Created Compiling (markdown)

CPunch 2022-07-07 23:55:22 -05:00
parent 3497c9610e
commit 0693e7319d
1 changed files with 41 additions and 0 deletions

41 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Laika uses CMake as it's build system and provides several definitions for your to mess around with.
| Definition | Description | Example |
| ----------------- | ------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| LAIKA_PUBKEY | Sets CNC's public key | -DLAIKA_PUBKEY=997d026d1c65deb6c30468525132be4ea44116d6f194c142347b67ee73d18814 |
| LAIKA_PRIVKEY | Sets CNC's private key | -DLAIKA_PRIVKEY=1dbd33962f1e170d1e745c6d3e19175049b5616822fac2fa3535d7477957a841 |
| LAIKA_CNC_IP | Sets CNC's public ip | -DLAIKA_CNC_IP= |
| LAIKA_CNC_PORT | Sets CNC's bind()'d port | -DLAIKA_CNC_PORT=13337 |
| LAIKA_PERSISTENCE | Enables persistence for LaikaBot | -DLAIKA_PERSISTENCE=On |
| LAIKA_OBFUSCATE | Enables string obfuscation for LaikaBot | -DLAIKA_OBFUSCATE=On |
> these are all passed to `cmake -B <dir>`
### Linux
Simple run cmake to build the makefiles with your configuration.
$ cmake -B build -DLAIKA_PERSISTENCE=On
Now compile the project, the binaries will be in `./bin`
$ cmake --build build
### Windows
Windows also provides a cmake interface to generate .sln files for Visual Studio (if that's your thing). Just generate the .sln with
Now you can either open the .sln in `.\winBuild` and compile suing Visual Studio, or directly compile from the command line using:
> cmake --build winBuild --config MinSizeRel
Output binaries will be in `.\winbin`