#include "NPCManager.hpp" #include "settings.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "contrib/JSON.hpp" std::map NPCManager::NPCs; std::map NPCManager::Warps; std::vector NPCManager::RespawnPoints; void NPCManager::init() { // load NPCs from NPCs.json into our NPC manager try { std::ifstream inFile(settings::NPCJSON); nlohmann::json npcData; // read file into json inFile >> npcData; for (nlohmann::json::iterator npc = npcData.begin(); npc != npcData.end(); npc++) { BaseNPC tmp(npc.value()["x"], npc.value()["y"], npc.value()["z"], npc.value()["id"]); NPCs[tmp.appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = tmp; if (npc.value()["id"] == 641 || npc.value()["id"] == 642) RespawnPoints.push_back({ npc.value()["x"], npc.value()["y"], ((int)npc.value()["z"]) + RESURRECT_HEIGHT }); } } catch (const std::exception& err) { std::cerr << "[WARN] Malformed NPCs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl; } // load temporary mob dump try { std::ifstream inFile("data/mobs.json"); // not in settings, since it's temp nlohmann::json npcData; // read file into json inFile >> npcData; for (nlohmann::json::iterator npc = npcData.begin(); npc != npcData.end(); npc++) { BaseNPC tmp(npc.value()["iX"], npc.value()["iY"], npc.value()["iZ"], npc.value()["iNPCType"], npc.value()["iHP"], npc.value()["iConditionBitFlag"], npc.value()["iAngle"], npc.value()["iBarkerType"]); NPCs[tmp.appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = tmp; } std::cout << "[INFO] populated " << NPCs.size() << " NPCs" << std::endl; } catch (const std::exception& err) { std::cerr << "[WARN] Malformed mobs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl; } try { std::ifstream infile(settings::WARPJSON); nlohmann::json warpData; // read file into json infile >> warpData; for (nlohmann::json::iterator warp = warpData.begin(); warp != warpData.end(); warp++) { WarpLocation warpLoc = { warp.value()["m_iToX"], warp.value()["m_iToY"], warp.value()["m_iToZ"] }; int warpID = atoi(warp.key().c_str()); Warps[warpID] = warpLoc; } std::cout << "[INFO] populated " << Warps.size() << " Warps" << std::endl; } catch (const std::exception& err) { std::cerr << "[WARN] Malformed warps.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl; } REGISTER_SHARD_PACKET(P_CL2FE_REQ_PC_WARP_USE_NPC, npcWarpHandler); REGISTER_SHARD_PACKET(P_CL2FE_REQ_NPC_SUMMON, npcSummonHandler); REGISTER_SHARD_PACKET(P_CL2FE_REQ_BARKER, npcBarkHandler); } void NPCManager::updatePlayerNPCS(CNSocket* sock, PlayerView& view) { std::list yesView; std::list noView; for (auto& pair : NPCs) { int diffX = abs(view.plr->x - pair.second.appearanceData.iX); int diffY = abs(view.plr->y - pair.second.appearanceData.iY); if (diffX < settings::NPCDISTANCE && diffY < settings::NPCDISTANCE) { yesView.push_back(pair.first); } else { noView.push_back(pair.first); } } INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_NPC_EXIT, exitData); std::list::iterator i = view.viewableNPCs.begin(); while (i != view.viewableNPCs.end()) { int32_t id = *i; if (std::find(noView.begin(), noView.end(), id) != noView.end()) { // it shouldn't be visible, send NPC_EXIT exitData.iNPC_ID = id; sock->sendPacket((void*)&exitData, P_FE2CL_NPC_EXIT, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_EXIT)); // remove from view view.viewableNPCs.erase(i++); } else { i++; } } INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_NPC_ENTER, enterData); for (int32_t id : yesView) { if (std::find(view.viewableNPCs.begin(), view.viewableNPCs.end(), id) == view.viewableNPCs.end()) { // needs to be added to viewableNPCs! send NPC_ENTER enterData.NPCAppearanceData = NPCs[id].appearanceData; sock->sendPacket((void*)&enterData, P_FE2CL_NPC_ENTER, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_ENTER)); // add to viewable view.viewableNPCs.push_back(id); } } PlayerManager::players[sock].viewableNPCs = view.viewableNPCs; } void NPCManager::npcBarkHandler(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) { sP_CL2FE_REQ_BARKER* bark = (sP_CL2FE_REQ_BARKER*)data->buf; PlayerView& plr = PlayerManager::players[sock]; INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_BARKER, resp); resp.iMissionStringID = bark->iMissionTaskID; resp.iNPC_ID = bark->iNPC_ID; // Send bark to other players. for (CNSocket* otherSock : plr.viewable) { otherSock->sendPacket((void*)&resp, P_FE2CL_REP_BARKER, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_REP_BARKER)); } // Then ourself. sock->sendPacket((void*)&resp, P_FE2CL_REP_BARKER, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_REP_BARKER)); } void NPCManager::npcSummonHandler(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) { if (data->size != sizeof(sP_CL2FE_REQ_NPC_SUMMON)) return; // malformed packet sP_CL2FE_REQ_NPC_SUMMON* req = (sP_CL2FE_REQ_NPC_SUMMON*)data->buf; INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_NPC_ENTER, resp); Player* plr = PlayerManager::getPlayer(sock); // permission & sanity check if (!plr->IsGM || req->iNPCType >= 3314) return; resp.NPCAppearanceData.iNPC_ID = rand(); // cpunch-style resp.NPCAppearanceData.iNPCType = req->iNPCType; resp.NPCAppearanceData.iHP = 1000; // TODO: placeholder resp.NPCAppearanceData.iX = plr->x; resp.NPCAppearanceData.iY = plr->y; resp.NPCAppearanceData.iZ = plr->z; sock->sendPacket((void*)&resp, P_FE2CL_NPC_ENTER, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_NPC_ENTER)); } void NPCManager::npcWarpHandler(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) { if (data->size != sizeof(sP_CL2FE_REQ_PC_WARP_USE_NPC)) return; // malformed packet sP_CL2FE_REQ_PC_WARP_USE_NPC* warpNpc = (sP_CL2FE_REQ_PC_WARP_USE_NPC*)data->buf; PlayerView& plrv = PlayerManager::players[sock]; // sanity check if (Warps.find(warpNpc->iWarpID) == Warps.end()) return; // send to client INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_WARP_USE_NPC_SUCC, resp); resp.iX = Warps[warpNpc->iWarpID].x; resp.iY = Warps[warpNpc->iWarpID].y; resp.iZ = Warps[warpNpc->iWarpID].z; // force player & NPC reload plrv.viewable.clear(); plrv.viewableNPCs.clear(); sock->sendPacket((void*)&resp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_WARP_USE_NPC_SUCC, sizeof(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_WARP_USE_NPC_SUCC)); }