mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 22:20:07 +00:00
Some work towards unloading CROs
This commit is contained in:
@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ static void ApplyImportPatches(CROHeader* header, u32 base) {
static void ApplyListPatches(CROHeader* header, Patch* first_patch, u32 patch_base) {
Patch* current_patch = first_patch;
while (1) {
while (current_patch) {
SegmentTableEntry* target_segment = header->GetSegmentTableEntry(current_patch->GetTargetSegment());
ApplyPatch(current_patch, patch_base, target_segment->segment_offset + current_patch->GetSegmentOffset());
@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ static void LoadExportsTable(CROHeader* header, u32 base) {
static u32 GetAddress(CROHeader* header, char* str) {
static u32 FindExportByName(CROHeader* header, char* str) {
if (header->export_tree_num) {
ExportTreeEntry* first_entry = header->GetExportTreeEntry(0);
u32 len = strlen(str);
@ -1037,44 +1037,307 @@ static void LoadExeCRO(Service::Interface* self) {
header->always_zero = size - v24;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
u32 mem = Memory::Read32(address + i);
if (mem == 0x400001d9)
LOG_WARNING(Service_LDR, "Loading CRO address=%08X", address);
static void UnloadCRO(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 address = cmd_buff[1];
CROHeader* unload = reinterpret_cast<CROHeader*>(Memory::GetPointer(address));
u32 size = unload->file_size;
static void UnlinkCRO(CROHeader* cro, u32 address) {
// TODO(Subv): Verify if this is correct
for (auto itr = loaded_cros.begin(); itr != loaded_cros.end(); ++itr) {
if (*itr == address)
CROHeader* cro = reinterpret_cast<CROHeader*>(Memory::GetPointer(*itr));
if (cro->next_cro == address) {
cro->next_cro = unload->next_cro;
if (unload->next_cro != 0) {
CROHeader* next = reinterpret_cast<CROHeader*>(Memory::GetPointer(unload->next_cro));
cro->next_cro = cro->next_cro;
if (cro->next_cro != 0) {
CROHeader* next = reinterpret_cast<CROHeader*>(Memory::GetPointer(cro->next_cro));
next->previous_cro = *itr;
if (cro->previous_cro == address) {
cro->previous_cro = unload->previous_cro;
if (unload->previous_cro != 0) {
CROHeader* prev = reinterpret_cast<CROHeader*>(Memory::GetPointer(unload->previous_cro));
cro->previous_cro = cro->previous_cro;
if (cro->previous_cro != 0) {
CROHeader* prev = reinterpret_cast<CROHeader*>(Memory::GetPointer(cro->previous_cro));
prev->next_cro = *itr;
cro->previous_cro = 0;
cro->next_cro = 0;
static void UnloadImportTablePatches(CROHeader* cro, Patch* first_patch, u32 base_offset) {
Patch* patch = first_patch;
while (patch) {
SegmentTableEntry* target_segment = cro->GetSegmentTableEntry(patch->GetTargetSegment());
ApplyPatch(patch, base_offset, target_segment->segment_offset + patch->GetSegmentOffset());
if (patch->unk)
first_patch->unk2 = 0;
static u32 CalculateBaseOffset(CROHeader* cro) {
u32 base_offset = 0;
if (cro->GetImportPatchesTargetSegment() < cro->segment_table_num) {
SegmentTableEntry* base_segment = cro->GetSegmentTableEntry(cro->GetImportPatchesTargetSegment());
if (cro->GetImportPatchesSegmentOffset() < base_segment->segment_size)
base_offset = base_segment->segment_size + cro->GetImportPatchesSegmentOffset();
return base_offset;
static void UnloadImportTable1Patches(CROHeader* cro, u32 base_offset) {
for (int i = 0; i < cro->import_table1_num; ++i) {
ImportTableEntry* entry = cro->GetImportTable1Entry(i);
Patch* first_patch = reinterpret_cast<Patch*>(Memory::GetPointer(entry->symbol_offset));
UnloadImportTablePatches(cro, first_patch, base_offset);
static void UnloadImportTable2Patches(CROHeader* cro, u32 base_offset) {
for (int i = 0; i < cro->import_table2_num; ++i) {
ImportTableEntry* entry = cro->GetImportTable2Entry(i);
Patch* first_patch = reinterpret_cast<Patch*>(Memory::GetPointer(entry->symbol_offset));
UnloadImportTablePatches(cro, first_patch, base_offset);
static void UnloadImportTable3Patches(CROHeader* cro, u32 base_offset) {
for (int i = 0; i < cro->import_table3_num; ++i) {
ImportTableEntry* entry = cro->GetImportTable3Entry(i);
Patch* first_patch = reinterpret_cast<Patch*>(Memory::GetPointer(entry->symbol_offset));
UnloadImportTablePatches(cro, first_patch, base_offset);
static void ApplyCRSImportTable1UnloadPatches(CROHeader* crs, CROHeader* unload, u32 base_offset) {
for (int i = 0; i < crs->import_table1_num; ++i) {
ImportTableEntry* entry = crs->GetImportTable1Entry(i);
Patch* first_patch = reinterpret_cast<Patch*>(Memory::GetPointer(entry->symbol_offset));
if (first_patch->unk2)
if (FindExportByName(unload, reinterpret_cast<char*>(Memory::GetPointer(entry->name_offset))))
UnloadImportTablePatches(crs, first_patch, base_offset);
static void UnloadUnk2Patches(CROHeader* cro, CROHeader* unload, u32 base_offset) {
char* unload_name = reinterpret_cast<char*>(Memory::GetPointer(unload->name_offset));
for (int i = 0; i < cro->unk2_num; ++i) {
Unk2Patch* entry = cro->GetUnk2PatchEntry(i);
// Find the patch that corresponds to the CRO that is being unloaded
if (strcmp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(Memory::GetPointer(entry->string_offset)), unload_name) == 0) {
// Apply the table 1 patches
for (int j = 0; j < entry->table1_num; ++j) {
Unk2TableEntry* table1_entry = entry->GetTable1Entry(j);
Patch* first_patch = reinterpret_cast<Patch*>(Memory::GetPointer(table1_entry->patches_offset));
UnloadImportTablePatches(cro, first_patch, base_offset);
// Apply the table 2 patches
for (int j = 0; j < entry->table1_num; ++j) {
Unk2TableEntry* table2_entry = entry->GetTable2Entry(j);
Patch* first_patch = reinterpret_cast<Patch*>(Memory::GetPointer(table2_entry->patches_offset));
UnloadImportTablePatches(cro, first_patch, base_offset);
static void ApplyCRSUnloadPatches(CROHeader* crs, CROHeader* unload) {
u32 base_offset = CalculateBaseOffset(crs);
ApplyCRSImportTable1UnloadPatches(crs, unload, base_offset);
static void UnrebaseImportTable3(CROHeader* cro, u32 address) {
for (int i = 0; i < cro->import_table3_num; ++i) {
ImportTableEntry* entry = cro->GetImportTable3Entry(i);
if (entry->symbol_offset)
entry->symbol_offset -= address;
static void UnrebaseImportTable2(CROHeader* cro, u32 address) {
for (int i = 0; i < cro->import_table2_num; ++i) {
ImportTableEntry* entry = cro->GetImportTable2Entry(i);
if (entry->symbol_offset)
entry->symbol_offset -= address;
static void UnrebaseImportTable1(CROHeader* cro, u32 address) {
for (int i = 0; i < cro->import_table1_num; ++i) {
ImportTableEntry* entry = cro->GetImportTable1Entry(i);
if (entry->name_offset)
entry->name_offset -= address;
if (entry->symbol_offset)
entry->symbol_offset -= address;
static void UnrebaseUnk2Patches(CROHeader* cro, u32 address) {
for (int i = 0; i < cro->unk2_num; ++i) {
Unk2Patch* entry = cro->GetUnk2PatchEntry(i);
if (entry->string_offset)
entry->string_offset -= address;
if (entry->table1_offset)
entry->table1_offset -= address;
if (entry->table2_offset)
entry->table2_offset -= address;
static void UnrebaseExportsTable(CROHeader* cro, u32 address) {
for (int i = 0; i < cro->export_table_num; ++i) {
ExportTableEntry* entry = cro->GetExportTableEntry(i);
if (entry->name_offset)
entry->name_offset -= address;
static void UnrebaseSegments(CROHeader* cro, u32 address) {
for (int i = 0; i < cro->segment_table_num; ++i) {
SegmentTableEntry* entry = cro->GetSegmentTableEntry(i);
if (entry->segment_id == 3)
entry->segment_offset = 0;
else if (entry->segment_id)
entry->segment_offset -= address;
static void UnrebaseCRO(CROHeader* cro, u32 address) {
UnrebaseImportTable3(cro, address);
UnrebaseImportTable2(cro, address);
UnrebaseImportTable1(cro, address);
UnrebaseUnk2Patches(cro, address);
UnrebaseExportsTable(cro, address);
UnrebaseSegments(cro, address);
if (cro->name_offset)
cro->name_offset -= address;
if (cro->code_offset)
cro->code_offset -= address;
if (cro->unk_offset)
cro->unk_offset -= address;
if (cro->module_name_offset)
cro->module_name_offset -= address;
if (cro->segment_table_offset)
cro->segment_table_offset -= address;
if (cro->export_table_offset)
cro->export_table_offset -= address;
if (cro->unk1_offset)
cro->unk1_offset -= address;
if (cro->export_strings_offset)
cro->export_strings_offset -= address;
if (cro->export_tree_offset)
cro->export_tree_offset -= address;
if (cro->unk2_offset)
cro->unk2_offset -= address;
if (cro->import_patches_offset)
cro->import_patches_offset -= address;
if (cro->import_table1_offset)
cro->import_table1_offset -= address;
if (cro->import_table2_offset)
cro->import_table2_offset -= address;
if (cro->import_table3_offset)
cro->import_table3_offset -= address;
if (cro->import_strings_offset)
cro->import_strings_offset -= address;
if (cro->unk3_offset)
cro->unk3_offset -= address;
if (cro->relocation_patches_offset)
cro->relocation_patches_offset -= address;
if (cro->unk4_offset)
cro->unk4_offset -= address;
static void UnloadExports(u32 address) {
for (auto itr = loaded_exports.begin(); itr != loaded_exports.end();) {
if (itr->second.cro_base == address)
itr = loaded_exports.erase(itr);
static ResultCode UnloadCRO(u32 address) {
// If there's only one loaded CRO, it must be the CRS, which can not be unloaded like this
if (loaded_cros.size() == 1) {
return ResultCode(0xD9012C1E);
CROHeader* unload = reinterpret_cast<CROHeader*>(Memory::GetPointer(address));
u32 size = unload->file_size;
UnlinkCRO(unload, address);
u32 base_offset = CalculateBaseOffset(unload);
UnloadImportTable1Patches(unload, base_offset);
UnloadImportTable2Patches(unload, base_offset);
UnloadImportTable3Patches(unload, base_offset);
CROHeader* crs = reinterpret_cast<CROHeader*>(Memory::GetPointer(loaded_cros.front()));
ApplyCRSUnloadPatches(crs, unload);
for (u32 base : loaded_cros) {
if (base == address)
CROHeader* cro = reinterpret_cast<CROHeader*>(Memory::GetPointer(base));
base_offset = CalculateBaseOffset(cro);
UnloadUnk2Patches(cro, unload, base_offset);
UnrebaseCRO(unload, address);
unload->always_zero = 0;
loaded_cros.erase(std::remove(loaded_cros.begin(), loaded_cros.end(), address), loaded_cros.end());
std::memset(Memory::GetPointer(address), 0, size);
Kernel::g_current_process->vm_manager.UnmapRange(address, size);
// TODO(Subv): Unload symbols and unmap memory
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
static void UnloadCRO(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 address = cmd_buff[1];
cmd_buff[1] = UnloadCRO(address).raw;
LOG_WARNING(Service_LDR, "Unloading CRO address=%08X", address);
Reference in New Issue
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