#include "CustomCommands.hpp" #include "Chat.hpp" #include "PlayerManager.hpp" #include "TableData.hpp" #include "NPCManager.hpp" #include "Eggs.hpp" #include "MobAI.hpp" #include "Items.hpp" #include "db/Database.hpp" #include "Transport.hpp" #include "Missions.hpp" #include #include #include typedef void (*CommandHandler)(std::string fullString, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock); struct ChatCommand { int requiredAccLevel; std::string help; CommandHandler handlr; ChatCommand(int r, CommandHandler h): requiredAccLevel(r), handlr(h) {} ChatCommand(int r, CommandHandler h, std::string str): requiredAccLevel(r), help(str), handlr(h) {} ChatCommand(): ChatCommand(0, nullptr) {} }; static std::map commands; static std::vector parseArgs(std::string full) { std::stringstream ss(full); std::istream_iterator begin(ss); std::istream_iterator end; return std::vector(begin, end); } bool CustomCommands::runCmd(std::string full, CNSocket* sock) { std::vector args = parseArgs(full); std::string cmd = args[0].substr(1, args[0].size() - 1); // check if the command exists if (commands.find(cmd) != commands.end()) { Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); ChatCommand command = commands[cmd]; // sanity check + does the player have the required account level to use the command? if (plr != nullptr && plr->accountLevel <= command.requiredAccLevel) { command.handlr(full, args, sock); return true; } else { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "You don't have access to that command!"); return false; } } Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Unknown command!"); return false; } static void helpCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Commands available to you:"); Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); for (auto& cmd : commands) { if (cmd.second.requiredAccLevel >= plr->accountLevel) Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/" + cmd.first + (cmd.second.help.length() > 0 ? " - " + cmd.second.help : "")); } } static void accessCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Your access level is " + std::to_string(PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock)->accountLevel)); } static void populationCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, std::to_string(PlayerManager::players.size()) + " players online"); } static void levelCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { if (args.size() < 2) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/level: no level specified"); return; } Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); char *tmp; int level = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &tmp, 10); if (*tmp) return; if ((level < 1 || level > 36) && plr->accountLevel > 30) return; if (!(level < 1 || level > 36)) plr->level = level; INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_CHANGE_LEVEL, resp); resp.iPC_ID = plr->iID; resp.iPC_Level = level; sock->sendPacket((void*)&resp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_CHANGE_LEVEL, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_CHANGE_LEVEL)); PlayerManager::sendToViewable(sock, (void*)&resp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_CHANGE_LEVEL, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_CHANGE_LEVEL)); } static void mssCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { if (args.size() < 2) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Too few arguments"); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Usage: /mss <>"); return; } // Validate route number char* routeNumC; int routeNum = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &routeNumC, 10); if (*routeNumC) { // not an integer Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Invalid route number '" + args[1] + "'"); return; } if (args.size() < 3) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Too few arguments"); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Usage: /mss <>"); return; } // get the route (if it doesn't exist yet, this will also make it) std::vector* route = &TableData::RunningSkywayRoutes[routeNum]; // mss add if (args[2] == "add") { // make sure height token exists if (args.size() < 4) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Point height must be specified"); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Usage: /mss add "); return; } // validate height token char* heightC; int height = std::strtol(args[3].c_str(), &heightC, 10); if (*heightC) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Invalid height " + args[3]); return; } Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); route->push_back({ plr->x, plr->y, height }); // add point Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Added point (" + std::to_string(plr->x) + ", " + std::to_string(plr->y) + ", " + std::to_string(height) + ") to route " + std::to_string(routeNum)); return; } // mss remove if (args[2] == "remove") { if (route->empty()) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Route " + std::to_string(routeNum) + " is empty"); return; } WarpLocation pulled = route->back(); route->pop_back(); // remove point at top of stack Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Removed point (" + std::to_string(pulled.x) + ", " + std::to_string(pulled.y) + ", " + std::to_string(pulled.z) + ") from route " + std::to_string(routeNum)); return; } // mss goto if (args[2] == "goto") { if (route->empty()) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Route " + std::to_string(routeNum) + " is empty"); return; } WarpLocation pulled = route->back(); PlayerManager::sendPlayerTo(sock, pulled.x, pulled.y, pulled.z); return; } // mss clear if (args[2] == "clear") { route->clear(); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Cleared route " + std::to_string(routeNum)); return; } // mss test if (args[2] == "test") { if (route->empty()) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Route " + std::to_string(routeNum) + " is empty"); return; } WarpLocation pulled = route->front(); PlayerManager::sendPlayerTo(sock, pulled.x, pulled.y, pulled.z); Transport::testMssRoute(sock, route); return; } // for compatibility: mss export if (args[2] == "export") { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Wrote gruntwork to " + settings::GRUNTWORKJSON); TableData::flush(); return; } // mss ???? Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MSS] Unknown command '" + args[2] + "'"); } static void summonWCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { if (args.size() < 2) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/summonW: no mob type specified"); return; } Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); char *rest; int type = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &rest, 10); if (*rest) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Invalid NPC number: " + args[1]); return; } int limit = NPCManager::NPCData.back()["m_iNpcNumber"]; // permission & sanity check if (type > limit) return; BaseNPC *npc = NPCManager::summonNPC(plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, plr->instanceID, type, true); // update angle npc->appearanceData.iAngle = (plr->angle + 180) % 360; NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, plr->instanceID, npc->appearanceData.iAngle); // if we're in a lair, we need to spawn the NPC in both the private instance and the template if (PLAYERID(plr->instanceID) != 0) { npc = NPCManager::summonNPC(plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, plr->instanceID, type, true, true); npc->appearanceData.iAngle = (plr->angle + 180) % 360; NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, npc->instanceID, npc->appearanceData.iAngle); } Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/summonW: placed mob with type: " + std::to_string(type) + ", id: " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID)); TableData::RunningMobs[npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = npc; // only record the one in the template } static void unsummonWCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::getNearestNPC(plr->viewableChunks, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z); if (npc == nullptr) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/unsummonW: No NPCs found nearby"); return; } if (TableData::RunningEggs.find(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID) != TableData::RunningEggs.end()) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/unsummonW: removed egg with type: " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iNPCType) + ", id: " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID)); TableData::RunningEggs.erase(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID); NPCManager::destroyNPC(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID); return; } if (TableData::RunningMobs.find(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID) == TableData::RunningMobs.end() && TableData::RunningGroups.find(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID) == TableData::RunningGroups.end()) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/unsummonW: Closest NPC is not a gruntwork mob."); return; } if (MobAI::Mobs.find(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID) != MobAI::Mobs.end()) { int leadId = ((Mob*)npc)->groupLeader; if (leadId != 0) { if (MobAI::Mobs.find(leadId) == MobAI::Mobs.end()) { std::cout << "[WARN] unsummonW: leader not found!" << std::endl; } Mob* leadNpc = MobAI::Mobs[leadId]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (leadNpc->groupMember[i] == 0) break; if (MobAI::Mobs.find(leadNpc->groupMember[i]) == MobAI::Mobs.end()) { std::cout << "[WARN] unsommonW: leader can't find a group member!" << std::endl; continue; } NPCManager::destroyNPC(leadNpc->groupMember[i]); } TableData::RunningGroups.erase(leadId); NPCManager::destroyNPC(leadId); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/unsummonW: Mob group destroyed."); return; } } Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/unsummonW: removed mob with type: " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iNPCType) + ", id: " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID)); TableData::RunningMobs.erase(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID); NPCManager::destroyNPC(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID); } static void toggleAiCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { MobAI::simulateMobs = !MobAI::simulateMobs; if (MobAI::simulateMobs) return; // return all mobs to their spawn points for (auto& pair : MobAI::Mobs) { pair.second->state = MobState::RETREAT; pair.second->target = nullptr; pair.second->nextMovement = getTime(); // mobs with static paths can chill where they are if (pair.second->staticPath) { pair.second->roamX = pair.second->appearanceData.iX; pair.second->roamY = pair.second->appearanceData.iY; pair.second->roamZ = pair.second->appearanceData.iZ; } else { pair.second->roamX = pair.second->spawnX; pair.second->roamY = pair.second->spawnY; pair.second->roamZ = pair.second->spawnZ; } } } static void npcRotateCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::getNearestNPC(plr->viewableChunks, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z); if (npc == nullptr) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCR] No NPCs found nearby"); return; } int angle = (plr->angle + 180) % 360; NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, npc->appearanceData.iX, npc->appearanceData.iY, npc->appearanceData.iZ, npc->instanceID, angle); // if it's a gruntwork NPC, rotate in-place if (TableData::RunningMobs.find(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID) != TableData::RunningMobs.end()) { NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, npc->appearanceData.iX, npc->appearanceData.iY, npc->appearanceData.iZ, npc->instanceID, angle); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCR] Successfully set angle to " + std::to_string(angle) + " for gruntwork NPC " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID)); } else { TableData::RunningNPCRotations[npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = angle; Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCR] Successfully set angle to " + std::to_string(angle) + " for NPC " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID)); } // update rotation clientside INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_NPC_ENTER, pkt); pkt.NPCAppearanceData = npc->appearanceData; sock->sendPacket((void*)&pkt, P_FE2CL_NPC_ENTER, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_ENTER)); } static void refreshCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); ChunkPos currentChunk = plr->chunkPos; ChunkPos nullChunk = std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0); Chunking::updatePlayerChunk(sock, currentChunk, nullChunk); Chunking::updatePlayerChunk(sock, nullChunk, currentChunk); } static void instanceCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); // no additional arguments: report current instance ID if (args.size() < 2) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[INST] Current instance ID: " + std::to_string(plr->instanceID)); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[INST] (Map " + std::to_string(MAPNUM(plr->instanceID)) + ", instance " + std::to_string(PLAYERID(plr->instanceID)) + ")"); return; } // move player to specified instance // validate instance ID char* instanceS; uint64_t instance = std::strtoll(args[1].c_str(), &instanceS, 10); if (*instanceS) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[INST] Invalid instance ID: " + args[1]); return; } if (args.size() >= 3) { char* playeridS; uint64_t playerid = std::strtoll(args[2].c_str(), &playeridS, 10); if (playerid != 0) { instance |= playerid << 32ULL; Chunking::createInstance(instance); // a precaution plr->recallInstance = 0; } } PlayerManager::sendPlayerTo(sock, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, instance); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[INST] Switched to instance with ID " + std::to_string(instance)); } static void npcInstanceCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); if (args.size() < 2) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCI] Instance ID must be specified"); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCI] Usage: /npci "); return; } BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::getNearestNPC(plr->viewableChunks, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z); if (npc == nullptr) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCI] No NPCs found nearby"); return; } // validate instance ID char* instanceS; int instance = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &instanceS, 10); if (*instanceS) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCI] Invalid instance ID: " + args[1]); return; } Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[NPCI] Moving NPC with ID " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID) + " to instance " + std::to_string(instance)); TableData::RunningNPCMapNumbers[npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = instance; NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, npc->appearanceData.iX, npc->appearanceData.iY, npc->appearanceData.iZ, instance, npc->appearanceData.iAngle); } static void minfoCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MINFO] Current mission ID: " + std::to_string(plr->CurrentMissionID)); for (int i = 0; i < ACTIVE_MISSION_COUNT; i++) { if (plr->tasks[i] != 0) { TaskData& task = *Missions::Tasks[plr->tasks[i]]; if ((int)(task["m_iHMissionID"]) == plr->CurrentMissionID) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MINFO] Current task ID: " + std::to_string(plr->tasks[i])); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MINFO] Current task type: " + std::to_string((int)(task["m_iHTaskType"]))); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MINFO] Current waypoint NPC ID: " + std::to_string((int)(task["m_iSTGrantWayPoint"]))); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MINFO] Current terminator NPC ID: " + std::to_string((int)(task["m_iHTerminatorNPCID"]))); if ((int)(task["m_iSTGrantTimer"]) != 0) Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MINFO] Current task timer: " + std::to_string((int)(task["m_iSTGrantTimer"]))); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) if ((int)(task["m_iCSUEnemyID"][j]) != 0) Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[MINFO] Current task mob #" + std::to_string(j+1) +": " + std::to_string((int)(task["m_iCSUEnemyID"][j]))); return; } } } } static void tasksCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); for (int i = 0; i < ACTIVE_MISSION_COUNT; i++) { if (plr->tasks[i] != 0) { TaskData& task = *Missions::Tasks[plr->tasks[i]]; Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[TASK-" + std::to_string(i) + "] mission ID: " + std::to_string((int)(task["m_iHMissionID"]))); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[TASK-" + std::to_string(i) + "] task ID: " + std::to_string(plr->tasks[i])); } } } static void buffCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { if (args.size() < 3) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/buff: no skill Id and duration time specified"); return; } char* tmp; int skillId = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &tmp, 10); if (*tmp) return; int duration = std::strtol(args[2].c_str(), &tmp, 10); if (*tmp) return; if (Eggs::eggBuffPlayer(sock, skillId, 0, duration)<0) Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/buff: unknown skill Id"); } static void eggCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { if (args.size() < 2) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/egg: no egg type specified"); return; } char* tmp; int eggType = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &tmp, 10); if (*tmp) return; if (Eggs::EggTypes.find(eggType) == Eggs::EggTypes.end()) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/egg: Unknown egg type"); return; } assert(NPCManager::nextId < INT32_MAX); int id = NPCManager::nextId++; Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); // some math to place egg nicely in front of the player // temporarly disabled for sake of gruntwork int addX = 0; //-500.0f * sin(plr->angle / 180.0f * M_PI); int addY = 0; //-500.0f * cos(plr->angle / 180.0f * M_PI); Egg* egg = new Egg(plr->x + addX, plr->y + addY, plr->z, plr->instanceID, eggType, id, false); // change last arg to true after gruntwork NPCManager::NPCs[id] = egg; Eggs::Eggs[id] = egg; NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(id, plr->x + addX, plr->y + addY, plr->z, plr->instanceID, plr->angle); // add to template TableData::RunningEggs[id] = egg; } static void notifyCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); if (plr->notify) { plr->notify = false; Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[ADMIN] No longer receiving join notifications"); } else { plr->notify = true; Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[ADMIN] Receiving join notifications"); } } static void playersCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[ADMIN] Players on the server:"); for (auto pair : PlayerManager::players) Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, PlayerManager::getPlayerName(pair.second)); } static void summonGroupCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { if (args.size() < 4) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/summonGroup(W) [distance]"); return; } Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); char *rest; bool wCommand = (args[0] == "/summonGroupW"); int type = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &rest, 10); int type2 = std::strtol(args[2].c_str(), &rest, 10); int count = std::strtol(args[3].c_str(), &rest, 10); int distance = 150; if (args.size() > 4) distance = std::strtol(args[4].c_str(), &rest, 10); if (*rest) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Invalid NPC number: " + args[1]); return; } int limit = NPCManager::NPCData.back()["m_iNpcNumber"]; // permission & sanity check if (type > limit || type2 > limit || count > 5) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Invalid parameters; double check types and count"); return; } Mob* leadNpc = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int team = NPCManager::NPCData[type]["m_iTeam"]; int x = plr->x; int y = plr->y; int z = plr->z; if (i > 0) { int angle = 360.0f / (count-1) * (i-1); if (count == 3) angle = 90 + 60 * i; angle += (plr->angle + 180) % 360; x += -1.0f * sin(angle / 180.0f * M_PI) * distance; y += -1.0f * cos(angle / 180.0f * M_PI) * distance; z = plr->z; } BaseNPC *npc = NPCManager::summonNPC(x, y, z, plr->instanceID, type, wCommand); if (team == 2 && i > 0) { leadNpc->groupMember[i-1] = npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID; Mob* mob = MobAI::Mobs[npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID]; mob->groupLeader = leadNpc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID; mob->offsetX = x - plr->x; mob->offsetY = y - plr->y; } npc->appearanceData.iAngle = (plr->angle + 180) % 360; NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, x, y, z, plr->instanceID, npc->appearanceData.iAngle); // if we're in a lair, we need to spawn the NPC in both the private instance and the template if (PLAYERID(plr->instanceID) != 0) { npc = NPCManager::summonNPC(plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, plr->instanceID, type, wCommand, true); if (team == 2 && i > 0) { leadNpc->groupMember[i-1] = npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID; Mob* mob = MobAI::Mobs[npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID]; mob->groupLeader = leadNpc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID; mob->offsetX = x - plr->x; mob->offsetY = y - plr->y; } npc->appearanceData.iAngle = (plr->angle + 180) % 360; NPCManager::updateNPCPosition(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID, x, y, z, plr->instanceID, npc->appearanceData.iAngle); } Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/summonGroup(W): placed mob with type: " + std::to_string(type) + ", id: " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID)); if (i == 0 && team == 2) { type = type2; leadNpc = MobAI::Mobs[npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID]; leadNpc->groupLeader = leadNpc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID; } } if (!wCommand) return; // not writing; don't add to running mobs if (leadNpc == nullptr) { std::cout << "/summonGroupW: can't find group leader! Won't be saved!\n"; return; } TableData::RunningGroups[leadNpc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = leadNpc; // only record the leader } static void flushCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { TableData::flush(); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Wrote gruntwork to " + settings::GRUNTWORKJSON); } static void whoisCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::getNearestNPC(plr->viewableChunks, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z); if (npc == nullptr) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] No NPCs found nearby"); return; } Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] ID: " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iNPC_ID)); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] Type: " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iNPCType)); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] HP: " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iHP)); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] CBF: " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iConditionBitFlag)); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] Class: " + std::to_string(npc->npcClass)); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] X: " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iX)); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] Y: " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iY)); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] Z: " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iZ)); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] Angle: " + std::to_string(npc->appearanceData.iAngle)); std::string chunkPosition = std::to_string(std::get<0>(npc->chunkPos)) + ", " + std::to_string(std::get<1>(npc->chunkPos)) + ", " + std::to_string(std::get<2>(npc->chunkPos)); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] Chunk: {" + chunkPosition + "}"); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] MapNum: " + std::to_string(MAPNUM(npc->instanceID))); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[WHOIS] Instance: " + std::to_string(PLAYERID(npc->instanceID))); } static void lairUnlockCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); if (!Chunking::chunkExists(plr->chunkPos)) return; Chunk* chnk = Chunking::chunks[plr->chunkPos]; int taskID = -1; int missionID = -1; int found = 0; for (int32_t id : chnk->NPCs) { if (NPCManager::NPCs.find(id) == NPCManager::NPCs.end()) continue; BaseNPC* npc = NPCManager::NPCs[id]; for (auto it = NPCManager::Warps.begin(); it != NPCManager::Warps.end(); it++) { if ((*it).second.npcID == npc->appearanceData.iNPCType) { taskID = (*it).second.limitTaskID; missionID = Missions::Tasks[taskID]->task["m_iHMissionID"]; found++; break; } } } if (missionID == -1 || taskID == -1) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "You are NOT standing near a lair portal; move around and try again!"); return; } if (found > 1) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "More than one lair found; decrease chunk size and try again!"); return; } INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_TASK_START_SUCC, taskResp); Missions::startTask(plr, taskID); taskResp.iTaskNum = taskID; taskResp.iRemainTime = 0; sock->sendPacket((void*)&taskResp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_TASK_START_SUCC, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_TASK_START_SUCC)); INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_SET_CURRENT_MISSION_ID, missionResp); missionResp.iCurrentMissionID = missionID; plr->CurrentMissionID = missionID; sock->sendPacket((void*)&missionResp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_SET_CURRENT_MISSION_ID, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_SET_CURRENT_MISSION_ID)); } static void hideCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); if (plr->hidden) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[HIDE] You're already hidden from the map."); return; } plr->hidden = true; Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[HIDE] Successfully hidden from the map."); } static void unhideCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); if (!plr->hidden) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[HIDE] You're already visible from the map."); return; } plr->hidden = false; Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "[HIDE] Successfully un-hidden from the map."); } static void redeemCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { if (args.size() < 2) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/redeem: No code specified"); return; } // convert string to all lowercase const char* codeRaw = args[1].c_str(); if (args[1].size() > 256) { // prevent overflow Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/redeem: Code too long"); return; } char buf[256]; for (int i = 0; i < args[1].size(); i++) buf[i] = std::tolower(codeRaw[i]); std::string code(buf, args[1].size()); if (Items::CodeItems.find(code) == Items::CodeItems.end()) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/redeem: Unknown code"); return; } Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); if (Database::isCodeRedeemed(plr->iID, code)) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/redeem: You have already redeemed this code item"); return; } int itemCount = Items::CodeItems[code].size(); std::vector slots; for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { slots.push_back(Items::findFreeSlot(plr)); if (slots[i] == -1) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "/redeem: Not enough space in inventory"); // delete any temp items we might have set for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { plr->Inven[slots[j]] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // empty } return; } plr->Inven[slots[i]] = { 999, 999, 999, 0 }; // temp item; overwritten later } Database::recordCodeRedemption(plr->iID, code); for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { std::pair item = Items::CodeItems[code][i]; INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_GIVE_ITEM_SUCC, resp); resp.eIL = 1; resp.iSlotNum = slots[i]; resp.Item.iID = item.first; resp.Item.iType = item.second; // I think it is safe? :eyes resp.Item.iOpt = 1; // save serverside plr->Inven[resp.iSlotNum] = resp.Item; sock->sendPacket((void*)&resp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_GIVE_ITEM_SUCC, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_GIVE_ITEM_SUCC)); } std::string msg = itemCount == 1 ? "You have redeemed a code item" : "You have redeemed code items"; Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, msg); } static void unwarpableCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); plr->unwarpable = true; } static void warpableCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); plr->unwarpable = false; } static void registerallCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); plr->iWarpLocationFlag = UINT32_MAX; plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[0] = UINT64_MAX; plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[1] = UINT64_MAX; // update the client INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_REGIST_TRANSPORTATION_LOCATION_SUCC, resp); resp.iWarpLocationFlag = plr->iWarpLocationFlag; resp.aWyvernLocationFlag[0] = plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[0]; resp.aWyvernLocationFlag[1] = plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[1]; sock->sendPacket((void*)&resp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_REGIST_TRANSPORTATION_LOCATION_SUCC, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_REGIST_TRANSPORTATION_LOCATION_SUCC)); } static void unregisterallCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket* sock) { Player *plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); plr->iWarpLocationFlag = 0; plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[0] = 0; plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[1] = 0; // update the client INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_REGIST_TRANSPORTATION_LOCATION_SUCC, resp); resp.iWarpLocationFlag = plr->iWarpLocationFlag; resp.aWyvernLocationFlag[0] = plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[0]; resp.aWyvernLocationFlag[1] = plr->aSkywayLocationFlag[1]; sock->sendPacket((void*)&resp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_REGIST_TRANSPORTATION_LOCATION_SUCC, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_REGIST_TRANSPORTATION_LOCATION_SUCC)); } static void banCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket *sock) { Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); if (args.size() < 2) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Usage: /ban PlayerID [reason...]"); return; } char *rest; int playerId = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &rest, 10); if (*rest) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Invalid PlayerID: " + args[1]); return; } std::string reason; if (args.size() == 2) { reason = "no reason given"; } else { reason = args[2]; for (int i = 3; i < args.size(); i++) reason += " " + args[i]; } // ban the account that player belongs to if (!Database::banPlayer(playerId, reason)) { // propagating a more descriptive error message from banPlayer() would be too much work Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Failed to ban target player. Check server logs."); return; } Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Banned target player."); std::cout << "[INFO] " << PlayerManager::getPlayerName(plr) << " banned player " << playerId << std::endl; // if the player is online, kick them CNSocket *otherSock = PlayerManager::getSockFromID(playerId); if (otherSock == nullptr) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Player wasn't online. Didn't need to kick."); return; } Player *otherPlr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(otherSock); INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_EXIT_SUCC, pkt); pkt.iID = otherPlr->iID; pkt.iExitCode = 3; // "a GM has terminated your connection" // send to target player otherSock->sendPacket((void*)&pkt, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_EXIT_SUCC, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_EXIT_SUCC)); // ensure that the connection has terminated otherSock->kill(); Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, PlayerManager::getPlayerName(otherPlr) + " was online. Kicked."); } static void unbanCommand(std::string full, std::vector& args, CNSocket *sock) { Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); if (args.size() < 2) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Usage: /unban PlayerID"); return; } char *rest; int playerId = std::strtol(args[1].c_str(), &rest, 10); if (*rest) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Invalid PlayerID: " + args[1]); return; } if (Database::unbanPlayer(playerId)) { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Unbanned player."); std::cout << "[INFO] " << PlayerManager::getPlayerName(plr) << " unbanned player " << playerId << std::endl; } else { Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, "Failed to unban player. Check server logs."); } } static void registerCommand(std::string cmd, int requiredLevel, CommandHandler handlr, std::string help) { commands[cmd] = ChatCommand(requiredLevel, handlr, help); } void CustomCommands::init() { registerCommand("help", 100, helpCommand, "list all unlocked server-side commands"); registerCommand("access", 100, accessCommand, "print your access level"); registerCommand("instance", 30, instanceCommand, "print or change your current instance"); registerCommand("mss", 30, mssCommand, "edit Monkey Skyway routes"); registerCommand("npcr", 30, npcRotateCommand, "rotate NPCs"); registerCommand("npci", 30, npcInstanceCommand, "move NPCs across instances"); registerCommand("summonW", 30, summonWCommand, "permanently summon NPCs"); registerCommand("unsummonW", 30, unsummonWCommand, "delete permanently summoned NPCs"); registerCommand("toggleai", 30, toggleAiCommand, "enable/disable mob AI"); registerCommand("flush", 30, flushCommand, "save gruntwork to file"); registerCommand("level", 50, levelCommand, "change your character's level"); registerCommand("levelx", 50, levelCommand, "change your character's level"); // for Academy registerCommand("population", 100, populationCommand, "check how many players are online"); registerCommand("refresh", 100, refreshCommand, "teleport yourself to your current location"); registerCommand("minfo", 30, minfoCommand, "show details of the current mission and task."); registerCommand("buff", 50, buffCommand, "give yourself a buff effect"); registerCommand("egg", 30, eggCommand, "summon a coco egg"); registerCommand("tasks", 30, tasksCommand, "list all active missions and their respective task ids."); registerCommand("notify", 30, notifyCommand, "receive a message whenever a player joins the server"); registerCommand("players", 30, playersCommand, "print all players on the server"); registerCommand("summonGroup", 30, summonGroupCommand, "summon group NPCs"); registerCommand("summonGroupW", 30, summonGroupCommand, "permanently summon group NPCs"); registerCommand("ban", 30, banCommand, "ban the account the given PlayerID belongs to"); registerCommand("unban", 30, unbanCommand, "unban the account the given PlayerID belongs to"); registerCommand("whois", 50, whoisCommand, "describe nearest NPC"); registerCommand("lair", 50, lairUnlockCommand, "get the required mission for the nearest fusion lair"); registerCommand("hide", 100, hideCommand, "hide yourself from the global player map"); registerCommand("unhide", 100, unhideCommand, "un-hide yourself from the global player map"); registerCommand("unwarpable", 100, unwarpableCommand, "prevent buddies from warping to you"); registerCommand("warpable", 100, warpableCommand, "re-allow buddies to warp to you"); registerCommand("registerall", 50, registerallCommand, "register all SCAMPER and MSS destinations"); registerCommand("unregisterall", 50, unregisterallCommand, "clear all SCAMPER and MSS destinations"); registerCommand("redeem", 100, redeemCommand, "redeem a code item"); }