#include "core/Core.hpp" #include "core/CNShared.hpp" #include "servers/CNShardServer.hpp" #include "db/Database.hpp" #include "PlayerManager.hpp" #include "NPCManager.hpp" #include "Missions.hpp" #include "Items.hpp" #include "Nanos.hpp" #include "Groups.hpp" #include "Chat.hpp" #include "Buddies.hpp" #include "Combat.hpp" #include "Racing.hpp" #include "BuiltinCommands.hpp" #include "Abilities.hpp" #include "Eggs.hpp" #include "settings.hpp" #include #include #include #include using namespace PlayerManager; std::map PlayerManager::players; static void addPlayer(CNSocket* key, Player plr) { Player *p = new Player(); // copy object into heap memory *p = plr; players[key] = p; p->chunkPos = std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0); // TODO: maybe replace with specialized "no chunk" value p->lastHeartbeat = 0; std::cout << getPlayerName(p) << " has joined!" << std::endl; std::cout << players.size() << " players" << std::endl; } void PlayerManager::removePlayer(CNSocket* key) { Player* plr = getPlayer(key); uint64_t fromInstance = plr->instanceID; Groups::groupKickPlayer(plr); // remove player's bullets Combat::Bullets.erase(plr->iID); // remove player's ongoing race, if it exists Racing::EPRaces.erase(key); // save player to DB Database::updatePlayer(plr); EntityRef ref = {key}; // remove player visually and untrack Chunking::removeEntityFromChunks(Chunking::getViewableChunks(plr->chunkPos), ref); Chunking::untrackEntity(plr->chunkPos, ref); std::cout << getPlayerName(plr) << " has left!" << std::endl; delete plr; players.erase(key); // if the player was in a lair, clean it up Chunking::destroyInstanceIfEmpty(fromInstance); // remove player's buffs from the server auto it = Eggs::EggBuffs.begin(); while (it != Eggs::EggBuffs.end()) { if (it->first.first == key) { it = Eggs::EggBuffs.erase(it); } else it++; } std::cout << players.size() << " players" << std::endl; } void PlayerManager::updatePlayerPosition(CNSocket* sock, int X, int Y, int Z, uint64_t I, int angle) { Player* plr = getPlayer(sock); plr->angle = angle; ChunkPos oldChunk = plr->chunkPos; ChunkPos newChunk = Chunking::chunkPosAt(X, Y, I); plr->x = X; plr->y = Y; plr->z = Z; plr->instanceID = I; if (oldChunk == newChunk) return; // didn't change chunks Chunking::updateEntityChunk({sock}, oldChunk, newChunk); } void PlayerManager::sendPlayerTo(CNSocket* sock, int X, int Y, int Z, uint64_t I) { Player* plr = getPlayer(sock); plr->onMonkey = false; if (plr->instanceID == INSTANCE_OVERWORLD) { // save last uninstanced coords plr->lastX = plr->x; plr->lastY = plr->y; plr->lastZ = plr->z; plr->lastAngle = plr->angle; } Missions::failInstancedMissions(sock); // fail any instanced missions uint64_t fromInstance = plr->instanceID; // pre-warp instance, saved for post-warp if (I == INSTANCE_OVERWORLD || (I != fromInstance && fromInstance != 0)) { // annoying but necessary to set the flag back INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_WARP_USE_NPC_SUCC, resp); resp.iX = X; resp.iY = Y; resp.iZ = Z; resp.iCandy = plr->money; resp.eIL = 4; // do not take away any items sock->sendPacket(resp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_WARP_USE_NPC_SUCC); } if (I != INSTANCE_OVERWORLD) { INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_INSTANCE_MAP_INFO, pkt); pkt.iInstanceMapNum = (int32_t)MAPNUM(I); // lower 32 bits are mapnum if (I != fromInstance // do not retransmit MAP_INFO on recall && Racing::EPData.find(pkt.iInstanceMapNum) != Racing::EPData.end()) { EPInfo* ep = &Racing::EPData[pkt.iInstanceMapNum]; pkt.iEP_ID = ep->EPID; pkt.iMapCoordX_Min = ep->zoneX * 51200; pkt.iMapCoordX_Max = (ep->zoneX + 1) * 51200; pkt.iMapCoordY_Min = ep->zoneY * 51200; pkt.iMapCoordY_Max = (ep->zoneY + 1) * 51200; pkt.iMapCoordZ_Min = INT32_MIN; pkt.iMapCoordZ_Max = INT32_MAX; } sock->sendPacket(pkt, P_FE2CL_INSTANCE_MAP_INFO); } INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_GOTO_SUCC, pkt2); pkt2.iX = X; pkt2.iY = Y; pkt2.iZ = Z; sock->sendPacket(pkt2, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_GOTO_SUCC); Chunking::updateEntityChunk({sock}, plr->chunkPos, std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0)); // force player to reload chunks updatePlayerPosition(sock, X, Y, Z, I, plr->angle); // post-warp: check if the source instance has no more players in it and delete it if so Chunking::destroyInstanceIfEmpty(fromInstance); // clean up EPRaces if we were likely in an IZ and left if (fromInstance != INSTANCE_OVERWORLD && fromInstance != I && Racing::EPRaces.find(sock) != Racing::EPRaces.end()) Racing::EPRaces.erase(sock); } void PlayerManager::sendPlayerTo(CNSocket* sock, int X, int Y, int Z) { sendPlayerTo(sock, X, Y, Z, getPlayer(sock)->instanceID); } /* * Sends all nanos, from 0 to 58 (the contents of the Nanos array in PC_ENTER_SUCC are totally irrelevant). * The first Nano in the in-game nanobook is the Unstable Nano, which is Van Kleiss. * 0 (in plr->Nanos) is the null nano entry. * 58 is a "Coming Soon" duplicate entry for an actual Van Kleiss nano, identical to the Unstable Nano. * Nanos the player hasn't unlocked will (and should) be greyed out. Thus, all nanos should be accounted * for in these packets, even if the player hasn't unlocked them. */ static void sendNanoBookSubset(CNSocket *sock) { #ifdef ACADEMY Player *plr = getPlayer(sock); int16_t id = 0; INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_NANO_BOOK_SUBSET, pkt); pkt.PCUID = plr->iID; pkt.bookSize = NANO_COUNT; while (id < NANO_COUNT) { pkt.elementOffset = id; for (int i = id - pkt.elementOffset; id < NANO_COUNT && i < 10; id++, i = id - pkt.elementOffset) pkt.element[i] = plr->Nanos[id]; sock->sendPacket(pkt, P_FE2CL_REP_NANO_BOOK_SUBSET); } #endif } static void enterPlayer(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) { auto enter = (sP_CL2FE_REQ_PC_ENTER*)data->buf; INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_ENTER_SUCC, response); // TODO: check if serialkey exists, if it doesn't send sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_ENTER_FAIL Player plr = CNSharedData::getPlayer(enter->iEnterSerialKey); plr.groupCnt = 1; plr.iIDGroup = plr.groupIDs[0] = plr.iID; DEBUGLOG( std::cout << "P_CL2FE_REQ_PC_ENTER:" << std::endl; std::cout << "\tID: " << AUTOU16TOU8(enter->szID) << std::endl; std::cout << "\tSerial: " << enter->iEnterSerialKey << std::endl; std::cout << "\tTemp: " << enter->iTempValue << std::endl; std::cout << "\tPC_UID: " << plr.PCStyle.iPC_UID << std::endl; ) // check if account is already in use if (isAccountInUse(plr.accountId)) { // kick the other player exitDuplicate(plr.accountId); } response.iID = plr.iID; response.uiSvrTime = getTime(); response.PCLoadData2CL.iUserLevel = plr.accountLevel; response.PCLoadData2CL.iHP = plr.HP; response.PCLoadData2CL.iLevel = plr.level; response.PCLoadData2CL.iCandy = plr.money; response.PCLoadData2CL.iFusionMatter = plr.fusionmatter; response.PCLoadData2CL.iMentor = plr.mentor; response.PCLoadData2CL.iMentorCount = 1; // how many guides the player has had response.PCLoadData2CL.iX = plr.x; response.PCLoadData2CL.iY = plr.y; response.PCLoadData2CL.iZ = plr.z; response.PCLoadData2CL.iAngle = plr.angle; response.PCLoadData2CL.iBatteryN = plr.batteryN; response.PCLoadData2CL.iBatteryW = plr.batteryW; response.PCLoadData2CL.iBuddyWarpTime = 60; // sets 60s warp cooldown on login response.PCLoadData2CL.iWarpLocationFlag = plr.iWarpLocationFlag; response.PCLoadData2CL.aWyvernLocationFlag[0] = plr.aSkywayLocationFlag[0]; response.PCLoadData2CL.aWyvernLocationFlag[1] = plr.aSkywayLocationFlag[1]; response.PCLoadData2CL.iActiveNanoSlotNum = -1; response.PCLoadData2CL.iFatigue = 50; response.PCLoadData2CL.PCStyle = plr.PCStyle; // client doesnt read this, it gets it from charinfo // response.PCLoadData2CL.PCStyle2 = plr.PCStyle2; // inventory for (int i = 0; i < AEQUIP_COUNT; i++) response.PCLoadData2CL.aEquip[i] = plr.Equip[i]; for (int i = 0; i < AINVEN_COUNT; i++) response.PCLoadData2CL.aInven[i] = plr.Inven[i]; // quest inventory for (int i = 0; i < AQINVEN_COUNT; i++) response.PCLoadData2CL.aQInven[i] = plr.QInven[i]; // nanos for (int i = 1; i < SIZEOF_NANO_BANK_SLOT; i++) { response.PCLoadData2CL.aNanoBank[i] = plr.Nanos[i]; //response.PCLoadData2CL.aNanoBank[i] = plr.Nanos[i] = {0}; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { response.PCLoadData2CL.aNanoSlots[i] = plr.equippedNanos[i]; } // missions in progress for (int i = 0; i < ACTIVE_MISSION_COUNT; i++) { if (plr.tasks[i] == 0) break; response.PCLoadData2CL.aRunningQuest[i].m_aCurrTaskID = plr.tasks[i]; TaskData &task = *Missions::Tasks[plr.tasks[i]]; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { response.PCLoadData2CL.aRunningQuest[i].m_aKillNPCID[j] = (int)task["m_iCSUEnemyID"][j]; response.PCLoadData2CL.aRunningQuest[i].m_aKillNPCCount[j] = plr.RemainingNPCCount[i][j]; /* * client doesn't care about NeededItem ID and Count, * it gets Count from Quest Inventory * * KillNPCCount sets RemainEnemyNum in the client * Yes, this is extraordinary stupid. */ } } response.PCLoadData2CL.iCurrentMissionID = plr.CurrentMissionID; // completed missions // the packet requires 32 items, but the client only checks the first 16 (shrug) for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { response.PCLoadData2CL.aQuestFlag[i] = plr.aQuestFlag[i]; } // Computress tips if (settings::DISABLEFIRSTUSEFLAG) { response.PCLoadData2CL.iFirstUseFlag1 = UINT64_MAX; response.PCLoadData2CL.iFirstUseFlag2 = UINT64_MAX; } else { response.PCLoadData2CL.iFirstUseFlag1 = plr.iFirstUseFlag[0]; response.PCLoadData2CL.iFirstUseFlag2 = plr.iFirstUseFlag[1]; } plr.SerialKey = enter->iEnterSerialKey; plr.instanceID = INSTANCE_OVERWORLD; // the player should never be in an instance on enter sock->setEKey(CNSocketEncryption::createNewKey(response.uiSvrTime, response.iID + 1, response.PCLoadData2CL.iFusionMatter + 1)); sock->setFEKey(plr.FEKey); sock->setActiveKey(SOCKETKEY_FE); // send all packets using the FE key from now on sock->sendPacket(response, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_ENTER_SUCC); // transmit MOTD after entering the game, so the client hopefully changes modes on time Chat::sendServerMessage(sock, settings::MOTDSTRING); addPlayer(sock, plr); // check if there is an expiring vehicle Items::checkItemExpire(sock, getPlayer(sock)); // set player equip stats Items::setItemStats(getPlayer(sock)); Missions::failInstancedMissions(sock); sendNanoBookSubset(sock); // initial buddy sync Buddies::refreshBuddyList(sock); for (auto& pair : players) if (pair.second->notify) Chat::sendServerMessage(pair.first, "[ADMIN]" + getPlayerName(&plr) + " has joined."); } void PlayerManager::sendToViewable(CNSocket* sock, void* buf, uint32_t type, size_t size) { Player* plr = getPlayer(sock); for (auto it = plr->viewableChunks.begin(); it != plr->viewableChunks.end(); it++) { Chunk* chunk = *it; for (const EntityRef& ref : chunk->entities) { if (ref.type != EntityType::PLAYER || ref.sock == sock) continue; ref.sock->sendPacket(buf, type, size); } } } static void loadPlayer(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) { sP_CL2FE_REQ_PC_LOADING_COMPLETE* complete = (sP_CL2FE_REQ_PC_LOADING_COMPLETE*)data->buf; INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_LOADING_COMPLETE_SUCC, response); Player *plr = getPlayer(sock); DEBUGLOG( std::cout << "P_CL2FE_REQ_PC_LOADING_COMPLETE:" << std::endl; std::cout << "\tPC_ID: " << complete->iPC_ID << std::endl; ) response.iPC_ID = complete->iPC_ID; updatePlayerPosition(sock, plr->x, plr->y, plr->z, plr->instanceID, plr->angle); sock->sendPacket(response, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_LOADING_COMPLETE_SUCC); } static void heartbeatPlayer(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) { getPlayer(sock)->lastHeartbeat = getTime(); } static void exitGame(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) { auto exitData = (sP_CL2FE_REQ_PC_EXIT*)data->buf; INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_EXIT_SUCC, response); response.iID = exitData->iID; response.iExitCode = 1; sock->sendPacket(response, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_EXIT_SUCC); } static WarpLocation* getRespawnPoint(Player *plr) { WarpLocation* best = nullptr; uint32_t curDist, bestDist = UINT32_MAX; for (auto& targ : NPCManager::RespawnPoints) { curDist = sqrt(pow(plr->x - targ.x, 2) + pow(plr->y - targ.y, 2)); if (curDist < bestDist && targ.instanceID == MAPNUM(plr->instanceID)) { // only mapNum needs to match best = &targ; bestDist = curDist; } } return best; } static void revivePlayer(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) { Player *plr = getPlayer(sock); WarpLocation* target = getRespawnPoint(plr); auto reviveData = (sP_CL2FE_REQ_PC_REGEN*)data->buf; INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_REGEN_SUCC, response); INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_PC_REGEN, resp2); int activeSlot = -1; bool move = false; if (reviveData->iRegenType == 3 && plr->iConditionBitFlag & CSB_BIT_PHOENIX) { // nano revive plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iStamina = 0; plr->HP = PC_MAXHEALTH(plr->level); Nanos::applyBuff(sock, plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano].iSkillID, 2, 1, 0); } else if (reviveData->iRegenType == 4) { plr->HP = PC_MAXHEALTH(plr->level); } else { move = true; if (reviveData->iRegenType != 5) plr->HP = PC_MAXHEALTH(plr->level); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int nanoID = plr->equippedNanos[i]; // halve nano health if respawning // all revives not 3-5 are normal respawns. if (reviveData->iRegenType < 3 || reviveData->iRegenType > 5) plr->Nanos[nanoID].iStamina = 75; // max is 150, so 75 is half response.PCRegenData.Nanos[i] = plr->Nanos[nanoID]; if (plr->activeNano == nanoID) activeSlot = i; } int x, y, z; if (move && target != nullptr) { // go to Resurrect 'Em x = target->x; y = target->y; z = target->z; } else if (PLAYERID(plr->instanceID)) { // respawn at entrance to the Lair x = plr->recallX; y = plr->recallY; z = plr->recallZ; } else { // no other choice; respawn in place x = plr->x; y = plr->y; z = plr->z; } // Response parameters response.PCRegenData.iActiveNanoSlotNum = activeSlot; response.PCRegenData.iX = x; response.PCRegenData.iY = y; response.PCRegenData.iZ = z; response.PCRegenData.iHP = plr->HP; response.iFusionMatter = plr->fusionmatter; response.bMoveLocation = 0; response.PCRegenData.iMapNum = MAPNUM(plr->instanceID); sock->sendPacket(response, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_REGEN_SUCC); // Update other players resp2.PCRegenDataForOtherPC.iPC_ID = plr->iID; resp2.PCRegenDataForOtherPC.iX = x; resp2.PCRegenDataForOtherPC.iY = y; resp2.PCRegenDataForOtherPC.iZ = z; resp2.PCRegenDataForOtherPC.iHP = plr->HP; resp2.PCRegenDataForOtherPC.iAngle = plr->angle; Player *otherPlr = getPlayerFromID(plr->iIDGroup); if (otherPlr != nullptr) { int bitFlag = Groups::getGroupFlags(otherPlr); resp2.PCRegenDataForOtherPC.iConditionBitFlag = plr->iConditionBitFlag = plr->iSelfConditionBitFlag | bitFlag; resp2.PCRegenDataForOtherPC.iPCState = plr->iPCState; resp2.PCRegenDataForOtherPC.iSpecialState = plr->iSpecialState; resp2.PCRegenDataForOtherPC.Nano = plr->Nanos[plr->activeNano]; sendToViewable(sock, resp2, P_FE2CL_PC_REGEN); } if (!move) return; Chunking::updateEntityChunk({sock}, plr->chunkPos, std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0)); // force player to reload chunks updatePlayerPosition(sock, x, y, z, plr->instanceID, plr->angle); } static void enterPlayerVehicle(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) { Player* plr = getPlayer(sock); // vehicles are only allowed in the overworld if (plr->instanceID != 0) return; bool expired = plr->Equip[8].iTimeLimit < getTimestamp() && plr->Equip[8].iTimeLimit != 0; if (plr->Equip[8].iID > 0 && !expired) { INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_PC_VEHICLE_ON_SUCC, response); sock->sendPacket(response, P_FE2CL_PC_VEHICLE_ON_SUCC); // send to other players plr->iPCState |= 8; INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_PC_STATE_CHANGE, response2); response2.iPC_ID = plr->iID; response2.iState = plr->iPCState; sendToViewable(sock, response2, P_FE2CL_PC_STATE_CHANGE); } else { INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_PC_VEHICLE_ON_FAIL, response); sock->sendPacket(response, P_FE2CL_PC_VEHICLE_ON_FAIL); // check if vehicle didn't expire if (expired) { plr->toRemoveVehicle.eIL = 0; plr->toRemoveVehicle.iSlotNum = 8; Items::checkItemExpire(sock, plr); } } } static void exitPlayerVehicle(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) { Player* plr = getPlayer(sock); if (plr->iPCState & 8) { INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_PC_VEHICLE_OFF_SUCC, response); sock->sendPacket(response, P_FE2CL_PC_VEHICLE_OFF_SUCC); // send to other players plr->iPCState &= ~8; INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_PC_STATE_CHANGE, response2); response2.iPC_ID = plr->iID; response2.iState = plr->iPCState; sendToViewable(sock, response2, P_FE2CL_PC_STATE_CHANGE); } } static void setSpecialSwitchPlayer(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) { BuiltinCommands::setSpecialState(sock, data); } static void changePlayerGuide(CNSocket *sock, CNPacketData *data) { auto pkt = (sP_CL2FE_REQ_PC_CHANGE_MENTOR*)data->buf; INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_CHANGE_MENTOR_SUCC, resp); Player *plr = getPlayer(sock); resp.iMentor = pkt->iMentor; resp.iMentorCnt = 1; resp.iFusionMatter = plr->fusionmatter; // no cost sock->sendPacket(resp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_CHANGE_MENTOR_SUCC); // if it's changed from computress if (plr->mentor == 5) { // we're warping to the past plr->PCStyle2.iPayzoneFlag = 1; // remove all active missions for (int i = 0; i < ACTIVE_MISSION_COUNT; i++) { if (plr->tasks[i] != 0) Missions::quitTask(sock, plr->tasks[i], true); } // start Blossom nano mission if applicable Missions::updateFusionMatter(sock, 0); } // save it on player plr->mentor = pkt->iMentor; } static void setFirstUseFlag(CNSocket* sock, CNPacketData* data) { auto flag = (sP_CL2FE_REQ_PC_FIRST_USE_FLAG_SET*)data->buf; Player* plr = getPlayer(sock); if (flag->iFlagCode < 1 || flag->iFlagCode > 128) { std::cout << "[WARN] Client submitted invalid first use flag number?!" << std::endl; return; } if (flag->iFlagCode <= 64) plr->iFirstUseFlag[0] |= (1ULL << (flag->iFlagCode - 1)); else plr->iFirstUseFlag[1] |= (1ULL << (flag->iFlagCode - 65)); } #pragma region Helper methods Player *PlayerManager::getPlayer(CNSocket* key) { if (players.find(key) != players.end()) return players[key]; // this should never happen assert(false); } std::string PlayerManager::getPlayerName(Player *plr, bool id) { // the print in CNShardServer can print packets from players that haven't yet joined if (plr == nullptr) return "NOT IN GAME"; std::string ret = ""; if (id && plr->accountLevel <= 30) ret += "(GM) "; ret += AUTOU16TOU8(plr->PCStyle.szFirstName) + " " + AUTOU16TOU8(plr->PCStyle.szLastName); if (id) ret += " [" + std::to_string(plr->iID) + "]"; return ret; } bool PlayerManager::isAccountInUse(int accountId) { std::map::iterator it; for (it = players.begin(); it != players.end(); it++) { if (it->second->accountId == accountId) return true; } return false; } void PlayerManager::exitDuplicate(int accountId) { std::map::iterator it; // disconnect any duplicate players for (it = players.begin(); it != players.end(); it++) { if (it->second->accountId == accountId) { CNSocket* sock = it->first; INITSTRUCT(sP_FE2CL_REP_PC_EXIT_DUPLICATE, resp); resp.iErrorCode = 0; sock->sendPacket(resp, P_FE2CL_REP_PC_EXIT_DUPLICATE); sock->kill(); CNShardServer::_killConnection(sock); break; } } } // TODO: just call getPlayer() after getSockFromID()? Player *PlayerManager::getPlayerFromID(int32_t iID) { for (auto& pair : players) if (pair.second->iID == iID) return pair.second; return nullptr; } CNSocket *PlayerManager::getSockFromID(int32_t iID) { for (auto& pair : players) if (pair.second->iID == iID) return pair.first; return nullptr; } CNSocket *PlayerManager::getSockFromName(std::string firstname, std::string lastname) { for (auto& pair : players) if (AUTOU16TOU8(pair.second->PCStyle.szFirstName) == firstname && AUTOU16TOU8(pair.second->PCStyle.szLastName) == lastname) return pair.first; return nullptr; } CNSocket *PlayerManager::getSockFromAny(int by, int id, int uid, std::string firstname, std::string lastname) { switch (by) { case eCN_GM_TargetSearchBy__PC_ID: assert(id != 0); return getSockFromID(id); case eCN_GM_TargetSearchBy__PC_UID: // account id; not player id assert(uid != 0); for (auto& pair : players) if (pair.second->accountId == uid) return pair.first; case eCN_GM_TargetSearchBy__PC_Name: assert(firstname != "" && lastname != ""); // XXX: remove this if we start messing around with edited names? return getSockFromName(firstname, lastname); } // not found return nullptr; } #pragma endregion void PlayerManager::init() { // register packet types REGISTER_SHARD_PACKET(P_CL2FE_REQ_PC_ENTER, enterPlayer); REGISTER_SHARD_PACKET(P_CL2FE_REQ_PC_LOADING_COMPLETE, loadPlayer); REGISTER_SHARD_PACKET(P_CL2FE_REP_LIVE_CHECK, heartbeatPlayer); REGISTER_SHARD_PACKET(P_CL2FE_REQ_PC_REGEN, revivePlayer); REGISTER_SHARD_PACKET(P_CL2FE_REQ_PC_EXIT, exitGame); REGISTER_SHARD_PACKET(P_CL2FE_REQ_PC_SPECIAL_STATE_SWITCH, setSpecialSwitchPlayer); REGISTER_SHARD_PACKET(P_CL2FE_REQ_PC_VEHICLE_ON, enterPlayerVehicle); REGISTER_SHARD_PACKET(P_CL2FE_REQ_PC_VEHICLE_OFF, exitPlayerVehicle); REGISTER_SHARD_PACKET(P_CL2FE_REQ_PC_CHANGE_MENTOR, changePlayerGuide); REGISTER_SHARD_PACKET(P_CL2FE_REQ_PC_FIRST_USE_FLAG_SET, setFirstUseFlag); }