#pragma once #include "core/Core.hpp" #include "NPCManager.hpp" enum class MobState { INACTIVE, ROAMING, COMBAT, RETREAT, DEAD }; namespace MobAI { // needs to be declared before Mob's constructor void step(CombatNPC*, time_t); }; struct Mob : public CombatNPC { // general MobState state = MobState::INACTIVE; std::unordered_map unbuffTimes = {}; // dead time_t killedTime = 0; time_t regenTime = 0; bool summoned = false; bool despawned = false; // for the sake of death animations // roaming int idleRange = 0; const int sightRange = 0; time_t nextMovement = 0; bool staticPath = false; int roamX = 0, roamY = 0, roamZ = 0; // combat CNSocket *target = nullptr; time_t nextAttack = 0; time_t lastDrainTime = 0; int skillStyle = -1; // -1 for nothing, 0-2 for corruption, -2 for eruption int hitX = 0, hitY = 0, hitZ = 0; // for use in ability targeting // group int groupLeader = 0; int offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0; int groupMember[4] = {}; // for optimizing away AI in empty chunks int playersInView = 0; // temporary; until we're sure what's what nlohmann::json data = {}; Mob(int x, int y, int z, int angle, uint64_t iID, int t, nlohmann::json d, int32_t id) : CombatNPC(x, y, z, angle, iID, t, id, d["m_iHP"]), sightRange(d["m_iSightRange"]) { state = MobState::ROAMING; data = d; speed = data["m_iRunSpeed"]; regenTime = data["m_iRegenTime"]; idleRange = (int)data["m_iIdleRange"]; level = data["m_iNpcLevel"]; roamX = spawnX = x; roamY = spawnY = y; roamZ = spawnZ = z; offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; appearanceData.iConditionBitFlag = 0; // NOTE: there appear to be discrepancies in the dump appearanceData.iHP = maxHealth; type = EntityType::MOB; _stepAI = MobAI::step; } // constructor for /summon Mob(int x, int y, int z, uint64_t iID, int t, nlohmann::json d, int32_t id) : Mob(x, y, z, 0, iID, t, d, id) { summoned = true; // will be despawned and deallocated when killed } ~Mob() {} auto operator[](std::string s) { return data[s]; } }; namespace MobAI { extern bool simulateMobs; // TODO: make this internal later void incNextMovement(Mob *mob, time_t currTime=0); bool aggroCheck(Mob *mob, time_t currTime); void clearDebuff(Mob *mob); void followToCombat(Mob *mob); void groupRetreat(Mob *mob); void enterCombat(CNSocket *sock, Mob *mob); }