#include "TableData.hpp" #include "NPCManager.hpp" #include "TransportManager.hpp" #include "ItemManager.hpp" #include "settings.hpp" #include "MissionManager.hpp" #include "MobManager.hpp" #include "ChunkManager.hpp" #include "NanoManager.hpp" #include "contrib/JSON.hpp" #include void TableData::init() { int32_t nextId = 0; // load NPCs from NPC.json try { std::ifstream inFile(settings::NPCJSON); nlohmann::json npcData; // read file into json inFile >> npcData; for (nlohmann::json::iterator _npc = npcData.begin(); _npc != npcData.end(); _npc++) { auto npc = _npc.value(); BaseNPC *tmp = new BaseNPC(npc["x"], npc["y"], npc["z"], npc["id"], nextId); NPCManager::NPCs[nextId] = tmp; NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(nextId, npc["x"], npc["y"], npc["z"]); nextId++; if (npc["id"] == 641 || npc["id"] == 642) NPCManager::RespawnPoints.push_back({ npc["x"], npc["y"], ((int)npc["z"]) + RESURRECT_HEIGHT }); } } catch (const std::exception& err) { std::cerr << "[WARN] Malformed NPCs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl; } loadPaths(); // load paths // load everything else from xdttable std::cout << "[INFO] Parsing xdt.json..." << std::endl; std::ifstream infile(settings::XDTJSON); nlohmann::json xdtData; // read file into json infile >> xdtData; // data we'll need for summoned mobs NPCManager::NPCData = xdtData["m_pNpcTable"]["m_pNpcData"]; try { // load warps nlohmann::json warpData = xdtData["m_pInstanceTable"]["m_pWarpData"]; for (nlohmann::json::iterator _warp = warpData.begin(); _warp != warpData.end(); _warp++) { auto warp = _warp.value(); WarpLocation warpLoc = { warp["m_iToX"], warp["m_iToY"], warp["m_iToZ"] }; int warpID = warp["m_iWarpNumber"]; NPCManager::Warps[warpID] = warpLoc; } std::cout << "[INFO] Populated " << NPCManager::Warps.size() << " Warps" << std::endl; // load transport routes and locations nlohmann::json transRouteData = xdtData["m_pTransportationTable"]["m_pTransportationData"]; nlohmann::json transLocData = xdtData["m_pTransportationTable"]["m_pTransportationWarpLocation"]; for (nlohmann::json::iterator _tLoc = transLocData.begin(); _tLoc != transLocData.end(); _tLoc++) { auto tLoc = _tLoc.value(); TransportLocation transLoc = { tLoc["m_iNPCID"], tLoc["m_iXpos"], tLoc["m_iYpos"], tLoc["m_iZpos"] }; TransportManager::Locations[tLoc["m_iLocationID"]] = transLoc; } std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << TransportManager::Locations.size() << " S.C.A.M.P.E.R. locations" << std::endl; for (nlohmann::json::iterator _tRoute = transRouteData.begin(); _tRoute != transRouteData.end(); _tRoute++) { auto tRoute = _tRoute.value(); TransportRoute transRoute = { tRoute["m_iMoveType"], tRoute["m_iStartLocation"], tRoute["m_iEndLocation"], tRoute["m_iCost"] , tRoute["m_iSpeed"], tRoute["m_iRouteNum"] }; TransportManager::Routes[tRoute["m_iVehicleID"]] = transRoute; } std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << TransportManager::Routes.size() << " transportation routes" << std::endl; // load mission-related data nlohmann::json tasks = xdtData["m_pMissionTable"]["m_pMissionData"]; for (auto _task = tasks.begin(); _task != tasks.end(); _task++) { auto task = _task.value(); // rewards if (task["m_iSUReward"] != 0) { auto _rew = xdtData["m_pMissionTable"]["m_pRewardData"][(int)task["m_iSUReward"]]; Reward *rew = new Reward(_rew["m_iMissionRewardID"], _rew["m_iMissionRewarItemType"], _rew["m_iMissionRewardItemID"], _rew["m_iCash"], _rew["m_iFusionMatter"]); MissionManager::Rewards[task["m_iHTaskID"]] = rew; } // everything else lol. see TaskData comment. MissionManager::Tasks[task["m_iHTaskID"]] = new TaskData(task); } std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded mission-related data" << std::endl; // load all item data. i'm sorry. it has to be done const char* setNames[12] = { "m_pBackItemTable", "m_pFaceItemTable", "m_pGlassItemTable", "m_pHatItemTable", "m_pHeadItemTable", "m_pPantsItemTable", "m_pShirtsItemTable", "m_pShoesItemTable", "m_pWeaponItemTable", "m_pVehicleItemTable", "m_pGeneralItemTable", "m_pChestItemTable" }; nlohmann::json itemSet; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { itemSet = xdtData[setNames[i]]["m_pItemData"]; for (nlohmann::json::iterator _item = itemSet.begin(); _item != itemSet.end(); _item++) { auto item = _item.value(); int typeOverride = getItemType(i); // used for special cases where iEquipLoc doesn't indicate item type ItemManager::ItemData[std::pair(item["m_iItemNumber"], typeOverride != -1 ? typeOverride : (int)item["m_iEquipLoc"])] = { item["m_iTradeAble"] == 1, item["m_iSellAble"] == 1, item["m_iItemPrice"], item["m_iItemSellPrice"], item["m_iStackNumber"], i > 9 ? 0 : (int)item["m_iMinReqLev"], i > 9 ? 1 : (int)item["m_iRarity"] }; } } std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << ItemManager::ItemData.size() << " items" << std::endl; // load player limits from m_pAvatarTable.m_pAvatarGrowData nlohmann::json growth = xdtData["m_pAvatarTable"]["m_pAvatarGrowData"]; for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++) { MissionManager::AvatarGrowth[i] = growth[i]; } // load vendor listings nlohmann::json listings = xdtData["m_pVendorTable"]["m_pItemData"]; for (nlohmann::json::iterator _lst = listings.begin(); _lst != listings.end(); _lst++) { auto lst = _lst.value(); VendorListing vListing = { lst["m_iSortNumber"], lst["m_iItemType"], lst["m_iitemID"] }; ItemManager::VendorTables[lst["m_iNpcNumber"]].push_back(vListing); } std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << ItemManager::VendorTables.size() << " vendor tables" << std::endl; // load crocpot entries nlohmann::json crocs = xdtData["m_pCombiningTable"]["m_pCombiningData"]; for (nlohmann::json::iterator croc = crocs.begin(); croc != crocs.end(); croc++) { CrocPotEntry crocEntry = { croc.value()["m_iStatConstant"], croc.value()["m_iLookConstant"], croc.value()["m_fLevelGapStandard"], croc.value()["m_fSameGrade"], croc.value()["m_fOneGrade"], croc.value()["m_fTwoGrade"], croc.value()["m_fThreeGrade"] }; ItemManager::CrocPotTable[croc.value()["m_iLevelGap"]] = crocEntry; } std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << ItemManager::CrocPotTable.size() << " croc pot value sets" << std::endl; //load nano info nlohmann::json nanoInfo = xdtData["m_pNanoTable"]["m_pNanoData"]; for (nlohmann::json::iterator _nano = nanoInfo.begin(); _nano != nanoInfo.end(); _nano++) { auto nano = _nano.value(); NanoData nanoData; nanoData.style = nano["m_iStyle"]; NanoManager::NanoTable[nano["m_iNanoNumber"]] = nanoData; } std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << NanoManager::NanoTable.size() << " nanos" << std::endl; } catch (const std::exception& err) { std::cerr << "[WARN] Malformed xdt.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl; } // load temporary mob dump try { std::ifstream inFile(settings::MOBJSON); nlohmann::json npcData; // read file into json inFile >> npcData; for (nlohmann::json::iterator _npc = npcData.begin(); _npc != npcData.end(); _npc++) { auto npc = _npc.value(); auto td = NPCManager::NPCData[(int)npc["iNPCType"]]; Mob *tmp = new Mob(npc["iX"], npc["iY"], npc["iZ"], npc["iNPCType"], npc["iHP"], npc["iAngle"], td, nextId); NPCManager::NPCs[nextId] = tmp; MobManager::Mobs[nextId] = (Mob*)NPCManager::NPCs[nextId]; NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(nextId, npc["iX"], npc["iY"], npc["iZ"]); nextId++; } std::cout << "[INFO] Populated " << NPCManager::NPCs.size() << " NPCs" << std::endl; } catch (const std::exception& err) { std::cerr << "[WARN] Malformed mobs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl; } NPCManager::nextId = nextId; } /* * Some item categories either don't possess iEquipLoc or use a different value for item type. */ int TableData::getItemType(int itemSet) { int overriden; switch (itemSet) { case 11: // Chest items don't have iEquipLoc and are type 9. overriden = 9; break; case 10: // General items don't have iEquipLoc and are type 7. overriden = 7; break; case 9: // Vehicles have iEquipLoc 8, but type 10. overriden = 10; break; default: overriden = -1; } return overriden; } /* * Load paths from paths JSON. */ void TableData::loadPaths() { try { std::ifstream inFile(settings::PATHJSON); nlohmann::json pathData; // read file into json inFile >> pathData; // skyway paths nlohmann::json pathDataSkyway = pathData["skyway"]; for (nlohmann::json::iterator skywayPath = pathDataSkyway.begin(); skywayPath != pathDataSkyway.end(); skywayPath++) { constructPathSkyway(skywayPath); } std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << TransportManager::SkywayPaths.size() << " skyway paths" << std::endl; // npc paths nlohmann::json pathDataNPC = pathData["npc"]; for (nlohmann::json::iterator npcPath = pathDataNPC.begin(); npcPath != pathDataNPC.end(); npcPath++) { constructPathNPC(npcPath); } std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded " << TransportManager::NPCQueues.size() << " NPC paths" << std::endl; } catch (const std::exception& err) { std::cerr << "[WARN] Malformed paths.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl; } } /* * Create a full and properly-paced path by interpolating between keyframes. */ void TableData::constructPathSkyway(nlohmann::json::iterator _pathData) { auto pathData = _pathData.value(); // Interpolate nlohmann::json pathPoints = pathData["points"]; std::queue points; nlohmann::json::iterator _point = pathPoints.begin(); auto point = _point.value(); WarpLocation last = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] }; // start pos // use some for loop trickery; start position should not be a point for (_point++; _point != pathPoints.end(); _point++) { point = _point.value(); WarpLocation coords = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] }; TransportManager::lerp(&points, last, coords, pathData["iMonkeySpeed"]); points.push(coords); // add keyframe to the queue last = coords; // update start pos } TransportManager::SkywayPaths[pathData["iRouteID"]] = points; } void TableData::constructPathNPC(nlohmann::json::iterator _pathData) { auto pathData = _pathData.value(); // Interpolate nlohmann::json pathPoints = pathData["points"]; std::queue points; nlohmann::json::iterator _point = pathPoints.begin(); auto point = _point.value(); WarpLocation from = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] }; // point A coords int stopTime = point["stop"]; for (_point++; _point != pathPoints.end(); _point++) { // loop through all point Bs point = _point.value(); for(int i = 0; i < stopTime + 1; i++) // repeat point if it's a stop points.push(from); // add point A to the queue WarpLocation to = { point["iX"] , point["iY"] , point["iZ"] }; // point B coords TransportManager::lerp(&points, from, to, pathData["iBaseSpeed"]); // lerp from A to B from = to; // update point A stopTime = point["stop"]; } TransportManager::NPCQueues[pathData["iNPCID"]] = points; }