#include "TableData.hpp" #include "NPCManager.hpp" #include "settings.hpp" #include "MissionManager.hpp" #include "contrib/JSON.hpp" #include void TableData::init() { int i = 0; // load NPCs from NPC.json try { std::ifstream inFile(settings::NPCJSON); nlohmann::json npcData; // read file into json inFile >> npcData; for (nlohmann::json::iterator npc = npcData.begin(); npc != npcData.end(); npc++) { BaseNPC tmp(npc.value()["x"], npc.value()["y"], npc.value()["z"], npc.value()["id"]); // Temporary fix, IDs will be pulled from json later tmp.appearanceData.iNPC_ID = i; i++; NPCManager::NPCs[tmp.appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = tmp; if (npc.value()["id"] == 641 || npc.value()["id"] == 642) NPCManager::RespawnPoints.push_back({ npc.value()["x"], npc.value()["y"], ((int)npc.value()["z"]) + RESURRECT_HEIGHT }); } } catch (const std::exception& err) { std::cerr << "[WARN] Malformed NPCs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl; } // load temporary mob dump try { std::ifstream inFile(settings::MOBJSON); nlohmann::json npcData; // read file into json inFile >> npcData; for (nlohmann::json::iterator npc = npcData.begin(); npc != npcData.end(); npc++) { BaseNPC tmp(npc.value()["iX"], npc.value()["iY"], npc.value()["iZ"], npc.value()["iNPCType"], npc.value()["iHP"], npc.value()["iConditionBitFlag"], npc.value()["iAngle"], npc.value()["iBarkerType"]); // Temporary fix, IDs will be pulled from json later tmp.appearanceData.iNPC_ID = i; i++; NPCManager::NPCs[tmp.appearanceData.iNPC_ID] = tmp; } std::cout << "[INFO] Populated " << NPCManager::NPCs.size() << " NPCs" << std::endl; } catch (const std::exception& err) { std::cerr << "[WARN] Malformed mobs.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl; } // load everything else from xdttable std::cout << "[INFO] Parsing xdt.json..." << std::endl; std::ifstream infile(settings::XDTJSON); nlohmann::json xdtData; // read file into json infile >> xdtData; try { // load warps nlohmann::json warpData = xdtData["m_pInstanceTable"]["m_pWarpData"]; for (nlohmann::json::iterator warp = warpData.begin(); warp != warpData.end(); warp++) { WarpLocation warpLoc = { warp.value()["m_iToX"], warp.value()["m_iToY"], warp.value()["m_iToZ"] }; int warpID = warp.value()["m_iWarpNumber"]; NPCManager::Warps[warpID] = warpLoc; } std::cout << "[INFO] Populated " << NPCManager::Warps.size() << " Warps" << std::endl; // load mission-related data nlohmann::json tasks = xdtData["m_pMissionTable"]["m_pMissionData"]; for (auto _task = tasks.begin(); _task != tasks.end(); _task++) { auto task = _task.value(); // rewards if (task["m_iSUReward"] != 0) { auto _rew = xdtData["m_pMissionTable"]["m_pRewardData"][(int)task["m_iSUReward"]]; Reward *rew = new Reward(_rew["m_iMissionRewardID"], _rew["m_iMissionRewarItemType"], _rew["m_iMissionRewardItemID"], _rew["m_iCash"], _rew["m_iFusionMatter"]); MissionManager::Rewards[task["m_iHTaskID"]] = rew; } // everything else lol. see TaskData comment. MissionManager::Tasks[task["m_iHTaskID"]] = new TaskData(task); } std::cout << "[INFO] Loaded mission-related data" << std::endl; } catch (const std::exception& err) { std::cerr << "[WARN] Malformed xdt.json file! Reason:" << err.what() << std::endl; } } void TableData::cleanup() { /* * This is just to shut the address sanitizer up. Dynamically allocated data * doesn't need to be cleaned up if it's supposed to last the program's full runtime. */ for (auto& pair : MissionManager::Rewards) delete pair.second; for (auto& pair : MissionManager::Tasks) delete pair.second; }