var remote = require("remote"); var remotefs = remote.require("fs-extra"); var dns = remote.require("dns"); var path = remote.require("path"); var url = remote.require("url"); var http = remote.require("http"); var createHash = remote.require("crypto").createHash; var async = remote.require("async"); var userData = remote.require("app").getPath("userData"); var configPath = path.join(userData, "config.json"); var serversPath = path.join(userData, "servers.json"); var versionsPath = path.join(userData, "versions.json"); var hashPath = path.join(userData, "hash.txt"); var chunkSize = 1 << 16; var gb = 1 << 30; var cdn = ""; var versionArray; var versionHashes; var serverArray; var config; function enableServerListButtons() { $("#of-connect-button").removeClass("disabled"); $("#of-connect-button").prop("disabled", false); $("#of-editserver-button").removeClass("disabled"); $("#of-editserver-button").prop("disabled", false); $("#of-deleteserver-button").removeClass("disabled"); $("#of-deleteserver-button").prop("disabled", false); } function disableServerListButtons() { $("#of-connect-button").addClass("disabled"); $("#of-connect-button").prop("disabled", true); $("#of-editserver-button").addClass("disabled"); $("#of-editserver-button").prop("disabled", true); $("#of-deleteserver-button").addClass("disabled"); $("#of-deleteserver-button").prop("disabled", true); } function getAppVersion() { appVersion = remote.require("app").getVersion(); // Simplify version, ex. 1.4.0 -> 1.4, // but only if a revision number isn't present if (appVersion.endsWith(".0")) { return appVersion.substr(0, appVersion.length - 2); } else { return appVersion; } } function setAppVersionText() { $("#of-aboutversionnumber").text("Version " + getAppVersion()); $("#of-versionnumber").text("v" + getAppVersion()); } function addServer() { var jsonToModify = JSON.parse(remotefs.readFileSync(serversPath)); var server = {}; server["uuid"] = uuidv4(); server["description"] = $("#addserver-descinput").val().length == 0 ? "My OpenFusion Server" : $("#addserver-descinput").val(); server["ip"] = $("#addserver-ipinput").val().length == 0 ? "" : $("#addserver-ipinput").val(); server["version"] = $("#addserver-versionselect option:selected").text(); //server['endpoint'] = jsonToModify["servers"].push(server); remotefs.writeFileSync(serversPath, JSON.stringify(jsonToModify, null, 4)); loadServerList(); } function editServer() { var jsonToModify = JSON.parse(remotefs.readFileSync(serversPath)); $.each(jsonToModify["servers"], function (key, value) { if (value["uuid"] == getSelectedServer()) { value["description"] = $("#editserver-descinput").val().length == 0 ? value["description"] : $("#editserver-descinput").val(); value["ip"] = $("#editserver-ipinput").val().length == 0 ? value["ip"] : $("#editserver-ipinput").val(); value["version"] = $( "#editserver-versionselect option:selected" ).text(); } }); remotefs.writeFileSync(serversPath, JSON.stringify(jsonToModify, null, 4)); loadServerList(); } function deleteServer() { var jsonToModify = JSON.parse(remotefs.readFileSync(serversPath)); var result = jsonToModify["servers"].filter(function (obj) { return obj.uuid === getSelectedServer(); })[0]; var resultindex = jsonToModify["servers"].indexOf(result); jsonToModify["servers"].splice(resultindex, 1); remotefs.writeFileSync(serversPath, JSON.stringify(jsonToModify, null, 4)); loadServerList(); } function restoreDefaultServers() { remotefs.copySync( path.join(__dirname, "/defaults/servers.json"), serversPath ); loadServerList(); } function loadGameVersions() { var versionJson = remotefs.readJsonSync(versionsPath); versionArray = versionJson["versions"]; $.each(versionArray, function (key, value) { $(new Option(, "val")).appendTo("#addserver-versionselect"); $(new Option(, "val")).appendTo("#editserver-versionselect"); }); } function loadConfig() { // Load config object globally config = remotefs.readJsonSync(configPath); } function loadServerList() { var serverJson = remotefs.readJsonSync(serversPath); serverArray = serverJson["servers"]; $(".server-listing-entry").remove(); // Clear out old stuff, if any disableServerListButtons(); // Disable buttons until another server is selected if (serverArray.length > 0) { // Servers were found in the JSON $("#server-listing-placeholder").attr("hidden", true); $.each(serverArray, function (key, value) { // Create the row, and populate the cells var row = document.createElement("tr"); row.className = "server-listing-entry"; row.setAttribute("id", value.uuid); var cellName = document.createElement("td"); cellName.textContent = value.description; var cellVersion = document.createElement("td"); cellVersion.textContent = value.version; cellVersion.className = "text-monospace"; row.appendChild(cellName); row.appendChild(cellVersion); $("#server-tablebody").append(row); }); } else { // No servers are added, make sure placeholder is visible $("#server-listing-placeholder").attr("hidden", false); } } function getCacheElemID(versionString, cacheMode, elementName) { return [versionString, cacheMode, "cache", elementName].filter(function (value) { return typeof value !== "undefined"; }).join("-"); } function getCacheButtonID(versionString, cacheMode, buttonMode) { return [getCacheElemID(versionString, cacheMode), buttonMode, "button"].join("-"); } function getCacheLabelText(sizes) { var labelText = (sizes.intact / gb).toFixed(2) + " / " + ( / gb).toFixed(2) + " GB"; if (sizes.altered > 0) { labelText += "\n(" + (sizes.altered / gb).toFixed(2) + " GB Altered)"; } return labelText; } function getCacheInfoCell(versionString, cacheMode) { var downloadFuncName = "download" + cacheMode.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + cacheMode.slice(1) + "Cache"; var deleteFuncName = "delete" + cacheMode.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + cacheMode.slice(1) + "Cache"; var divID = getCacheElemID(versionString, cacheMode, "div"); var labelID = getCacheElemID(versionString, cacheMode, "label"); var settings = { download: { fn: downloadFuncName, icon: "fas fa-download", class: "btn btn-success mr-1", tooltip: "Download Cache" }, fix: { fn: downloadFuncName, icon: "fas fa-hammer", class: "btn btn-warning mr-1", tooltip: "Fix Altered Files in Cache" }, delete: { fn: deleteFuncName, icon: "fas fa-trash-alt", class: "btn btn-danger mr-1", tooltip: "Delete Cache" } }; var cellCache = document.createElement("td"); var divCacheAll = document.createElement("div"); var labelCache = document.createElement("label"); labelCache.setAttribute("id", labelID); labelCache.setAttribute("for", divID); var divCacheButtons = document.createElement("div"); divCacheButtons.setAttribute("id", labelID); $.each(settings, function (buttonMode, config) { if (cacheMode === "playable" && buttonMode !== "delete") { return; } var buttonID = getCacheButtonID(versionString, cacheMode, buttonMode); var iconItalic = document.createElement("i"); iconItalic.setAttribute("class", config.icon); var buttonCache = document.createElement("button"); buttonCache.setAttribute("id", buttonID); buttonCache.setAttribute("class", config.class); buttonCache.setAttribute("title", config.tooltip); buttonCache.setAttribute("type", "button"); buttonCache.setAttribute("onclick", config.fn + "(\"" + versionString + "\");"); buttonCache.appendChild(iconItalic); divCacheButtons.appendChild(buttonCache); }); divCacheAll.appendChild(labelCache); divCacheAll.appendChild(divCacheButtons); cellCache.appendChild(divCacheAll); return cellCache; } function getFileHash(filePath) { var readCount = 0; var buff = new Buffer(chunkSize); var hash = createHash("sha256"); var file = remotefs.openSync(filePath, "r"); while ((readCount = remotefs.readSync(file, buff, 0, chunkSize, null)) > 0) { hash.update(buff.slice(0, readCount)); } remotefs.closeSync(file); return hash.digest(encoding="hex"); } /* function downloadFiles(root, client, sizes, hashes, updateCallback, endCallback) { if (hashes.length === 0) { endCallback(); return; } var filePath = Object.keys(hashes)[0]; var fileHash = hashes[filePath]; delete hashes[filePath]; var fullFilePath = path.join(root, filePath); var fullCDNPath = "http://" + [cdn, "ff", "big", filePath].join("/"); if (remotefs.existsSync(fullFilePath) && fileHash === getFileHash(fullFilePath)) { console.log(fullFilePath + " is intact, skipping..."); return; } downloadFile(client, fullCDNPath, fullFilePath, function () { var sizeRead = remotefs.statSync(fullFilePath).size; if (fileHash === getFileHash(fullFilePath)) { sizes.intact += sizeRead; } else { sizes.altered += sizeRead; } console.log(fullFilePath + " was downloaded from " + fullCDNPath); setTimeout(function () { updateCallback(sizes); downloadFiles(root, client, sizes, hashes, updateCallback, endCallback); }, 100); }); } function downloadFile(client, fullCDNPath, fullFilePath, callback) { remotefs.ensureDirSync(path.dirname(fullFilePath)); var urlParts = url.parse(fullCDNPath); var req = client.request("GET", urlParts.path, { "Host": urlParts.hostname, "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream", "Referer": fullCDNPath.split("/").slice(0, 4).join("/") + "/", "Connection": "keep-alive", }); var writeStream = remotefs.createWriteStream(fullFilePath); var retry = function (err) { writeStream.end(); writeStream.destroy(); remotefs.removeSync(fullFilePath); console.log("Error writing file " + fullFilePath + "\n" + err); setTimeout(function () { console.log("Retrying " + fullCDNPath); downloadFile(client, fullCDNPath, fullFilePath, callback); }, 1000); } writeStream.on("error", retry); req.on("response", function (res) { if (res.statusCode >= 300) { console.log("Error in fetching file " + fullFilePath + " from " + fullCDNPath); retry("Status Code: " + res.statusCode); return; } res.pipe(writeStream); res.on("end", callback); res.on("error", retry); }); req.on("error", retry); req.end(); } */ function downloadFile(nginxDir, localDir, relativePath, callback) { var nginxUrl = path.dirname(nginxDir) + "/" + relativePath; var localPath = path.join(localDir, relativePath); // Create directories if they don't exist var dirName = path.dirname(localPath); remotefs.ensureDirSync(dirName); // HTTP request to download the file var fileStream = remotefs.createWriteStream(localPath); var urlParse = url.parse(nginxUrl); var client = http.createClient(80, urlParse.hostname); var options = { url: urlParse.hostname, port: 80, path: urlParse.path, headers: { "Host": urlParse.hostname, "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream", "Referer": nginxDir, "Connection": "keep-alive", } }; var request = client.request("GET", urlParse.path, options, function(response) { // Handle errors response.on("error", function(err) { console.error("Error downloading " + relativePath + ": " + err.message); retryDownload(nginxDir, localDir, relativePath, callback); // Retry download }); response.pipe(fileStream); // When the download is complete, invoke the callback response.on("end", function() { fileStream.end(); callback(null, relativePath); }); }); // Handle HTTP errors request.on("error", function(err) { console.error("Error downloading " + relativePath + ": " + err.message); retryDownload(nginxDir, localDir, relativePath, callback); // Retry download }); request.end(); } // Function to retry downloading a file after a delay function retryDownload(nginxDir, localDir, relativePath, callback) { setTimeout(function() { downloadFile(nginxDir, localDir, relativePath, callback); }, 1000); // Retry after 1 second } // Function to download multiple files in parallel function downloadFiles(nginxDir, localDir, fileRelativePaths, allDoneCallback) { async.eachLimit( fileRelativePaths, 5, // Number of parallel downloads function(relativePath, callback) { downloadFile(nginxDir, localDir, relativePath, callback); }, function(err) { if (err) { console.error("Download failed: " + err); } else { console.log("All files downloaded successfully."); allDoneCallback(); } } ); } function loadCacheList() { var versionjson = remotefs.readJsonSync(versionsPath); versionArray = versionjson["versions"]; versionHashes = { playable: {}, offline: {} }; var hashlines = remotefs.readFileSync(hashPath, ( encoding = "utf-8" )); $.each(hashlines.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/), function (key, line) { if (line.length === 0) { return; } var linearr = line.split(" ", 2); var fileHash = linearr[0]; var filePath = linearr[1].substr(3); var pathArray = filePath.split("/"); var hashDict = (pathArray[0] === "Offline") ? versionHashes.offline : versionHashes.playable; var versionString = (pathArray[0] === "Offline") ? pathArray[1] : pathArray[0]; if (!hashDict.hasOwnProperty(versionString)) { hashDict[versionString] = {}; } hashDict[versionString][filePath.replace("Offline/", "")] = fileHash; }); $(".cache-listing-entry").remove(); $.each(versionArray, function (key, value) { var row = document.createElement("tr"); row.className = "cache-listing-entry" row.setAttribute("id",; var cellVersion = document.createElement("td"); cellVersion.textContent =; cellVersion.className = "text-monospace"; var cellPlayableCache = getCacheInfoCell(, "playable"); var cellOfflineCache = getCacheInfoCell(, "offline"); row.appendChild(cellVersion); row.appendChild(cellPlayableCache); row.appendChild(cellOfflineCache); $("#cache-tablebody").append(row); checkPlayableCache(; checkOfflineCache(; }) } function deletePlayableCache(versionString) { var cacheRoot = path.join( userData, "/../../LocalLow/Unity/Web Player/Cache" ); resetCacheNames(); if (versionString === "Offline") { return; } remotefs.removeSync(path.join(cacheRoot, versionString)); console.log("Playable cache " + versionString + " has been removed!"); checkPlayableCache(versionString); } function downloadOfflineCache(versionString) { var offlineRoot = path.join( userData, "/../../LocalLow/Unity/Web Player/Cache/Offline" ); var buttonDownload = document.getElementById(getCacheButtonID(versionString, "offline", "download")); var buttonFix = document.getElementById(getCacheButtonID(versionString, "offline", "fix")); var buttonDelete = document.getElementById(getCacheButtonID(versionString, "offline", "delete")); var label = document.getElementById(getCacheElemID(versionString, "offline", "label")); var version = versionArray.filter(function (value) { return === versionString; })[0]; var sizes = { intact: 0, altered: 0, total: version.offline_size }; buttonDownload.setAttribute("disabled", ""); buttonFix.setAttribute("disabled", ""); buttonDelete.setAttribute("disabled", ""); buttonDownload.children[0].setAttribute("class", "fas fa-spinner fa-spin fa-fw"); buttonFix.children[0].setAttribute("class", "fas fa-spinner fa-spin fa-fw"); /* var client = http.createClient(80, cdn); downloadFiles( offlineRoot, client, sizes, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(versionHashes.offline[versionString])), function (sizesNow) { label.innerHTML = getCacheLabelText(sizesNow); }, function () { buttonDownload.children[0].setAttribute("class", "fas fa-download"); buttonFix.children[0].setAttribute("class", "fas fa-hammer"); checkOfflineCache(versionString); } ); */ downloadFiles( version.url, offlineRoot, Object.keys(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(versionHashes.offline[versionString]))), function () { buttonDownload.children[0].setAttribute("class", "fas fa-download"); buttonFix.children[0].setAttribute("class", "fas fa-hammer"); checkOfflineCache(versionString); } ); } function deleteOfflineCache(versionString) { var offlineRoot = path.join( userData, "/../../LocalLow/Unity/Web Player/Cache/Offline" ); remotefs.removeSync(path.join(offlineRoot, versionString)); console.log("Offline cache " + versionString + " has been removed!"); checkOfflineCache(versionString); } function checkPlayableCache(versionString) { var cacheRoot = path.join( userData, "/../../LocalLow/Unity/Web Player/Cache" ); var button = document.getElementById(getCacheButtonID(versionString, "playable", "delete")); var label = document.getElementById(getCacheElemID(versionString, "playable", "label")); var sizes = { intact: 0, altered: 0, total: versionArray.filter(function (value) { return === versionString; })[0].playable_size }; resetCacheNames(); $.each(versionHashes.playable[versionString], function (filePath, fileHash) { var fullFilePath = path.join(cacheRoot, filePath); if (remotefs.existsSync(fullFilePath)) { var fileSize = remotefs.statSync(fullFilePath).size; if (fileHash === getFileHash(fullFilePath)) { sizes.intact += fileSize; } else { sizes.altered += fileSize; } } }); if (sizes.intact > 0 || sizes.altered > 0) { button.removeAttribute("disabled"); } else { button.setAttribute("disabled", ""); } label.innerHTML = getCacheLabelText(sizes); } function checkOfflineCache(versionString) { var offlineRoot = path.join( userData, "/../../LocalLow/Unity/Web Player/Cache/Offline" ); var buttonDownload = document.getElementById(getCacheButtonID(versionString, "offline", "download")); var buttonFix = document.getElementById(getCacheButtonID(versionString, "offline", "fix")); var buttonDelete = document.getElementById(getCacheButtonID(versionString, "offline", "delete")); var label = document.getElementById(getCacheElemID(versionString, "offline", "label")); var sizes = { intact: 0, altered: 0, total: versionArray.filter(function (value) { return === versionString; })[0].offline_size }; $.each(versionHashes.offline[versionString], function (filePath, fileHash) { var fullFilePath = path.join(offlineRoot, filePath); if (remotefs.existsSync(fullFilePath)) { var fileSize = remotefs.statSync(fullFilePath).size; if (fileHash === getFileHash(fullFilePath)) { sizes.intact += fileSize; } else { sizes.altered += fileSize; } } }); if (sizes.intact > 0 || sizes.altered > 0) { buttonDownload.setAttribute("disabled", ""); buttonDelete.removeAttribute("disabled"); } else { buttonDownload.removeAttribute("disabled"); buttonDelete.setAttribute("disabled", ""); } if (sizes.altered > 0) { buttonFix.removeAttribute("disabled"); } else { buttonFix.setAttribute("disabled", ""); } label.innerHTML = getCacheLabelText(sizes); } function resetCacheNames() { var cacheRoot = path.join( userData, "/../../LocalLow/Unity/Web Player/Cache" ); var currentCache = path.join(cacheRoot, "Fusionfall"); var record = path.join(userData, ".lastver"); if (!remotefs.existsSync(currentCache)) { return; } var lastVersion = remotefs.readFileSync(record, (encoding = "utf8")); remotefs.renameSync( currentCache, path.join(cacheRoot, lastVersion) ); console.log("Current cache " + lastVersion + " has been renamed to its original name."); } function performCacheSwap(newVersion) { var cacheRoot = path.join( userData, "/../../LocalLow/Unity/Web Player/Cache" ); var currentCache = path.join(cacheRoot, "FusionFall"); var newCache = path.join(cacheRoot, newVersion); var record = path.join(userData, ".lastver"); // If cache renaming would result in a no-op (ex. launching the same version // two times), then skip it. This avoids permissions errors with multiple clients // (file/folder is already open in another process) var skip = false; if (remotefs.existsSync(currentCache)) { // Cache already exists, find out what version it belongs to if (remotefs.existsSync(record)) { var lastVersion = remotefs.readFileSync(record, (encoding = "utf8")); if (lastVersion != newVersion) { // Remove the directory we're trying to store the // existing cache to if it already exists for whatever // reason, as it would cause an EPERM error otherwise. // This is a no-op if the directory doesn't exist remotefs.removeSync(path.join(cacheRoot, lastVersion)); // Store old cache to named directory remotefs.renameSync( currentCache, path.join(cacheRoot, lastVersion) ); } else { console.log("Cached version unchanged, skipping rename"); skip = true; } console.log("Current cache is " + lastVersion); } } // Make note of what version we are launching for next launch remotefs.writeFileSync(record, newVersion); if (remotefs.existsSync(newCache) && !skip) { // Rename saved cache to FusionFall remotefs.renameSync(newCache, currentCache); console.log("Current cache swapped to " + newVersion); } } // For writing loginInfo.php, assetInfo.php, etc. function setGameInfo(serverUUID) { var result = serverArray.filter(function (obj) { return obj.uuid === serverUUID; })[0]; var gameVersion = versionArray.filter(function (obj) { return === result.version; })[0]; // If cache swapping property exists AND is `true`, run cache swapping logic if (config["cache-swapping"]) { try { performCacheSwap(; } catch (ex) { console.log( "Error when swapping cache, it may get overwritten:\n" + ex ); } } window.assetUrl = gameVersion.url; // game-client.js needs to access this remotefs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "assetInfo.php"), assetUrl); if (result.hasOwnProperty("endpoint")) { var httpEndpoint = result.endpoint.replace("https://", "http://"); remotefs.writeFileSync( path.join(__dirname, "rankurl.txt"), httpEndpoint + "getranks" ); // Write these out too remotefs.writeFileSync( path.join(__dirname, "sponsor.php"), httpEndpoint + "upsell/sponsor.png" ); remotefs.writeFileSync( path.join(__dirname, "images.php"), httpEndpoint + "upsell/" ); } else { // Remove/default the endpoint related stuff, this server won't be using it if (remotefs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, "rankurl.txt"))) { remotefs.unlinkSync(path.join(__dirname, "rankurl.txt")); remotefs.writeFileSync( path.join(__dirname, "sponsor.php"), "assets/img/welcome.png" ); remotefs.writeFileSync( path.join(__dirname, "images.php"), "assets/img/" ); } } // Server address parsing var address; var port; var sepPos = result.ip.indexOf(":"); if (sepPos > -1) { address = result.ip.substr(0, sepPos); port = result.ip.substr(sepPos + 1); } else { address = result.ip; port = 23000; // default } // DNS resolution. there is no synchronous version for some stupid reason if (!address.match(/^[0-9.]+$/)) dns.lookup(address, (family = 4), function (err, resolvedAddress) { if (!err) { console.log("Resolved " + address + " to " + resolvedAddress); address = resolvedAddress; } else { console.log("Err: " + err.code); } prepConnection(address, port); }); else { console.log(address + " is an IP; skipping DNS lookup"); prepConnection(address, port); } } function prepConnection(address, port) { var full = address + ":" + port; console.log("Will connect to " + full); remotefs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "loginInfo.php"), full); launchGame(); } // Returns the UUID of the server with the selected background color. // Yes, there are probably better ways to go about this, but it works well enough. function getSelectedServer() { return $("#server-tablebody >").prop("id"); } function connectToServer() { // Get ID of the selected server, which corresponds to its UUID in the json console.log("Connecting to server with UUID of " + getSelectedServer()); // Prevent the user from clicking anywhere else during the transition $("body,html").css("pointer-events", "none"); stopEasterEggs(); $("#of-serverselector").fadeOut("slow", function () { setTimeout(function () { $("body,html").css("pointer-events", ""); setGameInfo(getSelectedServer()); }, 200); }); } // If applicable, deselect currently selected server. function deselectServer() { disableServerListButtons(); $(".server-listing-entry").removeClass("bg-primary"); } $("#server-table").on("click", ".server-listing-entry", function (event) { enableServerListButtons(); $(this).addClass("bg-primary").siblings().removeClass("bg-primary"); }); // QoL feature: if you double click on a server it will connect $("#server-table").on("dblclick", ".server-listing-entry", function (event) { $(this).addClass("bg-primary").siblings().removeClass("bg-primary"); connectToServer(); }); $("#of-editservermodal").on("", function (e) { var jsonToModify = remotefs.readJsonSync( path.join(userData, "servers.json") ); $.each(jsonToModify["servers"], function (key, value) { if (value["uuid"] == getSelectedServer()) { $("#editserver-descinput")[0].value = value["description"]; $("#editserver-ipinput")[0].value = value["ip"]; var versionIndex = -1; $.each($("#editserver-versionselect")[0], function (key, val) { if (val.text === value["version"]) { versionIndex = key; } }); $("#editserver-versionselect")[0].selectedIndex = versionIndex; } }); }); $("#of-deleteservermodal").on("", function (e) { var result = serverArray.filter(function (obj) { return obj.uuid === getSelectedServer(); })[0]; $("#deleteserver-servername").html(result.description); });