
289 lines
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Depends on for lua dump deserialization.
An experimental bytecode decompiler.
from operator import concat
from subprocess import call
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from xmlrpc.client import Boolean
from lundump import Chunk, Constant, Instruction, Opcodes, whichRK, readRKasK
class _Scope:
def __init__(self, startPC: int, endPC: int):
self.startPC = startPC
self.endPC = endPC
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class _Traceback:
def __init__(self):
self.sets = []
self.uses = []
self.isConst = False
class LuaDecomp:
def __init__(self, chunk: Chunk):
self.chunk = chunk
self.pc = 0
self.scope = [] = {}
self.locals = {}
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self.traceback = {}
self.unknownLocalCount = 0
self.src: str = ""
# configurations!
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self.aggressiveLocals = False # should *EVERY* set register be considered a local?
self.indexWidth = 4 # how many spaces for indentions?
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# parse instructions
while self.pc < len(self.chunk.instructions):
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self.pc += 1
# end the scope (if we're supposed too)
print("\n==== [[" + str( + "'s decompiled source]] ====\n")
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# =======================================[[ Helpers ]]=========================================
def __getInstrAtPC(self, pc: int) -> Instruction:
if pc < len(self.chunk.instructions):
return self.chunk.instructions[pc]
raise Exception("Decompilation failed!")
def __getNextInstr(self) -> Instruction:
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return self.__getInstrAtPC(self.pc + 1)
def __getCurrInstr(self) -> Instruction:
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return self.__getInstrAtPC(self.pc)
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# when we read from a register, call this
def __addUseTraceback(self, reg: int) -> None:
if not self.pc in self.traceback:
self.traceback[self.pc] = _Traceback()
# when we write from a register, call this
def __addSetTraceback(self, reg: int) -> None:
if not self.pc in self.traceback:
self.traceback[self.pc] = _Traceback()
# walks traceback, if local wasn't set before, the local needs to be defined
def __needsDefined(self, reg) -> Boolean:
for _, trace in self.traceback.items():
if reg in trace.sets:
return False
# wasn't set in traceback! needs defined!
return True
def __loadLocals(self):
for i in range(len(self.chunk.locals)):
self.locals[i] = self.chunk.locals[i].name
def __addExpr(self, code: str) -> None:
self.src += code
def __startStatement(self):
self.src += '\n' + (' ' * self.indexWidth * len(self.scope))
def __getReg(self, indx: int) -> str:
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# if the top indx is a local, get it
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return self.locals[indx] if indx in self.locals else[indx]
def __setReg(self, indx: int, code: str) -> None:
# if the top indx is a local, set it
if indx in self.locals:
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if self.__needsDefined(indx):
self.__newLocal(indx, code)
self.__addExpr(self.locals[indx] + " = " + code)
elif self.aggressiveLocals: # 'every register is a local!!'
self.__newLocal(indx, code)
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self.__addSetTraceback(indx)[indx] = code
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# ========================================[[ Locals ]]=========================================
def __makeLocalIdentifier(self, indx: int) -> str:
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# first, check if we have a local name already determined
if indx in self.locals:
return self.locals[indx]
# otherwise, generate a local
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self.locals[indx] = "__unknLocal%d" % self.unknownLocalCount
self.unknownLocalCount += 1
return self.locals[indx]
def __newLocal(self, indx: int, expr: str) -> None:
# TODO: grab identifier from chunk(?)
self.__addExpr("local " + self.locals[indx] + " = " + expr)
# ========================================[[ Scopes ]]=========================================
def __startScope(self, scopeType: str, size: int) -> None:
self.scope.append(_Scope(self.pc, self.pc + size))
# checks if we need to end a scope
def __checkScope(self) -> None:
if len(self.scope) == 0:
if self.pc > self.scope[len(self.scope) - 1].endPC:
def __endScope(self) -> None:
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# =====================================[[ Instructions ]]======================================
def __emitOperand(self, a: int, b: str, c: str, op: str) -> None:
self.__setReg(a, "(" + b + op + c + ")")
def __compJmp(self, op: str):
instr = self.__getCurrInstr()
jmpType = "if"
scopeStart = "then"
# we need to check if the jmp location has a jump back (if so, it's a while loop)
jmp = self.__getNextInstr().B + 1
jmpToInstr = self.__getInstrAtPC(self.pc + jmp)
if jmpToInstr.opcode == Opcodes.JMP:
# if this jump jumps back to this compJmp, it's a loop!
if self.pc + jmp + jmpToInstr.B <= self.pc + 1:
jmpType = "while"
scopeStart = "do"
if instr.A > 0:
self.__addExpr("%s not " % jmpType)
self.__addExpr("%s " % jmpType)
self.__addExpr(self.__readRK(instr.B) + op + self.__readRK(instr.C) + " ")
self.__startScope("%s " % scopeStart, jmp)
self.pc += 1 # skip next instr
# 'RK's are special in because can be a register or a konstant. a bitflag is read to determine which
def __readRK(self, rk: int) -> str:
if (whichRK(rk)) > 0:
return self.chunk.getConstant(readRKasK(rk)).toCode()
return self.__getReg(rk)
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def parseInstr(self):
instr = self.__getCurrInstr()
# python, add switch statements *please*
if instr.opcode == Opcodes.MOVE: # move is a fake ABC instr, C is ignored
# move registers
self.__setReg(instr.A, self.__getReg(instr.B))
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.LOADK:
self.__setReg(instr.A, self.chunk.getConstant(instr.B).toCode())
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.LOADBOOL:
if instr.B == 0:
self.__setReg(instr.A, "false")
self.__setReg(instr.A, "true")
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.GETGLOBAL:
self.__setReg(instr.A, self.chunk.getConstant(instr.B).data)
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.GETTABLE:
self.__setReg(instr.A, self.__getReg(instr.B) + "[" + self.__readRK(instr.C) + "]")
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.SETGLOBAL:
self.__addExpr(self.chunk.getConstant(instr.B).data + " = " + self.__getReg(instr.A))
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.SETTABLE:
self.__addExpr(self.__getReg(instr.A) + "[" + self.__readRK(instr.B) + "] = " + self.__readRK(instr.C))
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.ADD:
self.__emitOperand(instr.A, self.__readRK(instr.B), self.__readRK(instr.C), " + ")
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.SUB:
self.__emitOperand(instr.A, self.__readRK(instr.B), self.__readRK(instr.C), " - ")
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.MUL:
self.__emitOperand(instr.A, self.__readRK(instr.B), self.__readRK(instr.C), " * ")
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.DIV:
self.__emitOperand(instr.A, self.__readRK(instr.B), self.__readRK(instr.C), " / ")
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.MOD:
self.__emitOperand(instr.A, self.__readRK(instr.B), self.__readRK(instr.C), " % ")
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.POW:
self.__emitOperand(instr.A, self.__readRK(instr.B), self.__readRK(instr.C), " ^ ")
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.UNM:
self.__setReg(instr.A, "-" + self.__getReg(instr.B))
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.NOT:
self.__setReg(instr.A, "!" + self.__getReg(instr.B))
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.LEN:
self.__setReg(instr.A, "#" + self.__getCurrInstr(instr.B))
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.CONCAT:
count = instr.C-instr.B+1
concatStr = ""
# concat all items on stack from RC to RB
for i in range(count):
concatStr += self.__getReg(instr.B + i) + (" .. " if not i == count - 1 else "")
self.__setReg(instr.A, concatStr)
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.JMP:
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.EQ:
self.__compJmp(" == ")
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.LT:
self.__compJmp(" < ")
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.LE:
self.__compJmp(" <= ")
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.CALL:
preStr = ""
callStr = ""
ident = ""
# parse arguments
callStr += self.__getReg(instr.A) + "("
for i in range(instr.A + 1, instr.A + instr.B):
callStr += self.__getReg(i) + (", " if not i + 1 == instr.A + instr.B else "")
callStr += ")"
# parse return values
if instr.C > 1:
preStr = "local "
for indx in range(instr.A, instr.A + instr.C - 1):
if indx in self.locals:
ident = self.locals[indx]
ident = self.__makeLocalIdentifier(indx)
preStr += ident
# normally setReg() does this[indx] = ident
# just so we don't have a trailing ', '
preStr += ", " if not indx == instr.A + instr.C - 2 else ""
preStr += " = "
self.__addExpr(preStr + callStr)
elif instr.opcode == Opcodes.RETURN:
pass # no-op for now
raise Exception("unsupported instruction: %s" % instr.toString())