import json import random import shutil import asyncio import hashlib from pathlib import Path from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple from argparse import Namespace, ArgumentParser import httpx import aiofiles from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # hack to get pyinstaller 3.5 to work if False: import anyio._backends._asyncio # Definitions BUF_SIZE = 1 << 16 VMDict = Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] size_dict: VMDict = {} hash_dict: VMDict = {} hash_dict_updated: bool = False # Helper Classes @dataclass class FileInfo: version: str mode: str local_root: Path url_root: str current_local_path: Path current_url: str sha256: str def resolve(self, suffix: str, sha256: str = ''): return FileInfo( version=self.version, mode=self.mode, local_root=self.local_root, url_root=self.url_root, current_local_path=(self.current_local_path / suffix), current_url=(self.current_url.rstrip('/') + '/' + suffix.lstrip('/')), sha256=(sha256 or self.sha256), ) def resolve_full(self, full_path: Path, sha256: str = ''): return self.resolve(full_path.relative_to(self.local_root).as_posix(), sha256=sha256) def relative_path(self) -> str: return self.current_local_path.relative_to(self.local_root).as_posix() @dataclass class FileInfoGroup: version: str mode: str is_official: bool local_root: Path url_root: str file_info_list: List[FileInfo] # IPC async def send_message(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter) -> None: message = (json.dumps(size_dict) + '\n').encode('utf-8') writer.write(message) await writer.drain() # Hash Helpers async def get_file_size_and_hash(file_path: Path) -> Tuple[int, str]: size = 0 sha256 = hashlib.sha256() try: async with, mode='rb') as rb: while True: data = await if not data: break sha256.update(data) size += len(data) except: pass return size, sha256.hexdigest() async def check_file_hash(file_info: FileInfo) -> bool: size, hash_str = await get_file_size_and_hash(file_info.current_local_path) file_intact = (hash_str == file_info.sha256) state = 'intact' if file_intact else 'altered' size_dict[file_info.version][file_info.mode][state] += size return file_intact async def register_size_and_hash(file_info: FileInfo) -> None: global hash_dict_updated size, hash_str = await get_file_size_and_hash(file_info.current_local_path) size_dict[file_info.version][file_info.mode]['intact'] += size size_dict[file_info.version][file_info.mode]['total'] += size hash_dict[file_info.version][file_info.mode + '_size'] += size hash_dict[file_info.version][file_info.mode][file_info.relative_path()] = hash_str hash_dict_updated = True async def unregister_size_and_hash(file_info: FileInfo) -> None: global hash_dict_updated size_dict[file_info.version][file_info.mode]['intact'] = 0 size_dict[file_info.version][file_info.mode]['altered'] = 0 size_dict[file_info.version][file_info.mode]['total'] = 0 hash_dict[file_info.version][file_info.mode + '_size'] = 0 hash_dict[file_info.version][file_info.mode].clear() hash_dict_updated = True # Hash High-Level Helpers async def hash_check_registered(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, file_info_groups: List[FileInfoGroup], update_freq: int = 50) -> None: file_info_list = [file_info for file_info_group in file_info_groups for file_info in file_info_group.file_info_list] coroutines = [check_file_hash(file_info) for file_info in file_info_list] random.shuffle(coroutines) for i in range(0, len(coroutines), update_freq): await asyncio.gather(*coroutines[i:i+update_freq]) await send_message(writer) async def hash_check_unregistered(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, file_info_groups: List[FileInfoGroup]) -> None: for file_info_group in file_info_groups: file_info = FileInfo( version=file_info_group.version, mode=file_info_group.mode, local_root=file_info_group.local_root, url_root=file_info_group.url_root, current_local_path=file_info_group.local_root, current_url=file_info_group.url_root, sha256='', ) path_set = {str(fi.current_local_path.resolve()) for fi in file_info_group.file_info_list} for file_path in file_info_group.local_root.glob('**/*'): if file_path.is_dir() or str(file_path.resolve()) in path_set: continue # assume file is intact await register_size_and_hash(file_info.resolve_full(file_path)) await send_message(writer) # Download Helpers async def download_unregistered_file_all(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, file_info: FileInfo) -> None: remote_path = Path(file_info.current_url.replace('file:', '', 1).lstrip('/')) for file_path in remote_path.glob('**/*'): if file_path.is_dir(): continue new_file_info = file_info.resolve(file_path.relative_to(remote_path).as_posix()) new_file_info.current_local_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(file_path, new_file_info.current_local_path) # assume file is intact await register_size_and_hash(new_file_info) await send_message(writer) async def download_unregistered_http_all( writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, client: httpx.AsyncClient, file_info: FileInfo, retries: int = 5, depth: int = 3, ) -> None: if depth == 0: return file_info.current_local_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) response = await client.get(file_info.current_url) response.raise_for_status() page = response.content bs = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser') links = bs.find_all('a', href=True) for link in links: file_str = str(link['href']) new_file_info = file_info.resolve(file_str) if file_str == '../': continue if file_str.endswith('/'): await download_unregistered_http_all( writer, client, new_file_info, retries=retries, depth=(depth - 1)) continue for i in range(retries): try: async with'GET', new_file_info.current_url) as stream: stream.raise_for_status() async with, mode='wb') as wb: async for chunk in stream.aiter_bytes(chunk_size=BUF_SIZE): await wb.write(chunk) break except: await asyncio.sleep(i + 1) # assume file is intact await register_size_and_hash(new_file_info) await send_message(writer) async def download_registered_single(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, client: httpx.AsyncClient, file_info: FileInfo, retries: int = 5) -> None: if (await check_file_hash(file_info)): await send_message(writer) return for i in range(retries): try: async with'GET', file_info.current_url) as stream: stream.raise_for_status() async with, mode='wb') as wb: async for chunk in stream.aiter_bytes(chunk_size=BUF_SIZE): await wb.write(chunk) except: await asyncio.sleep(i + 1) if (await check_file_hash(file_info)): break await send_message(writer) # Download High-Level Helpers async def download_unregistered(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, client: httpx.AsyncClient, file_info_groups: List[FileInfoGroup]) -> None: for file_info_group in file_info_groups: file_info = FileInfo( version=file_info_group.version, mode=file_info_group.mode, local_root=file_info_group.local_root, url_root=file_info_group.url_root, current_local_path=file_info_group.local_root, current_url=file_info_group.url_root, sha256='', ) if file_info_group.url_root.startswith('http'): await download_unregistered_http_all(writer, client, file_info) else: await download_unregistered_file_all(writer, file_info) async def download_registered(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, client: httpx.AsyncClient, file_info_groups: List[FileInfoGroup]) -> None: coroutines = [] for file_info_group in file_info_groups: for file_info in file_info_group.file_info_list: file_info.current_local_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) coroutines.append(download_registered_single(writer, client, file_info)) random.shuffle(coroutines) await asyncio.gather(*coroutines) # Delete High-Level Helpers async def delete_unregistered(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, file_info_groups: List[FileInfoGroup]) -> None: for file_info_group in file_info_groups: file_info = FileInfo( version=file_info_group.version, mode=file_info_group.mode, local_root=file_info_group.local_root, url_root=file_info_group.url_root, current_local_path=file_info_group.local_root, current_url=file_info_group.url_root, sha256='', ) shutil.rmtree(file_info.current_local_path) await unregister_size_and_hash(file_info) await send_message(writer) async def delete_registered(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, file_info_groups: List[FileInfoGroup]) -> None: roots = set() for file_info_group in file_info_groups: for file_info in file_info_group.file_info_list: if file_info.current_local_path.parent.is_dir(): roots.add(file_info.current_local_path.parent) if file_info.current_local_path.is_file(): file_info.current_local_path.unlink() await send_message(writer) roots_list: List[Path] = sorted(roots, key=lambda p: len(, reverse=True) for root_dir in roots_list: if not any(root_dir.iterdir()): root_dir.rmdir() # Operations async def hash_check(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, file_info_groups: List[FileInfoGroup], update_freq: int = 50) -> None: """ Behavior: - get info group, if permanent, then only check hashes of files in hashes.json (either default or current) - if not permanent but has hashes registered, check the files in hashes.json then run a tree search for more files. If file new, add it into the hashes (assuming intact). - if not permanent and new, run a tree search for more files. If file new, add it into the hashes (assuming intact). """ registered_groups = [file_info_group for file_info_group in file_info_groups if file_info_group.file_info_list] unregistered_groups = [file_info_group for file_info_group in file_info_groups if not file_info_group.is_official] if registered_groups: await hash_check_registered(writer, registered_groups, update_freq=update_freq) if unregistered_groups: await hash_check_unregistered(writer, unregistered_groups) async def download(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, file_info_groups: List[FileInfoGroup], max_connections: int = 5) -> None: """ Behavior: - get info group, if permanent, download checked with hashes.json - if not permanent but has hashes registered, download checked for the registered files. Run a recursive http or file download for the others, skipping registered files. If file new, add it into hashes (assuming intact). - if not permanent and new, run a recursive http or file download for the others. If file new, add it into hashes (assuming intact). """ registered_groups = [file_info_group for file_info_group in file_info_groups if file_info_group.file_info_list] unregistered_groups = [file_info_group for file_info_group in file_info_groups if not file_info_group.is_official] async with httpx.AsyncClient(limits=httpx.Limits(max_connections=max_connections), timeout=httpx.Timeout(None)) as client: if registered_groups: await download_registered(writer, client, registered_groups) if unregistered_groups: await download_unregistered(writer, client, unregistered_groups) async def delete(writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, file_info_groups: List[FileInfoGroup]) -> None: """ Behavior: - get info group, if permanent, erase files listed in hashes.json, and remove dirs from the innermost dir to the outermost, checking if they're empty. - if not permanent but has hashed registered, tree-remove the local directory, erase the entries in hashes.json - if not permanent and new, tree-remove the local directory """ registered_groups = [file_info_group for file_info_group in file_info_groups if file_info_group.is_official] unregistered_groups = [file_info_group for file_info_group in file_info_groups if not file_info_group.is_official] if registered_groups: await delete_registered(writer, registered_groups) if unregistered_groups: await delete_unregistered(writer, unregistered_groups) # Main & Helpers def swapped_path(local_root: str, user_dir: str, cache_version: str, cache_mode: str) -> Path: current_cache = Path(local_root) / 'FusionFall' named_cache = Path(local_root) / cache_version record_path = Path(user_dir) / '.lastver' if ( cache_mode == 'playable' and not named_cache.is_dir() and current_cache.is_dir() and record_path.is_file() and cache_version == record_path.read_text(encoding='utf-8') ): return current_cache return named_cache def compile_file_lists(args: Namespace) -> List[FileInfoGroup]: global hash_dict_updated with open(Path(args.user_dir) / 'hashes.json') as r: hash_dict.update(json.load(r)) with open(Path(args.user_dir) / 'versions.json') as r: versions = json.load(r)['versions'] for version in versions: if version['name'] not in hash_dict: hash_dict[version['name']] = { 'playable_size': 0, 'offline_size': 0, 'playable': {}, 'offline': {}, } hash_dict_updated = True cache_modes = ['offline', 'playable'] if args.cache_mode == 'all' else [args.cache_mode] cache_versions = list(hash_dict) if args.cache_version == 'all' else [args.cache_version] file_info_groups = [] for cache_version in cache_versions: for cache_mode in cache_modes: file_info_list = [] local_root = args.offline_root if cache_mode == 'offline' else args.playable_root local_dir = swapped_path(local_root, args.user_dir, cache_version, cache_mode) url_dir = ( args.cdn_root.rstrip('/') + '/' + cache_version.lstrip('/') if args.cache_version == 'all' else args.cdn_root ) file_info_version = FileInfo( version=cache_version, mode=cache_mode, local_root=local_dir, url_root=url_dir, current_local_path=local_dir, current_url=url_dir, sha256='', ) if cache_version not in size_dict: size_dict[cache_version] = {} size_dict[cache_version][cache_mode] = { 'intact': 0, 'altered': 0, 'total': hash_dict[cache_version][cache_mode + '_size'], } file_info_list.extend([ file_info_version.resolve(rel_path, sha256=file_hash) for rel_path, file_hash in hash_dict[cache_version][cache_mode].items() ]) file_info_groups.append(FileInfoGroup( version=cache_version, mode=cache_mode, is_official=(cache_version in args.official_caches), local_root=local_dir, url_root=url_dir, file_info_list=file_info_list, )) return file_info_groups def write_hash_updates(args: Namespace) -> None: if not hash_dict_updated: return for version_name in hash_dict: if version_name in args.official_caches: continue for cache_mode in ['playable', 'offline']: hash_dict[version_name][cache_mode] = dict(sorted(hash_dict[version_name][cache_mode].items())) with open(Path(args.user_dir) / 'hashes.json', 'w') as w: json.dump(hash_dict, w, indent=4) async def prep_and_run_coroutine(args: Namespace) -> None: file_info_groups = compile_file_lists(args) _, writer = await asyncio.open_connection('localhost', args.port) coroutines = { 'hash-check': hash_check, 'download': download, 'fix': download, 'delete': delete, } try: await coroutines[args.operation](writer, file_info_groups) finally: await send_message(writer) writer.close() await writer.wait_closed() write_hash_updates(args) def parse_args() -> Namespace: parser = ArgumentParser('Python executable for tasks relating to OpenFusionClient.') parser.add_argument('--operation', type=str, required=True, choices=['hash-check', 'download', 'delete']) parser.add_argument('--playable-root', dest='playable_root', type=str) parser.add_argument('--offline-root', dest='offline_root', type=str) parser.add_argument('--user-dir', dest='user_dir', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--cdn-root', dest='cdn_root', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('--cache-mode', dest='cache_mode', type=str, default='all', choices=['all', 'offline', 'playable']) parser.add_argument('--cache-version', dest='cache_version', type=str, default='all') parser.add_argument('--port', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--official-caches', dest='official_caches', nargs='*', type=str, default=[]) return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__':