#include "net/lsocket.h" #include "core/lerror.h" #include "core/lmem.h" #include "core/lsodium.h" #include "net/lpacket.h" #include "net/lpolllist.h" static int _LNSetup = 0; void laikaS_init(void) { if (_LNSetup++ > 0) return; /* WSA is already setup! */ #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsaData) != 0) LAIKA_ERROR("WSAStartup failed!\n"); #endif } void laikaS_cleanUp(void) { if (--_LNSetup > 0) return; /* WSA still needs to be up, a socket is still running */ #ifdef _WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif } void laikaS_initSocket(struct sLaika_socket *sock, pollEvent onPollIn, pollEvent onPollOut, pollFailEvent onPollFail, void *uData) { sock->sock = INVALID_SOCKET; sock->onPollFail = onPollFail; sock->onPollIn = onPollIn; sock->onPollOut = onPollOut; sock->uData = uData; laikaM_initVector(sock->inBuf, 8); laikaM_initVector(sock->outBuf, 8); sock->flipEndian = false; sock->setPollOut = false; laikaS_init(); } void laikaS_cleanSocket(struct sLaika_socket *sock) { /* free in & out arrays */ laikaM_free(sock->inBuf); laikaM_free(sock->outBuf); /* kill socket & cleanup WSA */ laikaS_kill(sock); laikaS_cleanUp(); } void laikaS_kill(struct sLaika_socket *sock) { if (!laikaS_isAlive(sock)) /* sanity check */ return; #ifdef _WIN32 shutdown(sock->sock, SD_BOTH); closesocket(sock->sock); #else shutdown(sock->sock, SHUT_RDWR); close(sock->sock); #endif sock->sock = INVALID_SOCKET; } void laikaS_connect(struct sLaika_socket *sock, char *ip, char *port) { struct addrinfo res, *result, *curr; if (!SOCKETINVALID(sock->sock)) LAIKA_ERROR("socket already setup!\n"); /* zero out our address info and setup the type */ memset(&res, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); res.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; res.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; /* grab the address info */ if (getaddrinfo(ip, port, &res, &result) != 0) LAIKA_ERROR("getaddrinfo() failed!\n"); /* getaddrinfo returns a list of possible addresses, step through them and try them until we * find a valid address */ for (curr = result; curr != NULL; curr = curr->ai_next) { sock->sock = socket(curr->ai_family, curr->ai_socktype, curr->ai_protocol); /* if it failed, try the next sock */ if (SOCKETINVALID(sock->sock)) continue; /* if it's not an invalid socket, break and exit the loop, we found a working addr! */ if (!SOCKETINVALID(connect(sock->sock, curr->ai_addr, curr->ai_addrlen))) break; laikaS_kill(sock); } freeaddrinfo(result); /* if we reached the end of the linked list, we failed looking up the addr */ if (curr == NULL) LAIKA_ERROR("couldn't connect a valid address handle to socket!\n"); } void laikaS_bind(struct sLaika_socket *sock, uint16_t port) { socklen_t addressSize; struct sockaddr_in6 address; int opt = 1; if (!SOCKETINVALID(sock->sock)) LAIKA_ERROR("socket already setup!\n"); /* open our socket */ sock->sock = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (SOCKETINVALID(sock->sock)) LAIKA_ERROR("socket() failed!\n"); /* allow reuse of local address */ #ifdef _WIN32 if (setsockopt(sock->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&opt, sizeof(int)) != 0) #else if (setsockopt(sock->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(int)) != 0) #endif LAIKA_ERROR("setsockopt() failed!\n"); address.sin6_family = AF_INET6; address.sin6_addr = in6addr_any; address.sin6_port = htons(port); addressSize = sizeof(address); /* bind to the port */ if (SOCKETERROR(bind(sock->sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, addressSize))) LAIKA_ERROR("bind() failed!\n"); if (SOCKETERROR(listen(sock->sock, SOMAXCONN))) LAIKA_ERROR("listen() failed!\n"); } void laikaS_acceptFrom(struct sLaika_socket *sock, struct sLaika_socket *from, char *ip) { struct sockaddr_in6 address; socklen_t addressSize = sizeof(address); sock->sock = accept(from->sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, &addressSize); if (SOCKETINVALID(sock->sock)) LAIKA_ERROR("accept() failed!\n"); /* read ip */ if (ip) { if (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &address.sin6_addr, ip, LAIKA_IPSTR_LEN) == NULL) LAIKA_ERROR("inet_ntop() failed!\n"); } } bool laikaS_setNonBlock(struct sLaika_socket *sock) { #ifdef _WIN32 unsigned long mode = 1; if (ioctlsocket(sock->sock, FIONBIO, &mode) != 0) { #else if (fcntl(sock->sock, F_SETFL, (fcntl(sock->sock, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK)) != 0) { #endif LAIKA_WARN("fcntl failed on new connection\n"); laikaS_kill(sock); return false; } return true; } void laikaS_consumeRead(struct sLaika_socket *sock, size_t sz) { laikaM_rmvVector(sock->inBuf, 0, sz); } void laikaS_zeroWrite(struct sLaika_socket *sock, size_t sz) { laikaM_growVector(uint8_t, sock->outBuf, sz); /* set NULL bytes */ memset(&sock->outBuf[laikaM_countVector(sock->outBuf)], 0, sz); laikaM_countVector(sock->outBuf) += sz; } void laikaS_read(struct sLaika_socket *sock, void *buf, size_t sz) { memcpy(buf, sock->inBuf, sz); laikaM_rmvVector(sock->inBuf, 0, sz); } void laikaS_write(struct sLaika_socket *sock, void *buf, size_t sz) { /* make sure we have enough space to copy the buffer */ laikaM_growVector(uint8_t, sock->outBuf, sz); /* copy the buffer, then increment outCount */ memcpy(&sock->outBuf[laikaM_countVector(sock->outBuf)], buf, sz); laikaM_countVector(sock->outBuf) += sz; } void laikaS_writeKeyEncrypt(struct sLaika_socket *sock, void *buf, size_t sz, uint8_t *pub) { /* make sure we have enough space to encrypt the buffer */ laikaM_growVector(uint8_t, sock->outBuf, LAIKAENC_SIZE(sz)); /* encrypt the buffer into outBuf */ if (crypto_box_seal(&sock->outBuf[laikaM_countVector(sock->outBuf)], buf, sz, pub) != 0) LAIKA_ERROR("Failed to encrypt!\n"); laikaM_countVector(sock->outBuf) += LAIKAENC_SIZE(sz); } void laikaS_readKeyDecrypt(struct sLaika_socket *sock, void *buf, size_t sz, uint8_t *pub, uint8_t *priv) { /* decrypt into buf */ if (crypto_box_seal_open(buf, sock->inBuf, LAIKAENC_SIZE(sz), pub, priv) != 0) LAIKA_ERROR("Failed to decrypt!\n"); laikaM_rmvVector(sock->inBuf, 0, LAIKAENC_SIZE(sz)); } void laikaS_writeByte(struct sLaika_socket *sock, uint8_t data) { laikaM_growVector(uint8_t, sock->outBuf, 1); sock->outBuf[laikaM_countVector(sock->outBuf)++] = data; } uint8_t laikaS_readByte(struct sLaika_socket *sock) { uint8_t tmp = *sock->inBuf; /* consume 1 byte */ laikaM_rmvVector(sock->inBuf, 0, 1); return tmp; } void laikaS_writeu16(struct sLaika_socket *sock, uint16_t i) { uint16_t tmp = i; /* copy int to buffer (which we can reverse if need-be) */ if (sock->flipEndian) laikaM_reverse((uint8_t *)&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); laikaS_write(sock, (void *)&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); } uint16_t laikaS_readu16(struct sLaika_socket *sock) { uint16_t tmp; laikaS_read(sock, (void *)&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); if (sock->flipEndian) laikaM_reverse((uint8_t *)&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); return tmp; } void laikaS_writeu32(struct sLaika_socket *sock, uint32_t i) { uint32_t tmp = i; /* copy int to buffer (which we can reverse if need-be) */ if (sock->flipEndian) laikaM_reverse((uint8_t *)&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); laikaS_write(sock, (void *)&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); } uint32_t laikaS_readu32(struct sLaika_socket *sock) { uint32_t tmp; laikaS_read(sock, (void *)&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); if (sock->flipEndian) laikaM_reverse((uint8_t *)&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); return tmp; } RAWSOCKCODE laikaS_rawRecv(struct sLaika_socket *sock, size_t sz, int *processed) { RAWSOCKCODE errCode = RAWSOCK_OK; int i, rcvd, start = laikaM_countVector(sock->inBuf); /* sanity check */ if (sz == 0) return RAWSOCK_OK; /* make sure we have enough space to recv */ laikaM_growVector(uint8_t, sock->inBuf, sz); rcvd = recv(sock->sock, (buffer_t *)&sock->inBuf[laikaM_countVector(sock->inBuf)], sz, LN_MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (rcvd == 0) { errCode = RAWSOCK_CLOSED; } else if (SOCKETERROR(rcvd) && LN_ERRNO != LN_EWOULD #ifndef _WIN32 /* if it's a posix system, also make sure its not a EAGAIN result (which is a recoverable error, there's just nothing to read lol) */ && LN_ERRNO != EAGAIN #endif ) { /* if the socket closed or an error occurred, return the error result */ errCode = RAWSOCK_ERROR; } else if (rcvd > 0) { #if 0 /* for debugging */ printf("---recv'd %d bytes---\n", rcvd); for (i = 1; i <= rcvd; i++) { printf("%.2x ", sock->inBuf[sock->inCount + (i-1)]); if (i % 16 == 0) { printf("\n"); } else if (i % 8 == 0) { printf("\t"); } } printf("\n"); #endif /* recv() worked, add rcvd to inCount */ laikaM_countVector(sock->inBuf) += rcvd; } *processed = rcvd; return errCode; } RAWSOCKCODE laikaS_rawSend(struct sLaika_socket *sock, size_t sz, int *processed) { RAWSOCKCODE errCode = RAWSOCK_OK; int sent, i, sentBytes = 0; /* write bytes to the socket until an error occurs or we finish sending */ do { sent = send(sock->sock, (buffer_t *)(&sock->outBuf[sentBytes]), sz - sentBytes, LN_MSG_NOSIGNAL); /* check for error result */ if (sent == 0) { /* connection closed gracefully */ errCode = RAWSOCK_CLOSED; goto _rawWriteExit; } else if (SOCKETERROR(sent)) { /* socket error? */ if (LN_ERRNO != LN_EWOULD #ifndef _WIN32 /* posix also has some platforms which define EAGAIN as a different value than EWOULD, might as well support it. */ && LN_ERRNO != EAGAIN #endif ) { /* socket error! */ errCode = RAWSOCK_ERROR; goto _rawWriteExit; } /* it was a result of EWOULD or EAGAIN, kernel socket send buffer is full, tell the caller we need to set our poll event POLLOUT */ errCode = RAWSOCK_POLL; goto _rawWriteExit; } } while ((sentBytes += sent) < sz); _rawWriteExit: #if 0 /* for debugging */ printf("---sent %d bytes---\n", sent); for (i = 1; i <= sentBytes; i++) { printf("%.2x ", sock->outBuf[i-1]); if (i % 16 == 0) { printf("\n"); } else if (i % 8 == 0) { printf("\t"); } } printf("\n"); #endif /* trim sent data from outBuf */ laikaM_rmvVector(sock->outBuf, 0, sentBytes); *processed = sentBytes; return errCode; }