Updated Compiling (markdown)

cpunk 2022-10-05 20:45:33 -05:00
parent e372784517
commit 400f9a9af3
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Laika uses CMake as it's build system and provides several definitions for you t
| LAIKA_CNC_IP | Sets CNC's public ip | -DLAIKA_CNC_IP= |
| LAIKA_CNC_PORT | Sets CNC's bind()'d port | -DLAIKA_CNC_PORT=13337 |
| LAIKA_PERSISTENCE | Enables persistence for LaikaBot | -DLAIKA_PERSISTENCE=On |
| LAIKA_OBFUSCATE | Enables string obfuscation for LaikaBot | -DLAIKA_OBFUSCATE=On |
| LAIKA_OBFUSCATE | Enables [obfuscation](Obfuscation-methods) for LaikaBot | -DLAIKA_OBFUSCATE=On |
> these are all passed to `cmake -B <dir>`
### Linux