# makefile for OpenFusion OBJS = src/*.cpp # source files to compile CC = clang++ # using GNU C++ compiler WIN_CC = x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ # using GNU C++ compiler # -w suppresses all warnings (the part that's commented out helps me find memory leaks, it ruins performance though!) COMPILER_FLAGS = -std=c++17 -o3 -g3 -fsanitize=address WIN_COMPILER_FLAGS = -std=c++17 -o3 -static #-g3 -fsanitize=address #LINKER_FLAGS specifies the libraries we're linking against (NONE, this is a single header library.) LINKER_FLAGS = -lpthread WIN_LINKER_FLAGS = -lws2_32 -lwsock32 #OBJ_NAME specifies the name of our exectuable OBJ_NAME = bin/fusion # location of output for build WIN_OBJ_NAME = bin/winfusion.exe # location of output for build all: $(OBJS) $(CC) $(OBJS) $(COMPILER_FLAGS) $(LINKER_FLAGS) -o $(OBJ_NAME) windows: $(OBJS) $(WIN_CC) $(OBJS) $(WIN_COMPILER_FLAGS) $(WIN_LINKER_FLAGS) -o $(WIN_OBJ_NAME)