])) main(sys.argv[1])