import struct import array from enum import IntEnum, Enum, auto class InstructionType(Enum): ABC = auto(), ABx = auto(), AsBx = auto() class ConstType(IntEnum): NIL = 0, BOOL = 1, NUMBER = 3, STRING = 4, class Instruction: def __init__(self, type: InstructionType, name: str) -> None: self.type = type = name self.opcode: int = None self.A: int = None self.B: int = None self.C: int = None def toString(self): instr = "%10s" % regs = "" if self.type == InstructionType.ABC: regs = "%d %d %d" % (self.A, self.B, self.C) elif self.type == InstructionType.ABx or self.type == InstructionType.AsBx: regs = "%d %d" % (self.A, self.B) return "%s : %s" % (instr, regs) class Constant: def __init__(self, type: ConstType, data) -> None: self.type = type = data def toString(self): return "[" + + "] " + str( class Local: def __init(self, name: str, start: int, end: int): = name self.start = start self.end = end class Chunk: def __init__(self) -> None: self.constants: list[Constant] = [] self.instructions: list[Instruction] = [] self.protos: list[Chunk] = [] str = "Unnamed proto" self.frst_line: int = 0 self.last_line: int = 0 self.numUpvals: int = 0 self.numParams: int = 0 self.isVarg: bool = False self.maxStack: int = 0 self.upvalues: list[str] = [] self.locals: list[Local] = [] def appendInstruction(self, instr: Instruction): self.instructions.append(instr) def appendConstant(self, const: Constant): self.constants.append(const) def appendProto(self, proto): self.protos.append(proto) def print(self): print("\n==== [[" + str( + "'s constants]] ====\n") for z in range(len(self.constants)): i = self.constants[z] print(str(z) + ": " + i.toString()) print("\n==== [[" + str( + "'s dissassembly]] ====\n") for i in range(len(self.instructions)): print("[%3d] %s" % (i, self.instructions[i].toString())) print("\n==== [[" + str( + "'s protos]] ====\n") for z in self.protos: z.print() instr_lookup_tbl = [ Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "MOVE"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABx, "LOADK"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "LOADBOOL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "LOADNIL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "GETUPVAL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABx, "GETGLOBAL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "GETTABLE"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABx, "SETGLOBAL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "SETUPVAL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "SETTABLE"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "NEWTABLE"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "SELF"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "ADD"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "SUB"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "MUL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "DIV"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "MOD"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "POW"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "UNM"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "NOT"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "LEN"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "CONCAT"), Instruction(InstructionType.AsBx, "JMP"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "EQ"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "LT"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "LE"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "TEST"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "TESTSET"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "CALL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "TAILCALL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "RETURN"), Instruction(InstructionType.AsBx, "FORLOOP"), Instruction(InstructionType.AsBx, "FORPREP"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "TFORLOOP"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "SETLIST"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "CLOSE"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABx, "CLOSURE"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "VARARG") ] # at [p]osition, with [s]ize of bits def _get_bits(num, p, s): # convert number into binary first binary = bin(num) # remove first two characters binary = binary[2:] # fill in missing bits for i in range(32 - len(binary)): binary = '0' + binary start = len(binary) - (p+s) end = len(binary) - p # extract k bit sub-string kBitSubStr = binary[start : end] # convert extracted sub-string into decimal again return (int(kBitSubStr,2)) class LuaUndump: def __init__(self): self.rootChunk: Chunk = None self.index = 0 @staticmethod def dis_chunk(chunk: Chunk): chunk.print() def loadBlock(self, sz) -> bytearray: if self.index + sz > len(self.bytecode): raise Exception("Malformed bytecode!") temp = bytearray(self.bytecode[self.index:self.index+sz]) self.index = self.index + sz return temp def get_byte(self) -> int: return self.loadBlock(1)[0] def get_int32(self) -> int: if (self.big_endian): return int.from_bytes(self.loadBlock(4), byteorder='big', signed=False) else: return int.from_bytes(self.loadBlock(4), byteorder='little', signed=False) def get_int(self) -> int: if (self.big_endian): return int.from_bytes(self.loadBlock(self.int_size), byteorder='big', signed=False) else: return int.from_bytes(self.loadBlock(self.int_size), byteorder='little', signed=False) def get_size_t(self) -> int: if (self.big_endian): return int.from_bytes(self.loadBlock(self.size_t), byteorder='big', signed=False) else: return int.from_bytes(self.loadBlock(self.size_t), byteorder='little', signed=False) def get_double(self) -> int: if self.big_endian: return struct.unpack('>d', self.loadBlock(8))[0] else: return struct.unpack(' str: if (size == None): size = self.get_size_t() if (size == 0): return "" return "".join(chr(x) for x in self.loadBlock(size)) def decode_chunk(self): chunk = Chunk() = self.get_string(None) chunk.frst_line = self.get_int() chunk.last_line = self.get_int() chunk.numUpvals = self.get_byte() chunk.numParams = self.get_byte() chunk.isVarg = (self.get_byte() != 0) chunk.maxStack = self.get_byte() if (not == ""): =[1:-1] # parse instructions num = self.get_int() for i in range(num): data = self.get_int32() opcode = _get_bits(data, 0, 6) template = instr_lookup_tbl[opcode] instruction = Instruction(template.type, instruction.opcode = opcode instruction.A = _get_bits(data, 6, 8) if instruction.type == InstructionType.ABC: instruction.B = _get_bits(data, 23, 9) instruction.C = _get_bits(data, 14, 9) elif instruction.type == InstructionType.ABx: instruction.B = _get_bits(data, 14, 18) elif instruction.type == InstructionType.AsBx: instruction.B = _get_bits(data, 14, 18) - 131071 chunk.appendInstruction(instruction) # get constants num = self.get_int() for i in range(num): constant: Constant = None type = self.get_byte() if type == 0: #nil constant = Constant(ConstType.NIL, None) elif type == 1: # bool constant = Constant(ConstType.BOOL, (self.get_byte() != 0)) elif type == 3: # number constant = Constant(ConstType.NUMBER, self.get_double()) elif type == 4: # string constant = Constant(ConstType.STRING, self.get_string(None)[:-1]) else: raise Exception("Unknown Datatype! [%d]" % type) chunk.appendConstant(constant) # parse protos num = self.get_int() for i in range(num): chunk.appendProto(self.decode_chunk()) # debug stuff # line numbers num = self.get_int() for i in range(num): self.get_int() # locals num = self.get_int() for i in range(num): self.get_string(None)[:-1] # local name self.get_int() # local start PC self.get_int() # local end PC # upvalues num = self.get_int() for i in range(num): self.get_string(None) # upvalue name return chunk def decode_rawbytecode(self, rawbytecode): # bytecode sanity checks if not rawbytecode[0:4] == b'\x1bLua': raise Exception("Lua Bytecode expected!") bytecode = array.array('b', rawbytecode) return self.decode_bytecode(bytecode) def decode_bytecode(self, bytecode): self.bytecode = bytecode # aligns index, skips header self.index = 4 self.vm_version = self.get_byte() self.bytecode_format = self.get_byte() self.big_endian = (self.get_byte() == 0) self.int_size = self.get_byte() self.size_t = self.get_byte() self.instr_size = self.get_byte() # gets size of instructions self.l_number_size = self.get_byte() # size of lua_Number self.integral_flag = self.get_byte() self.rootChunk = self.decode_chunk() return self.rootChunk def loadFile(self, luaCFile): with open(luaCFile, 'rb') as luac_file: bytecode = return self.decode_rawbytecode(bytecode) def print_dissassembly(self): LuaUndump.dis_chunk(self.rootChunk)