CPunch 6ab280d010 lsocket.[ch]: refactored writeInt && readInt
- switched to laikaS_readu* && laikaS_writeu*
- this gets rid of the ugly malloc() for platforms that don't support VLAs
2022-09-07 17:53:49 -05:00
main.c Refactoring: reorganized files 2022-09-01 20:00:37 -05:00
sclient.c lsocket.[ch]: refactored writeInt && readInt 2022-09-07 17:53:49 -05:00
scmd.c Refactoring: reorganized files 2022-09-01 20:00:37 -05:00
speer.c Refactoring: reorganized files 2022-09-01 20:00:37 -05:00
sterm.c Refactoring: reorganized files 2022-09-01 20:00:37 -05:00