import json import random import asyncio import hashlib from pathlib import Path from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List, Dict from argparse import Namespace, ArgumentParser import httpx import aiofiles # hack to get pyinstaller 3.5 to work if False: import anyio._backends._asyncio BUF_SIZE = 1 << 16 SizeDict = Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]] size_dict: SizeDict = {} @dataclass class FileInfo: version: str mode: str url_path: str local_path: Path sha256: str async def send_message(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, obj: SizeDict) -> None: message = (json.dumps(obj) + '\n').encode('utf-8') writer.write(message) await writer.drain() async def check_file_hash(file_info: FileInfo) -> bool: size = 0 state = 'altered' sha256 = hashlib.sha256() try: async with, mode='rb') as rb: while True: data = await if not data: break sha256.update(data) size += len(data) state = 'intact' if sha256.hexdigest() == file_info.sha256 else 'altered' size_dict[file_info.version][file_info.mode][state] += size except: pass return state == 'intact' async def download_file(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, client: httpx.AsyncClient, file_info: FileInfo, retries: int = 5) -> None: if (await check_file_hash(file_info)): await send_message(writer, size_dict) return for i in range(retries): try: async with'GET', file_info.url_path) as stream: stream.raise_for_status() async with, mode='wb') as wb: async for chunk in stream.aiter_bytes(chunk_size=BUF_SIZE): await wb.write(chunk) except: await asyncio.sleep(i + 1) if (await check_file_hash(file_info)): break await send_message(writer, size_dict) async def hash_check(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, file_info_list: List[FileInfo], update_freq: int = 50) -> None: coroutines = [check_file_hash(file_info) for file_info in file_info_list] random.shuffle(coroutines) for i in range(0, len(coroutines), update_freq): await asyncio.gather(*coroutines[i:i+update_freq]) await send_message(writer, size_dict) async def download(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, file_info_list: List[FileInfo], max_connections: int = 5) -> None: for file_info in file_info_list: file_info.local_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) async with httpx.AsyncClient(limits=httpx.Limits(max_connections=max_connections), timeout=httpx.Timeout(None)) as client: coroutines = [download_file(writer, client, file_info) for file_info in file_info_list] random.shuffle(coroutines) await asyncio.gather(*coroutines) async def remove(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, file_info_list: List[FileInfo]) -> None: roots = set() for file_info in file_info_list: if file_info.local_path.parent.is_dir(): roots.add(file_info.local_path.parent) if file_info.local_path.is_file(): file_info.local_path.unlink() await send_message(writer, size_dict) roots_list: List[Path] = sorted(roots, key=lambda p: len(, reverse=True) for root_dir in roots_list: if not any(root_dir.iterdir()): root_dir.rmdir() async def prep_and_run_coroutine(args: Namespace) -> None: file_info_list = compile_file_list(args) _, writer = await asyncio.open_connection('localhost', args.port) coroutines = { 'hash-check': hash_check, 'download': download, 'delete': remove, } await coroutines[args.mode](writer, file_info_list) writer.close() await writer.wait_closed() def swapped_path(local_root: str, user_dir: str, cache_version: str) -> Path: current_cache = Path(local_root) / 'FusionFall' named_cache = Path(local_root) / cache_version record_path = Path(user_dir) / '.lastver' if (not named_cache.is_dir() and current_cache.is_dir() and record_path.is_file() and cache_version == record_path.read_text(encoding='utf-8')): return current_cache return named_cache def compile_file_list(args: Namespace) -> List[FileInfo]: with open(Path(args.user_dir) / 'hashes.json') as r: hash_dict = json.load(r) with open(Path(args.user_dir) / 'versions.json') as r: versions = json.load(r)['versions'] updated = False for version in versions: if version['name'] not in hash_dict: hash_dict[version['name']] = { 'playable_size': 0, 'offline_size': 0, 'playable': {}, 'offline': {}, } updated = True if updated: with open(Path(args.user_dir) / 'hashes.json', 'w') as w: json.dump(hash_dict, w, indent=4) cache_modes = ['offline', 'playable'] if args.cache_mode == 'all' else [args.cache_mode] cache_versions = list(hash_dict) if args.cache_version == 'all' else [args.cache_version] file_info_list = [] for cache_version in cache_versions: for cache_mode in cache_modes: local_root = args.offline_root if cache_mode == 'offline' else args.playable_root local_dir = swapped_path(local_root, args.user_dir, cache_version) if cache_version not in size_dict: size_dict[cache_version] = {} size_dict[cache_version][cache_mode] = { 'intact': 0, 'altered': 0, 'total': hash_dict[cache_version][cache_mode + '_size'], } file_info_list.extend([ FileInfo( version=cache_version, mode=cache_mode, url_path='/'.join([args.cdn_root, cache_version, rel_path]), local_path=(local_dir / rel_path), sha256=file_hash, ) for rel_path, file_hash in hash_dict[cache_version][cache_mode].items() ]) return file_info_list def parse_args() -> Namespace: parser = ArgumentParser('Python executable for tasks relating to OpenFusionClient.') parser.add_argument('--mode', type=str, required=True, choices=['hash-check', 'download', 'delete']) parser.add_argument('--playable-root', dest='playable_root', type=str) parser.add_argument('--offline-root', dest='offline_root', type=str) parser.add_argument('--user-dir', dest='user_dir', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--cdn-root', dest='cdn_root', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('--cache-mode', dest='cache_mode', type=str, default='all', choices=['all', 'offline', 'playable']) parser.add_argument('--cache-version', dest='cache_version', type=str, default='all') parser.add_argument('--port', type=str, required=True) return parser.parse_args() def main() -> None: if __name__ == '__main__': main()