''' l(un)dump.py A Lua5.1 cross-platform bytecode deserializer. This module pulls int and size_t sizes from the chunk header, meaning it should be able to deserialize lua bytecode dumps from most platforms, regardless of the host machine. For details on the Lua5.1 bytecode format, I read [this PDF](https://archive.org/download/a-no-frills-intro-to-lua-5.1-vm-instructions/a-no-frills-intro-to-lua-5.1-vm-instructions_archive.torrent) as well as read the lundump.c source file from the Lua5.1 source. ''' from multiprocessing.spawn import get_executable import struct import array from enum import IntEnum, Enum, auto from typing_extensions import Self class InstructionType(Enum): ABC = auto(), ABx = auto(), AsBx = auto() class Opcodes(IntEnum): MOVE = 0, LOADK = 1, LOADBOOL = 2, LOADNIL = 3, GETUPVAL = 4, GETGLOBAL = 5, GETTABLE = 6, SETGLOBAL = 7, SETUPVAL = 8, SETTABLE = 9, NEWTABLE = 10, SELF = 11, ADD = 12, SUB = 13, MUL = 14, DIV = 15, MOD = 16, POW = 17, UNM = 18, NOT = 19, LEN = 20, CONCAT = 21, JMP = 22, EQ = 23, LT = 24, LE = 25, TEST = 26, TESTSET = 27, CALL = 28, TAILCALL = 29, RETURN = 30, FORLOOP = 31, FORPREP = 32, TFORLOOP = 33, SETLIST = 34, CLOSE = 35, CLOSURE = 36, VARARG = 37 class ConstType(IntEnum): NIL = 0, BOOL = 1, NUMBER = 3, STRING = 4, _RKBCInstr = [Opcodes.SETTABLE, Opcodes.ADD, Opcodes.SUB, Opcodes.MUL, Opcodes.DIV, Opcodes.MOD, Opcodes.POW, Opcodes.EQ, Opcodes.LT] _RKCInstr = [Opcodes.GETTABLE, Opcodes.SELF] _KBx = [Opcodes.LOADK, Opcodes.GETGLOBAL, Opcodes.SETGLOBAL] # is an 'RK' value a K? (result is true for K, false for R) def whichRK(rk: int): return (rk & (1 << 8)) > 0 # read an RK as a K def readRKasK(rk: int): return (rk & ~(1 << 8)) class Instruction: def __init__(self, type: InstructionType, name: str) -> None: self.type = type self.name = name self.opcode: int = None self.A: int = None self.B: int = None self.C: int = None # 'RK's are special in because can be a register or a konstant. a bitflag is read to determine which def __formatRK(self, rk: int) -> str: if whichRK(rk): return "K[" + str(readRKasK(rk)) + "]" else: return "R[" + str(rk) + "]" def toString(self): instr = "%10s" % self.name regs = "" if self.type == InstructionType.ABC: # by default, treat them as registers A = "R[%d]" % self.A B = "%d" % self.B C = "%d" % self.C # these opcodes have RKs for B & C if self.opcode in _RKBCInstr: B = self.__formatRK(self.B) C = self.__formatRK(self.C) elif self.opcode in _RKCInstr: # just for C C = self.__formatRK(self.C) regs = "%6s %6s %6s" % (A, B, C) elif self.type == InstructionType.ABx or self.type == InstructionType.AsBx: A = "R[%d]" % self.A B = "%d" % self.B if self.opcode in _KBx: B = "K[%d]" % self.B regs = "%6s %6s" % (A, B) return "%s : %s" % (instr, regs) def getAnnotation(self, chunk): if self.opcode == Opcodes.MOVE: return "move R[%d] into R[%d]" % (self.B, self.A) elif self.opcode == Opcodes.LOADK: return "load %s into R[%d]" % (chunk.getConstant(self.B).toCode(), self.A) elif self.opcode == Opcodes.CONCAT: count = self.C - self.B + 1 return "concat %d values from R[%d] to R[%d], store into R[%d]" % (count, self.B, self.C, self.A) else: return "" class Constant: def __init__(self, type: ConstType, data) -> None: self.type = type self.data = data def toString(self): return "[" + self.type.name + "] " + str(self.data) # format the constant so that it is parsable by lua def toCode(self): if self.type == ConstType.STRING: return "\"" + self.data + "\"" elif self.type == ConstType.BOOL: if self.data: return "true" else: return "false" elif self.type == ConstType.NUMBER: return str(self.data) else: return "nil" class Local: def __init__(self, name: str, start: int, end: int): self.name = name self.start = start self.end = end class Chunk: def __init__(self) -> None: self.constants: list[Constant] = [] self.instructions: list[Instruction] = [] self.protos: list[Chunk] = [] self.name: str = "Unnamed proto" self.frst_line: int = 0 self.last_line: int = 0 self.numUpvals: int = 0 self.numParams: int = 0 self.isVarg: bool = False self.maxStack: int = 0 self.upvalues: list[str] = [] self.locals: list[Local] = [] def appendInstruction(self, instr: Instruction): self.instructions.append(instr) def appendConstant(self, const: Constant): self.constants.append(const) def appendProto(self, proto): self.protos.append(proto) def appendLocal(self, local: Local): self.locals.append(local) def findLocal(self, pc: int) -> Local: for l in self.locals: if l.start <= pc and l.end >= pc: return l # there's no local information (may have been stripped) return None def getConstant(self, indx: int) -> Constant: return self.constants[indx] def print(self): print("\n==== [[" + str(self.name) + "'s constants]] ====\n") for i in range(len(self.constants)): print("%d: %s" % (i, self.constants[i].toString())) print("\n==== [[" + str(self.name) + "'s locals]] ====\n") for i in range(len(self.locals)): print("R[%d]: %s" % (i, self.locals[i].name)) print("\n==== [[" + str(self.name) + "'s dissassembly]] ====\n") for i in range(len(self.instructions)): print("[%3d] %-40s ; %s" % (i, self.instructions[i].toString(), self.instructions[i].getAnnotation(self))) if len(self.protos) > 0: print("\n==== [[" + str(self.name) + "'s protos]] ====\n") for z in self.protos: z.print() instr_lookup_tbl = [ Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "MOVE"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABx, "LOADK"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "LOADBOOL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "LOADNIL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "GETUPVAL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABx, "GETGLOBAL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "GETTABLE"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABx, "SETGLOBAL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "SETUPVAL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "SETTABLE"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "NEWTABLE"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "SELF"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "ADD"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "SUB"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "MUL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "DIV"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "MOD"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "POW"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "UNM"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "NOT"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "LEN"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "CONCAT"), Instruction(InstructionType.AsBx, "JMP"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "EQ"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "LT"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "LE"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "TEST"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "TESTSET"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "CALL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "TAILCALL"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "RETURN"), Instruction(InstructionType.AsBx, "FORLOOP"), Instruction(InstructionType.AsBx, "FORPREP"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "TFORLOOP"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "SETLIST"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "CLOSE"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABx, "CLOSURE"), Instruction(InstructionType.ABC, "VARARG") ] # at [p]osition, with [s]ize of bits def get_bits(num: int, p: int, s: int): return (num>>p) & (~((~0)< int: return (num & (~((~((~0)< Instruction: opcode = get_bits(data, 0, 6) template = instr_lookup_tbl[opcode] instr = Instruction(template.type, template.name) # i read the lopcodes.h file to get these bit position and sizes. instr.opcode = opcode instr.A = get_bits(data, 6, 8) # starts after POS_OP + SIZE_OP (6), with a size of 8 if instr.type == InstructionType.ABC: instr.B = get_bits(data, 23, 9) # starts after POS_C + SIZE_C (23), with a size of 9 instr.C = get_bits(data, 14, 9) # starts after POS_A + SIZE_A (14), with a size of 9 elif instr.type == InstructionType.ABx: instr.B = get_bits(data, 14, 18) # starts after POS_A + SIZE_A (14), with a size of 18 elif instr.type == InstructionType.AsBx: instr.B = get_bits(data, 14, 18) - 131071 # Bx is now signed, so just sub half of the MAX_UINT for 18 bits return instr # returns a u32 instruction def _encode_instr(instr: Instruction) -> int: data = 0 # encode instruction (basically, do the inverse of _decode_instr) data = set_bits(data, instr.opcode, 0, 6) data = set_bits(data, instr.A, 6, 8) if instr.type == InstructionType.ABC: data = set_bits(data, instr.B, 23, 9) data = set_bits(data, instr.C, 14, 9) elif instr.type == InstructionType.ABx: data = set_bits(data, instr.B, 14, 18) elif instr.type == InstructionType.AsBx: data = set_bits(data, instr.B + 131071, 14, 18) return data class LuaUndump: def __init__(self): self.rootChunk: Chunk = None self.index = 0 @staticmethod def dis_chunk(chunk: Chunk): chunk.print() def loadBlock(self, sz) -> bytearray: if self.index + sz > len(self.bytecode): raise Exception("Malformed bytecode!") temp = bytearray(self.bytecode[self.index:self.index+sz]) self.index = self.index + sz return temp def get_byte(self) -> int: return self.loadBlock(1)[0] def get_int32(self) -> int: if (self.big_endian): return int.from_bytes(self.loadBlock(4), byteorder='big', signed=False) else: return int.from_bytes(self.loadBlock(4), byteorder='little', signed=False) def get_int(self) -> int: if (self.big_endian): return int.from_bytes(self.loadBlock(self.int_size), byteorder='big', signed=False) else: return int.from_bytes(self.loadBlock(self.int_size), byteorder='little', signed=False) def get_size_t(self) -> int: if (self.big_endian): return int.from_bytes(self.loadBlock(self.size_t), byteorder='big', signed=False) else: return int.from_bytes(self.loadBlock(self.size_t), byteorder='little', signed=False) def get_double(self) -> int: if self.big_endian: return struct.unpack('>d', self.loadBlock(8))[0] else: return struct.unpack(' str: if (size == None): size = self.get_size_t() if (size == 0): return "" return "".join(chr(x) for x in self.loadBlock(size)) def decode_chunk(self) -> Chunk: chunk = Chunk() chunk.name = self.get_string(None) chunk.frst_line = self.get_int() chunk.last_line = self.get_int() chunk.numUpvals = self.get_byte() chunk.numParams = self.get_byte() chunk.isVarg = (self.get_byte() != 0) chunk.maxStack = self.get_byte() if (not chunk.name == ""): chunk.name = chunk.name[1:-1] # parse instructions num = self.get_int() for i in range(num): chunk.appendInstruction(_decode_instr(self.get_int32())) # get constants num = self.get_int() for i in range(num): constant: Constant = None type = self.get_byte() if type == 0: #nil constant = Constant(ConstType.NIL, None) elif type == 1: # bool constant = Constant(ConstType.BOOL, (self.get_byte() != 0)) elif type == 3: # number constant = Constant(ConstType.NUMBER, self.get_double()) elif type == 4: # string constant = Constant(ConstType.STRING, self.get_string(None)[:-1]) else: raise Exception("Unknown Datatype! [%d]" % type) chunk.appendConstant(constant) # parse protos num = self.get_int() for i in range(num): chunk.appendProto(self.decode_chunk()) # debug stuff, maybe i'll add this to chunks to have better disassembly annotation in the future? # eh, for now just consume the bytes. # line numbers num = self.get_int() for i in range(num): self.get_int() # locals num = self.get_int() for i in range(num): name = self.get_string(None) # local name start = self.get_int() # local start PC end = self.get_int() # local end PC chunk.appendLocal(Local(name, start, end)) # upvalues num = self.get_int() for i in range(num): self.get_string(None) # upvalue name return chunk def decode_rawbytecode(self, rawbytecode): # bytecode sanity checks if not rawbytecode[0:4] == b'\x1bLua': raise Exception("Lua Bytecode expected!") bytecode = array.array('b', rawbytecode) return self.decode_bytecode(bytecode) def decode_bytecode(self, bytecode): self.bytecode = bytecode # aligns index, skips header self.index = 4 self.vm_version = self.get_byte() self.bytecode_format = self.get_byte() self.big_endian = (self.get_byte() == 0) self.int_size = self.get_byte() self.size_t = self.get_byte() self.instr_size = self.get_byte() # gets size of instructions self.l_number_size = self.get_byte() # size of lua_Number self.integral_flag = self.get_byte() self.rootChunk = self.decode_chunk() return self.rootChunk def loadFile(self, luaCFile): with open(luaCFile, 'rb') as luac_file: bytecode = luac_file.read() return self.decode_rawbytecode(bytecode) def print_dissassembly(self): LuaUndump.dis_chunk(self.rootChunk)