# This script serves an HTTP endpoint that provides the racing scores. # # Example invocation for testing: # $ RANKENDPOINT_DBPATH=/path/to/database.db RANKENDPOINT_ROUTE=/getranks flask --app rankendpoint.py run # # Example invocation in production (behind a properly configured gateway like nginx): # $ RANKENDPOINT_DBPATH=/path/to/database.db RANKENDPOINT_ROUTE=/getranks uwsgi \ # -s localhost:3031 --manage-script-name --mount /=rankendpoint:app --plugin python3 from flask import Flask, request app = Flask(__name__) import sqlite3 import sys import os header = "SUCCESS" db_path = os.environ.get('RANKENDPOINT_DBPATH') route = os.environ.get('RANKENDPOINT_ROUTE') if None in (db_path, route): sys.exit('must set RANKENDPOINT_DBPATH and RANKENDPOINT_ROUTE environment variables') # Opens database in read-only mode # Checking same thread disabled for now, which is fine since we never modify anything try: db = sqlite3.connect('file:{}?mode=ro'.format(db_path), uri=True, check_same_thread=False) cur = db.cursor() except Exception as ex: print(ex) sys.exit() #db.set_trace_callback(print) def fetch_ranks(epid, date, num): sql = """ SELECT PBRaceResults.PlayerID, Players.FirstName, Players.LastName, PBRaceResults.Score FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY RaceResults.PlayerID ORDER BY RaceResults.Score DESC, RaceResults.RingCount DESC, RaceResults.Time ASC ) AS PersonalOrder, RaceResults.* FROM RaceResults WHERE EPID=? AND DATETIME(Timestamp, 'unixepoch') > DATETIME('now', ?) ) AS PBRaceResults INNER JOIN Players ON PBRaceResults.PlayerID=Players.PlayerID AND PBRaceResults.PersonalOrder=1 ORDER BY PBRaceResults.Score DESC, PBRaceResults.RingCount DESC, PBRaceResults.Time ASC """ if num > -1: sql += "LIMIT ?" args = (epid, date, num) else: args = (epid, date) cur = db.execute(sql + ";", args) rows = cur.fetchall() return rows def fetch_my_ranks(pcuid, epid, date): sql = """ SELECT RaceResults.PlayerID, Players.FirstName, Players.LastName, RaceResults.Score FROM RaceResults INNER JOIN Players ON RaceResults.PlayerID=Players.PlayerID WHERE RaceResults.PlayerID=? AND EPID=? AND DATETIME(Timestamp, 'unixepoch') > DATETIME('now', ?) ORDER BY RaceResults.Score DESC LIMIT 1; """ args = (pcuid, epid, date) cur = db.execute(sql, args) rows = cur.fetchall() return rows def get_score_entries(data, name): # Uncomment if you want placeholders in top 10 ranks ala Retro #if not name.startswith("my"): # while len(data) < 10: # data.append(((999, 'hehe', 'dong', 1))) scores="<{}>\n".format(name) rank = 1 last_score = -1 for item in data: score = item[3] if score == last_score: rank -= 1 scores+='\tPCUID="{}" Score="{}" Rank="{}" FirstName="{}" LastName="{}"\n'.format(item[0], score, rank, item[1], item[2]) rank += 1 last_score = score scores+="\n".format(name) return scores # route should be something like /getranks @app.route(f'{route}', methods=['POST']) def rankings(): #print("PCUID:", request.form['PCUID']) #print("EP_ID:", request.form['EP_ID']) # Input Validation try: pcuid = int(request.form['PCUID']) epid = int(request.form['EP_ID']) num = 10 if 'NUM' not in request.form else int(request.form['NUM']) except ValueError as verr: return "Request param does not convert to int", 400 except Exception as ex: return "Error converting request param to int", 500 # EP_ID must be between 1 and 33. also, ep #6 doesn't exist if not (1 <= epid <= 33) or (epid == 6): return "Invalid EP_ID", 400 # Get everything we need from the DB... myday = fetch_my_ranks(pcuid, epid, '-1 day') day = fetch_ranks(epid, '-1 day', num) myweek = fetch_my_ranks(pcuid, epid, '-7 day') week = fetch_ranks(epid, '-7 day', num) mymonth = fetch_my_ranks(pcuid, epid, '-1 month') month = fetch_ranks(epid, '-1 month', num) myalltime = fetch_my_ranks(pcuid, epid, '-999 year') alltime = fetch_ranks(epid, '-999 year', num) # Slap that all into an "xml"... xmlbody = "" xmlbody += get_score_entries(myday, "myday") xmlbody += get_score_entries(day, "day") xmlbody += get_score_entries(myweek, "myweek") xmlbody += get_score_entries(week, "week") xmlbody += get_score_entries(mymonth, "mymonth") xmlbody += get_score_entries(month, "month") xmlbody += get_score_entries(myalltime, "myalltime") xmlbody += get_score_entries(alltime, "alltime") # and send it off! return header + xmlbody