#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # d3d9 to cg crude dissassembler # ycc 08/08/2022 import re import sys legacy = False # True for 2.6 reserved = { "_Time", "_SinTime", "_CosTime", "_ProjectionParams", "_PPLAmbient", "_ObjectSpaceCameraPos", "_ObjectSpaceLightPos0", "_ModelLightColor0", "_SpecularLightColor0", "_Light2World0", "_World2Light0", "_Object2World", "_World2Object", "_Object2Light0", "_LightDirectionBias", "_LightPositionRange", } decls = { "dcl_position": "float4 {0} = vdat.vertex;", "dcl_normal": "float4 {0} = float4(vdat.normal, 0);", "dcl_texcoord0": "float4 {0} = vdat.texcoord;", "dcl_texcoord1": "float4 {0} = vdat.texcoord1;", "dcl_color": "float4 {0} = vdat.color;", "dcl_2d": "; // no operation", "dcl": "float4 {0[0]}{0[1]} = pdat.{0[0]}{0[1]};", "def": "const float4 {0} = float4({1}, {2}, {3}, {4});", } ops = { "mov": "{0} = {1};", "mov_sat": "{0} = clamp({1}, 0.0, 1.0)", "add": "{0} = {1} + {2};", "mul": "{0} = {1} * {2};", "mad": "{0} = {1} * {2} + {3};", "dp4": "{0} = dot((float4){1}, (float4){2});", "dp3": "{0} = dot((float3){1}, (float3){2});", "min": "{0} = min({1}, {2});", "max": "{0} = max({1}, {2});", "rsq": "{0} = rsqrt({1});", "frc": "{0} = float4({1}.x - (float)floor({1}.x), {1}.y - (float)floor({1}.y), {1}.z - (float)floor({1}.z), {1}.w - (float)floor({1}.w));", "slt": "{0} = float4(({1}.x < {2}.x) ? 1.0f : 0.0f, ({1}.y < {2}.y) ? 1.0f : 0.0f, ({1}.z < {2}.z) ? 1.0f : 0.0f, ({1}.w < {2}.w) ? 1.0f : 0.0f);", "sge": "{0} = float4(({1}.x >= {2}.x) ? 1.0f : 0.0f, ({1}.y >= {2}.y) ? 1.0f : 0.0f, ({1}.z >= {2}.z) ? 1.0f : 0.0f, ({1}.w >= {2}.w) ? 1.0f : 0.0f);", "rcp": "{0} = ({1} == 0.0f) ? FLT_MAX : (({1} == 1.0f) ? {1} : (1 / {1}));", "texld": "{0} = {3}({2}, (float2){1});", } struct_a2v = """struct a2v { \tfloat4 vertex : POSITION; \tfloat3 normal : NORMAL; \tfloat4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0; \tfloat4 texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1; \tfloat4 tangent : TANGENT; \tfloat4 color : COLOR; }; """ v2f_postype = "POSITION" if legacy else "SV_POSITION" struct_v2f = f"""struct v2f {{ \tfloat4 pos : {v2f_postype}; \tfloat4 t0 : TEXCOORD0; \tfloat4 t1 : TEXCOORD1; \tfloat4 t2 : TEXCOORD2; \tfloat4 t3 : TEXCOORD3; \tfloat fog : FOG; \tfloat4 d0 : COLOR0; \tfloat4 d1 : COLOR1; }}; """ struct_f2a = """struct f2a { \tfloat4 c0 : COLOR0; }; """ cg_header = """CGPROGRAM #include "UnityCG.cginc" #pragma exclude_renderers xbox360 ps3 gles """ cg_footer = """ENDCG""" vertex_func = """v2f vert(a2v vdat) {{ \tfloat4 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4; \tfloat4 tmp; \tv2f o; {0} \treturn o; }} """ fragment_func = """f2a frag(v2f pdat) {{ \tfloat4 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4; \tfloat4 tmp; \tf2a o; {0} \treturn o; }} """ def process_header(prog): keywords = [] loctab = {} locdecl = [] binds = [] i = 0 lighting = False textures = 0 while i < len(prog): line = prog[i] if line.startswith("Keywords"): keywords = re.findall("\"[\w\d]+\"", line) del prog[i] i = i - 1 elif line.startswith("Bind"): binds.append(line) del prog[i] i = i - 1 elif line.startswith("Local") or line.startswith("Matrix"): dec = line.split(' ') key = int(dec[1][:-1]) if dec[2][0] == '[': # singleton val = dec[2][1:-1] if val[0] == '_' and val not in reserved: loctype = "float4" if dec[0] == "Local" else "float4x4" locdecl.append(f"{loctype} {val};") elif dec[2][0] == '(': #components vals = dec[2][1:-1].split(',') for j, v in enumerate(vals): if v[0] == '[': vals[j] = v[1:-1] if vals[j][0] == '_' and vals[j] not in reserved: locdecl.append(f"float {vals[j]};") val = f"float4({vals[0]},{vals[1]},{vals[2]},{vals[3]})" lightval = re.match("glstate_light(\d)_([a-zA-Z]+)", val) if lightval: val = f"glstate.light[{lightval[1]}].{lightval[2]}" lighting = True elif val == "_ObjectSpaceCameraPos" and not legacy: val = "mul(_World2Object, float4(_WorldSpaceCameraPos, 1.0f))" elif val == "_ObjectSpaceLightPos0" and not legacy: val = "mul(_World2Object, _WorldSpaceLightPos0)" lighting = True elif val == "glstate_lightmodel_ambient": val = "glstate.lightmodel.ambient" lighting = True elif val.startswith("glstate_matrix_texture"): val = f"glstate.matrix.texture[{val[-1]}]" if legacy else f"UNITY_MATRIX_TEXTURE{val[-1]}" elif val == "glstate_matrix_mvp": val = "glstate.matrix.mvp" if legacy else "UNITY_MATRIX_MVP" elif val == "glstate_matrix_modelview0": val = "glstate.matrix.modelview[0]" if legacy else "UNITY_MATRIX_MV" elif val == "glstate_matrix_transpose_modelview0": val = "glstate.matrix.transpose.modelview[0]" if legacy else "UNITY_MATRIX_T_MV" elif val == "glstate_matrix_invtrans_modelview0": val = "glstate.matrix.invtrans.modelview[0]" if legacy else "UNITY_MATRIX_IT_MV" elif val.startswith("glstate"): raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized glstate: {val}") if dec[0] == "Local": loctab[f"c{key}"] = val elif dec[0] == "Matrix": for offset in range(0,4): loctab[f"c{key + offset}"] = f"{val}[{offset}]" del prog[i] i = i - 1 elif line.startswith("SetTexture"): dec = line.split(' ') if dec[2] == "{2D}": texture_type = "sampler2D" elif dec[2] == "{3D}": texture_type = "sampler3D" elif dec[2] == "{RECT}": texture_type = "samplerRECT" elif dec[2] == "{CUBE}": texture_type = "samplerCUBE" else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown texture type {dec[2]}") key = f"s{textures}" val = dec[1][1:-1] loctab[key] = val locdecl.append(f"{texture_type} {val};") textures = textures + 1 del prog[i] i = i - 1 i = i + 1 # print(loctab) return (keywords, loctab, locdecl, binds, lighting) def resolve_args(args, loctab, consts): for a in range(0, len(args)): arg = args[a] neg = "" if arg[0] == '-': arg = arg[1:] neg = "-" # save swizzler! dot = arg.find(".") if dot > -1: swiz = arg[dot:] arg = arg[:dot] else: swiz = "" if arg[0] == 'r': pass elif arg[0] == 'v': pass elif arg[0] == 't': pass elif arg[0] == 'c': if arg not in consts: arg = loctab[arg] elif arg[0] == 's': arg = loctab[arg] elif arg[0] == 'o': arg = f"o.{arg[1:].lower()}" elif re.match("[+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+", arg): pass else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown arg {arg}") args[a] = neg + arg + swiz def get_cgtex_type(name, locdecl): for loc in locdecl: loc = loc.split(' ') if name == loc[1][:-1]: if loc[0] == 'sampler2D': return "tex2D" elif loc[0] == 'sampler3D': return "tex3D" elif loc[0] == 'samplerCUBE': return "texCUBE" elif loc[0] == 'samplerRECT': return "texRECT" else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown CG texture type {loc[0]}") raise ValueError(f"Could not find texture {name} in locals") def decode(code, args, locdecl): if code in decls: return [decls[code].format(*args)] elif code in ops: target = args[0] if target == "o.fog": return [ops[code].format(*args)] dot = re.search("\.[xyzw]+", target) if dot: swiz = target[dot.start()+1:] target = target[:dot.start()] else: swiz = "xyzw" if code == "texld": lines = [ops[code].format("tmp", *args[1:], get_cgtex_type(args[2], locdecl))] else: lines = [ops[code].format("tmp", *args[1:])] for c in swiz: lines.append(f"{target}.{c} = tmp.{c};") return lines else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown opcode {code}") def process_asm(asm, loctab, locdecl): shadertype = "" if asm[0] == "\"vs_1_1": shadertype = "vertex" elif asm[0] == "\"ps_2_0": shadertype = "fragment" else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported shader type: {asm[0][1:]}") consts = set() translated = [] i = 1 while i < len(asm): instruction = asm[i] if instruction == "\"": break space = instruction.find(" ") if space == -1: code = instruction args = [] else: code = instruction[:space] args = instruction[space+1:].split(", ") if code == "def": consts.add(args[0]) pp = code.find("_pp") if pp > -1: code = code[:pp] resolve_args(args, loctab, consts) disasm = decode(code, args, locdecl) # print(f"{instruction} \t==>\t{disasm}") disasm.insert(0, f"// {instruction}") translated.extend(disasm) i = i + 1 return (shadertype, translated) def disassemble(blocks): shaders = {} keywords = set() locdecl = set() binds = set() lighting = False for block in blocks: asm = block.split('\n')[1:-1] (kw, ltab, ldecl, bds, light) = process_header(asm) keywords.update(kw) locdecl.update(ldecl) binds.update(bds) lighting |= light (shadertype, disasm) = process_asm(asm, ltab, locdecl) shaders[shadertype] = disasm text = "" if len(binds) > 0: text += "BindChannels {\n" for b in binds: text += f"\t{b}\n" text += "}\n" if lighting: text += "Lighting On\n" text += cg_header if len(keywords) > 0: text += "#pragma multi_compile " + " ".join(keywords) if "vertex" in shaders: text += "#pragma vertex vert\n" if "fragment" in shaders: text += "#pragma fragment frag\n" text += "\n" if "vertex" in shaders: text += struct_a2v + "\n" text += struct_v2f + "\n" if "fragment" in shaders: text += struct_f2a + "\n" text += "\n".join(locdecl) + "\n" if "vertex" in shaders: text += "\n" + vertex_func.format("\t" + "\n\t".join(shaders["vertex"])) if "fragment" in shaders: text += "\n" + fragment_func.format("\t" + "\n\t".join(shaders["fragment"])) text += cg_footer return text if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Usage: disassembler.py ") else: with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as fi: buf = fi.read() disasm = disassemble(buf.split('~')) print(disasm)