#ifndef LAIKA_SOCKET_H #define LAIKA_SOCKET_H /* socket/winsock headers */ #ifdef _WIN32 /* windows */ #ifndef NOMINMAX #define NOMINMAX #endif #define _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS #include #include #include #pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib") typedef char buffer_t; #define PollFD WSAPOLLFD #define poll WSAPoll #define LN_ERRNO WSAGetLastError() #define LN_EWOULD WSAEWOULDBLOCK #define LN_MSG_NOSIGNAL 0 #define SOCKETINVALID(x) (x == INVALID_SOCKET) #define SOCKETERROR(x) (x == SOCKET_ERROR) #else /* posix platform */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ #include /* max events for epoll() */ #define MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS 128 #define LAIKA_USE_EPOLL #endif #include #include typedef int SOCKET; typedef void buffer_t; #define PollFD struct pollfd #define LN_ERRNO errno #define LN_EWOULD EWOULDBLOCK #define LN_MSG_NOSIGNAL MSG_NOSIGNAL #define INVALID_SOCKET -1 #define SOCKETINVALID(x) (x < 0) #define SOCKETERROR(x) (x == -1) #endif #include #include "lrsa.h" typedef enum { RAWSOCK_OK, RAWSOCK_ERROR, RAWSOCK_CLOSED, RAWSOCK_POLL } RAWSOCKCODE; struct sLaika_socket { uint8_t *outBuf; /* raw data to be sent() */ uint8_t *inBuf; /* raw data we recv()'d */ uint8_t inKey[crypto_kx_SESSIONKEYBYTES], outKey[crypto_kx_SESSIONKEYBYTES]; SOCKET sock; /* raw socket fd */ int outCount; int inCount; int outCap; int inCap; int outStart; /* index of pktID for out packet */ int inStart; /* index of pktID for in packet */ bool flipEndian; bool useSecure; /* if true, sock will transmit/receive encrypted data using inKey & outKey */ }; #define laikaS_isAlive(arg) (arg->sock != INVALID_SOCKET) bool laikaS_isBigEndian(void); void laikaS_init(void); void laikaS_cleanUp(void); void laikaS_initSocket(struct sLaika_socket *sock); void laikaS_cleanSocket(struct sLaika_socket *sock); void laikaS_kill(struct sLaika_socket *sock); /* kills a socket */ void laikaS_connect(struct sLaika_socket *sock, char *ip, char *port); /* connect to ip & port */ void laikaS_bind(struct sLaika_socket *sock, uint16_t port); /* bind sock to port */ void laikaS_acceptFrom(struct sLaika_socket *sock, struct sLaika_socket *from); bool laikaS_setNonBlock(struct sLaika_socket *sock); void laikaS_startOutPacket(struct sLaika_socket *sock, uint8_t id); int laikaS_endOutPacket(struct sLaika_socket *sock); void laikaS_startInPacket(struct sLaika_socket *sock); int laikaS_endInPacket(struct sLaika_socket *sock); void laikaS_setSecure(struct sLaika_socket *sock, bool flag); void laikaS_read(struct sLaika_socket *sock, void *buf, size_t sz); /* reads from inBuf */ void laikaS_write(struct sLaika_socket *sock, void *buf, size_t sz); /* writes to outBuf */ void laikaS_writeKeyEncrypt(struct sLaika_socket *sock, void *buf, size_t sz, uint8_t *pub); /* encrypts & writes from buf using pub key */ void laikaS_readKeyDecrypt(struct sLaika_socket *sock, void *buf, size_t sz, uint8_t *pub, uint8_t *priv); /* decrypts & reads to buf using pub & priv key*/ void laikaS_writeByte(struct sLaika_socket *sock, uint8_t data); uint8_t laikaS_readByte(struct sLaika_socket *sock); void laikaS_readInt(struct sLaika_socket *sock, void *buf, size_t sz); /* reads INT, respecting endianness */ void laikaS_writeInt(struct sLaika_socket *sock, void *buf, size_t sz); /* writes INT, respecting endianness */ RAWSOCKCODE laikaS_rawRecv(struct sLaika_socket *sock, size_t sz, int *processed); RAWSOCKCODE laikaS_rawSend(struct sLaika_socket *sock, size_t sz, int *processed); #endif